Dr Rachel Willie
Humanities and Social Science
Faculty of Arts Professional and Social Studies
Email: R.J.Willie@ljmu.ac.uk
My research covers seventeenth-century literary history and culture. My first book, "Staging the Revolution: drama, reinvention and history, 1647-72" (shortlisted for the University English Early Career Book Prize, 2016) offers a reappraisal of drama, both in terms of live performances and performances on the paper stage. My book argues that, far from 1660 marking a watershed moment as is often asserted in the texts transmitted in the Restoration and assumed to be true by later critics, late seventeenth-century England was concerned with the continuing legacies of recent history and this is revealed in literature printed and disseminated in the period. While researching this book, I became intrigued by the number of anonymous scurrilous pamphlets ‘by the man in the moon’ and I have begun a wider study on ‘long seventeenth-century’ responses to the moon as an embodied and as a philosophical construct. With Kevin Killeen and Helen Smith, both based at the University of York, I co-edited "The Oxford Handbook of the Bible in Early Modern England, c. 1530-1700" (winner of the Roland H. Bainton Prize in Reference Works, 2016). More recently, my research has broadened to consider emotions and the senses by drawing from my interests in material cultures and the relationship between literature and the epistemologies that underpin politics, religion and natural philosophy; this is supported by considering the relationship between literature and history. I have ongoing interests in early modern drama, music, cheap print, publicness, the early modern soundscape, history and cultural history, and the history of ideas.
Before joining LJMU in 2016, I taught at Bangor University, the University of Manchester and the University of York. I have taught extensively across all periods of English literary history and interdisciplinary modules on the relationship between music and text. My teaching is fundamentally dialogic, encouraging students to explore ideas through discussion and analysis as a way to extend and stimulate critical thinking. I would be happy to receive proposals for postgraduate research on early modern literature and culture, especially on early modern drama; early modern prose; seventeenth-century political thought; early modern science and religion; performance and the paper stage; adaptation; myth and cultural memory; writing history; materialities.
University of York, United Kingdom, PhD in English
King's College London, United Kingdom, MA in English
University of Roehampton, United Kingdom, BA (hons) in English Literature and Music
2021, English Association, Fellow
2020, Royal Historical Society, FRHistS
2015, Higher Education Academy, United Kingdom, FHEA
Academic appointments
Reader in Early Modern Literary Studies, Liverpool John Moores University, 2019 - present
Senior Lecturer, Liverpool John Moores Unversity, 2016 - 2019
Highlighted publications
Preedy CK, Willie R. 2024. Thomas Nashe and Literary Performance Willie R, Preedy CK. Manchester University Press. Manchester 978-1-5261-4946-6 DOI Publisher Url
Group TF. 2020. Travel and Conflict in the Early Modern World Gélleri G, Willie R. Routledge 9780367524210
Willie R. 2015. Staging the Revolution Drama, Reinvention and History, 1647-72 Manchester University Press. Manchester 9780719087639 Publisher Url
Killeen K, Smith H, Willie R. 2015. The Oxford Handbook of the Bible in Early Modern England, C. 1530-1700 Oxford University Press. Oxford 9780199686971 Publisher Url
Willie R. 2024. Thomas Nashe beyond the grave Preedy CK, Willie R. Thomas Nashe and Literary Performance Manchester University Press. Manchester 978-1-5261-4946-6 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Preedy CK, Willie R. 2024. Introduction: Why nashe? Why now? Thomas Nashe and literary performance :1-22 DOI Publisher Url
