Image of Prof Simone Krueger Bridge

Prof Simone Krueger Bridge

Humanities and Social Science

Faculty of Arts Professional and Social Studies

Simone Krüger Bridge is a Professor of Cultural Musicology at Liverpool John Moores University, UK, working at the intersection of ethnomusicology, popular music studies, and music sociology. Her work explores the intricate interplay between music and humanity, and the profound significance of music as a fundamental aspect of human existence and cultural expression. Drawing on musicological, sociological and anthropological thought, her work regards music as a dynamic cultural artefact intimately intertwined with social structures, practices and identities, which both reflects and shapes social norms, values and power dynamics.

Simone is the author of Experiencing Ethnomusicology (2009) and Trajectories and Themes in World Popular Music: Globalization, Capitalism, Identity (2018), and editor of The Oxford Handbook of Global Popular Music (in press), The Globalization of Musics in Transit: Music Migration and Tourism (2014) and Ethnomusicology in the Academy: International Perspectives (2019). Her second monograph (2018), provides a social critique of capitalism’s impact on popular music in historical and world perspective, and is accompanied by cutting-edge educational resources (see: Currently, her research explores the social value of Liverpool Cathedral’s egalitarian music outreach programme and its societal contribution to the Liverpool city region.

Simone is the founding editor of the Journal of World Popular Music and founding co-editor of the book series Transcultural Music Studies (Equinox). She is a Professoriate Member on LJMU's Academic Board (Senate) (2023-2026); a core member of LJMU's REF 2029 UoA leadership; an external reviewer for REF Uo33 2029 at the University of South Wales; and an active member of the AHRC Peer Review College, including grant panel memberships. She has served a four-year term as the Chair of the Arts, Professional and Social Science (APSS) Faculty Research Degree Committee (FRDC) at Liverpool John Moores University; a three-year term on the Committee of the British Forum of Ethnomusicology (BFE); and a two-year term on the Executive Committee of the International Association for the Study of Popular Music (IASPM); and is currently serving on three journal editorial boards.

Research interests: intercultural music education, musical globalization, music and capitalism, global music city, music in Paraguay, musical value, Cathedral music

Current research:
Liverpool Cathedral makes a substantial contribution to society through its music outreach programme with highly positive impacts on the Liverpool city region that it serves. This is the focus of impactful research since 2020 that sheds light on the value of Liverpool Cathedral’s vast egalitarian music outreach programme, and evaluates its benefits and impact for music education and social mobility, social capital and belonging, beauty and emotion, and spiritual wellbeing. For details, see: The Social Value of Music Participation: Exploring the Impacts of Liverpool Cathedral's Music Outreach Programme in Post-Covid-19 Society (2022-2024).

MPhil/PhD students:
Simone offers supervision for postgraduate research students working at the intersection of music and critical social and cultural theory. This includes research located (broadly speaking) in cultural musicology, music sociology, ethnomusicology and popular music studies, including critical research in Cathedral music studies, as well as research in the area of community and intercultural music education.

Current PhD students:
2025-2028. Christopher Deacon. Topic: Great Expectations and A Tale of Two Cathedrals: How the Attitudes of Cathedral Visitors Towards Religion and Spirituality Impacts the Expectations Placed Upon Liverpool’s Cathedral Music Departments (enrolled)
2024 - 2031. Lorraine Mahoney. Topic: Authenticity or Aesthetics: The Bridge between Memoir and Narrative Fiction in Post Punk to Britpop Storytelling (enrolled)
2024 - 2027. Finlay Gordon (VC PhD Studentship 2023/24). Topic: Loud and Proud, Strong and Wrong: The Role of Primary School Singing in Bridging a Gap between Music Education and Musical Excellence (programme approved)
2023 - 2027. Robbie Griffin. Topic: The Precarious Nature and Fluid Geographical Positioning of Liverpool's Grassroots Music Venues 1980s – Present (programme approved)
2017 - 2023. Paloma Cuadrado Miranda. Topic: Music and Identity in the Hispanic diaspora in Liverpool (on LOA)

Completed PhD students:
2017 - 2024. Matt Dicken (Bath Spa University). Topic: The Paraguayan Polka.
2018 - 2024. Lushiqi He. Topic: Popular Music and Identity in China: A Qualitative Analysis of "Chineseness" in Mandopop since the 1980s (
2015 - 2020. Mary-Jane O’Leary. Thesis title: Encountering the comment: A phenomenological approach to reading the news online (
2016 - 2020. Abi Dunnett. Thesis title: ‘They Think They Know Us Better’: Aboriginal Experiences of Education, Health and Employment in Contemporary South Australia (
2015 - 2019. Jitendra Wijenayake. Thesis title: The Sinhalese Buddhist Diaspora in the United Kingdom: Negotiating Sinhalese Identity (


Spanish - Latin American


2007, University of Sheffield, United Kingdom, PhD
2003, University of Central Lancashire, United Kingdom, PGCE
2002, Liverpool Hope University, United Kingdom, BA (Hons) in Music with Computing
1999, Stralsund University of Applied Sciences, Stralsund, Germany, Diplom-Betriebswirtschafterin mit Schwerpunkt in Marketing [BSc with Honours in Business Economics with Specialisation in Marketing]
1995, Sparkasse Neubrandenburg, Germany, Bankbetriebswirtin [Master Professional in Banking Services and Operations]


2007, Higher Education Academy, FHEA

Academic appointments

Professor of Cultural Musicology, Humanities and Social Science, Liverpool John Moores University, 2023 - present
Chair APSS Faculty Research Degree Committee (FRDC), Liverpool John Moores University, 2018 - 2022
Reader in Music, Sociology, Liverpool John Moores University, 2017 - 2023
Senior Lecturer in Sociology, Department of Sociology, Liverpool John Moores University, 2015 - 2017
Programme Leader in Popular Music Studies, Liverpool John Moores University, 2013 - 2015
Senior Lecturer in Media and Cultural Studies/Popular Music, Liverpool John Moores University, 2007 - 2013
Academic Leader & SOLSTICE Research Co-ordinator, Edge Hill University, 2005 - 2007
Lecturer in Ethnomusicology, University of Wales, Bangor, 2005 - 2006

Postgraduate training

PGCE, UK, University of Central Lancashire, 2001 - 2003


Krüger Bridge S. 2025. Reaching Beyond Sacred Walls: The Sociocultural Impacts of Liverpool Cathedral’s Choral Outreach Programme Publisher Url

Krüger S. 2015. Column on the trajectories of Music Education and Ethnomusicology (invited contribution) Hunter J. SEM Student News, 11 :6-6 Publisher Url

Krüger S. Future Approaches for Work-Based Learning: An Ethnographic Study into Students' Experiences Publisher Url

