It is your responsibility to keep the University informed of any changes to your personal details as detailed on your student record.
If any of the following details change you must inform Registry Services by updating your details through the Student Information System which can be found under Quick Links or via the My LJMU portal at MyLJMU.
Name – this can only be changed by Registry Services on production of the corresponding legal documentation e.g. passport, Visa, birth certificate, marriage certificate or deed poll. The name held on the University student record system must match your legally recognised name. Nicknames, nom de plumes and pen names are not allowed. You will however be able to select a preferred name and maintain that through the Student Record System as above. You can find a change of name form on the My LJMU portal at MyLJMU.
Date of Birth – this can only be changed by Registry Services on production of the corresponding legal documentation e.g. passport, Visa, birth certificate. Your date of birth must match that held on your birth certificate or other legally recognised documentation.
Permanent Address – the University is now legally required to keep records of all addresses at which you live during your course. You must supply a home address which will be the address that you are normally resident at when not at the University. You will only be permitted to change your permanent address on submission of documentary evidence to Registry Services. For international students this must be the address in your normal country of residence. C/o addresses will not be accepted and will be rejected under the guidelines issued by the UK Border Agency. You can find a change of address form on the My LJMU portal at MyLJMU.
Term-time address – if you are living away from home while studying at LJMU you must provide details of your term-time address to LJMU. Please note: Council Tax exemption certificates will only be provided by LJMU for addresses that match the address held against your student University record. Providing a term-time address is a legal requirement of the UK Border Agency for all international students. Failure to keep the University informed of any changes of address will be considered a breach visa conditions. You can find a change of address form on the My LJMU portal at MyLJMU or by using the Student Information System which can be found under Quick Links.
Telephone Number – it is in your best interest to provide the University with a telephone number where you can be contacted in the case of an emergency. This may be either a home telephone number or a mobile phone number. You can update your telephone number by using the Student Information System which can be found under Quick Links.
Emergency Contact Details – all students must details of person(s) that can be contacted on your behalf should an emergency occur when they first enrol at the University. You will be asked to check and confirm/update these details at the start of each academic year. If these details change during the academic year you should contact Registry Services and arrange for them to be updated.
Please note
While the University will primarily contact you via your LJMU email account, there may be times when we need to contact you via telephone or by writing to your term time or permanent address. The University will not take responsibility if you miss a vital communication as a result of out-of-date information on your student record. So please keep your personal information updated.
There may be a number of reasons why you cannot access your account and systems. The common one is normally your password has expired and in the first instance we suggest you visit my account and reset your password.
If you have changed your password fairly recently or just reset your password and still experiencing difficulty in opening your account or getting into systems – contact Registry Services. It may be due to an administrative hold on your account and the staff in Registry Services will be able to explain and help you to resolve the issue.
If you have access to your account and are experiencing difficulty in opening up a module in Canvas, you should contact .