Image of Dr Peter Millward

Dr Peter Millward

Humanities and Social Science

Faculty of Arts Professional and Social Studies

Books (authored)

Ludvigsen JAL, Harrison K, Millward P, Ogden CA. 2023. Lockdown Leisure Routledge DOI Publisher Url

Millward P. 2023. Football Fandom, Sexualities and Activism: A Cultural Relational Sociology Routledge. Abingdon 9781032447018 DOI Publisher Url

Millward P, Ludvigsen J, Sly J. 2022. Sport and Crime: Towards a Critical Criminology of Sport Routledge. Oxon / New York 9781032233222 DOI Publisher Url

Millward P, Parnell D, Widdop P, King N, May A. 2019. Sport Policy and Politics in an Era of Austerity Millward P, Parnell D, Widdop P, King N, May A. Routledge. Abingdon 978-0367177713 DOI Publisher Url

Millward P, Widdop P, Cleland, J. , Doidge M. 2018. Collective Action and Football Fandom: A Relational Sociological Approach :1-239 Palgrave MacMillan. Basingstoke 978-3-319-73141-4 DOI Publisher Url

Millward P. 2011. The Global Football League Palgrave Macmillan 9780230274440

Millward P. 2009. Getting ‘into’ Europe: Identification, Prejudice and Politics in English Football Culture VDM Verlag. Staarbrucken 978-3639147872


Ludvigsen JAL, Harrison K, Millward P, Ogden CA. 2023. Introduction: Lockdown leisure Lockdown Leisure :1-7 Routledge DOI Publisher Url

Ludvigsen JAL, Harrison K, Millward P, Ogden CA. 2023. Introduction: Lockdown leisure Lockdown Leisure :1-7 Taylor & Francis DOI

Millward P, Ludvigsen J. 2019. Global Elites and Sports Ownership: Emerging Economies 'Foreign' Owners and New Strategies Maguire J. The Business and Culture of Sports 4 Volume Set :167-180 MacMillan Reference Library 9780028664989

Widdop P, King N, Parnell D, Cutts D, Millward P. 2019. Austerity, policy and sport participation in England Sport Policy and Politics in an Era of Austerity :6-23 Routledge DOI Publisher Url

Millward P. 2017. A whole new ball game: The English premier league and television broadcast rights The English Premier League: A Socio-Cultural Analysis :33-48 DOI Publisher Url

Millward P. 2016. Football and Social Media: Fanzines, Fan-Scenes and Supporter Protest Movements in Elite English Football Hughson JE, Moore K, Spaaj R. Routledge Handbook of Football Studies (Routledge International Handbooks) Routledge. New York and Abingdon DOI Author Url Publisher Url

David M, Millward P. 2015. Sport and new media Routledge Handbook of the Sociology of Sport :388-397 DOI

David M, Kirton A, Millward P. 2014. Sports television broadcasting and the challenge of live-streaming The SAGE Handbook of Intellectual Property :435-450 DOI Publisher Url

Millward P. 2013. Fan movements in the network society: Project, resistance and legitimizing identities among Manchester United supporters Digital Media Sport: Technology, Power and Culture in the Network Society :139-152 DOI Publisher Url

Millward P. 2012. The limits to cosmopolitanism: English football fans at Euro 2008 Race, Ethnicity and Football: Persisting Debates and Emergent Issues :163-174 DOI Publisher Url

Millward P. 2011. ‘Traditional’ Fandom: ‘Signs’, Identities and Disillusionment The Global Football League :58-75 Palgrave Macmillan UK 9781349324422 DOI Publisher Url

Millward P. 2011. ‘Debt, Lies, Cowboys’: Custodians, Protests and ‘Epic Swindles’ at Liverpool F.C. The Global Football League :116-144 Palgrave Macmillan UK 9781349324422 DOI Publisher Url

Millward P. 2011. Introduction: The Global Football League The Global Football League :1-17 Palgrave Macmillan UK 9781349324422 DOI Publisher Url