Krüger S. Transmitting Ethnomusicology in UK Universities: Towards a Model for Ethnomusicology Pedagogy Publisher Url

Krüger S. Performing Ethnomusicology: Transforming Student Experiences in University Education Publisher Url

Krüger S. Undoing Authenticity as a Discursive Construct: The Need for a Holistic Pedagogy of Ethnomusicology Publisher Url


Krüger Bridge S. 2024. The Digital Turn: Exploring the Social Value of Liverpool Cathedral's Online Music Outreach Programme during the Covid-19 Pandemic DOI Public Url

Journal article

Krueger Bridge S. 2024. The Online Cathedral: A Case Study of Egalitarian Music Outreach at Liverpool Cathedral for Mental Health and Spiritual Wellbeing during the Covid-19 Pandemic Rasmussen AK. Yale Journal of Music & Religion, 9 :83-104 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Krueger Bridge S. 2023. The social value of music during the Covid-19 pandemic: Exploring the benefits of online music participation for social capital, education, belonging and wellbeing Francis L, Parker SG. Journal of Beliefs and Values: studies in religion and education, 44 :517-534 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Krüger Bridge S. 2022. Music and Identity in Paraguay: Expressing National, Racial, and Class Identity in Guitar Music Culture Jarman F. Journal of the Royal Musical Association, 147 :1-49 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Krüger S. 2016. In Conversation with Steve Levine Journal of Popular Music Studies, 28 :101-125 DOI Publisher Url

Krüger S. 2015. World Music, World Circuit: In Conversation with Nick Gold Journal of World Popular Music, 2 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Krüger S. 2012. 民主的教育法――イギリスの音楽民族学およびワールド・ミュージック教育の観点から [Minshuteki Kyoikuho---Igirisu no Ongaku Minzokugaku oyobi World Music Kyoiku no Kanten kara]. Transl. by Junko Nishimura Minamikyushu University Journal of The Human Development Research, 2 :135-152

Krüger S. 2011. Democratic Pedagogies: Perspectives from Ethnomusicology and World Music Educational Contexts in the United Kingdom Ethnomusicology, 55 :280-305 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Krüger S. 2011. The Ethnomusicologist as Pedagogue: Disciplining Ethnomusicology in the United Kingdom The World of Music, 3 :139-170 Publisher Url

Krüger S. 2011. Ethnomusicology in the Academy: An Introduction Krueger S. The World of Music, 3 :7-20 Publisher Url

Krüger S. 2009. The ethnomusicologist as pedagogue: Disciplining ethnomusicology in the United Kingdom World of Music, 51 :139-170

Krüger Bridge S. Neoliberal Capitalism and City Regeneration: Branding the Cosmopolitan Music City International Journal of the Sociology of Leisure,


Krüger Bridge S, Valiente S. 2023. Identity in Contemporary Paraguayan Song: Exploring Meaning and Value in the Songs of the Jeporeka 2021 Project Krueger Bridge S, Colman A, Watkins T. Music, Meaning and Value in Paraguayan Song Equinox. Sheffield Publisher Url

Krüger Bridge S. 2022. Transnational Music Stahl G, Percival JM. The Bloomsbury Handbook of Popular Music and Place :315-328 Bloomsbury. London DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Krüger Bridge S. 2022. Music and Capitalism Krüger Bridge S. The Oxford Handbook for Global Popular Music Oxford University Press. New York

Krüger Bridge S. 2022. The Globality of Popular Music Today: Themes, Issues, and Perspectives Krüger Bridge S. The Oxford Handbook for Global Popular Music Oxford University Press. New York

Krüger Bridge S. 2022. The Social Value of Online Music Participation: Exploring the Impacts of Berta Rojas' Jeporeka 2021 Project during the Covid-19 Pandemic Marín-López J, Capelán M, Castagna PA. Hispanic Music: Past and Present. An Anthology of Research presented at the MUSAM International Conference Iberoamericana / Vervuert. Spain Publisher Url

Krüger Bridge S. 2020. Gendering Music in Popular Culture Ross K. The International Encyclopedia of Gender, Media, and Communication Wiley Publisher Url

Krüger S. 2019. Paraguay: Modern and Contemporary performance practice Sturman JL. Sage International Encyclopedia of Music and Culture Sage 978-1483317755 Publisher Url Public Url

Krüger Bridge S. 2019. Tourism and Music Sturman JL. SAGE International Encyclopedia of Music and Culture 1 Sage 978-1483317755 Publisher Url Public Url

Krüger Bridge S. 2019. Music Industry Sturman JL. SAGE International Encyclopedia of Music and Culture Sage 978-1483317755 Publisher Url Public Url

Krüger Bridge S. 2019. Paraguay: History, Culture, and Geography of Music Sturman JL. The SAGE Encyclopedia of Music and Culture :1661-1663 Sage. New York Publisher Url

Krüger S. 2015. The Cosmopolitan City: Music and Mediation during the European Capital of Culture Event Yilmaz A, Trandafoiu R, Mousoutzanis A. Media and Cosmopolitanism 3 :93-120 Peter Lang. New York 978-3-0343-0969-1 Publisher Url Public Url

Krüger Bridge S. 2014. Branding the City: Music Tourism and the European Capital of Culture Event The Globalization of Musics in Transit: Music Migration and Tourism Routledge. New York 978-0-415-64007-7 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Krüger S, Trandafoiu R. 2013. Introduction: Touristic and Migrating Musics in Transit Krueger S, Trandafoiu R. The Globalization of Musics in Transit: Music Migration and Tourism :1-31 Routledge. New York 978-0-415-64007-7 Publisher Url

Krüger S. 2013. Undoing Authenticity as a Discursive Construct: A Critical Pedagogy of Ethnomusicology and “World Music” Alge B, Kraemer O. Beyond Borders: Welt-Musik-Pädagogik: Musikpädagogik und Ethnomusikologie im Diskurs :93-113 Wissner Verlag. Augsburg, Germany Publisher Url Public Url


Krueger Bridge S. 2022. The Digital Turn: Exploring the Social Value of Liverpool Cathedral's Online Music Outreach Programme during the Covid-19 Pandemic Publisher Url Public Url

Krüger Bridge S. 2021. The Value of Online Music Participation through Composition: Berta Rojas' Musical Advocacy of Paraguayan Music and Musicians (Research Report), Jeporeka 2021, Paraguay Publisher Url

Krüger Bridge S. 2021. The Digital Turn 2020 - 2021: The Value of Online Music Making and Participation at Liverpool Cathedral's School of Music (Research Report). Liverpool Cathedral, UK Publisher Url

Krüger S. 2010. Enhancing Employability in Music: An Ethnographic Study into Students' Work-Based Learning Experiences :1-105 Publisher Url

Books (authored)

