Dr Aliki Myrto Perysinaki
Liverpool School of Art and Design
Faculty of Arts Professional and Social Studies
Email: A.M.Perysinaki@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 904 1143
Dr Perysinaki's role as a Studio Design Tutor spans across undergraduate and postgraduate Architecture programmes. She tutors and lectures with undergraduate cohorts in Design, History and Theory, and Technology and Practice; and she runs modules focusing on Climate change. In the postgraduate programmes (MArch and MA in Urban Design), she is a Studio Design Tutor and Specialist Study Tutor, guiding students through the development of dissertations and design projects. As part of her teaching delivery, she runs design projects focusing on contemporary housing design in urban areas. She is currently preparing an MA on Housing Design, Policy and Social Agency intended to address the housing subject examining the socio-political context of housing design, affordability, shortage, supply and sustainability. Drawing upon both her research and teaching activity, her work is intended to impel a critique of current housing standards, policy and residential form.
Dr Perysinaki's research focuses primarily on the influence of sustainable development on the architectural design process, developing a critical understanding of architecture - as process and profession - through what she defines as ‘complexity’ and ‘complex design process’. In addition to publications and presentations at international conferences in this field (including a shortlisted article for the Housing category for the RIBA Presidents Medals for Research 2017), her current work examines the links between sustainability and tradition, the transformation of urbanscapes due to climatic change and the potential of housing typologies to provide affordable design.
Dr Perysinaki's PhD in Architecture and Urbanism was awarded the Prize of PhD Thesis and Research in Architecture by the Academy of Architecture in France.
Greek, Modern (1453-)
Spanish; Castilian
2014, Paris West University Nanterre La Défense (France) and School of Planning and Media Design, Blekinge Institute of Technology (Sweden), France, PhD in Architecture and Urbanism
2009, ENSA Versailles - Pantheon-Sorbonne University, France, Master 2 Historical gardens, Cultural heritage and Landscape
2009, School of Architecture Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Greece, Post-master in Conception-Space-Civilisation, Architecture-Design of space
2007, School of Architecture Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Greece, Diploma of Architect Engineer
Academic appointments
Senior Lecturer in Architecture, School of Art and Design, Liverpool John Moores University, 2015 - present
Perysinaki A. 2024. Reporting from the front: How socio-economic non-conformities revolutionise architecture as a political act. In other words, how far does architecture go? Rajendran L, Odeleye N-D, Can A. Learning Resilience from the Global South: Re-conceptualising informalities as an urban planning and design paradigm Routledge
Perysinaki AM. 2018. Re-enchanting architecture. L’impact de la réglementation liée au bâtiment et au territoire sur le processus de création en architecture Mantziaras P, Vigano P. Urbanism of hope. Designing horizons of expectations/Urbanisme de l’espoir. Projeter des horizons d’attente :75-89 MētisPresses. Genève 978-2940563364 Publisher Url
Perysinaki AM, Hudson J. 2017. Learning from Increments: Towards a Sustainable Design Strategy for Housing Martindale KA, Dixon D. RIBA President’s Awards for Research Shortlist 2017 :203-230 RIBA Publishing. London
Hudson J, Perysinaki AM. 2017. Learning from Increments: Towards A Sustainable Design Strategy for Housing RIBA President's award for Research 2017 - Shortlist :203-230 RIBA Publishing. London, UK
Perysinaki AM, Hilaire P. 2016. Introduction partie 3 : Architecture et paysage urbain en transition : vers une ville résiliente, énergies renouvelables, biodiversité Jeudy O, Nussaume Y, Perysinaki A-M. Paysages urbains [parisiens] et risques climatiques :141-144 Archibooks. Paris
Perysinaki AM, Nussaume Y. 2015. “Critical perspectives on sustainable development: reading the pillars in the architectural design process of Wang Shu” KHAN MAHSUD AZ, ALLACKER K. Architecture and Sustainability: Critical Perspectives for Integrated Design. Generating Sustainability concepts from Architectural Perspectives :237-240 ACCO. Leuven
Perysinaki AM. 2014. Postface CONTAL MH. Ré-enchanter le monde :149-151 Éditions Alternatives. Paris
Perysinaki AM, BRUTER J. 2014. La perception du paysage dans le processus de création architecturale chez Wang Shu. Analyse du campus Xiangshan de l’Université des Beaux Arts de Hangzhou Landscape versus architecture: (in) distinction and (in)discipline 13 :37-51 Cahiers thématiques ENSAP Lille. Lille