Millward P. 2011. Overseas Ownership: Mobile Capital and the EPL The Global Football League :39-57 Palgrave Macmillan UK 9781349324422 DOI Publisher Url

Millward P. 2011. Love United, Hate Glazer: F.C. United of Manchester, Red Knights and ‘Green and Gold’ The Global Football League :94-115 Palgrave Macmillan UK 9781349324422 DOI Publisher Url

Millward P. 2011. Supporter Mobilisation: Social Movements, Football Fandom and Popular Protest The Global Football League :162-180 Palgrave Macmillan UK 9781349324422 DOI Publisher Url

Millward P. 2011. The City Is Ours? Thaksin Shinawatra, ADUG and a ‘Billion in the Bank’ The Global Football League :145-161 Palgrave Macmillan UK 9781349324422 DOI Publisher Url

Millward P. 2010. From ‘party’ to ‘riot’: Rethinking Manchester ’08 – a neutral’s perspective Walker G, Esplin R. Rangers: Triumphs, Troubles and Traditions Fort Publishing Ltd. Edinburgh 978-1905769186

Millward P, Delanty G. 2007. Post-Liberal Anxieties and Discourses of Peoplehood in Europe: Nationalism, Xenophobia and Racism Mole R. Discursive Constructions of Identity in European Politics :137-149 Palgrave MacMillan. Basingstoke 978-1349354887

Ludvigsen JAL, Millward P. (forthcoming) "Global Elites and Sports Ownerships: Emerging economies, 'foreign' owners and new strategies". In: Macmillan's Business and Culture of Sports series

Millward P. Ideology, Sport and Wiley 9781405124331 DOI Publisher Url

Journal article

Turner M, Millward P. 2023. Social Movement Ruptures and Legacies: Unpacking the Early Sedimentation of the Anti-European Super League Movement in English Football Sociology, DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Millward P. 2019. Football, Ethnicity and Community: The Life of an African-Caribbean Football Club SOCIOLOGY-THE JOURNAL OF THE BRITISH SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION, 54 :422-424 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Ludvigsen J, Millward P. 2019. A Security Theatre of Dreams: supporters’ responses to ‘safety’ and ‘security’ following the Old Trafford ‘fake bomb’ evacuation Journal of Sport and Social Issues, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Doidge M, Claus R, Gabler J, Irving R, Millward P, Silvério J. 2019. The impact of international football events on local, national and transnational fan cultures: a critical overview Soccer & Society, 20 :711-720 DOI Publisher Url

Widdop P, King N, Parnell D, Cutts D, Millward P. 2017. Austerity, policy and sport participation in England International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Millward P, Widdop P, Halpin M. 2017. A 'Different Class'?: Homophily and Heterophily in the Social Class Networks of Britpop Widdop P, Halpin, M . Cultural Sociology, 11 :318-336 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Millward P. 2016. Book Review: Football Italia: Italian Football in the Age of Globalization Cultural Sociology, 10 :539-541 DOI Publisher Url

Millward P, Hill TR, Canniford R. 2016. Against Modern Football: Mobilising Protest Movements in Social Media Sociology, 52 :688-708 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Millward P. 2016. World Cup 2022 and Qatar's Construction Projects: Relational Power in Networks and Relational Responsibilities to Migrant Workers Current Sociology, 65 :756-776 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Millward P, David M, Kirton AW. 2015. Castells, ‘Murdochisation’, Economic Counterpower and Live-Streaming Convergence, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Hayton JW, Millward P, Petersen-Wagner R. 2015. Chasing a Tiger in a network society? Hull City’s proposed name change in the pursuit of China and East Asia’s new middle class consumers International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 52 :279-298 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Gilchrist P, Holden R, Millward P. 2015. Special Section Introduction: The Political Sociologies of Sport SOCIOLOGICAL RESEARCH ONLINE, 20 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Millward P, Parnell D, Spracklen K. 2015. Sport and Austerity in the UK: An insight into Liverpool 2014 Journal of Policy Research in Tourism, Leisure and Events, 7 :200-203 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Millward P, Parnell D. 2014. FIFA: the men, the myths and the money Leisure/Loisir, 38 :199-202 DOI Publisher Url