Krueger Bridge S, Colman A, Watkins TD. 2022. Music, Meaning and Value in Paraguayan Song, with a Foreword by Berta Rojas Equinox. Sheffield Publisher Url

Krüger Bridge S. 2021. The Oxford Handbook of Global Popular Music (2 volumes) Oxford University Press. New York 9780190081379 DOI Publisher Url

Krüger Bridge S. 2018. Trajectories and Themes in World Popular Music: Globalisation, Capitalism, Identity Equinox. Sheffield, UK 9781781796214 Author Url Publisher Url

Krüger Bridge S, Trandafoiu R. 2014. The Globalization of Musics in Transit: Music Migration and Tourism Routledge. New York 978-0-415-64007-7 DOI Publisher Url

Krüger S. 2009. Experiencing Ethnomusicology: Teaching and Learning in European Universities Routledge [An Ashgate Book]. Abingdon 9780754667780 DOI Publisher Url

Krüger Bridge S. 2009. Ethnomusicology in the Academy: International Perspectives 51 VWB Verlag 978-3-86135-821-3 Publisher Url

Book review

Krüger Bridge S, Velaqyez P, Bull A. 2021. Coolness, Critique, and the Neoliberal Classical Royal Musical Association Research Chronicle, 52 :1-12 Publisher Url

Krüger S. 2016. A Different Voice, A Different Song: Reclaiming Community through the Natural Voice and World Song Ethnomusicology Forum, 24 Publisher Url Public Url

Krüger S. 2011. Review of The New (Ethno)musicologies ETHNOMUSICOLOGY, 55 :128-135 Author Url

Kruger S. 2011. Review of _The New (Ethno)Musicologies_, edited by Henry Stobart (Scarecrow, 2008). Ethnomusicology, 55 :128-135 Author Url

Krüger S. 2010. Review of _Facing the Music: Shaping Music Education from a Global Perspective_ by Huib Schippers (Oxford University Press, 2010) Ethnomusicology Forum, 19 :273-275

Kruger S. 2009. Review of _The Musical Human: Rethinking John Blacking's Ethnomusicology in the Twenty-First Century_ edited by Suzel A. Reily (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2006). BRIT J MUSIC EDUC, 26 :106-109 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Krüger S. 2007. Review of _The Pure Drop: An Exploration and Celebration of World Music_ [website] by Thomas Ashelford et al., in association with AFC/Ethel. (URL: Yearbook for Traditional Music, :213-214 Publisher Url

Editorial/letter to the editor

Krüger Bridge S, Stock JPJ. 2021. Editors' Introduction 8(2) 2021 Journal of World Popular Music, 8 Publisher Url

Krüger Bridge S, Stock JPJ. 2020. Editors' Introduction 7(1) 2020 Journal of World Popular Music, 7 Publisher Url

Krüger Bridge S, Baker S, Nowak R. 2017. Editorial Introduction 4.2 (2017) Journal of World Popular Music, 4

Krüger Bridge S, Baker S, Nowak R. 2017. Editorial Introduction 4.1 (2017) Journal of World Popular Music, 4

Krüger Bridge S, Baker S. 2016. Editorial Introduction 3.2 (2016) Journal of World Popular Music, 3 :162-165

Krüger Bridge S, Baker S. 2016. Editorial Introduction 3.1 (2016) Journal of World Popular Music, 3 :5-7

Krüger S, Baker S. 2016. Editors' introduction Journal of World Popular Music, 3 :5-8 DOI Publisher Url

Krüger Bridge S, Baker S. 2015. Editorial Introduction 2.2 (2015) Journal of World Popular Music, 2 :151-154

Krüger Bridge S, Baker S. 2015. Editorial Introduction 2.1 (2015) Journal of World Popular Music, 2 :5-7

Krüger S, Baker S. 2015. Editors' introduction Journal of World Popular Music, 2 :5-7 DOI Publisher Url

Krüger S, Baker S. 2015. Editors' introduction Journal of World Popular Music, 2 :151-154 DOI Publisher Url

Krüger Bridge S, Baker S. 2014. Editorial Introduction 1.2 (2014) Journal of World Popular Music, 1 :187-190

Krüger Bridge S, Baker S. 2014. Editorial Introduction 1.1 (2014l Journal of World Popular Music, 1 :5-10

Krüger S, Baker S. 2014. Editors' introduction to inaugural issue Journal of World Popular Music, 1 :5-10 DOI Publisher Url

Krüger S, Baker S. 2014. Editors' introduction Journal of World Popular Music, 1 :187-190 DOI Publisher Url

Krüger Bridge S, Wiggins T, Kallimopoulou E. 2013. Editorial Ethnomusicology Forum, 22 :267-268

Krüger Bridge S, Wiggins T, Kallimopoulou E. 2013. Editorial Ethnomusicology Forum, 22 :127-128

Krüger Bridge S, Nooshin L. 2011. Editorial Ethnomusicology Forum, 20 :121-122

Krüger Bridge S, Nooshin L. 2011. Welcome to the 20th Celebratory Edition of Ethnomusicology Forum Ethnomusicology Forum, 20 :1-2

Krüger Bridge S, Tochka N, Nowak R. Editorial Introduction 5.1 (2018) Journal of World Popular Music, 5

Krüger Bridge S, Tochka N. Editors' Introduction 5.2 (2018) Journal of World Popular Music, 5

Krüger Bridge S, Tochka N, Dunnett A. Editors' Introduction 6.1 (2019) Journal of World Popular Music, 6

Krüger Bridge S, Stock P. J. J, Dunnett A. Editors' Introduction 6.2 (2019) Journal of World Popular Music, 6

Krüger Bridge S, Stock JPJ, de Silva J, Cannady K. Editors’ Introduction 10(2) 2023 Journal of World Popular Music, 10 :139-142 Publisher Url


Krüger S. 2015. Embedding Student Research in the Undergraduate Curriculum: Learning in the Field 2015 Teaching and Learning Conference Public Url

Conference publication

Krüger S. 2014. Music, Mediation and Place: A Cultural Musicology of the Cosmopolitan City Cultural Musicology iZine, Conference on Cultural Musicology Publisher Url Public Url

Krüger S. 2008. Ethnography in the Performing Arts: Reflections on the Production of a Student Guide Sims W. 28th ISME World Conference, World Conference of the International Society for Music Education (ISME) :1-331 Publisher Url

Kruger S. Students’ experiences of e-learning: a Virtual Ethnography into Blended Online Learning Banks S. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Networked Learning 2006, Fifth International Conference on Networked Learning 2006 Publisher Url

Krüger Bridge S. Designing Attractive Online Courses in CANVAS vitendra M. Innovations in Practice, LJMU Annual Teaching and Learning Conference 2018 4 Publisher Url

