Image of Kerry Wilson

Kerry Wilson

Humanities and Social Science

Faculty of Arts Professional and Social Studies

Kerry is a Reader in Cultural Policy in the School of Humanities and Social Sciences and Co-leads the Social Innovation research theme for the university's Institute for Health Research. She joined LJMU in 2008 as Senior Lecturer on the MA Cultural Leadership programme, based within the faculty of Arts, Professional and Social Studies. Between 2010 and 2022, she was Head of Research at the Institute of Cultural Capital, a leading cultural policy research centre jointly hosted by LJMU and the University of Liverpool.

Prior to joining LJMU in 2008 she held research posts at Leeds Business School; Department of Information Studies at the University of Sheffield; and the University of Liverpool Management School. She has led a number of research and evaluation projects covering varied aspects of cultural work, its value and impact, for a range of commissioning organisations and funding bodies including the British Council, MLA, Arts Council England, National Museums Liverpool, the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) and Economic and Social Research Council. Kerry’s research interests, in a cultural sector context, include professional identities, ethics and codes of practice; instrumental value and public policy; and cross-sector communities of practice.

She began her academic career in the library and information management discipline, focusing on the organisational development and social value of public libraries, and continues to prioritise research with library and museum sectors as civic cultural institutions. In 2017, her work in the cultural policy field was recognised by the award of a mid-career Leadership Fellowship by the AHRC.

Highlighted publications

Wilson K. 2021. House of Memories: Care and equality in the UK museum sector Chynoweth A. Museums and the Working Class :200-211 Routledge. Abingdon 978-0-367-46547-6 DOI

Neiva Ganga R, Wilson KM. 2020. Valuing family carers: the impact of House of Memories as a museum-led dementia awareness programme International Journal of Care and Caring, DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Wilson KM. 2018. Collaborative Leadership in Public Library Service Development Library Management, 39 :518-529 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Birdi B, Wilson K, Cocker J. 2008. The public library, exclusion and empathy: a literature review. Library Review, 57 :576-592 DOI Publisher Url

Wilson K, Halpin E. 2006. Convergence and professional identity in the academic library. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 38 :79-91 DOI Publisher Url

Journal article

Ganga RN, Davies L, Wilson K, Musella M. 2024. The social value of place-based creative wellbeing: A rapid review and evidence synthesis. Sociology of Health and Illness, :1-23 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Wilson K. 2024. On a wing and a prayer: professional ethics and the prison library Library Management, DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Neiva Ganga R, Wilson KM. 2020. Valuing family carers: the impact of House of Memories as a museum-led dementia awareness programme International Journal of Care and Caring, DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Wilson KM. 2018. Collaborative Leadership in Public Library Service Development Library Management, 39 :518-529 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Wilson KM. 2016. Empathy, Professionalism and Cultural Connections Journal of Heritage Interpretation, 21 :24-26

Wilson KM, Birdi B, Mansoor S. 2012. What we should strive for is Britishness: an attitudinal investigation of ethnic diversity and the public library. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 44 :118-128 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Wilson K, Birdi B, Tso HM. 2009. 'The nature and role of empathy in Librarianship' Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 41 :81-89 DOI Publisher Url

Wilson KM, Birdi B. 2008. Public Libraries and Social Inclusion: How empathic are we? Library and Information Update, 7 :32-34

Birdi B, Wilson K, Cocker J. 2008. The public library, exclusion and empathy: a literature review. Library Review, 57 :576-592 DOI Publisher Url

Wilson K, Corrall S. 2008. Developing public library managers as leaders: evaluation of national leadership training programme Library Management, 29 :473-488 DOI Publisher Url

Wilson K, Train B. 2006. Business information service delivery within a regional context - The role of public libraries: Report of research projects in Yorkshire and the North West Business Information Review, 23 :50-57 DOI Publisher Url

Wilson K, Halpin E. 2006. Convergence and professional identity in the academic library. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 38 :79-91 DOI Publisher Url

Wilson K, Train B. 2006. Marketing library services to children and young people: the role of Schools Library Services. New Review of Children’s Literature and Librarianship, 12 :147-161 DOI Publisher Url

Wilson K, Train B. 2006. The lifelong impact of lifelong learning: using qualitative evaluation to measure the less tangible outcomes of adult basic education. Journal of Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning, 8 :14-26

Wilson K, Train B. 2006. Business Information Service delivery within a regional context: the role of public libraries. Business Information Review, 23 :50-57 DOI

Wilson KM, Usherwood B, Bryson J. 2005. Perceptions of archives, libraries and museums in modern Britain. Library & Information Research, 29 :50-57 Publisher Url