Willie R. 2023. 7 Thomas Nashe beyond the grave Thomas Nashe and literary performance :147-168 Manchester University Press DOI
Preedy CK, Willie R. 2023. Introduction Thomas Nashe and literary performance :1-22 Manchester University Press DOI
Willie RJ. 2021. Inscribing Textuality: Milton, Davenant, Authorship and the Performance of Print Depledge E, Garrison J, Narcosia M. Making Milton: Print, Authorship, Afterlives :92-107 Oxford University Press DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Willie RJ. 2020. William Cavendish: Virtue, Virtuosity and the Image of the Courtier Hopkins L, Rutter T. A Companion to the Cavendishes Writing, Patronage, and Material Culture :127-144 Arc Humanities Press DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Willie RJ. 2017. Translation Hiscock A, Wilcox H. The Oxford Handbook of Early Modern English Literature and Religion :119-134 Oxford University Press 9780199672806 Publisher Url Public Url
Willie RJ. 2015. 'All Scripture is given by inspiration of God' : Dissonance and psalmody Killeen K, Smith H, Willie R. The Oxford Handbook of the Bible in Early Modern England, C. 1530-1700 Oxford University Press, USA. Oxford Publisher Url Public Url
Willie RJ. 2013. Viewing the Paper Stage: Civil War, Print, Theatre and the Public Sphere Vanhaelen A, Ward J. Making Space Public in Early Modern Europe Performance, Geography, Privacy Routledge 9781135104665 DOI Publisher Url
Willie R. 2013. Viewing the Paper Stage: Civil War, Print, Theater and the Public Sphere Making Space Public in Early Modern Europe: Performance, Geography, Privacy :54-75 DOI Publisher Url
Willie RJ. "I thought my blood derived a Crown to us, / But now I find it derives only Treason": Remembering and Forgetting the civil war Bayer M, Navitsky J. Shakespeare and Civil Unrest in Britain and the United States Routledge 9780367741952 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Willie R. Falling into temptation: risking vulnerability in Hero and Leander and Paradise Lost Sterrett J, Findlay A, Wilcox H. Early Modern Bonds of Trust: From Shakespeare to Milton Bloomsbury Publishing 9781350462007 Publisher Url
Books (authored)
Preedy CK, Willie R. 2024. Thomas Nashe and Literary Performance Willie R, Preedy CK. Manchester University Press. Manchester 978-1-5261-4946-6 DOI Publisher Url
Group TF. 2020. Travel and Conflict in the Early Modern World Gélleri G, Willie R. Routledge 9780367524210
Willie R. 2015. Staging the Revolution Drama, Reinvention and History, 1647-72 Manchester University Press. Manchester 9780719087639 Publisher Url
Killeen K, Smith H, Willie R. 2015. The Oxford Handbook of the Bible in Early Modern England, C. 1530-1700 Oxford University Press. Oxford 9780199686971 Publisher Url
Book review
Willie R. 2024. Tyranny and Usurpation: The New Prince and Lawmaking Violence in Early Modern Drama by Doyeeta Majumder (review) Modern Language Review, 119 :404 DOI
Willie R. 2024. Tyranny and Usurpation: The New Prince and Lawmaking Violence in Early Modern Drama by Doyeeta Majumder (review) Modern Language Review, 119 :404 DOI Publisher Url
Willie R. 2024. Review of Doyeeta Majumder, Tyranny and Usurpation: the New Prince and Lawmaking Violence in Early Modern Drama (Liverpool University Press, 2019) Modern Language Review, 119 :404-404
Willie R. 2024. Review of Benjamin Parris, Vital Strife: Insomnia, and the Early Modern Ethics of Care (Cornell University Press, 2022) Renaissance Quarterly, 77 :332-334
Willie R. 2024. Review of Heidi Craig, Theatre Closure and the Paradoxical Rise of English Renaissance Drama in the Civil Wars (Cambridge University Press, 2023) English Studies: a journal of English language and literature, 105 :669-669
Willie R. 2024. Vital Strife: Sleep, Insomnia, and the Early Modern Ethics of Care. Benjamin Parris. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2022. 298 pp. $64.95. Renaissance Quarterly, 77 :332-334 DOI Publisher Url