Krüger Bridge S. Harmony in Diversity: the societal impact of Liverpool Cathedral’s egalitarian music outreach programme in the Liverpool City region abcd Choral Research Journal, Cathedral Music Trust - Academic Conference Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Internet publication

Krüger S. 2013. Neue Perspektiven in der Ethnomusikologie:Musiktourismus und -migration Publisher Url

Krüger S. 2013. Musiktourismus und -Migration: Neue Impulse in der Popularmusikforschung Publisher Url

Kruger S, Lincoln S. 2010. Enhancing Employability in Music: An Ethnographic Study into Student Experiences Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Krüger S. 2009. Ethnography in the Performing Arts: A Student Guide Publisher Url Public Url


Krüger S. 2007. Experiencing Ethnomusicology: Students' Experiences of the Transmission of Ethnomusicology at Universities in the UK and Germany Stock JPJ, Pitts S. University of Sheffield Author Url Publisher Url

Other invited event:

Congress of the Sociedad de Ethnomusicologia (SIBE), Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya, Barcelona, Invited Keynote speaker at the 2025 Congress of the Sociedad de Ethnomusicologia (SIBE) "Music and Social Conflict: Paradigms, Approaches, and Challenges in Contemporany Ethnomusicology", 6 - 9 November 2025 ( 2025

Northern PoWEr Women Awards, Manchester Central Convention Complex, Nomination by LJMU's ELT to attend the Northern PoWEr Women Awards (VC-sponsored table) in recognition of contribution to the university. The NPW Awards are the largest celebration of gender equality in Europe bringing together over 1,000 incredible individuals, causes and organisations from across the North to connect, celebrate and be inspired., 2025

"Global Pop: My Greatest Hits", Institute of Popular Music (IPM) Workshop & Networking Event, University of Liverpool, The Hub, Department of Music, Invited speaker at IPM Workshop & Networking Event, University of Liverpool, UK. Founded in 1988 as the world’s first specialist centre for the study of popular music, the Institute of Popular Music (IPM) provides a hub for interdisciplinary research on popular music., 2024

LJMU Research and Knowledge Exchange Conference 2023, Faculty of Engineering & Technology, James Parsons Building, Liverpool John Moores University, UK, Invited speaker for Faculty Research Presentations, representing the Faculty of APSS. Parallel Session 2: Health, Well-being, and Technology: advancements in healthcare, medical research, and the role of technology in promoting universal health coverage and improving well-being. Title of paper: “The Online Cathedral: Egalitarian Music Outreach for Mental Health and Spiritual Wellbeing during the Covid-19 Pandemic”. 2023

The Prayer Book Society Annual Conference, Liverpool Cathedral, Lady Chapel, Joint talk with The Revd Canon Philip Anderson (Liverpool Cathedral) on "Places where they sing: The Choral Tradition and Contemporary Christian Outreach". Conference information available at 2023

Invited talk on "Evaluating the Value of Music in Cathedrals: Brief Reflections", Hinsley Hall, Leeds, UK, Conference of the National Schools Singing Programme ( on the Theme of "Growing Your Schools Singing Programme", 27-28 February 2023. NSSP funded by the Hamish Ogston Foundation. Attendees: Choral Directors at Cathedrals, line managers, educationalists, clergy and any other interested parties from all UK Catholic dioceses, the pilot cathedral group and Stonyhurst College.. 2023

Invited Conference speaker on Paraguayan music, Jeporeka 2022, Online live stream ( and, Conference symposium on "Una aproximación a la música paraguaya: métodos, técnicas y perspectivas" with Professor Alfredo Colman (Baylor University) and Professor Tim Watkins (Texas Christian University).. 2022

Live-streamed symposium on "Una aproximación a la música paraguaya: métodos, técnicas y perspectivas", Ciclo de Conferencias Jeporeka 2022, Social Media (YouTube, Facebook), Invited conference presentation for Jeporeka 2022, directed by Berta Rojas. Available at and 2022

Liverpool Cathedral Postgraduate Learning Community, Liverpool Cathedral, Facilitated by The Revd Canon Professor Leslie J. Francis, Liverpool Cathedral Postgraduate Learning Community links cathedrals with the academy. Established 20 years ago, the community was based in Coventry Cathedral before moving to Liverpool Cathedral. The group aims (I) to provide a location within sacred space for academic research of a church-related nature and (II) to provide a context for PGR students to work alongside more established academics. (see 2022

Invited guest speaker at the Annual General Meeting of the Anglo-Paraguayan Society, Latin American House, London, Invitation by Nuno Vinhas to talk about the Social Value of Online Music outreach and participation during the Covid-19 pandemic. 2022

Invited guest talk on "Reflections on Ethnomusicological Research Experiences", Baylor University, Texas, US, Seminar in Ethnomusicology MUS 5319 (CRN #34778); Instructor: Dr Alfredo Colman. 2022

Invited Speaker at the 4th Regional Music Seminar, National University of Caaguazú,, Paraguay, National University of Caaguazú, Escuela Superior de Artes y Desarrollo de Talentos (School of Art and Talent Development), Paraguay, Invited Guest Speaker. Title: "El valor social de la participación musical en línea: exploración de los impactos del proyecto Jeporeka 2021 de Berta Rojas" (The Social Value of Online Music Participation: Exploring the Impacts of Berta Rojas’ Jeporeka 2021 Project). Presented at the 4th Regional Music Seminar of the National University of Caaguazú, Escuela Superior de Artes y Desarrollo de Talentos (School of Art and Talent Development) in conjunction with UNVES (National University of Villarrica del Espíritu Santo), UNE (National University of the East) and FADA UNA (Faculty of Architecture, Design and Art of the National University of Asunción), Paraguay, 30 November 2021

Invited speaker on "The Value of Music Participation through Composition: Berta Rojas’ Musical Advocacy of Paraguayan Music and Musicians", Latin American Music Seminar, University of London, Invited speaker on "The Value of Music Participation through Composition: Berta Rojas’ Musical Advocacy of Paraguayan Music and Musicians". 2021

Invited Conference speaker on Paraguayan music, Online live stream (YouTube and Facebook, Recorded and live streamed presentation on "Paraguayidad and Guaraní Identity in Paraguayan Song" for the Jeporeka project, directed by Berta Rojas.. 2021

Invited Guest Speaker at inaugural seminar “Pop Now, Pop then, Pop Everywhere", Aarhus University, Denmark, Topic of talk: Critical Perspectives on Contemporary Research into Popular Music and Globalisation. Inaugural seminar “Pop Now, Pop then, Pop Everywhere” for the launch of the Centre for the Study of Popular Music Culture, Aarhus University, Denmark. Co-presenters: Klaus Nathaus (Oslo University, Norway) and Antti-Ville Kärjä (Finland). Web: 2021

