Image of Dr Nedim Hassan

Dr Nedim Hassan

Humanities and Social Science

Faculty of Arts Professional and Social Studies

Dr Nedim Hassan is a Senior Lecturer in Media and Cultural Studies. His background is in Popular Music Studies and he graduated with a doctorate from the Institute of Popular Music, University of Liverpool in 2008. Nedim is particularly interested in researching the roles of music, media and culture in everyday life. His previous research has examined the significance of daily domestic musical activities and fandom. In addition, Nedim has examined the value of a local community-based choir project involving adults with learning difficulties, focusing specifically upon the choir rehearsal process as a resource for social bonding and self-presentation.

Nedim's current ethnographic research project focuses upon members involved with local rock music scenes on Merseyside and explores peoples' experiences in scenes that appear to be 'hidden' from established historical narratives about Liverpool's music history.

Nedim specialises in teaching ethnographic methods; political economy of the media and music industries (with an emphasis on policy and regulation); media audiences and fandom; and popular music studies.

Currently Nedim is the Programme Leader of the MA Mass Communications and he teaches on the following undergraduate and postgraduate modules:

Introduction to Media Studies
Contemporary Communications
Mass Communications: Policy and Practice
Advanced Research Methods
Culture and Identity
Mass Communications: Research Methods
Theories, Concepts and Debates in Mass Communications
Digital Cultures
New Media: Policy and Practice


2008, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom, PhD, Popular Music Studies

Academic appointments

Senior Lecturer in Media and Cultural Studies, Liverpool John Moores University, 2013 - present

Highlighted publications

Hassan N. 2021. Metal on Merseyside Music Scenes, Community and Locality Palgrave Macmillan 9783030776800

Hassan NA. 2018. Shock Rock Horror! The Representation and Reception of Heavy Metal Horror Films in the 1980s Bentley N, Johnson B, Zieleniec A. Youth Subcultures in Fiction, Film and Other Media Teenage Dreams :163-177 Palgrave Macmillan 9783319731889 DOI Publisher Url

Hassan NA. 2016. ‘Putting music on’: everyday leisure activities, choice-making and person-centred planning in a supported living scheme British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 45 :73-80 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Editorial/letter to the editor

Varas-Díaz N, Scott N, Hagen R, Hassan N. 2025. MMS at ten: Achievements, aspirations and challenges on the horizon Metal Music Studies, 10 :177-181 DOI Publisher Url

Hassan N, Scott N, Varas-Díaz N, Hagen R. 2024. EDITORIAL Metal Music Studies, 10 :3-7 DOI Publisher Url

Varas-Díaz N, Hassan N, Hagen R, Scott N. 2023. EDITORIAL Metal Music Studies, 9 :147-150 DOI Publisher Url

Hassan N, Scott N, Varas-Díaz N, Hagen R. 2023. EDITORIAL Metal Music Studies, 9 :271-274 DOI Publisher Url

Scott N, Varas-Díaz N, Hassan N. 2022. EDITORIAL Metal Music Studies, 8 :139-142 DOI Publisher Url

Scott N, Varas-Díaz N, Hassan N. 2022. EDITORIAL Metal Music Studies, 8 :3-5 DOI Publisher Url

Scott N, Varas-Díaz N, Hassan N, Hagen R. 2022. EDITORIAL Metal Music Studies, 8 :289-291 DOI Publisher Url

Scott N, Hassan N, Varas-Díaz N. 2021. Editorial Metal Music Studies, 7 :193-195 DOI Publisher Url

Hassan N, Scott N, Varas-Díaz N. 2021. Editorial Metal Music Studies, 7 :3-6 DOI Publisher Url

Conference publication

Hassan N. 2024. Heavy Metal on the Airwaves symposium, Liverpool John Moores University, UK, 2 February 2024 METAL MUSIC STUDIES, 10 :165-170 DOI Publisher Url

Books (authored)

Hassan N. 2021. Metal on Merseyside Music Scenes, Community and Locality Palgrave Macmillan 9783030776800

Hassan N. 2021. Metal on Merseyside Springer International Publishing 9783030776800 DOI Publisher Url

Hassan NA, Tessler H. 2010. Sounds of the overground: Selected papers from a postgraduate colloquium on ubiquitous music and music in everyday life Hassan NA, Tessler H. 2 International Institute for Popular Culture. Turku, Finland 978-951-29-4233-6 Publisher Url


Hassan N. 2021. Promoting Metal on Merseyside Palgrave Studies in the History of Subcultures and Popular Music :135-163 DOI Publisher Url

Hassan N. 2021. From Troggs to Headbangers: The Historical Development of Metal on Merseyside Palgrave Studies in the History of Subcultures and Popular Music :23-53 DOI Publisher Url

Hassan N. 2021. Introduction: In the Shadow of Beat City? Metal on Merseyside Palgrave Studies in the History of Subcultures and Popular Music :1-22 DOI Publisher Url