Perysinaki AM. 2012. Évolution des publications autour de l’architecture durable Cahiers de la recherche architecturale et urbaine 26-27 :66-75 Les éditions du patrimoine. Paris
Perysinaki AM. 2012. Les constructeurs et la maison individuelle soutenable NUSSAUME Y, PERYSINAKI AM, SERY J. La maison individuelle : vers des paysages soutenables ? :102-133 Éditions de la Villette. Paris
Perysinaki A, Nussaume Y, Sery J. 2012. La maison individuelle : vers des paysages soutenables ?: Introduction La maison individuelle : vers des paysages soutenables ? :5-12 Éditions de la Villette. Paris
Perysinaki A. Reporting from the front: how socio-economic non-conformities revolutionise architecture as a political act Rajendran L, Can A, Odeleye N-D. Resilient Cities in the Global South: Urban Informality and Planning Routledge. London
Perysinaki A, Wroot I, Wilkinson D, Smith C. The architecture of synergy: rewriting the meaning of education through action pending submission of the article
Conference publication
Perysinaki AM, Hudson J. 2017. Learning from Increments: Towards a Sustainable Design Strategy for Housing Wroot I. Government and Housing in a Time of Crisis: Policy, Planning, Design and Delivery :121-130
Perysinaki AM. 2013. Architecture as a cultural Vector: the case of school infrastructure in Vorarlberg Landscape & Imagination. Towards a new baseline for education in a changing world :457-462
Perysinaki AM, SERY J. 2011. Towards a Sustainable Detached House:the ‘Constructeur’s’ answer? ENHR (European Network for Housing Research) - Journée Jeunes Chercheurs, “Mixité : an urban and housing issue? Mixing people, housing and activities as the urban challenge for the future” Publisher Url
Perysinaki AM. 2011. The influence of ‘milieu’ in the architecture and landscape production Landscape and sustainable development 2005-2011
Perysinaki AM. 2011. The influence of environmental questions in the architectural process 11th National Conference of architects “The profession of the architect”
Perysinaki AM. 2008. The ‘empty’ as space of nomadic inhabitation. The consideration of walking as architectural tool Transformations and (Dis)continuities: Practices, Policies and Views on Urban Space
Perysinaki AM. L’impact des changements climatiques sur l’architecture Ce que font les changements climatiques à l’architecture
Perysinaki A. ‘Scales of environment’ or dressing a building in layers: spatial ambiguity as an environmental, economic and social matter AMPS Conference Publication Series. The City and Complexity – Life, Design and Commerce in the Built Environment, The City and Complexity – Life, Design and Commerce in the Built Environment :173-179
Perysinaki A. The architecture of synergy: rewriting the meaning of a profession International academic conference 'Repurposing Places for Social and Environmental Resilience' 2023
Perysinaki A. Through the looking glass: How socio-economic non-conformities revolutionise architecture as a political act, RAPS Eindhoven 2022 Conference: Radical Entanglements: Architectures, Societies, Environments, Politics
Books (edited)
2016. Paysages urbains [parisiens] et risques climatiques Jeudy O, Nussaume Y, Perysinaki A-M, Perysinaki AM. Archibooks. Paris
2014. Ré-enchanter le monde CONTAL MH, PERYSINAKI AM. Éditions Alternatives. Paris
2012. La maison individuelle : vers des paysages soutenables ? NUSSAUME Y, PERYSINAKI AM, SERY J. Éditions de la Villette. Paris
Perysinaki AM. 2016. Northern Powerhouse, a research brief for RIBA
Perysinaki AM. 2009. Faced with a food and energy crisis, how can society improve its well-being?
Journal article
Perysinaki A. “How do waterscape projects combine landscape design and natural processes to create dialogues that engage both culture and nature? The case of the Boston park system and the solar city" Environmental Sciences Journal (Çevre Bilimleri Dergisi),
Perysinaki A. « 5 minutes avant », exhibition Les cinq premières minutes (edited by Jean-Jacques Terrin and Loic Couton)
Perysinaki A. ‘Quelle vision pour la mise en place du développement durable en architecture? Le processus complexe du projet’, Exhibition at Matières à réflexion: les thèses de la Villette s’exposent
Perysinaki A. ‘5 minutes before’, exhibition Les cinq premières minutes (edited by Jean-Jacques Terrin)
Research Grants Awarded:
Liverpool John Moores University, EP-ELEUSIS Reclaiming of Elefsina’s waterfront, Grant value (£): 3000, Duration of research project: LJMU QR Funding 2022-2023. 2023
2023 ELEVSIS, European Capital of Culture (ECoC), ΕP-ELEUSIS: Reclaiming of Elefsina's waterfront, Grant value (£): 10000, Duration of research project: International Open Call for expression of interest for the Artistic Programme of 2023 ELEVSIS, European Capital of Culture (ECoC), Elefsina September-December 2023 (Greece). 2022