Image of Dr Emma Roberts

Dr Emma Roberts

Liverpool School of Art and Design

Faculty of Arts Professional and Social Studies

Dr. Emma Roberts is Associate Dean for Global Engagement for the Faculty of Arts, Professional and Social Studies at Liverpool John Moores University. In addition, she is Reader in History of Art and Design and also Programme Leader and Lecturer in BA (Hons) History of Art and Museum Studies and for the Foundation Year in History of Art and Museum Studies. She completed a Ph.D. on Barbara Hepworth in 1997 (University of Liverpool). Roberts has lectured on all aspects of History of Art and Design for twenty years, and has written five academic books- 'Art and the Sea' (2022), 'Jamaica Making: The Theresa Roberts Art Collection' (2022), 'Who Do You Think You Are? The Asia Triennial Manchester, 2018' (2019), 'The Public Sculpture of Cheshire & Merseyside' (2012) and 'The Liverpool Academy: A History and Index' (1997) - as well as a number of journal articles and conference papers, and has also curated exhibitions. Published chapters or journal articles include: 'The Superliner and Liminal Space' in: 'Tourists' Atlantics' (2021), ‘Liberating Form: Barbara Hepworth’s United Nations Memorial’ in 'Sculpture' (2001); ‘Neglected Catalysts. The Function of Drawings and Paintings in Barbara Hepworth’s Oeuvre’ in 'Apollo' (2003); ‘Barbara Hepworth within an International Context’ in Tate’s 'Barbara Hepworth Reconsidered' (2003) and ‘Representation and Reputation: Barbara Hepworth’s Relationships with her American and British Dealers’ (2013) in 'Tate Papers On-Line'. Her 2010 book was nominated in April 2013 for the ‘William M. B. Berger British Art History Prize’ for the best British Art History publication. Her research is disseminated widely outside the academic arena, including by: being interviewed for BBC Radio 4; being a regular Visiting Lecturer at London’s Victoria and Albert Museum; presenting lectures to cultural cruise line passengers and other groups and associations due to being represented by several entertainment agencies. The focus of Roberts’ research lies in three areas: public sculpture; maritime history and design and utopian, ‘New Urbanist’ architecture and environments.




1997, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom, Ph.D.
1993, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom, BA (Hons) First Class


2013, Higher Education Academy, UK, Fellow of the Higher Education Academy

Academic appointments

Reader in History of Art and Design, History of Art and Museum Studies, Liverpool John Moores University, 2020 - present
Associate Dean for Global Engagement (Faculty of Arts, Professional and Social Studies), Faculty of Arts, Professional and Social Studies, Liverpool John Moores University, 2019 - present
Programme Leader: BA (Hons) History of Art, History of Art, Liverpool John Moores University, 1996 - present

Highlighted publications

Roberts E. 2022. Art and the Sea 9781802070200

Roberts E. 2022. Jamaica Making The Theresa Roberts Art Collection 1 :1-1 Liverpool University Press. Liverpool, UK 9781800856202 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Roberts E. 2022. Jamaica Making The Theresa Roberts Art Collection 1 :1-1 Liverpool University Press. Liverpool, UK 9781800856202 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Guo FB, Roberts EE, Zhan X, Johnston K. 2021. Consideration of Human-Centered Emotional Design and Cultural Strategy in Urban Regeneration in China Journal of Urban Design, DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Roberts EE. 2020. The Superliner and Liminal Space Muller C, Braasch B, Schnurmann C. Off Shore. Perspectives on Atlantic Pleasure Travel Since the 19th Century Twelve :25-62 Lit-Verlag. Berlin 978-3-643-91246-6 Publisher Url

Roberts EE. 2015. Edward Carter Preston's Figurehead of Admiral Nelson Kelly J, Yarrington A, Moriarty C. Sculpture Journal, 24 :211-227 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Roberts EE. 2013. 'Representation and Reputation: Barbara Hepworth's Relationships with her American and British Dealers' Tate Papers, :n.p.-n.p. Author Url Publisher Url

