Announcements allow instructors to communicate with students about course activities and post interesting course-related topics. Announcements are designed to allow instructors to broadcast information out to all members of a course.
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The Calendar tool can also be used to communicate assignment deadlines or online activities with students. One of the challenges facing both students and instructors is keeping track of all of the assignments planned throughout the term. Instructors are teaching multiple courses and students are learning in multiple courses. Every course has its own timeline for when things need to be done. The Calendar helps everyone stay on schedule and up to date.
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The Chat tool in Canvas allows students and teachers to interact in real time. Any user in the course can participate in a chat conversation and view all chat content. Currently there is no load limit for a course chat, but larger numbers of course users may affect performance.
Learn more about Canvas chat
Canvas provides an integrated system for class discussions, allowing both instructors and students to start and contribute to as many discussion topics as desired. Discussions allows for interactive communication between two or more people; users can participate in a conversation with an entire class or group.
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