Dr Cassie Ogden
Humanities and Social Science
Faculty of Arts Professional and Social Studies
Email: C.A.Ogden@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 231 3939
I joined LJMU in September 2017 as Senior Lecturer in Sociology and am currently joint Programme Leader for the undergraduate sociology programmes within the School of Humanities and Social Science. With an interest in the sociology of the mundane and of the ways in which society frames our embodied experiences, I have explored a range of areas in my research of which my publication record reflects. My research interests span areas of critical disability studies, the sociology of the body and health and illness and feminism and domestic culture. I have published and co-published on disability hate crime, childhood illness experiences, the social and legal responses to smoking in public and its impact upon the incarcerated, quality of life research, the narrative inquiry technique and the use of food banks in Cheshire.
Since September 2017 I have been involved in the teaching of a wide range of modules including Research Methods, the Sociology of the Life course and the Dissertation. I am currently module leader for Sociological Imaginations (4), Knowing the Modern World (5) and The Medicalised Body (5). I am a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
Prior to LJMU, I worked at a number of universities including the Open University, University of Central Lancashire and the University of Chester where I taught widely on a variety of modules. At the University of Chester I helped establish the Institute of Gender Studies and the successful MRES in Gender Studies and am still an affiliate of this important research hub. I received a funded PhD from the University of Central Lancashire which explored the lives of children with Inflammatory Bowel Disease.
University of Central Lancashire, United Kingdom, PhD
University of Central Lancashire, United Kingdom, PGCert In Higher Education
University of Leeds, United Kingdom, BA Sociology
Academic appointments
Programme Leader in Sociology, Liverpool John Moores University, 2021 - present
Senior Lecturer in Sociology, Liverpool John Moores University, 2017 - present
Programme Leader in Sociology, University of Chester, 2010-2017
Senior Lecturer in Sociology, University of Chester 2007-2010
Associate Lecturer in Social Sciences, Open University, 2010- 2013
Senior Researcher Fellow, University of Central Lancashire, 2004-2007
Sessional Lecturer in Sociology, Glyndwr University (then NEWI), 2002-2004
I have supervised doctoral students from a range of areas and would welcome applications to work with me in the following areas in particular:
- The sociology of health and illness
- The sociology of disability and the body
- Feminism and domestic cultures
- Leaky bodies, stigma and difference
- Disability and poverty porn
- Innovative methodologies
University of Central Lancashire, United Kingdom, PGCE Learning and Teaching in HE
University of Central Lancashie, United Kingdom, PhD in Sociology of Health
University of Leeds, United Kingdom, BA (Hons) Sociology
Academic appointments
Associate Lecturer in Social Sciences, Open University, 2010 - 2013
Senior Lecturer in Sociology, Social and Political Science, University of Chester, 2007 - 2017
Research Fellow, University of Central Lancashire, 2004 - 2007
Sessional Lecturer in Sociology, Glyndwr University, 2002 - 2004
Internet publication
Corteen K, Hughes-Stanley A, Ogden C, Marriott-Smith G. 2024. Using Creative Education Methods to Educate About Substance Use and Addiction Author Url Publisher Url
Ogden C. 2024. Rehumanising drug and alcohol education: choose life schools evaluation project summary report Author Url Public Url
Ogden C. 2024. ‘People…should not be left in the dark. Someone needs to give them a hand’ choose life schools evaluation project – final report Author Url Public Url
Ogden C. 2023. Choose Life Schools Evaluation Project - Preliminary Report Choose Life Schools Evaluation Project - Preliminary Report Author Url Public Url
Ogden CA, Spencer A, Batterbee L. 2015. Cheshire Hunger: understanding emergency food provision in West Cheshire Publisher Url
Ogden CA, Spencer A, Garrett E. #Still Hungry: who is hungry for how long and why? #Still Hungry: who is hungry for how long and why? Author Url
Books (authored)
Ludvigsen JAL, Harrison K, Millward P, Ogden CA. 2023. Lockdown Leisure Routledge DOI Publisher Url
Harrison K, Ogden CA. 2018. Pornographies Critical Positions 9781908258328
Mallett R, Ogden CA, Slater J. 2016. Theorising Normalcy and the Mundane Precarious Positions University of Chester Press 9781908258205