Roberts EE, Morris E. 2012. Author of the book: 'Public Sculpture of Cheshire and Merseyside' One Liverpool University Press and Public Monuments and Sculpture Association. Liverpool 9781846314926 Publisher Url

Roberts EE. 2003. Neglected catalysts: The function of drawings and paintings in Barbara Hepworth's oeuvre APOLLO-THE INTERNATIONAL MAGAZINE OF THE ARTS, 158 :43-48 Author Url

Roberts EE. 2001. ‘Liberating Form: Barbara Hepworth’s United Nations’ Memorial’ Sculpture Journal, Vol. 20 :44-47 Publisher Url

Roberts EE. Scholarly Conversazione: The Building of Liverpool Cathedral Author Url Publisher Url

Roberts E. Jamaica Making: The Theresa Roberts Art Collection Publisher Url

Journal article

Roberts E. 2024. Anish Kapoor: Monadic Singularity Art and Christianity, :10-11 Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Guo FB, Roberts EE, Zhan X, Johnston K. 2023. Driving renovation: A comparative research project in urban regeneration across cities in China Journal of Urban Regeneration and Renewal, 17 :172-189 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Zhan X, Guo FB, Roberts E. 2023. Image-Based Research Methods for Mapping Tourist Behaviour: Smart Photos Tourism Recreation Research, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Roberts EE. 2021. Adventures in Public Sculpture by a Cruise Ship Lecturer Exploring Issues of Emancipation in Public Monuments ReVista. The Harvard Review of Latin America, 20 Publisher Url Public Url

Guo FB, Roberts EE, Zhan X, Johnston K. 2021. Consideration of Human-Centered Emotional Design and Cultural Strategy in Urban Regeneration in China Journal of Urban Design, DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Roberts EE. 2015. Edward Carter Preston's Figurehead of Admiral Nelson Kelly J, Yarrington A, Moriarty C. Sculpture Journal, 24 :211-227 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Roberts EE. 2013. 'Representation and Reputation: Barbara Hepworth's Relationships with her American and British Dealers' Tate Papers, :n.p.-n.p. Author Url Publisher Url

Roberts EE. 2004. ‘St. Ives and Yorkshire, UK: Tate St. Ives; Yorkshire Sculpture Park’ Sculpture Journal, 23 :76-79 Publisher Url

Roberts EE. 2003. Neglected catalysts: The function of drawings and paintings in Barbara Hepworth's oeuvre APOLLO-THE INTERNATIONAL MAGAZINE OF THE ARTS, 158 :43-48 Author Url

Roberts EE. 2001. ‘Liberating Form: Barbara Hepworth’s United Nations’ Memorial’ Sculpture Journal, Vol. 20 :44-47 Publisher Url

Roberts E. 2001. Liberating Form: Barbara Hepworth's United Nations Memorial Sculpture, 20 :44-47 Publisher Url

Roberts EE. 1996. 'The Picker Art Gallery's Project by Barbara Hepworth: A Critical Moment', The Picker Art Gallery Journal, 4

Roberts EE. 1995. 'Frink Again' Women's Art Magazine,

Books (authored)

Guo F, Roberts E, Johnston K, Zhan X. 2023. Industrial Regeneration in China: A Project Journey 978-1-3999-3935-5

Roberts E. 2022. Art and the Sea 9781802070200

Carr A. 2022. Jai Chuhan: Refuge Carr A, Roberts E, Chuhan J. Cornerhouse 9780956864314 Publisher Url

Roberts E. 2022. Jamaica Making The Theresa Roberts Art Collection 1 :1-1 Liverpool University Press. Liverpool, UK 9781800856202 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Roberts E. 2022. Jamaica Making The Theresa Roberts Art Collection 1 :1-1 Liverpool University Press. Liverpool, UK 9781800856202 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Chuhan J, Carr A, Arya R, Hill R, Mitha A, Stahl A. 2020. Jai Chuhan: Refuge Roberts E. Gulab Publications. Manchester. 9780956864314 Publisher Url

Mitha A. 2019. Asia Triennial Manchester 2018 'Who Do You Think You Are?' Roberts E, Mitha A. :90-105 HOME. Manchester 9781999372002 Publisher Url