Willie R. 2024. Theatre Closure and the Paradoxical Rise of English Renaissance Drama in the Civil Wars ENGLISH STUDIES, 105 :669-671 DOI Publisher Url
Willie R. 2022. Jennifer Linhart Wood, "Sounding Otherness in Early Modern Drama and Travel: Uncanny Vibrations in the English Archive" Archiv, 258 :139-140
Willie R. 2019. Dennis Austin Britton and Melissa Walter, eds, "Rethinking Shakespeare Source Study: Audiences, Authors and Digital Technologies" (Routledge, 2018) Renaissance Quarterly, 72 :1158-1159
Willie R. 2019. Review of Laurenz Lütteken, Music of the Renaissance: Imagination and Reality of a Cultural Practice, trans. James Steichen, (University of California Press, 2019) European History Quarterly, 49 :682-683 DOI Publisher Url
Willie R. 2019. Leah Orr, "Novel Ventures: Fiction and Print Culture in England, 1690-1739" (The University of Virginia Press, 2017) Modern Language Review, 114 :853-854
Willie RJ. 2018. Thomas Traherne in Seventeenth Century Thought, edited by Elizabeth Dodd and Cassandra Gorman (DS Brewer) MLR, :224-226 DOI Publisher Url
Willie RJ. 2017. Paul D. Stegner, "Confession and Memory in Early Modern English Literature: Penitential Remains" Renaissance Quarterly, 70 :399-401 DOI Publisher Url
Willie RJ. 2016. Richard Meek and Erin Sullivan, The Renaissance of Emotion: Understanding Affect in Shakespeare and his Contemporaries Shakespeare Bulletin: a journal of performance, criticism, and scholarship, 34 :187-192 DOI Publisher Url
Willie RJ. 2016. Cary DiPietro and Hugh Grady (eds), "Shakespeare and the Urgency of Now" Modern Language Review, :849-850 DOI Publisher Url
Willie RJ. 2016. Neil Rhodes (ed.) with Gordon Kendal and Louise Wilson, "English Renaissance Translation Theory" Modern Language Review, 111 :536-538 DOI Publisher Url
Willie RJ. 2016. Michael Bryson, "The Atheist Milton" Modern Language Review, 111 :540-41 DOI Publisher Url
Willie RJ. 2016. Sophie Chiari (ed.), "The Circulation of Knowledge in Early Modern English Literature" Renaissance Quarterly, :1572-1574 DOI Publisher Url
Willie RJ. 2015. Maria Teresa Micaela Prendergast, "Railing, Reviling and Invective in English Literary Culture, 1588-1617: The Anti-Poetics of Theater and Print" Modern Language Review, 110 :526-527 DOI Publisher Url
Willie RJ. 2012. Review of West Yorkshire Playhouse’s production of William Shakespeare’s "King Lear", dir. by Ian Brown Shakespeare, 8 :97-91 DOI Publisher Url
Willie RJ. 2010. Kathryn Lowerre, "Music and Musicians on the London Stage, 1695-1705" NTQ: New Theatre Quarterly, 26 :302-303 DOI Publisher Url
Willie RJ. 2009. Review of The Mooted Theatre Company’s production of John Ford’s "’Tis Pity She’s a Whore", dir. by Mark France Shakespeare, 5 :194-197 DOI Publisher Url
Willie RJ. 2008. Ayanna Thompson, "Performing Race and Torture on the Early Modern Stage" Cahiers Elisabethains: late medieval and renaissance English studies, 74 :87-88 DOI Publisher Url
Internet publication
Willie R. 2023. 'Literature, the Book, and the Bible in the Renaissance', Oxford Research Encyclopaedia of Literature DOI Publisher Url
Willie R. 2019. Game of Thrones: a song of revenge and redemption Author Url
Willie RJ. 2017. SRS at English Shared Futures Publisher Url
Willie R. 2014. William Shakespeare, "The Two Gentlemen of Verona’" Publisher Url
Willie RJ. 2014. Edmund Spenser, "The Shepherdes Calendar" Publisher Url
Willie R, Bailey R, Braun H. 2023. ‘Difficult Pasts, Difficult Presents: SRS Biennial Conference Report’, Bulletin of the Society for Renaissance Studies
Willie R. 2021. SRS Crowdcast Report Bulletin of the Society for Renaissance Studies
Willie R. 2018. 'SRS in Wales' Bulletin of the Society for Renaissance Studies :11-12
Willie R. 2016. 'The Great Fire of London' as part of ‘Roundtable: Annus mirabilis 2016 Anniversiaries’ The Bulletin of the Society for Renaissance Studies :5-7
Willie RJ, Gelléri G. 2016. Travel and Conflict in the Medieval and Early Modern World Bulletin of the Society for Renaissance Studies :14-15
