Supporting a student at University

As a parent, friend or family member, you want to make sure the student has all the information they need to succeed at university. You also want peace of mind that they are safe, happy and have everything they need to manage on their own. 

We will provide answers to some of the questions that might be on your mind. This may help you feel assured that the student will be ready for this exciting new chapter.

Thinking about going to LJMU

If the student is thinking about coming to LJMU, we’ve answered some of your frequently asked questions.

Faq Items


Why Liverpool

How to apply to LJMU

Clearing - what it is and how it works

How student finance works

Support available

Accommodation available

Coming to LJMU

If the student has applied to LJMU and has an offer for a course here, we’ve answered some of your frequently asked questions.

Faq Items

Before you arrive

What to bring

Arrival at LJMU

Events when the student arrives

Currently at LJMU

If the student is already studying at LJMU, we’ve answered some of our frequently asked questions.

Faq Items

Important to remember

Student is having a tough time

Student is having issues with their course

Registering with a GP

Events and societies students can join

Finding a job whilst studying

Student is homesick

Student needs help with their accommodation

Student having financial issues

Still require assistance? Or have a question that’s not been answered? Email us.