PGR Handbooks

The Postgraduate Researcher Handbook sets out the main features of the postgraduate research degree, covering important information about the regulations, policies and procedures. It aims to make clear what you should expect from us during your study in terms of supervision, support and assessment. It also sets out what the university and those responsible for your study should expect of you.  These mutual responsibilities and expectations are intended to provide a framework within which you can flourish on your research degree.

Download the LJMU Postgraduate Researcher Handbook 2022-23 (pdf) or read it in a magazine format.

handbook front cover

In addition to the Doctoral Academy PGR Handbook, you should also consult your faculty PGR handbook which includes key important about support staff, inductions, resources and guidance on requirements for progress reviews.  You can download faculty handbooks below:

Faculty of Science PGR Handbook 2023-24

Faculty of Health PGR Handbook 2021-22

Faculty of Engineering and Technology PGR Handbook 2022-23

Faculty of Arts, Professional and Social Studies PGR Handbook 2022-23

Faculty of Business and Law PGR Handbook 2023-24