Willie RJ. 2015. Rediscovering the Sounds of the Renaissance Bulletin of the Society for Renaissance Studies :30-32
Editorial/letter to the editor
Depledge E, Willie R. 2022. Introduction: Performance and the Paper Stage, 1640-1700 Huntington Library Quarterly, 85 :1-10 DOI Publisher Url
Journal article
Willie RJ. 2022. Ballads, Tudor Vagabonds and Roundhead Reputations: the Restoration After-Life of Cook Laurel Depledge E, Willie R. Huntington Library Quarterly: studies in English and American history and literature, 85 :91-111 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Clarke D, Li P, de Groot J, Willie RJ, Oakley-Brown L, O'Neill S, Junqueira J, Herrold M, Conti B, Chaudhuri S, Shrank C, Al-Azami L. 2021. How has (or might) social media change(d) our understanding of Spenser and Renaissance literature? Spenser Review, 51 Publisher Url Public Url
Willie R. 2019. Rethinking Shakespeare Source Study: Audiences, Authors, and Digital Technologies RENAISSANCE QUARTERLY, 72 :1158-1159 DOI Publisher Url
Willie RJ. 2017. Sensing the visual (mis)representation of William Laud SPELL: Swiss Papers in English Language and Literature, 34 Publisher Url Public Url
Willie RJ. 2011. Sacrificial Kings and Martyred Rebels: Charles and Rainborowe Beatified Études Épistémè, 20 Publisher Url
Willie RJ. 2008. Spiritual Union and the Problem of Sexuality Milton Studies, 47 :168-184 DOI Publisher Url
Books (edited)
2022. Performance and the Paper Stage, 1642-1700 Willie R, Depledge E. Huntington Library Quarterly Special Issue, 85.1 Publisher Url
2022. Performance and the Paper Stage, 1642-1700 Willie R, Depledge E. Huntington Library Quarterly Special Issue, 85.1 Publisher Url
External committees:
External Examiner, Undergraduate English programme, Keele University. 2024
External Examiner, MA in English, Oxford Brookes University. 2023
Council, Society for Renaissance Studies, Honorary Secretary, https://www.rensoc.org.uk/. 2020
External Examiner, Undergraduate English Programme, University of Leicester. 2020
Council, Society for Renaissance Studies, Trustee, http://www.rensoc.org.uk/. 2018
Conference presentation:
‘Hero and Leander and Vulnerability’, Marlowe Society of America Conference, Deptford (Goldsmith’s), Oral presentation. 2024
‘Reappearing Women: Mythologising Behn’, Aphra Behn and her Restoration, Aphra Behn (Europe) International Society, 8th Conference, University of Kent, Oral presentation. 2024
‘[Extra] Terrestrial Travel: Cosmic Colonialism in "The Man in the Moone" (pub. 1638)’, Early Modern Studies Summer Symposium (Keynote), University of Bristol, Oral presentation. 2024
‘Rhetoric and Vulnerability in "Hero and Leander" and "Paradise Lost"’, British Milton Seminar, Liverpool John Moores University, Oral presentation. 2024
‘“As time shall yeelde occasion be thou sure, / I will not fayle to make thee some amends”: time and [e]motion in John Lyly’s The Woman in the Moone (c.1593)’, RILCH Annual Conference, The Bluecoat, Oral presentation. 2023
‘“The first ancestor of this great Monarch came out of the earth”: cosmic colonialism’, The Local and the Global in Early Modern English Literature, University of Galway, Oral presentation. 2023
‘The Body and Blood of King Charles I’, (Invited), University of North Lincolnshire, Oral presentation. 2023
‘Worldmaking, soundmaking, moonmaking’, ‘Lend an Itching Ear’: Ubiquitous Music in Early Modern England Conference, Newcastle University, Oral presentation. 2023
‘Knowledge, Doubt and "The Man in the Moon"’, Sheffield Hallam – Bangor Early Modern Studies Seminar, Online, Oral presentation. 2022
‘Trust, Risk, and Vulnerability in Paradise Lost, ‘Vulnerability and Pastoral Care: John Milton, Richard Baxter, and Roger L’Estrange’ panel, Renaissance Society of America Annual Meeting, Dublin, Oral presentation. 2022
Chair and respondent, ‘Renaissance Music: Performativity and Failure’,, Renaissance Society of America Annual Conference, Dublin, Oral presentation. 2022