Roberts E, Mitha A. 2019. Who Do You Think You Are? The Asia Triennial Manchester 2018 Roberts E, Mitha A. :4-120 HOME, Manchester. Manchester, UK 978-1-9993720-0-2 Publisher Url

Roberts EE, Morris E. 2012. Author of the book: 'Public Sculpture of Cheshire and Merseyside' One Liverpool University Press and Public Monuments and Sculpture Association. Liverpool 9781846314926 Publisher Url

Morris E, Roberts E. 1998. Author of the book: 'The Liverpool Academy and Other Exhibitions of Contemporary Art in Liverpool, 1774-1867' Liverpool Univ Pr 9780853236726

Conference publication

Benabbou R, Hui Y, Roberts EE, Shao JJ. 2022. Reinventing the Image of Cities Using the Element of Water International Case Studies of Waterfront Urban Developments WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, SUSTAINABLE CITY 2022 13 :365-377 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Guo FB, Roberts EE, Du H, Wang Y, Chen Y, Ge X. 2019. A Comparative Research of Culture-led Regeneration across Cities in China ICUSP 2019 : International Conference on Urban Studies and Planning, ICUSP 2019 : International Conference on Urban Studies and Planning Publisher Url Public Url

Roberts EE. Association of Art Historians Annual Conference 2014- 'Fantasy Environments and the Liminal Spaces of Cunard Liners in the 19th Century' Association of Art Historians Annual Conference 2014 Author Url

Roberts EE. 'One of the Last Great Ship Figureheads: Edward Carter Preston's Figurehead of Nelson on HMS Conway' Association of Art Historians' Annual Conference

Roberts EE. 'One of the Last Great Ship Figureheads: Edward Carter Preston's Carved Figurehead Of Admiral Nelson for HMS Conway' Association of Art Historians' Annual Conference.

Roberts EE, Wrigley C, Lowy A, Moriarty S. Personal Development Planning’ LJMU Learning and Teaching Conference DOI Publisher Url

Roberts EE. Disney and Nostalgia’ Unprincipled Passions: Emotion and Modernity

Roberts EE. ‘The Future of Small Town America: Nostalgia and Memory in the Disney Town of Celebration’, The North American Society for Study in Romanticism Annual Conference

Roberts E, Hui YH-S. Sustainable City 2022, Sustainable City 2022 Author Url


Roberts EE. 2020. The Superliner and Liminal Space Muller C, Braasch B, Schnurmann C. Off Shore. Perspectives on Atlantic Pleasure Travel Since the 19th Century Twelve :25-62 Lit-Verlag. Berlin 978-3-643-91246-6 Publisher Url

Roberts EE. 2001. 'Intercultural Drawing Practices' CAIR , Chuhan J. Responses: Intercultural Drawing Practices Centre for Art Inernational Research. Liverpool 9780952316138

Roberts EE, Thistlewood D. 1996. Author of a Chapter within the book: 'Barbara Hepworth Reconsidered. Critical Forum Series Volume 3' Thistlewood D. 'Barbara Hepworth Reconsidered. Critical Forum Series Volume 3', Three Liverpool University Press and Tate Liverpool. Liverpool

Roberts E, Chuhan J, GÖKBULUT N, GÖKBULUT ÖZDEMİR Ö, Piroglu U. NUR GÖKBULUT and ÖZGE GÖKBULUT ÖZDEMİR: Liverpool Biennial, Liverpool School of Art and Design and Art. GÖKBULUT ÖZDEMİR Ö. Caution: The Global Body Turns Yellow! Nur Gökbulut / 1-31 August 2020 :1-74 Liverpool John Moores University. Liverpool, UK Author Url

Book review

Roberts EE. 2013. Review: 'Barbara Hepworth. The Hospital Drawings' and Nathaniel Hepburn, 'Barbara Hepworth. The Hospital Drawings' Sculpture Journal, 22 :151-152 Publisher Url


Roberts EE. Creating a Cathedral: Photographs by Stewart Bale of the Building of Liverpool Anglican Cathedral

