Mollie's Clearing blog

Left things too late? Think again.
Clearing is open with places still available for September 2024. We sit down with Mollie who applied to LJMU on Results Day to find out what applying through Clearing is like.
Hi! My name is Mollie and I have just finished my first year studying History and English Literature at LJMU.
I had always wanted to go to university, but when my mum was diagnosed with cancer during my A-Levels, my whole world was turned upside down. I had lost a sense of my future and was being pressured to attend various universities that offered very little advice and support. By the time Results Day came, I had lost all joy in education and couldn't even consider university.
I took a year out and ended up in a teaching job that I loved. I realised that education had always been my favourite place to be. A little spark had been rekindled in me, and after a conversation with my Dad, I decided that I did want to go to university, I just didn't know where or how.
I only decided on Results Day to reapply and picked LJMU. As soon as I picked up the phone and explained my circumstances, I was met with overwhelming support. People just wanted to help. Everything was sorted within half an hour! I had a student number, accommodation, disability support, a guide for what I would be studying and contact details for my tutors. Every step was accounted for. That big university that little me had attended all those years ago was finally within reach.
What was Clearing like?
The phone was answered on the first ring. I explained my circumstances, why I had left it so late and what I was so afraid of. The sense of grounding I had lost when my mum passed away was restored, almost. For once, someone else took all of these daunting tasks out of my hands.
I remember, for my brother's results day, my mum sitting by the phone for hours just trying to find some guidance as to what to do. It was nothing like that with LJMU, they just needed your name and a couple of other things and they got you sorted.
The best thing about studying at LJMU is...?
Is it fair to say everything? I feel like I've been given my life back.
It's hard to just pin it down to one thing, because there are so many aspects that make studying at LJMU the best. From the moment I walked into my university building I knew I had made the right choice. There's just such a wonderful air about the place. My classwork challenges me, it makes me consider things I had never thought of. My confidence has grown with the support of my tutors, too. I can go to them about anything and they know where to signpost me for help and guidance. They genuinely care about what they're teaching, and it's hard to resist that passion and not join in too!
I love walking around Liverpool, even up the hill to the university in the snow! The campus is right by town, so you can go shopping or for a quick bite to eat with your friends in between classes. We've spent so many nights in the Student Life Building working on essays. I never thought I would have been the person to pull an all-nighter, but with it being open 24 hours, you feel like you have to take the opportunity to!
I'm also President of a society, and I've been involved in two internships just in my first year. They have UniTemps, so being from a low-income background isn't an issue, as I can earn while I learn and build up my CV. I'm also going to be going on a Summer School to Amsterdam, before moving to the Netherlands for a Study Abroad semester.
When I tell people I've done all this in a year, they're baffled.
My favourite thing about living in Liverpool is…?
LJMU feels like a campus university within a city. Everything is five minutes away, from the shops to the clubs. The people are very friendly. There's always something going on. I even got involved with volunteering for Eurovision! The nightlife is amazing... whatever you're into, there's something for everyone. It's also very affordable!
I study history, so there are tons of museums and libraries for me to get stuck into. A lot of people say they find themselves at university, and I think Liverpool is a very accepting city. You can be who you are, and no one cares. Everyone just wants to be happy.
Your journey starts with Clearing.