Ogden CA, Wakeman S. 2013. Corporeality The Body and Society University of Chester 9781905929979
Ludvigsen JAL, Harrison K, Millward P, Ogden CA. 2023. Introduction: Lockdown leisure Lockdown Leisure :1-7 Routledge DOI Publisher Url
Ogden C, Harrison K. 2021. Crafting von Benzon N, Holton M, Wilkinson C, Wilkinson S. Creative Methods for Human Geographers :167-178 SAGE 9781529738155 Author Url
Ogden CA. 2016. Armless Dreams or Carnal Practices? Transableism and the legitimisation of the ideal body. Ogden C. Theorising Normalcy and the Mundane Precarious Positions University of Chester Press 9781908258205
Ogden CA, Ogden CA. 2016. Disability Hate Crime A Companion to Crime, Harm and Victimisation Policy Press 9781447325727
Ogden CA. 2014. Quantitative and Qualitative Inquiry in Mental Health Research A companion to criminal justice, mental health and risk Policy Press 9781447312628
Ogden CA. 2014. The Social Model of Disability A companion to criminal justice, mental health and risk Policy Press 9781447312628
Ogden CA. 2014. Qualitative and quantitative inquiry in mental health research A Companion to Criminal Justice, Mental Health & Risk
Ogden CA. 2014. Disability Shades of Deviance A Primer on Crime, Deviance and Social Harm :171-174 Routledge 9781317907220 DOI
Corteen KM. 2014. Homophobic hate crime Atkinson R. Shades of Deviance: A Primer on Crime, Deviance and Social Harm Routledge. London DOI Publisher Url
Ogden CA. 2013. Surveillance of the Leaky Child. No-body’s normal but that doesn’t stop us trying’ Corporeality The Body and Society University of Chester 9781905929979
Editorial/letter to the editor
Ludvigsen J, Harrison K, Millward P, Ogden C. 2023. Lockdown Leisure Leisure Studies, 42 :1-7 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Books (edited)
2021. Creative Methods for Human Geographers von Benzon N, Holton M, Wilkinson C, Wilkinson S. SAGE 9781526496980
Journal article
Harrison K, Ogden CA. 2020. 'Knit "n" natter': a feminist methodological assessment of using creative 'women's work' in focus groups QUALITATIVE RESEARCH, 21 :633-649 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Ogden CA, Harrison K. 2019. “Grandma never knit like this”: Reclaiming older women’s knitting practices from discourses of new craft in Britain Leisure Studies, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Ogden CA, Raisborough J, de Guzman V. 2018. When Fat Meets Disability in Poverty Porn: exploring the cultural mechanisms of suspicion in Too Fat to Work Disability and Society, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Corteen KM, Taylor P, Ogden C. 2012. Tobacco Smoking and Incarceration: Expanding the ‘Last Smoker’ Thesis An Essay in Honour of David Ford The Internet Journal of Criminology, :1-19
Taylor P, Corteen K, Ogden C, Morley S. 2012. 'Standing' by: Disability hate crime and the police in England: Paul Taylor, Karen Corteen, Cassandra Ogden and Sharon Morley document police shortcomings in dealing with vulnerable minorities Criminal Justice Matters, 87 :46-47 DOI Publisher Url
Ogden CA. 2010. Potential of narrative inquiry approach in developing a psychosocial understanding of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) in children; an essential addition to health related quality of life (QoL) instruments? The Internation Journal of Narrative Practice, 2 :57-71
Ogden CA. 2008. Pilot Evaluation of an Instrument to Measure Quality of Life in British Children with Inflammatory Bowel Disease Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, 46 :117-120 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Ogden CA, Akobeng A, Abbott J, Sood M, Thomas AG. Validation of an instrument to measure quality of life in British children with inflammatory bowel disease Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, 53 :280-286 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Other invited event:
Drugs Education Forum, Online, Invited Speaker at the Drug Education Forum Spring Event I presented on the following: ‘Choose Life Schools Evaluation Project: A Qualitative Evaluation of the Impact of the Choose Life Project Event On Pupils aged 12-14 years in schools In Wales and England.’ A mixture of academics, and other key stakeholders (e.g. drug charities, educators) were present., https://drugeducationforum.org.uk/. 2025
Conference presentation:
Changing Hearts and Minds: Rehumanising substance users trhough creative education - an evaluation of the Choose Life Project,, Transitions, BlueCoats, University of Liverpool John Moores University, Oral presentation. 2024