Roberts E, Ryder C. Shanghai-Liverpool Modern Art Joint Exhibition, 1999-2019 Public Url

Roberts E, Ryder C. Liverpool-Shanghai Modern Art Joint Exhibition, 1999-2019 Public Url

Roberts E. Jamaica Making: The Theresa Roberts Art Collection Publisher Url

Roberts EE, De Souza P. Sweetness and Sorrow Publisher Url

Schofield J, Duffy T, Wilcox M, Embery E, Krysa J, Leaper H, Roberts E, Wilkinson C, Wilkinson D, Liu C, Roughley M, Pollier P. Fanchon Fröhlich: The Wrong Sex (2023) at Exhibition Research Lab, 17/02/2023-14/05/2023 Publisher Url


Roberts EE. Consultancy for Liverpool Chamber of Commerce Public Sculpture Competition

Roberts EE. Scholarly Conversazione: The Building of Liverpool Cathedral Author Url Publisher Url

Highlighted activities

Research Grants Awarded:

Fang Guo; Jon Spruce, AHRC - Newton Fund, What Aspects of Participatory Design Can Help Urban Revitalisation; in Particular in the Restructuring of Former Industrial Zones in China., Grant value (£): 250,000, Duration of research project: 36 months. 2018

Professional activities


Honorary Associate, Wilberforce Institute, University of Hull, 2024

Conference presentation:

Steamship Portraiture: A Story of Steam Vessels in Devon and Cornwall, UK Maritime Heritage Forum, National Maritime Museum, Falmouth, Cornwall, Oral presentation, 2024

'Global Challenges in the Arts in the Western World', 'Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Global Challenges and Concerns', Avantika University, Ujjain, India, Oral presentation. 2024

Reinventing the Image of the Cities Using the Element of Water: International Case Studies of Waterfront Urban Developments., Sustainable City 2022, Rome (Online), Oral presentation. 2022

Dr Emma Roberts, ‘Jamaica Making’, Big Ideas, Liverpool John Moores University, Oral presentation. 2022

 Driving the Renovation: A Comparative Research in Urban Regeneration across Cities in China, New Placemaking: Sino-British Community Regeneration Symposium, Tongji University, Shanghai, Oral presentation. 2021

Consideration of Human-Centred Design and Cultural Strategy in Urban Regeneration in China, 11th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics and the Affiliated Conferences, Virtual USA, Oral presentation. 2020

In-Progress Reporting: Development of China’s Creative Economy Through Participatory, International Association of Societies of Design Research Conference 2019: Design Revolutions., Manchester Metropolitan University, UK:, Oral presentation. 2019

The Disney Town of Celebration, Florida: Fable and Spectacle., Fables of Modern Life: Images, Spectacle, Panoramic Society, Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, Chongqing, China, Oral presentation. 2018

Roberts, Emma (2018) ‘Poised Between East and West: Painters of the Philippines’, Asia Triennial, 'Who Do You Think You Are?’ Symposium, Whitworth Art Gallery, Manchester, Lecture.. 2018

Re-Cycling: The Bicycle as a Motif for Creating Identity in Disney’s Town of Celebration, USA, Heritage Across Borders: Association of Critical Heritage Studies, 4th Biannual Conference., Zheijiang University, Hangzhou, China, Oral presentation. 2018

'Learning By Symposium', Liverpool John Moores University Teaching and Learning Conference 2016, Liverpool John Moores University, Oral presentation. 2016

‘Floating Palaces: Cunard Ships and Their Interiors’, ‘A Life on the Ocean Wave. A Symposium Celebrating Cunard 175’, Aldham Robarts Library, Liverpool John Moores University, Oral presentation. 2015

'Fantasy Environments and the Liminal Spaces on Cunard Liners in the Nineteenth Century’., The Association of Art Historians’ Annual Conference, Royal College of Art, London, Oral presentation. 2014

'One of the Last Great Ship Figureheads: Edward Carter Preston’s Figurehead of Admiral Nelson on Board HMS Conway', Association of Art Historians Annual Conference, University of Reading, UK, Oral presentation. 2013

