Research Ethics and Governance

Coronavirus (COVID-19): Implications for Research Activities

For the latest information on LJMU restrictions related to research activity, please visit the LJMU Moving Forward Together microsite.

Liverpool John Moores University is committed to maintaining high ethical standards in studies undertaken by its staff and students.

Research ethics ensures the safety, dignity and rights of research participants whilst providing assurance that studies are conducted within an ethical framework as outlined in LJMU Code of Practice for Research.

It is a fundamental requirement of LJMU that all studies undertaken by University staff or students using human subjects as participants (including audits and service evaluations) receive approval from an appropriate LJMU Research Ethics Committee (REC) or a NHS Research Ethics Committee (REC) before any recruitment commences.

Please note that where approval is sought via a NHS REC, a copy of all documents (including the ethics application form, supporting documents and approval notifications) must be emailed to so that LJMU can undertake its role as a sponsor of the research.

Ethical approval is required for all studies involving human participants, not simply for clinical trials or other invasive studies. Studies involving the administration of questionnaires or the use of interviews, observations and focus groups must also obtain appropriate ethical approval (including audits and service evaluations).

If the requisite approval is not secured, your study may not be covered under the University's insurance policies.

Do I need ethical approval?