Invited Chair of AHRC Peer Review College (PRC) Focus Group, University of Newcastle, Invited Chair of AHRC Peer Review College (PRC) Focus Group. Participants: Prof. Andrew Church (University of Brighton), Prof. Federico Santangelo (Newcastle University), Dr Katherine Baxter (Northumbria University), Dr Randolph Donahue (Michigan State University), Dr Alison Cathcart (University of Strathclyde).. 2019

Invited talk "Music in Neoliberal Culture: Cool Capitalisml", University College Cork, Ireland, FUAIM Research Seminar series, Department of Music, University College Cork 2018

Invited Guest Lecture "Music in Neoliberal Culture", University of Bern, Switzerland, Gastvortrag am Institut für Musikwissenschaft im Rahmen der Vortragsreihe der Schweizerischen Musikforschenden Gesellschaft 2018

Invited Closing Plenary speaker, Annual Conference of the British Forum for Ethnomusicology, University of Sheffield, UK, Invited speaker at the closing plenary SPEAKERS: Simon Keegan-Phipps, University of Sheffield (Chair), Michael B. Bakan, Florida State University, Rachel Harris, SOAS, University of London, Simone Krüger Bridge, Liverpool John Moores University, Suzel Reily, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Sean Williams, Evergreen State College. 2017

Invited Speaker “Prestige Talk 2016” of the Anglo Paraguayan Society (UK), Instituto Cervantes London, Paper title: “Agustín Barrios Mangoré: Revival and Adaptation in Contemporary Paraguayan Music” (see: 2016

Invited speaker for Annual Conference on “What is Cool?”, Department of Social and Political Science, University of Chester, UK, for paper, see 2016

Roundtable "Music and Higher Education: Exploring Curricular Reform", Annual Conference of the Society for Ethnomusicology 2014, Invited speaker. 2014

CCM Congress on “Cultural Musicology”, University of Amsterdam, Musicology Department, Invited roundtable speaker at the CCM Congress on “Cultural Musicology”, 24 – 25 January 2014, Department of Musicology, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands ( 2014

Commonwealth Creativities in Intercultural Arts Network (CIAN) Forum, University of Cambridge, Invited speaker @ Forum 1: Mapping Intercultural Arts Practices 2013

Beyond Borders: Welt – Musik – Pädagogik. Musikpädagogik und Ethnomusikologie im Diskurs, Hochschule für Musik und Theater Rostock, Germany, Paper title "Authenticity in the Transmission of Music Cultures: The Need for a Holistic Ethnomusicology Pedagogy" (see 2011

Invited speaker at International Conference "Beyond Borders: Welt - Musik - Pädagogik. Musikpädagogik und Ethnomusikologie im Diskurs", Hochschule fuer Musik und Theater Rostock, Germany, Invited Speaker at the International Conference exploring the interconnectedness between music pedagogy and ethnomusicology. 2011

Other Professional Activity:

Shortlisted participant of LJMU Engage 2025 in collaboration with NCCPE, Feb - July.. 2025

Member of Professorship and Readership Conferment Panel, Faculty of Society and Culture, LJMU, 2025

Feb 2022 - May 2024. Trustee, Board of Trustees, The Blue Coat School, Liverpool. 2024

2024 - 2029. Core Member of REF 2029 UoA Leadership, LJMU, UK.. 2024

Invited expert reviewer for the European Science Foundation - Science Connect (France). A*MIDEX 2022 International Research and Training Call, Sub-call Focus 2 "Making training international using hybrid formats".. 2023

July 2022. Public Talk on "The Digital Turn: Exploring the Social Value of Liverpool Cathedral's Online Music Outreach Programme during the Covid-19 Pandemic". Liverpool Cathedral, Lady Chapel and via Facebook Livestream (, 12 July 2022. Project info: 2022

Sep 2021. Invited panel member for AHRC DFG bilateral call (Funding scheme: UKRI UK-German Collaborative Research Projects in the Humanities). Panel meeting dates: 14-16 September 2021.. 2021

Aug 2021. Recorded and live streamed presentation with Timothy Watkins on “Guaraní Identity and Paraguayidad in Paraguayan Song” as part of the Jeporeka project (dir. Berta Rojas), publicly available on and 12 August 2021.. 2021

May 2021. Invited panel member for AHRC moderation of Research Grants applications (Panel role: Introducer, Seconder and Supporter). Panel meeting date: 27 May 2021.. 2021

March - June 2021. Invitation by Berta Rojas ( to contribute to the coordination of a conference series on Paraguayan song as part of the Jeporeka project ( Co-convenors: Berta Rojas, Miguel D. Antar, Prof. Alfredo Colman, Elisa Lezcano, Romy Martinez, Nicolás R. Salaberry, Prof. Timothy Watkins, Dr Simone Krüger Bridge. Conferences dates: 23 June, 25 June, 30 June, 2 July.. 2021

July 2020. Invited reviewer of fellowship application to “REinforcing Women In REsearch (REWIRE) Fellowship Programme”, University of Vienna (Austria).. 2020

April 2020. Invited contributor to Joint Panel Review of _Composing Capital: Classical Music in the Neoliberal Era_ by Marianna Ritchey (Chicago 2019), curated by Patrick Valiquet (University of Edinburgh) and to be published in RMA Research Chronicle ( 2020

Sep 2018 - Aug 2022. Chair Faculty Research Degree Committee (Faculty of Arts, Professional and Social Studies, LJMU).. 2018

Apr 2011. Chief Conductor and musicologist Luis Szarán visited LJMU upon my invitation in April 2011 (see

Apr 2015. Host of public talk “In Conversation with Nick Gold” @ Liverpool John Moores University (16 April 2015).

April 2018 - Sep 2019. Research mentorship (Dr Emma Roberts, Programme Leader History of Art, LJMU).

Jan 2015. Host of public talk “In Conversation with Steve Levine”, LJMU (8 January 2015). See ECHO, available at

January 2023 - December 2023. Staff Mentorship (Dr Libby Damjanovic, Lecturer/Senior Lecturer, School of Psychology, LJMU).

July 2011. Talk about research on live radio show hosted by Luz Maria Bobadilla, Radio Ñanduti, Asuncion.

Sep 2018-July 2019. LJMU-funded Research mentorship (Dr Jan Brown, Senior Lecturer in Business, LJMU; £5000) Project title: Cultural Production, Popular Music and the Symbolic Capital of Cool in UNESCO Cities of Music.