'One of the Last Great Ship Figureheads: Edward Carter Preston's Figurehead of Nelson on HMS Conway’., The Association of Art Historians’ Annual Conference, University of Reading, Oral presentation. 2013

'Personal Development Planning', LJMU Learning and Teaching Conference, Liverpool John Moores University, 2007, Oral presentation. 2007

‘The Future of Small Town America: Nostalgia and Memory in the Disney Town of Celebration’,, The North American Society for Study in Romanticism Annual Conference, University of Georgia, Tallahassee, USA, Oral presentation. 2002

'Disney and Nostalgia', Unprincipled Passions: Emotion and Modernity, 2002 - 2002, University of Southampton University/Southampton Institute, Southampton,, Oral presentation. 2002

‘Barbara Hepworth and Dance’, Englishness and English Art Conference, University of York, Oral presentation. 1997

'Barbara Hepworth: The International Significance', The Association of Art Historians Annual Conference, University of Northumbria, Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, Oral presentation. 1996

Public engagement:

Public talk or lecture, Local adults and Family Groups, Organiser and Speaker, Open Eye Gallery, Liverpool, Cunard 'Queen Anne' Naming Ceremony Public Engagement Talk, As part of the Centre for Port & Maritime History's series of free talks on the occasion of the naming of Cunard's liner, 'Queen Anne'. Emma Roberts presented the lecture 'Art at Sea: The Art Collection on Board Cunard's Queen Mary, 1936-1967'., 2024

Other invited event:

'Design Through Time, and Today' Lecture at the Enrichment Webinar Series for Design Aspirants, Avantika University, Ujjain, India, Professor Sanjay Jain, MIT-ID, India, and Dr. Priya Rao, Avantika University, India.. 2024

Keynote Lecture: 'Design, Then and Now', Avantika University, Ujjain, India, Invited by Avantika University to present a keynote lecture to students and staff on the topic of design history.. 2024

Liverpool Learning Summit- 'Students and Sustainability: Global Citizenship at LJMU', Online, Emma Roberts presented a Liverpool Learning Summit event: 'Students and Sustainability: Global Citizenship at LJMU'. This was part of the University of Liverpool's Centre for Innovation in Education Learning Summit 2023 events:,1CUOI,8A7BGR,5BD5S,1. 2023

Keynote Lecture: Kochi Design Week, India, Kochi Design Week, Bolgatty Island, Kochi, India, Title: 'Industrial Regeneration: Former Factory Sites into Creative Spaces for Art and Design',. 2022

Keynote Lecture: Bengaluru Design Week, Bengaluru, India, Title: 'Industrial Regeneration: Former Factory Sites into Creative Spaces for Art and Design',. 2022

Invited to Judge the Liverpool City Region Culture and Creativity Awards 2023, Liverpool City Region Headquarters, Mann Island, Liverpool, 2022

Chair of the Discussion Panel following the Public Screening of 'Khacchad; Mule',, Online, Liverpool Screen School, Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool., Chair of the Discussion Panel following the Public Screening of 'Khacchad; Mule', Online, Liverpool, 10 December 2020.. 2020

International Conference on Arts, Culture and Education, 2020., Sichuan Institute of Fine Arts, Chongqing, China, Keynote Speech, entitled ‘Unhome: The Uncanny as it Appears in Popular Culture’ for the International Conference on Arts, Culture and Education, 2020. Sichuan Institute of Fine Arts, Chongqing, China, 27 November 2020.. 2020

The International Conference on Arts, Culture and Education 2020 (ICACE), Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, Chongqing, China, Invited to present Keynote Speech, entitled 'Unhome: The Uncanny As It Appears in Popular Culture', to correspond with the conference theme of 'Home and Unhome: Contemporary Art, Culture and Education in the Post-Pandemic Context'.. 2020

Public Lecture: 'From Shanghai to Xian: Futuristic and Ancient China’., Grosvenor Museum, Chester., Public Lecture at Chester Globetrotters, which is the local branch of a national society of travellers.. 2020

