Where do I start with online learning? (Staff Guide)
This online self paced training course is designed to take you from first steps to developing an active blended learning approach.
It is designed to get you thinking about how active blended learning will work for you and your students. The training provides you with examples of good practice and encourages you to share your ideas with your colleagues. It is an active course, so we will ask you at each stage to share your ideas and explore those of your peers. This will not only help you plan but encourage you to connect with staff from across the institution to learn from them.
The course will explore the following topics:
- First Principles
- Assessment Opportunities
- Creating Active Blended Learning Tasks
- Online Content
- What tools are available?
- Think and link across the programme
- Reflect and Evaluate
How do I enrol?
This course is delivered in Canvas, and allows you to learn and collaborate with others in your own time. You will need to enrol on the course:
Faq Items
FAQ Item 1
FAQ Item 2
FAQ Item 3
FAQ Item 4
FAQ Item 5
FAQ Item 6
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