Public engagement:

Public talk or lecture, clergy, Cathedral staff, music ministry, academics, research students, general public, Speaker, Liverpool Cathedral, Reaching beyond sacred walls: The sociocultural impacts of Liverpool Cathedral's Choral Outreach Programme, Research celebration event marking the completion of Professor Simone Krüger Bridge's British Academy-funded research project (2022-2024) that examined the social value of choral music outreach within our community. Prof. Krüger Bridge’s research provides a compelling argument for the role of sacred spaces like Liverpool Cathedral as active agents of social inclusion and cultural transformation, filling an important gap in the study of choral music outreach., 2025

Public talk or lecture, Theologians, Clergy, Members of the public, Speaker, Bi-annual event, Liverpool Cathedral, Harmony in Diversity: the societal impact of Liverpool Cathedral’s egalitarian music outreach programme in the Liverpool City region, Public talk presented to the Liverpool Cathedral PG Learning Community (including CSRM), Liverpool Cathedral, 8-9 October 2024, 2024

Public talk or lecture, researchers, special interest groups, Speaker/Presenter, Sarum College, Salisbury, Wiltshire, New Generation Presenter at Cathedral Music Trust's Academic Conference 2024 "CATHEDRAL MUSIC: NEW GENERATION PERSPECTIVES", Presentation title: "Harmony in Diversity: Unveiling the Inherent Societal Contributions of Liverpool Cathedral's Egalitarian Music Outreach Programme in the Liverpool City Region", 2024

Media Coverage:

Social media coverage "Research Celebration Event", 24 February 2025

Yale Institute of Sacred Music's social media post, announcing publication of the article “The Online Cathedral: A Case Study Analysis of Egalitarian Music Outreach at Liverpool Cathedral for Mental Health and Spiritual Wellbeing during the Covid-19 Pandemic.” 2024

Research exploring music and social transformation in sacred spaces reaches new crescendo 2024

BBC RADIO 3 SUNDAY FEATURE "Cathedral Music in Crisis" (17 November 2024), featuring an interview about the social value of Liverpool Cathedral's music outreach with Chris Taylor (Ex. Producer) recorded during the Cathedral Music Trust Conference in Salisbury 2024

"Crowds enjoy music and atmosphere at WOMAD 2024", BBC News 2024

Social media coverage on “Harmony in Diversity” at Liverpool Cathedral at the Cathedral Music Trust Conference in Sep 2024. 2024

Radio interview about Music Outreach Programme (SSR and Junior Choirs) with Stephen Mannings and Mitch Holland, 5 Nov 2023. Stephen Mannings mentions partnership with LJMU through my research into social value of music outreach programme (05:35). 2023

News article "Liverpool Cathedral music staff wins prestigious LJMU Vice Chancellor’s PhD Studentship 2023/24" 2023

News article (LJMU) about VC PhD Studentship 2023/24, quoting successful candidate Finlay Gordon (Liverpool Cathedral) 2023

Liverpool Cathedral music staff wins prestigious LJMU Vice Chancellor’s PhD Studentship 2023/24 2023

Social media coverage of invited talk at The Prayer Book Society Annual Conference, Liverpool Hope University and Liverpool Cathedral, 17 - 19 August 2023. 2023

"LJMU and The Eurovision Song Contest 2023" 2023

Jeporeka cerró ciclo 2022 con charla académica sobre la música paraguaya 2022

El lado académico de la música será abordado en charla de cierre de Jeporeka 2022 2022

El lado académico de la música, en cierre de Jeporeka 2022 2022

El lado académico de la música será abordado este martes en charla virtual de Jeporeka 2022 2022

Me ha gustado esta nota en 2022

Lecture series "Paraguayan Sonorities": An approach to Paraguayan music: methods, techniques and perspectives 2022

Liverpool Cathedral publicises news about "The Digital Turn: Exploring the Social Value of Liverpool Cathedral’s Online Music Outreach Programme during the Covid-19 Pandemic" 2022

Research Report by Simone Krüger Bridge (LJMU): The Digital Turn: Exploring the Social Value of Liverpool Cathedral’s Online Music Outreach Programme during the Covid-19 Pandemic 2022

Newspaper article "Liverpool Cathedral online music programme lifted pandemic gloom, study finds" by Sarah Melrick, The Church Times 2022

Interview on BBC Radio Merseyside hosted by Helen Jones, 26 July 2022 3.05pm on Liverpool Cathedral's online music outreach programme during the Covid-19 pandemic 2022

Research undertaken by LJMU academic, Dr Simone Krüger Bridge, has investigated how Liverpool Cathedral’s music outreach programme, one of the vastest in the UK, helped people through the Covid-19 pandemic. 2022

Research explores how Liverpool Cathedral’s music programme helped communities during the pandemic 2022

Research Presentation live-stream on Facebook "The Digital Turn: Exploring the Social Value of Liverpool Cathedral's Online Music Outreach Programme during the Covid-19 pandemic" 2022

Realizan panel de música paraguaya en foro británico, Música, ABC Color, Paraguay 2022

Social media coverage about paper presentation on "The Value of Music Participation through Composition: Berta Rojas' Musical Advocacy of Paraguayan Music and Musicians" held at the Latin American Music Seminar (LAMS) on 20 November 2021 2021

Social media announcement of paper presentation on "The Value of Music Participation through Composition: Berta Rojas' Musical Advocacy of Paraguayan Music and Musicians" to be held at the Latin American Music Seminar (LAMS) on 20 November 2021 2021

News article "Interesantes conferencias virtuales en el marco del proyecto musical Jeporeka" (San Lorenzo News, Paraguay) 2021

Television announcement of Jeporeka online conference, presented by Romy MartÍnez (Paraguay TV); Programme details: Medio: Paraguay Tv Programa: Noticias Paraguay Conduce: Yenyffer Caballero Fecha: miércoles 11 de agosto Hora: 09:30 am Modalidad: en vivo vía zoom Vocero/a: Romy Martinez 2021

Newspaper article "Diálogos sobre la música paraguaya" (ABC Color, Paraguay) 2021


Facebook announcement "CICLO DE CONFERENCIAS VIRTUALES ARRANCA ESTE 11 DE AGOSTO" (Portal de Curuguaty, Paraguay) 2021

News article "Ciclo de conferencias virtuales sobre la música paraguaya desde este miércoles" (Oviedo Press, Paraguay) 2021

Social media coverage about Jeporeka conference presentation on "Paraguayidad e identidad guaraní en la canción paraguaya" streamed on 11 August 2021 2021

Newspaper article "Conferencias sobre la música paraguaya" (Ultima Hora, Paraguay) 2021

Newspaper article "Conferencias sobre la música paraguaya" (Ultima Hora, Paraguay) 2021

Television announcement of Jeporeka's Online Academic Conference, presented by Nicolas Salaberry Programme details: Medio: Venus Media Programa: Sonido Urbano Conducen: Lucas Nataloni y Fati Fernández Fecha: martes 10 de agosto Hora: 09:30h Modalidad: en vivo vía zoom Vocero/a: Nicolas Salaberry 2021