Keynote Speech, Art Ankara Contemporary Art Fair 2020: 'A History of Liverpool’s Museums and Galleries and Highlights of Liverpool’s Art Collections’., Ankara, Turkey, Invited to be Keynote Speaker at Art Ankara Contemporary Art Fair, 2020: Title of speech: 'A History of Liverpool’s Museums and Galleries’ and ‘Highlights of Liverpool’s Art Collections’.. 2020

Public Lecture for Cheshire Art Fund: 'Fashion and Controversy: A New Look at Dior's Pots-War Silhouette', Bowden, Cheshire, Invited lecture for Cheshire Art Fund. The topic is fashion designer, Christian Dior and the 'New Look'. This is in connection with the Victoria and Albert Museum's exhibition February-June 2019 on Christian Dior. See: 2019

Free Public Lecture: 'The Power of Jade', World Museum, Liverpool, Public lecture in connection with the 'Terracotta Warriors Exhibition' at the World Museum, Liverpool.. 2018

Public Lecture for Cheshire Art Fund: 'The Mexican Artist, Frida Kahlo: Life and Work Entwined', Willington Hall, Chester., Lecture to Cheshire Art Fund on the topic of Mexican artist, Frida Kahlo, and the concurrent exhibition on her work at the Victoria and Albert Museum, London.. 2018

Public Lecture: 'China's Famous Terracotta Army', World Museum, Liverpool, This was a public lecture by invitation from National Museums Liverpool. It coincided with their ground-breaking exhibition, 'China's First Emperor and the Terracotta Warriors'. The lecture was presented to a full audience of 100 people. The web-link to the talk is here: 2018

Public Lecture: 'The Power of Jade', World Museum, Liverpool, Invited to present a public lecture on the topic of jade in conjunction with the prestigious exhibition of China's 'Terracotta Army' to Liverpool: 2018

Public Lecture: 'China's Famous Terracotta Army', World Museum, Liverpool, Public talk to correspond with the prestigious visit of China's Terracotta Army to Liverpool: 2018

Lecture: 'Feminism: Re-Examining Art History With New Eyes', Chester Women's Institute, Stanley Palace, Chester., Public lecture on the topic of how to interpret art using the feminist ideology.. 2018

'Becoming Barbara Hepworth' Seminar, Henry Moore Institute, Leeds, Invited to present at the Research Seminar 'Becoming Barbara Hepworth' which corresponds with the Henry Moore Institute exhibition 'Becoming Henry Moore' which ran from 14th April to 22nd October 2017 at the Henry Moore Studios and Gardens: 2018

Panel Discussion: 'Going Backwards'., Bluecoat, Liverpool, This is a panel discussion at the Bluecoat to which the author was invited. It discussed the painting 'The Dinner Party' (1980) by Liverpool-based artist, Sam Walsh, which is seen as being a touchstone for the Liverpool art 'scene' during the 1980s. Information about the event is here: The author was invited to add the perspective of a long-standing member of staff from Liverpool School of Art & Design and who has witnessed many changes in the Liverpool art scene in since the early 1990s. Other contributors include Edward Lucie-Smith, Bryan Biggs, Roger Phillips (BBC), Robin Riley.. 2017

Keynote Speech At Book Launch, Cornerstone Gallery, Liverpool Hope University, Invited to present the keynote speech to celebrate the launch of the following book: Wagner, Kathrin; David, Jessica & Klemencic, Matej. (Eds.),(2017) 'Artists and Migration 1400-1850', Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle-Upon-Tyne.. 2017

’Always in Vogue: Vintage Fashion and Revivals of Style for New Generations’, Cheshire Art Fund: Willington Hall, Cheshire, An invitation was submitted by Cheshire Art Fund for a lecture to be delivered at Willington Hall for their members and other interested persons. The lecture was scheduled to coincide with the popular exhibition entitled 'Vogue 100: A Century of Style' at the National Portrait Gallery exhibition in London from February to June 2016.. 2016