Millward P, Poulton G. 2014. Football Fandom, Mobilisation and Herbert Blumer: A Social Movement Analysis of F.C. United of Manchester Sociology of Sport Journal, 31 :1-22 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Millward P. 2013. 'New’ Football Directors in the Twenty-First Century: Profit and Revenue in the English Premier League’s Transnational Age Leisure Studies, DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Millward P. 2013. Spatial Mobilities, Football Players and the World Cup: Evidence from the English Premier League Soccer and Society, DOI Publisher Url

David M, Millward P. 2012. Football's Coming Home?: Digital reterritorialization, contradictions in the transnational coverage of sport and the sociology of alternative football broadcasts British Journal of Sociology, 63 :349-369 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Millward P. 2012. Reclaiming the Kop: Analysing Liverpool supporters’ twenty-first century mobilisations Sociology, 46 :633-648 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Millward P, Rookwood J. 2011. ’We All Dream of a Team of Carraghers’: Comparing the semiotics of ‘local’ and Texan Liverpool fans’ talk Sport in Society, 14 :37-52 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Millward P. 2009. Glasgow rangers supporters in the city of Manchester: The degeneration of a 'fan party' into a 'hooligan riot' International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 44 :381-398 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Millward P. 2008. The rebirth of the football fanzine: Using E-zines as data source Journal of Sport and Social Issues, DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Millward P. 2008. Rivalries and racisms: 'closed' and 'open' Islamophobic dispositions amongst football supporters Sociological Research Online, 13 DOI Publisher Url

Millward P. 2007. True Cosmopolitanism or Conditional Acceptance of Non-National Players in English Football: Or, how ‘bloody foreigners’ get blamed when ‘things go wrong’ Sport in Society, DOI Publisher Url

Millward P, levermore R. 2007. ‘‘Official’ policies and informal transversal networks: Creating a sense of belonging across Europe through sport? The Sociological Review,

Levermore R, Millward P. 2007. Official policies and informal transversal networks: Creating 'pan-European identifications' through sport? SOCIOLOGICAL REVIEW, 55 :144-164 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Millward P. 2006. 'We've all got the bug for euro-aways': What fans say about european football club competition International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 41 :375-393 DOI Publisher Url

Millward P. 2006. Sport and consumption in contemporary sociology World Leisure Journal, 48 :61-63 DOI Publisher Url

Millward P. 2003. The 'grey digital divide': Perception, exclusion and barriers of access to the Internet for older people First Monday, DOI Publisher Url

Editorial/letter to the editor

Ludvigsen J, Harrison K, Millward P, Ogden C. 2023. Lockdown Leisure Leisure Studies, 42 :1-7 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Millward P, Takhar S. 2019. Social Movements, Collective Action and Activism Sociology, DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Parnell D, Millward P, Widdop P, King N, May A. 2018. Sport policy and politics in an era of austerity International Journal of Sport Policy, 10 :1-5 DOI Publisher Url

Millward P, Parnell D, Spracklen K. 2017. Sport management issues in an era of austerity European Sport Management Quarterly, 1 :67-74 DOI Author Url Publisher Url


Millward P. 2021. Exploring Supporter-Activism in Identity Politics-centred Social Movements: A cultural relational sociology analysis of the European LGBTI+ football fans' network


Millward P, gilchrist PM, holden R. 2015. The Political Sociologies of Sport Sociological Research Online: an electronic journal,

Books (edited)

2014. Researching Society Online Millward P, David M. Sage 978-1446273357

2011. Delivering Equality in Sport and Leisure Millward P, Long JA, Fitzgerald H. Leisure Studies Association. Eastbourne 978-1905369263


Millward P, Giulianotti R. 2013. End of Project Report: Pro-Supporters – Prevention Through Empowerment End of Project Report: Pro-Supporters – Prevention Through Empowerment :1-36