News article "“Jeporeka” realizará ciclo de conferencias sobre la música paraguaya" (UniCanal, Paraguay) 2021

News article "Preparan ciclo de charlas sobre la identidad de la música paraguaya" (Trece, Paraguay) 2021

Television announcement on Paraguayan TV of Jeporeka's online conference and my accompanying research project on the Value of Musical Participation, presented by Romy Martínez. Programme details: Medio: GEN Programa: Las Residentas Conducen: Bibi Landó, Marilé Unger, María E. Núñez y Mica Chamorro Fecha: Martes 10 de agosto Hora: 15:30 h aprox. Modalidad: vía zoom en vivo Vocero: Romy Martinez 2021

Announcement of Jeporeka's Online Academic Conference on Radio La Unión (Paraguay), presented by Romy MartÍnez 2021

Newspaper article "Jeporeka invita a ciclo de conferencia sobre identidad de la música paraguaya" (Ultima Hora, Paraguay) 2021

Jeporeka Academic Online Conference Announcement, "Jeporeka: amplia convocatoria a dialogar sobre identidad de la música" (CDEHot, Paraguay) 2021

News article "Jeporeka y una amplia convocatoria a dialogar sobre la identidad de la música paraguaya" (La Informacion Digital, Paraguay) 2021

Announcement of Jeporeka 's Online Academic Conference "Cycle of Virtual Conferences starts this August 11" (Becal, Paraguay) 2021

Jeporeka Facebook announces Online Academic Conference on the theme of "La canción, nuestro retrato" (11 - 20 August 2021) 2021

Social media coverage of invited talk on "Music in Neoliberal Culture: Cool Capitalism", University of Cork, Ireland 2018

Cheering for research and innovation at the Royal Court 2018

Social media responses to conference paper "Designing attractive courses in CANVAS" held at LJMU's Teaching and Learning Conference 2018 2018

Social media responses to LJMU Research Spotlight presentation "The Sound of Silence: The Forgotten Masterpieces of Classical Music from Paraguay" held at LJMU Research Conference, Royal Court Liverpool, 20 June 2018 2018

“Mangoré eterno”-article about research into guitar music culture in Paraguay, published (in print) in the supplement of the national newspaper ABC Color. Asuncion, Paraguay (18 September 2011)

“Musicalmente soy ecléctico"-article about research into guitar music cultures in Paraguay, publicized in the national newspaper ABC Color. Asuncion, Paraguay (20 July 2011)

Paraguayan Music Panel at BFE 2017 Annual Conference, publicized by the Society for Ethnomusicology (News article, 26 April 2017)

Ethnomusicology conference at Liverpool John Moores University, 14 April 2009, Liverpool ECHO

"Música nacional en congreso de Inglaterra" [Paraguayan national music at conference in England], publicized in Paraguayan newspaper Ultima Hora (23 April 2017)

Book "Experiencing Ethnomusicology" features since 2010 on website of the British Forum for Ethnomusicology (

Jan Fairley’s Review of "Experiencing Ethnomusicology: Teaching and Learning in European Universities" published in World Music magazine Songlines 71 (October 2010):87.

In conversation with Steve Levine

Membership of professional bodies:

Trustee, The Rodolfus Foundation, 2024

Professoriate Member, Academic Board, Liverpool John Moores University, UK, 2023

Member, Virtual Paraguayan Musicological Society. 2021

Member of the Art and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) Peer Review College (category 'Academic'), Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC), 2015

Member of the Royal Musical Association (RMA), Royal Musical Association (RMA). 2015

Member of The Anglo Paraguayan Society, The Anglo Paraguayan Society. 2011

Member of the Society for Ethnomusicology, Society for Ethnomusicology (SEM), 2008

Member of the International Council for Traditional Music (ICTM), International Council for Traditional Music (ICTM), 2007

Member of the International Association for the Study of Popular Music (IASPM), IASPM. 2006

Member of the British Forum for Ethnomusicology (BFE), British Forum for Ethnomusicology, 2005


Certificate of Achievement: Introduction to Research Integrity, UKRIO Research Integrity Office, 2024

Institutional confirmation of significant responsibility for undertaking research on an independent basis (SIGRES) (RWA of *B=120 hours), aligned to the University-conferred Research Institute/Centre/Group Media, Culture, Communication (MCC)., Liverpool John Moores University, UK.. 2024

Faculty nomination for VC Awards for Excellence in Research and Knowledge Exchange 2023. Category: Public Engagement with Research, Liverpool John Moores University, Vice Chancellor, 2023

Research Sabbatical Semester I 2023-2024. Project Title: The Social Value of Liverpool Cathedral's Schools Singing Programme (Sep 2023 - Jan 2024), Liverpool John Moores University, Faculty of APSS, 2023

Institutional confirmation of significant responsibility for undertaking research on an independent basis (SRIR) as a core member of the University-conferred Research Group/Centre/Institute "People, Politics & Communication", as reported to the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) as part of the Staff Record (SIGRES field), 30 May 2023., Liverpool John Moores University. 2023

Institutional confirmation of significant responsibility for undertaking research on an independent basis (SRIR), aligned to the University-conferred Research Institute/Centre/Group “Media, Culture, Communications Research Group”, 10 June 2022. Date:24 Jun 2020. 2022

Institutional confirmation of significant responsibility for undertaking research on an independent basis (SRIR) and inclusion in LJMU’s submission to REF2021; aligned to the University-conferred Research Institute/Centre/Group “Media, Culture, Communications Research Group”, 24 June 2020., LJMU. 2020

Gold Standard Letter for outstanding contributions to the PRC’s work of the Council, Arts and Humanities Research Council, Professor Andrew Thompson (Chief Executive, AHRC), 7 June 2019, AHRC. 2019

Research & Innovation Spotlight Award 2018. Project title "The Sounds of Silence: Forgotten Masterpieces of Classical Music from Paraguay" (finalist); for video pitch for online voting, see:, Liverpool John Moores University, 2018

Liverpool SU Amazing Teaching Awards 2015, category Amazing Course Team, Liverpool Students' Union, 2015

Walker Prize for final-year dissertation entitled “Liverpool’s World of Musics: An Ethnographic Study”, University of Liverpool (on behalf of Liverpool Hope University). 2002

Conference presentation:

"Harmony in Diversity: Unveiling the Inherent Societal Contributions of Liverpool Cathedral’s Egalitarian Music Outreach Programme in the Liverpool City Region", Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Musikforschung (GfM), Universität zu Köln and Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Köln, Oral presentation, 2024