Wilson KM, Train B. 2005. Give me a Break: Championing the development of reader-centred initiatives Public Library Journal, 20 :22-25

Usherwood B, Wilson K, Bryson J. 2005. Relevant repositories of public knowledge? Libraries, museums and archives in 'the information age' Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 37 :89-98 DOI Publisher Url

Usherwood B, Wilson K, Bryson J. 2005. Relevant repositories of public knowledge? Libraries, museums and archives in the ‘information age’. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 37 :91-100


Wilson K. 2023. Connecting with Yemeni Elders Heritage - Evaluation report Publisher Url Public Url

Neiva R, Davies L, Wilson KM. 2022. Arts & Wellbeing: A review of the social value of place-based arts interventions Publisher Url Public Url

Wilson K. 2022. House of Memories at National Museums Liverpool: Advancing the role of museums in health and social care Publisher Url Public Url

Brett CE, Ford K, Wilson KM, Timpson H. 2021. Developing outcome measures for Homeshare UK Author Url Public Url

Neiva R, Whelan G, Wilson K. 2017. Evaluation of the House of Memories Family Carers Awareness Day 2017 Publisher Url Public Url

Wilson KM, Whelan G. 2016. Developing Tier 2 Skills for Good Dementia Care: An Evaluation of House of Memories Pilot Train the Trainer Programme 2016 Publisher Url

Wilson KM, Whelan G. 2014. An Evaluation of House of Memories Dementia Training Programme: Midlands Model Publisher Url

Wilson KM, Grindrod L. 2013. An evaluation of House of Memories dementia training programme: Northern Model Publisher Url

Wilson KM, O'Brien D. 2012. It's not the Winning: Reconsidering the Cultural City Publisher Url


Wilson K. 2021. House of Memories: Care and equality in the UK museum sector Chynoweth A. Museums and the Working Class :200-211 Routledge. Abingdon 978-0-367-46547-6 DOI

Wilson KM. 2015. The Political Value of Museums in Dementia Care Robertson H. The Caring Museum: New Models of Engagement with Ageing :360-385 Museums etc. Edinburgh 978-1-910144-62-6 Publisher Url

Wilson KM, Burns S. 2010. Trends in Leadership Writing and Research: a short review of the leadership literature Kay S, Venner K. A Cultural Leadership Reader :86-95 Cultural Leadership Programme. London 978-0-7287-1487-8 Publisher Url

Conference publication

Wilson KM. 2015. Social Prescribing and the Cultural Determinants of Wellbeing in the UK 7th Annual International Arts and Health Conference

Wilson KM. 2013. House of Memories: The contextual value of museums in dementia care Museums Association Conference & Exhibition

Wilson KM. 2013. Instrumental Culture: the challenge of digitizing cultural values, experience and social impact 39th International Conference on Social Theory, Politics & the Arts

Macpherson A, Antonacopoulou E, Wilson K. 2010. Practicing Communities of Practice: Translating Strategy into Situated Learning. International Conference on Organizational Learning, Knowledge and Capabilities (OLKC). Publisher Url

Wilson K. 2009. Rhetoric and Reality in Social Inclusion Policy and Practice: experiences and attitudes of public service sector staff. Beyond Social Inclusion: Towards a More Equal Society? Centre for Research in Social Policy (CRSP) 25th Anniversary International Conference

Wilson K. 2009. Impact of the Non-inclusive Organisation on the Delivery of Socially Inclusive Public Services Australian Social Policy Conference

Macpherson A, Antonacopoulou E, Wilson K. 2009. Managing Communities of Practice for Organizational Learning: Measuring Maturity ‘Learning across Levels: Creating capability through building belief’ Symposium: Academy of Management Conference

Wilson KM. A question of ethics: careful communities of practice and affective cultural work Care in the Media and Cultural Industries: CAMEo Conference 2018

Wilson KM, Whelan G. Beyond the Ratio: Researching the social value of arts on prescription 1st International Social Prescribing Research Conference Publisher Url

Highlighted activities

Research Grants Awarded:

Arts and Humanities Research Council: Leadership Fellows [mid-career], Instrumental Values: Professional ethics in collaborative cultural work, Grant value (£): 142,675, Duration of research project: 18 months. 2017

Arts and Humanities Research Council, The Art of Social Prescribing: Informing policy on creative interventions in mental health care, Grant value (£): 23,405, Duration of research project: 12 months. 2015

Arts Council England, Evaluation of national Libraries Development Initiative, Grant value (£): £49,875, Duration of research project: 15 months. 2013

Professional activities

Research Grants Awarded:

Halton Borough Council in partnership with Bridgewater Community Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, Evaluating the Creative Writing Programme for new Mothers in Halton, Grant value (£): 15,000, Duration of research project: 6 months. 2025