Cheshire Art Fund Monthly Talk: 'Always in Vogue: Vintage Fashion and Revivals of Style for New Generations’., Willington Hall, Cheshire, Invited talk of the month for Cheshire Art Fund: “’Always in Vogue: Vintage Fashion and Revivals of Style for New Generations’. Vogue magazine will have been in existence for 100 years in 2016! Throughout this time Vogue has been an arbiter of taste and offered guidelines on style for several generations of women. This talk will examine some of the key images from the pages of Vogue over the last century and will consider their value as iconic visual statements. In addition, the revival of classic Vogue fashion look as ‘vintage’ style will be considered.”. 2016

Celebrating Cunard 175, Merseyside Maritime Museum, Celebrating Cunard 175 24th May 2015 – 25th May 2015 Merseyside Maritime Museum Albert Dock Liverpool Waterfront Liverpool L3 4AQ For the Three Queens Weekend, a series of free, short talks celebrating passenger life on board Cunard vessels: •Fun, fashion and frolics: life on board the ocean waves – Dr Clare Horrocks •Floating palaces: ships and their interiors – Dr Emma Roberts •Advertising the Cunard experience: ships’ posters and their audience – Professor Nick White Each talk will last 15-20 minutes, followed by time for questions. These talks, organised with Liverpool John Moores University, are some of the events held to celebrate the 175th anniversary of Cunard and their connections with Liverpool.. 2015

Barbara Hepworth Research Seminar, Tate Britain, London, Paper entitled; 'Barbara Hepworth and International Dialogues With America' presented at a research seminar dedicated to the study of Barbara Hepworth. This is to examine recent and current debates on this subject in preparation for a retrospective exhibition of Barbara Hepworth's work to be held at Tate Britain, c. 2015. Other speakers included: Anna Greutzner-Robins; Robin Burstow; Eleanor Clayton; Rachel Smith; Ann Compton; Francis Guy and more. In the audience were Penelope Curtis; Margaret Garlake; Nigel Llewellyn and more. The event was filmed for Tate Archives.. 2013

Other Professional Activity:

Appointed Advisor to the British Ambassador for Culture to Jamaica, April 2023. Special Advisor on cultural and artistic matters to the British Ambassador for Culture to Jamaica.. 2023

Invited to be a member of the LJMU Applied Computing Research Group: 2023

Invited to join the Liverpool Institute for Sustainable Coasts and Oceans. 2022

Reviewer for Liverpool University Press publication, 'A Dictionary of Liverpool Ship Portraitists and Marine Artists'. 2022

Article in 'The Conversation' newsletter: 'Mary Wollstonecraft statue: why public art should be collective, commemorative and embrace abstraction': 2020

Member of the Travel, Tourism, Culture and Heritage Research Group: 2018

Invited in 2016 to be a Peer Reviewer for an article submitted to 'Tate Papers On-Line'..

Invited to be Board Member for the Centre for Port and Maritime Studies, Liverpool:

Invited to be peer reviewer for 'International Journal of Heritage Studies'. September 2018.

Invited to be peer reviewer for 'Tate etc.' journal. 2016.

Organised and co-delivered a programme of lectures at the Merseyside Maritime Museum as part of Liverpool's One Magnificent City events to celebrate Cunard 175.

Presentation on 18th May 2016 at the Special Collections and Archives at Liverpool John Moores University. The presentation was entitled 'Always in Vogue: Vintage Fashion and Revivals of Style for New Generations’ and corresponded with the popular exhibition entitled 'Vogue 100: A Century of Style' at the National Portrait Gallery, London from February to June 2016. To coincide with the presentation an exhibition of important covers of 'Vogue' magazine was held at the Aldham Robarts Library and the public and staff and students of the university were invited..

Public Lecture: 'Always in Vogue: Vintage Fashion and the Revival of Style for New Generations', Cheshire Art Fund, Willington Hall, Chester. 25th May 2016. With accompanying exhibition of collections of 'Vogue' magazines from the LJMU Special Collections and Archives..

