Job Grading and Pay

Job Evaluation

Following an agreement between trade unions and higher education employers to modernise pay arrangements in the sector, known as the National Framework Agreement, in 2006 the University implemented a new pay and grading structure. The new structure replaced a series of different pay and grading systems with a single pay and grading structure.

In line with guidance, the allocation of staff to grades on the new structure was based on the outcomes of institution wide job evaluation. Job evaluation is a systematic process that is used to assess the relative size of a job. Job evaluation allows us to compare different jobs and to reward people fairly for the differing levels of skills and responsibility that their roles require. The results of job evaluation are used to underpin the design and operation of our pay and grading structures and to help ensure equal pay for work of equal value.

The HERA (Higher Education Role Analysis) scheme was introduced to the University as part of the framework exercise.

The University continues to use HERA to evaluate roles at grades 2 -10 on the single pay and grading structure.

The University also uses the HAY job evaluation scheme to assess the relative worth of senior roles.

Both schemes have been endorsed by the Equal Opportunities Commission as non-discriminatory job evaluation schemes.

Job Grading

Job evaluation is carried out to meet organisational needs, the need to evaluate a role will be triggered for one of the following reasons:

The Reward and Recognition Team co-ordinate the evaluation of roles within the University. Analysis of the duties and responsibilities of the role will be carried out by trained HERA/HAY role analysts. All roles for evaluation should be emailed to the Reward Advisor, Ann Reade and cc the relevant Business Partner.

Click here for a range of generic job descriptions.

If you have any queries with regards to job evaluation please contact Ann Reade or Andy Keegan

Monitoring Pay and Equal Pay

The gender pay gap is a measure of the difference between mens and womens average earnings across the University. Equal pay refers to a legal requirement that within an organisation, male and female staff members who are engaged in equal or similar work, or work of equal value, must receive equal pay and other workplace benefits.