‘Discord untie her tongue’: sounding (e)motion in John Lyly’s The Woman in the Moon (1597),, Soundscapes in the Early Modern World, LJMU/Online, Oral presentation. 2021
Bodies and (e)motion in John Lyly’s "The Woman in the Moon (1597)"’, CUSO Workshop: Literary Utopia / Dystopia, Online, University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland (invited), Oral presentation. 2021
Bodies and (e)motion in John Lyly’s "The Woman in the Moon" (1597), CUSO Workshop: Literary Utopia / Dystopia, University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland (online, invited speaker), Oral presentation. 2021
“The Obiect of the Eare, doe affect the Spirits”: Meditation, Memory, and Reading with your Ears, Edinburgh Early Modern Network, Edinburgh/online, Oral presentation. 2020
Respondent: Acoustic Heritage and Hearing Archives, Sound Affects 1, York/Online, Oral presentation. 2020
Prorogation, Exclusion and Crisis: Shakespeare appropriation in John Crowne’s "The Misery of Civil War" (1681), Shakespeare Association of America 48th Annual Conference, Denver (moved online), Oral presentation. 2020
Nicolas Bownde, "The Doctrine of the Sabbath", (1595): reading with your ears, Reading the Reformation Conference (Invited Speaker), Chetham’s Library, Mancheste, Oral presentation. 2019
‘“His Time was short, and yours is coming on; Old Oliver had his”: remembering and forgetting the civil war’, Bangor Conference on the Restoration, Bangor University, Oral presentation. 2019
‘“both of one humour”: excess passion in The Rover’, Approaches to Aphra Behn’s The Rover: Text, Teaching and Performance’, Shakespeare Association of America 47th Annual Conference (invited speaker), Washington DC, Oral presentation. 2019
‘William Cavendish, Virtue, Virtuosity, and the Image of the Courtier’, Literature and the Early Modern State (invited speaker), Magdalene College Cambridge, Oral presentation. 2019
Under the Rose: Architecture and Secrecy at Speke Hall, Public lecture with Serena Korda, The Bluecoat, Oral presentation. 2019
Chair, moderator and closing remarks, roundtable discussion, The Architecture of the Soundscape Workshop, University of British Columbia, Oral presentation. 2019
‘Voices, Books and Music’s Effects’ panel, Early Modern Global Soundscapes’, University of York, Chair and Respondent. 2019
‘Rogues, Roundheads and Royalist Satire: Singing the Restoration’, Centre for Renaissance and Early Modern Studies Research Seminar (invited speaker), University of York, Oral presentation. 2019
Early Modern Sermons: Performances and Afterlives, closing roundtable discussion, Early Modern English Preaching c.1500-c.1700, University of Sheffield, Roundtable. 2018
‘“I found then by this experience that which no Philosopher ever dreamed of”: Knowledge, Doubt and the Moon’, Plague, Pastors and Lunatics: Religion and the Circulation of Knowledge panel, Society for Renaissance Studies 8th Biennial Conference, University of Sheffield, Oral presentation. 2018
‘“These be the humours that content me best”: time and [e]motion in John Lyly’s "The Woman in the Moon"’,, Time and Emotion Seminar, Shakespeare Association of America 46th Annual Conference, Los Angeles, Oral presentation. 2018
Inscribing Textuality: Milton, Davenant, Authorship and the Performance of Print, Making Milton: Print, Politics and Genre, Renaissance Societry of America Annual Conference, New Orleans, Oral presentation. 2018
Rumps, Songs and Revelry: the Stuart Restoration and Arbitrary Period Boundaries, CUSO Workshop: Restoration and the Long Eighteenth Century: Concept and Metaphor (Invited Speaker), University of Geneva, Switzerland, Oral presentation. 2017
‘he must be a Prelate as the Beast is’: Pope Laud, Remembering the Reformation, University of Cambridge, Oral presentation. 2017
‘he must be a Prelate as the Beast is’: Anti-Laudian Revelation, English Research Seminar (invited speaker), LJMU, Oral presentation. 2017
