

Structural Regulations

The purpose of the Academic Regulations for Research Degrees is to uphold the quality and academic standards of the university’s research degree programmes and to provide clear guidance for PGRs and staff.     

PGR Support Regulations

Throughout the research project, PGRs can expect to receive regular advice and guidance on academic matters and related training requirements. They will be annually reviewed to ensure that progress is satisfactory, appropriate support is in place, and concerns are addressed in a timely and actionable fashion.  PGRs are expected to adhere to the expectations regarding attendance and engagement on their research degree programme as outlined in the policy for Attendance, Engagement and Change of Circumstances for Postgraduate Researchers.

Examination Arrangements

The Research Degrees Board shall be responsible for the appointment of examination panels and have oversight of all examinations in accordance with the Policy for the Examination of Research Degrees. The examination of a research degree involves two stages: first, the submission and preliminary assessment of the thesis, and second, the defence of the thesis by the candidate at a viva voce examination. Both stages are compulsory for a research degree to be awarded by the university.

Withdrawal and Termination of Study

Please see below for information regarding instances where the university will withdraw a PGR or terminate the registration.

Academic Appeals and Complaints 

Please see below for information regarding LJMU's appeals and complaints policies and processes.