Millward P. End of Project Report: Queering Football – Tackling Homophobia and Promoting Anti-Discrimination around Major Sports Events Public Url

Research Grants Awarded:

NIHR Applied Research Collaboration North West Coast, “Cricket Connect”: Using cricket to address ethnic mental health inequalities among migrants and asylum seekers, Jason McIntyre (P-I), Taj Nathan, Pooja Saini, Grant value (£): 9902.90, Duration of research project: 6 months. 2023

AHRC Research Networking, For the Love of the Game?: Football and Hate Crime, Mark Doidge (P-I), Aarti Ratna, Fiona Skillen, Grant value (£): 41856.31, Duration of research project: 20 months. 2021

British Academy Mid-Career Fellowship, Exploring Supporter-Activism in Identity Politics-centred Social Movements: A cultural relational sociology analysis of the European LGBTI+ football fans' network, Grant value (£): £139,337, Duration of research project: 1 September 2019-31August 2020. 2019

European Commission under the ERASMUS+ Sport Programme, Queering Football – Tackling Homophobia and Promoting Anti-Discrimination around Major Sports Events, Fair Play/VIDC, Grant value (£): €78,850 (personal share €6000), Duration of research project: 1 January 2016 – 31 December 2017. 2015

European Commission under the Preparatory Action in the Field of Sport call (EAC/18/2011), Pro Supporters - Prevention through empowerment, P-I: Fair Play/VIDC, Grant value (£): €199,745. personal share, €12,224, Duration of research project: 1 March 2012 – 30 June 2013. 2011

External PGR Supervision - completed students:

Southampton Solent University, PhD, The Safe Standing Campaign: a Social Movement Analysis. 2019

Manchester University, PhD, F.C. United of Manchester: A Social Anthropological Study of Protest and Consumption in Everyday Life. 2013


Faculty Level 'Outstanding Doctoral Supervisor', LJMU (APS Faculty). 2019

'Current Sociology Sociologist of the Month', International Sociological Association's Current Sociology. 2017

Programme: ‘Re-discussing inequality and exclusion after the collapse of USSR: regional context’, Invited teaching fellowship, funded by the Soros Foundation (value of award $1600USD).. 2009

‘Postgraduate of the year’ awarded for “Postgraduate Academic Achievement”, British Olympic Association. 2006

External PGR examinations performed:

University of Central Lancashire, PhD, Online Communities, Football Fandom and Identity-Formation: A Case Study from Burnley FC. 2019

Birmingham University, PhD, Soft Power, Russia and the World Cup. 2018

University of Winchester, PhD, Concussion Injuries and Sport: A Sociological Assessment. 2018

Loughborough University, PhD, The Nation-State: Soft-Power and Global Sport: A Case Study of Qatar. 2017

University of Sydney, PhD, 'Sports Space: A Conceptual Model of Everton Football Club Match-day Fan Movement. 2016

Leeds Beckett University, PhD, A Multi-Disciplinary Consumption Model for English Professional Football. 2016

Liverpool Hope University, MPhil, Social Media and The Consumption of Football. 2015

Editorial boards:

Communication & Sport, Editorial board member Communication & Sport is the internationally leading journal for explorations into sport, media and communication. It is the International Association for Communication and Sport's house journal, 2019

Critical Research in Football Collective, Routledge., Publishing monographs, edited collections, textbooks and Routledge Focus 'short books'. The series will launch in 2017 and I am the academic editor. In January 2019, Simon Whitmore, publisher in Sport and Leisure at Routledge commented about the series: “The Critical Research in Football book series is Routledge’s newest and most rapidly growing series in sport. Series editor Peter Millward has overseen and driven forward this project with energy, enthusiasm and care, and after just 18 months since its inception the series contains one published book, one in press, seven under contract, and seven book proposals under peer review. This rapid rate of growth is unprecedented for a book series on the Routledge sport list, and is testament to Peter’s editorial skill, collaborative working methods, extensive networks and deep subject expertise. A notable characteristic of the series is its international composition, in both authorship and subject matter, with the first wave of books in the series featuring lead authors from the UK, Turkey, Poland, Demark, France, Ghana and the US. Under Peter’s guidance, we are confident that the series will become a focal point for research and debate on football for scholars, students and engaged professionals around the world. “, 2017