Private Grief and Public Passions: Anatomising the King's Two Bodies, QMCRLE / CEMMN.net joint Research Seminar (invited speaker), Queen Mary, University of London, Oral presentation. 2016
”Were not their eares to them, as pretious as your nostrils can be to you”: Sensing Trust, Sensing Authority, Trust and Risk in Literature network meeting (invited speaker), University of Yamanshi, Kofu, Japan, Oral presentation. 2016
Primates and portraits: the Visual (Mis)representation of William Laud, SAMEMES Conference: What is an Image in Medieval and Early Modern England?, University of Zurich, Oral presentation. 2016
Family Ties and Textual Ruptures: Representing Rupert of the Rhine in the English Civil War, Society for Renaissance Studies 7th Biennial Conference, Glasgow University, Oral presentation. 2016
'Against his better knowledge not deceived': Trust, risk and the rhetoric of affect in "Paradise Lost", Trust and Risk in Literature network meeting, Aarhus University, Denmark, Oral presentation. 2016
Anatomizing the King’s Two Bodies: Regicide and Bloody Passions, Bloody Passions: Extreme Emotions in Early Modern Literature and Culture, University of Portsmouth, Oral presentation. 2015
Private Grief and Public Passion: Remembering and Reinventing the English Civil War, Compassion in Early Modern Culture conference (1550-1700), University of Amsterdam, Oral presentation. 2015
“Without meditation all reading is vaine”: Hearing, Seeing and Sensing Words, Voices and Books 1500-1800, University of Newcastle, Oral presentation. 2015
Re/De-Polluting the Body Politic: Ballads on the Stage and Page, Shakespeare Association of America 43rd Annual Conference, Vancouver, Oral presentation. 2015
Lunar Travel and Lunacy: Reading the Early Modern Moon, School of English Literature Research Seminar (invited speaker), Bangor University, Oral presentation. 2015
Old/New World Immunity: Mediating Kingship in "The History of Sir Francis Drake" (1659), Renaissance Society of America 61st Annual Conference, Berlin, Oral presentation. 2015
The past, present and future of Milton Studies Roundtable Discussion, British Milton Seminar (invited speaker), Birmingham, Oral presentation. 2014
‘“this reading of books is a pernicious thing”: Journeys of the Mind in The Emperor of the Moon (1687), Society for Renaissance Studies 6th Biennial Conference, University of Southampton, Oral presentation. 2014
Restoring Rogues: Tudor Vagabonds and Roundhead Reputations, Early Modern Soundscapes, Bangor University, Oral presentation. 2014
Allegorical Uncertainty in "The Cruelty of the Spaniards in Peru" (1656), Images of Kingship in Britain and Ireland, 1649-1714, Bangor University, Oral presentation. 2013
Pope Laud, Popes and the Papacy in Early Modern English Culture, University of Sussex, Oral presentation. 2013
“The isle is full of noises”: Reconceptualising The Tempest, Shakespeare Association of America 41st Annual Conference, Toronto, Oral presentation. 2013
“Of two good playes to make one bad”: Restoring Shakespeare, On Page and Stage: Shakespeare, 1590-1890, Bangor University, Oral presentation. 2012
:‘New-Modelled Masques: (Re)presenting Colonialism in Late Seventeenth Century Entertainments, Institute for Medieval and Early Modern Studies (IMEMS), (invited speaker), Wales-wide videolink, Oral presentation. 2012
Reformed Drama: William Davenant and Literary Aesthetic, Society for Renaissance Studies 5th Biennial Conference, University of Manchester, Oral presentation. 2012
The Royal Actor Revisited: Regicide, Narrative and Cultural Memory, Shakespeare Association of America 40th Annual Conference, Boston, Oral presentation. 2012
Two Kings and No Bodies: Debating the Body Politic, The Royal Body conference, Royal Holloway, University of London, Oral presentation. 2012
:Inscribing Textuality: Milton, Anti-theatricalism and the Performance of Print’, British Milton Seminar, Birmingham, British Milton Seminar (invited speaker), Birmingham, Oral presentation. 2012
Conference organisation:
