Teaching and Learning Academy EdTech guidance
Canvas for Collaborative Partners
We aim to ensure our Collaborative partners are fully supported in their use of Canvas.
Staff Guide: Active Blended Learning
Have you taken a look at our guides? The EdTech staff A-Z page has a comprehensive list of guides you can view and search:
Staff Guide: Induction Canvas Sites
Canvas induction sites were developed to help with online induction.
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Staff Guide: Active Blended Learning – Next Stage (2021/22)
Maintaining a degree of Active Blended Learning in the University’s approach to educational provision.
ALT Ethical Framework
The Association for Learning Technology (ALT) has consulted widely to create a Framework for Ethical Learning Technology (FELT).
Canvas Guiding Principles
This is a list of guiding principles for the use and development of the VLE.
Revitalising Assessment and Feedback Practices Project
This project aims to pilot and evaluate innovative assessment technologies to transform assessment design and enhance student learning experiences. A range of modular, flexible assessment tools offered by FeedbackFruits are being trialled. This project is a collaboration between the Faculty of Health and the Teaching and Learning Academy.