What Works Centre for Wellbeing, Arts and Humanities Research Council and Spirit of 2012, The social value of place-based arts and culture interventions – a rapid review, Kerry Wilson, Grant value (£): 24,850, Duration of research project: 4 months. 2022

National Museums Liverpool, Commission to write academic publication to commemorate 10th anniversary of dementia awareness programme House of Memories, Grant value (£): 6,500, Duration of research project: 3 months, 2022

What Works Centre for Wellbeing; Arts and Humanities Research Council; Spirit of 2012, Systematic review on the social impacts of place-based arts and cultural interventions, Rafaela Neiva Ganga (PI), Grant value (£): 25,000, Duration of research project: 5 months. 2022

Economic and Social Research Council, Transnational Memory Practices in the UK and South Korea - Ethics, Evaluation and Learning in Digital Exhibitions, Tamara West (PI); Nayun Jang (Co-I), Grant value (£): 33,949, Duration of research project: 12 months. 2022

Live Music Now, Evaluation of Lullaby in Wales, Grant value (£): 4,000, Duration of research project: 3 months. 2022

Shared Lives Plus, Developing Outcome Measures for Homeshare UK, Caroline Brett, Hannah Timpson, Grant value (£): 10,000, Duration of research project: 6 months. 2021

National Museums Liverpool, Evaluation of Connecting with Yemeni Elders Heritage project - funded by the Esmée Fairbairn Collections Fund Innovation and Engagement scheme., Grant value (£): 10,000, Duration of research project: 18 months. 2021

LJMU Global Challenge Research Fund 2018, The value of museums in meeting the global dementia challenge, Grant value (£): 7088, Duration of research project: 3 months. 2018

Arts and Humanities Research Council: Leadership Fellows [mid-career], Instrumental Values: Professional ethics in collaborative cultural work, Grant value (£): 142,675, Duration of research project: 18 months. 2017

National Museums Liverpool, Evaluation of the Pilot House of Memories Train the Trainer Programme, Grant value (£): 2,500, Duration of research project: 6 months. 2015

Arts and Humanities Research Council, The Art of Social Prescribing: Informing policy on creative interventions in mental health care, Grant value (£): 23,405, Duration of research project: 12 months. 2015

National Museums Liverpool, Evaluation of House of Memories dementia training programme: Midlands Model, Grant value (£): 5,000, Duration of research project: 5 months. 2014

Arts and Humanities Research Council, In Harmony Liverpool Research Network, Grant value (£): £31,697, Duration of research project: 12 months. 2013

Arts Council England, Evaluation of national Libraries Development Initiative, Grant value (£): £49,875, Duration of research project: 15 months. 2013

National Museums Liverpool, Evaluation of House of Memories dementia training programme: Northern Model, Grant value (£): 5,000, Duration of research project: 4 months. 2013

Arts and Humanities Research Council, Connecting communities via culture-led regeneration - exploring incentive and momentum with UK City of Culture 2013 shortlisted candidates, Grant value (£): £29,811, Duration of research project: 12 months. 2012

North West Development Agency, Continuing Professional Development in Liverpool City Region’s Arts and Cultural Sector, Grant value (£): 10,000, Duration of research project: 8 months. 2011

Media Coverage:

Invited guest on BBC Radio 4 Thinking Allowed (Museums: Then and now) 2023

External PGR examinations performed:

University of Leicester, PhD, Museo-Medical Partnerships and their Impact on Health and Wellbeing. 2023

Other Professional Activity:

Collaboration Champion for the National Centre for Academic and Cultural Exchange. 2021

External committees:

Peer Review College, Arts and Humanities Research Council, member, 2020

Membership of professional bodies:

Fellow (FRSA), RSA (Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce), 2018


Instrumental Values: Professional ethics in collaborative cultural work (mid-career AHRC Leadership Fellowship), Arts and Humanities Research Council, 2017


HEFCE Promising Researcher Fellowship Scheme: collaborative research minor sabbatical award, £5,000. Funded Visiting Fellowship with Social Policy Research Centre, University of New South Wales, Australia January-February 2010, to conduct comparative research on experiences of cultural sector leaders in Australia and UK (‘Social Policy, Belief and Responsibility in the Arts’)., Liverpool John Moores University. 2009

The Alexander Wilson Outstanding Paper Award: Library Management, 29 (6/7). 2009 Awards for Excellence, Emerald Literati Network.. 2009

The R.D. MacLeod Outstanding Paper Award: Library Review, 57 (8). 2009 Awards for Excellence, Emerald Literati Network.. 2009