Sociology of Sport Journal, Editorial board member. Sociology of Sport Journal is a North American Sociology of Sport Association publication and genuine international leader in the sub-discipline of the sociology of sport., 2017

Sociology, Editorial board member. Sociology is a BSA publication and a genuine international leader in the discipline., 2016

Palgrave Studies in Relational Sociology, Book series editorial board member, 2016

Football Research in an Enlarged Europe, Palgrave, Book series editorial board, 2014

Soccer and Society, Editorial board member Soccer and Society is the leading international journal in the interdisciplinary study of association football, 2013

Sociological Research Online, Editorial board member. 2010

External committees:

Political Studies Association, sport and politics group, Political Studies Association (PSA), Steering group member. 2019

The Football Collective, The Football Collective, Steering group member, with key responsibility for Sociology, 2016

Football Supporters Europe - academic fan-research group, Football Supporters Europe, Co-founding steering group member. 2014

Other invited event:

Chair and Discussant in keynote panel, Football Collective Inaugural Conference., Manchester, I was keynote chair and discussant on a panel which included The Guardian newspaper's sports editor, Owen Gibson, BBC Sport Lead for Diversity and Women's Sport, Shelly Alexander and the football agent Tony Ansgar.. 2017

'What is Modern Football and What Does it Mean to 'Stand Against' It?: Voices from the Protest Movement, Ustinov College, Durham University, I was an invited speaker at Ustinov's college's prestigious research speaker slot ahead of Euro 2016.. 2016

Chair and Discussant in keynote panel, Leisure Studies Association annual conference, Liverpool, I was keynote chair and discussant in the LSA conference plenary.. 2016

'What is Modern Football and What Does it Mean to 'Stand Against' It?: Voices from the Protest Movement', Huddersfield University, I gave an invited paper at Huddersfield University.. 2016

'Standing Against Modern Football: Networks of Outrage and Hope', Manchester Metropolitan University, I gave an invited paper to the Sociology department at Manchester Metropolitan University.. 2014

Social Media and Anti-World Cup Social Movements: FIFA World Cup and the Nation: Culture, Politics, Identity, Oxford University Club, Oxford., I gave an invited paper at Oxford University Club's 'Soccer & Society' conference to coincide with World Cup 2014. 2014

The Rise of the Premier League and the Politics of Commercialisation, Sheffield Hallam Univeristy, Invited research presentation to staff and postgraduate students at Academy of Sport and Physical Activity. 2013

Pro-Supporters: Connecting Fan Projects, Austrian Sports Ministry, Vienna, I addressed the Austrian Sports Ministry and UEFA with findings of the 'Pro-Supporters' project that I was centrally involved in.. 2013

Football fans and the Red Bull franchise: Reflections from SV Austria Salzburg, CRESC, Manchester University, I gave an invited paper to the CRESC research centre at Manchester University.. 2013

The 'shade' in community-action: fan protest, 'everyday xenophobia' and the Big Society, Political Studies Association: sport and politics conference, University of Brighton, I gave an invited paper to the University of Brighton/PSA sport and politics conference.. 2011

Conference organisation:

Leisure Studies Association (Annual conference) ‘Locating Leisure: Blurring Boundaries', Chair and lead organiser, 2017

8th Political Studies Association (Sport sub-group) annual conference, , ‘Sport and the Politics of Exclusion’, Chair and lead organiser, 2014

Leisure Studies Association (Annual conference) ‘Diversity and Equality in Leisure, Sport and Tourism’, Conference organiser, committee member. 2010

4th Political Studies Association (Sport sub-group) annual conference, ‘Critiquing Sport: Theory and Practice’, Sole organiser. 2010

Membership of professional bodies:

British Sociological Association, British Sociological Association. 2002


Research Fellowship, Leverhulme.