Traditions in Transition: The Value of Cathedral Choristership in the 21st Century (co-presented with Finlay Gordon, VC Award Doctoral Candidate), APSS Faculty Conference 2024 "TRANSITIONS", Liverpool John Moores University, Blue Coat Arts Centre, Oral presentation. 2024

Liverpool Cathedral's Schools Singing Programme: Update on Findings and Research Methodology, Liverpool Cathedral Postgraduate Learning Community (including CSRM), In association with World Religions and Education Research Unit at Bishop Grosseteste University, Lincoln and York St John University, Liverpool Cathedral, UK, Oral presentation, 2023

The Social Value of Liverpool Cathedral’s Music Outreach: Bringing Choral Traditions to Liverpool Communities through music and education programmes, Liverpool Cathedral Postgraduate Learning Community (including CSRM). Facilitators: The Revd Dr Tania ap Siôn, The Revd Canon Professor Leslie J. Francis, The Revd Canon Dr Randolph Ellis, The Revd Canon Dr Mike Kirby, The Revd Professor Andrew Village, The Rt Revd Professor David Walker, Liverpool Cathedral, UK, Oral presentation, 2023

The Social Value of Liverpool Cathedral's Music Outreach: Bringing Choral Traditions to Liverpool Communities through the Schools Singing Programme, 2023 PPC (People, Politics, Communication) Research Day, LJMU, Liverpool John Moores University, UK, Oral presentation. 2023

The Social Value of Liverpool Cathedral’s Music Outreach: Bringing Choral Traditions to Liverpool Communities through the Schools Singing Programme, APSS Faculty Research Conference, Liverpool John Moores University, UK, Oral presentation. 2023

The Social Value of Online Music Participation during the Covid-19 Pandemic: Exploring the Impacts of Berta Rojas' Jeporeka 2021 Project, IASPM UK & Ireland 16th Biennial Conference, University of Liverpool, Oral presentation. 2022

The Digital Turn: The Social Value of Liverpool Cathedral's Online Music Outreach Programme during the Covid-19 Pandemic, APSS Faculty Research Conference, Liverpool John Moores University, Oral presentation. 2022

The Digital Turn: The Social Value of Liverpool Cathedral's Online Music Outreach Programme during the Covid-19 Pandemic, Tourism, Travel, Culture & Heritage Research Group Symposium, Liverpool John Moores University, Oral presentation. 2022

Panel Presentation: "Listening to Hidden Musics of Paraguay: Music Making and Experience in the Everyday Lives of Paraguayans". Speakers: “Finding a Paraguayan Voice: Guarani Language in the Transmission of Paraguayan Popular Songs” (Romy Martinez), “Performing the Ordinary: Paraguayan Folk Dance at the Takuare’e Music Festival” (Alfredo Colman), “The Social Value of Online Music Participation in Everyday Life: Exploring the Impacts of Berta Rojas’ Jeporeka 2021 Project” (Simone Krueger Bridge) and “The Meat of the Matter: Musicking at a Paraguayan Asado” (Tim Watkins), Annual Conference of the British Forum of Ethnomusicology, Milton Keynes, UK, Oral presentation. 2022

The Value of Music Participation through Composition: Berta Rojas’ Musical Advocacy of Paraguayan Music and Musicians, III Congreso Internacional MUSAM, Study Group “Music and American Studies”, Spanish Society for Musicology, Facultade de Xeografia e Historia, Santiago de Compostela, Spain (, Oral presentation. 2021

Designing Attractive Online Courses in CANVAS, LJMU Annual Teaching & Learning Conference 2018, Liverpool John Moores University, Oral presentation. 2018

Music, Identity and Guitar Culture in Paraguay, Annual Conference of the British Forum for Ethnomusicology 2017, University of Sheffield, Oral presentation. 2017

Research Grants Awarded:

Liverpool John Moores University (APSS QR funding), Research sabbatical (Sep '23 - Jan '24) for project: What is the social value of choral singing for children who participate in Liverpool Cathedral’s Schools Singing Programme?, Grant value (£): 15000, Duration of research project: 6 months. 2023

BA/Leverhulme Small Research Grants SRG 2022 Round, The Social Value of Music Participation: Exploring the Impacts of Liverpool Cathedral's Music Outreach Programme in Post-Covid-19 Society, Grant value (£): 9,583.00, Duration of research project: 24 months. 2022

Higher Education Academy, Enhancing Employability in Music, Sian Lincoln, Grant value (£): 7,500. 2008

Higher Education Academy, Ethnography in the Performing Arts: A Student Guide, Grant value (£): 2,500.

External collaboration:, Musicovid - An International Research Network, Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics, Frankfurt, Germany. 2023, Music in Unison & Teeny Maestros, Mrs Tara Delve. 2021, Jeporeka 2021 & 2022 (music outreach and participation project), Berta Rojas. 2021, Virtual Paraguayan Musicology Society, Miguel D. Antar (Brazil), Alfredo Colman (US), Matt Dicken (UK), Elisa Lezcano (Paraguay), Romy Martinez (UK), Berta Rojas (US), Nicolás R. Salaberry (Uruguay), Timothy Watkins (US). 2021, Liverpool Cathedral, School of Music, Mr Stephen Mannings (Director of Music), Mr Mitchell Holland (Director of Outreach), Dr Chris Newton (Liturgy and Music Administrator, Choir Guardian), Mr Finlay Gordon (Assistant Director Music Outreach). 2021

External PGR examinations performed:

LJMU, PhD, Idealisation and Illustration: A Comparative Analysis of Gender and Sexuality Representations in Japanese Illustrative Practices. 2021

SOAS, University of London, PhD, World Music in British Secondary Schools. 2018

Editorial boards:

European Journal of Musicology, Scientific Advisory Board member, 2020

Metal Music Studies (Intellect), Editorial Advisory Board member, 2019

Journal of Popular Music Education, editorial board member,,id=254/. 2016

Equinox Series in Transcultural Music Studies, Book series co-editor, 2015

Ethnomusicology Forum, Member of the International Advisory Board, 2014

Journal of World Popular Music, Editor, 2014

External committees:

Executive Committee, International Association of Popular Music (IASPM), Treasurer, 2019

BFE Committee, British Forum for Ethnomusicology, Website co-ordinator Membership secretary Co-editor _Ethnomusicology Forum_, 2008

Conference organisation:

Annual Conference of the British Forum for Ethnomusioclogy, April 2009, Conference Convenor,$28FINAL$29.pdf. 2009

Seminar: Using Ethnography with University Students in the Performing Arts, Organiser, 2008

SOLSTICE 2007 Conference, Co-organiser, 2007

SOLSTICE 2006 Conference, Co-organiser, 2006

ICTM 2005 World Conference, Conference Assistant, 2003

Teaching qualification:

Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA). 2007

Postgraduate Certificate in Education (post-compulsory education). 2003