SRS Annual Lecture: Piety, Passion and Poetry in Seventeenth-Century Wales, https://www.rensoc.org.uk/event/piety-passion-and-poetry-in-seventeenth-century-wales/. 2024
Society for Renaissance Studies 10th Biennial Conference, Co-Organiser, https://www.rensoc.org.uk/event/srs-10th-biennial-conference/. 2023
Soundscapes in the Early Modern World, Organiser, https://emsoundscapes.co.uk/conference/. 2021
Performance and the Paper Stage, 1640-1695 seminar, Shakespeare Association of America 45th Annual Meeting, Atlanta. 2017
Early modern Wales: Space, Place and Displacement, Organiser. 2016
Travel and Conflict in the Medieval and Early Modern World, co-organiser. 2015
Other invited event:
'Building Research Networks', Online, An online CPD roundtable discussion aimed at early career researchers and organised by King’s College London’s Centre for Early Modern Studies. 2023
CUSO Workshop: Literary Utopia / Dystopia, University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland (invited speaker), Lecture and the facilitating of a seminar mainly for PhD candidates and postdoctoral researchers as part of a workshop organised under the auspices of the Conference Universitaire de Suisse Occidentale (CUSO) network of Swiss Universities. 2021
CUSO Workshop: Restoration and the Long Eighteenth Century: Concept and Metaphor, University of Geneva, Switzerland, Lecture and the facilitating of a seminar mainly for PhD candidates and postdoctoral researchers as part of a workshop organised under the auspices of the Conference Universitaire de Suisse Occidentale (CUSO) network of Swiss Universities.. 2017
Editorial boards:
Renaissance Studies, Editorial Board Member, https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/14774658. 2023
Renaissance Studies, Book Reviews Editor, http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/(ISSN)1477-4658. 2014
Etudes Epistémè, Member of Scientific Committee, http://episteme.revues.org/. 2011
External collaboration:
University of Cambridge, ‘Bee-ing human: an interactive bee book for the twenty-first century’ Leverhulme-funded research project, led by Professor Jennifer Richards. 2022
Lancaster University, ESSE Bid-Writing Workshop: Trust and Risk: Early Modern Experiences. 2017
http://projects.au.dk/trust-and-risk-in-literature-network/, Aarhus University, Trust and Risk in Literature Research Network (funded by the Danish Research Council). 2015
https://academicbookfuture.org/, UCL, The Academic Book of the Future (individual collaborator). 2015
http://makingpublics.mcgill.ca/, McGill University, Making Publics Project (joined project in 2009). 2005
Membership of professional bodies:
Fellow, English Association, http://www.englishassociation.ac.uk/. 2021
Fellow, Royal Historical Society, https://royalhistsoc.org/. 2020
Member (and Council Member), Society for Renaissance Studies.
Member, Renaissance Society of America.
Member, Shakespeare Association of America.
London Renaissance Seminar Contributor Award, Winner in the mid-career category, awarded to scholars who have made a significant contribution to research and also in recognition of collegiality, creativity and openness to ideas beyond the mainstream.. 2020
Roland H. Bainton Prize in Reference Works for "The Oxford Handbook of the Bible in Early Modern England, c. 1530-1700", Sixteenth Century Society Prize and Conference, https://www.sixteenthcentury.org/prizes/bainton/. 2016
Research Grants Awarded:
Arts and Humanities Research Council, Soundscapes in the Early Modern World, Co-Investigator: Emilie Murphy, University of York, Grant value (£): 45,474, Duration of research project: 19 Months. 2018
External PGR Supervision - completed students:
Bangor University, PhD, Identity, Language and Landscape in Early Modern Literature from Wales and the Marches.. 2017
Teaching qualification:
FHEA. 2015
Folger Short Term Fellowship, Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington DC. 2011
MaPs Summer Fellow, McGill University, Montreal. 2009