Hassan N. 2021. “Support your Scene”: Metal Scenes, Solidarity and the Threat of Decline Palgrave Studies in the History of Subcultures and Popular Music :101-133 DOI Publisher Url

Hassan N. 2021. Mediating Metal on Merseyside Palgrave Studies in the History of Subcultures and Popular Music :165-197 DOI Publisher Url

Hassan N. 2021. Conclusion: Standing in the Shadows of Beat City Palgrave Studies in the History of Subcultures and Popular Music :199-202 DOI Publisher Url

Hassan N. 2021. Shaken Foundations? Venues and a Changing Live Music Scene Palgrave Studies in the History of Subcultures and Popular Music :55-99 DOI Publisher Url

Hassan N. 2019. Re-voicing: Community choir participation as a medium for identity formation amongst people with learning disabilities Disability Arts and Culture: Methods and Approaches :217-240

Hassan N, Gulgas S. 2019. Inviting vampires into the home: MTV aesthetics and the portrayal of youth and heavy metal culture in The Lost Boys and Queen of the Damned. Bayer G. Heavy Metal at the Movies :19-36 Routledge. New York 9781138571594 Author Url

Hassan NA. 2018. Shock Rock Horror! The Representation and Reception of Heavy Metal Horror Films in the 1980s Bentley N, Johnson B, Zieleniec A. Youth Subcultures in Fiction, Film and Other Media Teenage Dreams :163-177 Palgrave Macmillan 9783319731889 DOI Publisher Url

Hassan NA. 2016. Cancer Sucks: photography and the representation of chronic illness Browne V, Whistler D. On the Feminist Philosophy of Gillian Howie: Materialism and Mortality :vii-286 Bloomsbury. London 9781474254120 Author Url Publisher Url

Hassan N. 2016. Cancer Sucks: Photography and the Representation of Chronic Illness On the Feminist Philosophy of Gillian Howie: Materialism and Mortality :229-245

Hassan N. 2016. Cancer Sucks: Photography and the Representation of Chronic Illness ON THE FEMINIST PHILOSOPHY OF GILLIAN HOWIE: MATERIALISM AND MORTALITY :229-245 978-1-4742-5412-0

Hassan NA. 2013. Hidden Fans? Fandom and Domestic Musical Activity Duffett M. Popular Music Fandom: Identities, Roles and Practices Routledge. New York 978-0415506397 DOI Publisher Url

Hassan NA. 2010. Singing to Yourself? Momentary Musical Performing and the Articulation of Identity Hassan NA, Tessler H. Sounds of the Overground: Selected papers from a postgraduate colloquium on ubiquitous music and music in everyday life 2 :1-11 International Institute for Popular Culture. Turku, Finland 978-951-29-4233-6 Publisher Url

Journal article

Scott N, Varas-Díaz N, Hassan N, Barnett A. 2020. Editorial Metal Music Studies, 6 :3-4 DOI Publisher Url

Scott N, Varas-Díaz N, Hassan N, Barnett A. 2020. Editorial Metal Music Studies, 6 :141-144 DOI Publisher Url

Hassan NA. 2017. ‘Re-voicing: Community choir participation as a medium for identity formation amongst people with learning disabilities’ International Journal of Community Music, 10 :207-225 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Hassan NA. 2016. ‘Putting music on’: everyday leisure activities, choice-making and person-centred planning in a supported living scheme British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 45 :73-80 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Stewart D, Mawdesley J, Peacey J, Ascott DE, Gaunt P, Newman R, Ashman EE, Caunce S, Gritt A, Benbough-Jackson M, Hassan N, Stewart E, Alker Z. 2014. Book Reviews Transactions of the Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, 163 :139-160 DOI Publisher Url

Hassan NA, Ashley J, Varga-Atkins T, Jarman F. 2012. Learning Literacies through collaborative enquiry; collaborative enquiry through learning literacies Secker J. Journal of Information Literacy, 6 :50-71 Publisher Url

Hassan NA. 2012. “Girls, Girls, Girls”? The Los Angeles Metal Scene and the Politics of Gender in Decline of Western Civilization Part II: The Metal Years Strachan R. Popular Music History, 5 :243-263 DOI Publisher Url

Hassan NA. 2010. He’ll Have To Go: Popular Music and the Social Performing of Memory IASPM@Journal, 1 :1-19 DOI Publisher Url

Hassan NA. 2008. When words are not enough: exploring music reception and autistic experience Moody NA. Popular Narrative Media, 1 :67-84 DOI Publisher Url

Highlighted activities

Teaching qualification:

Fellow of The Higher Education Academy. 2013

Professional activities

External collaboration:, Liverpool John Moores University, Theatre in the Rough, Coastlands Documentary Series. 2015

Teaching qualification:

Fellow of The Higher Education Academy. 2013