External committees:

International Student Welcome CIC, International Student Welcome CIC, Non-Executive Director, 2023

International Strategy Working Group, Liverpool City Region, Chair, 2022


LJMU Vice- Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Research and Knowledge Exchange (Equality, Diversity and Inclusion), 2022., Liverpool John Moores University, 2022

Winner: ‘Liverpool City Region Culture and Creativity Awards’ (International Reach). Announced as winner, 9 March 2023., Liverpool City Region, 2022

Shortlisted: ‘Northern Power Women’ Awards (Agent of Change)., Northern Power Women, 2022

Winner of LJMU Teaching and Learning Excellence Award for Academic Leadership, 22 June 2022., Liverpool John Moores University, 2022

External PGR examinations performed:

University College London, PhD, Seeing Above, Through, and Below the Constructed Skin and Surface Within an Expanded Painting Practice.. 2022

University of Huddersfield, MPhil, Ideology and Photography: An Analysis of Intersection Within Contemporary Culture.. 2021

Membership of professional bodies:

Invited to be a Board Member, Liverpool Institute for Sustainable Coasts and Oceans, 2022

Research Institute Member, Liverpool Institute for Sustainable Coasts and Oceans, 2022

Board Member of the Centre for Port & Maritime Studies, Liverpool., Centre for Port & Maritime Studies, Liverpool., 2018

Ordinary Member, Design History Society, 2018

Starboard Speakers, Entertainment Agency, 2016

Sixth Star Entertainers, Entertainment Agency, 2016

Fellow, Higher Education Academy, 2013

Compass Speakers and Entertainers Limited, Entertainment Agency, 2013

Cruise Ship Enrichment, Entertainment Agency, 2012

College Art Association, College Art Association. 1997

Association for Art History, Association for Art History (formerly the Association of Art Historians). This is the main professional body representing art historians in the UK, 1993

Conference organisation:

Jamaica Making, Organiser and Chair, 2022

Art and the Sea, Organiser and Chair, 2019

External collaboration:, Victoria Gallery & Museum, Amanda Draper and Nicola Euston. 2022, Viking.TV, James Prismall. 2021, The British Art and Design Association, Mark Willcox. 2021, King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Thailand, Yann Hui. 2019, Liverpool Anglican Cathedral, Dr. Sue Jones. 2019, Chair of Liverpool City Region International Strategy and Delivery Group, Sarah Lovell and Professor Dinah Birch. 2019, Centre for Port and Maritime History, Sarah Shrimpton (Merseyside Maritime Museum) and Dr. Andy Davies (University of Liverpool). 2019, Asia Triennial Manchester- particularly Manchester School of Art, Alnoor Mitha. 2018, National Museums Liverpool, World Museum. 2018

National Museums Liverpool, World Museum. 2018

National Museums Liverpool, World Museum. 2018

‘Cunard 175’, Dr. Emma Roberts. 2015

Liverpool Vision, Dr. Emma Roberts , Cunard 175 and Merseyside Maritime Museum. 2015

Merseyside Maritime Museum, 'Cunard 175' and Emma Roberts. 2015, Cheshire Art Fund, Hilary Banner. 2015, Liverpool John Moores University, Culture Liverpool. 2015

University of Hull; University of Glasgow; University of Manchester; Aberdeen Maritime Museum; University of Southampton; University of Brighton; Melanie Vandenbrouck., Alison Yarrington (University of Hull); Julia Kelly (University of Hull); Ann Compton (University of Glasgow); Marion Endt-Jones (University of Manchester); Meredith Greiling (University of Hull/Aberdeen Maritime Museum), Douglas Hamilton (University of Hull), John McAleer (University of Southampton), Erica McCarthy (University of Hull), Catherine Moriarty (University of Brighton), Christine Riding (National Maritime Museum), Melanie Vandenbrouck (National Maritime Museum).. 2013, Liverpool Anglican Cathedral, Val Jackson (Cathedral Archives). 2010

Peggy Guggenheim Museum, Student Placements. 2007

Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, Student Placements. 2006

Media Coverage:

BBC Radio Merseyside Interview- Relating to the Curation of the 'Jamaica Making' Exhibition at the Victoria Gallery & Museum, Liverpool (19/2/22-9/7/22) 2022

'Learn How Love is Represented in Ancient Sculptures with Guest Lecturer, Dr. Emma Roberts', Viking TV 2022

'Explore the Art of the Vatican with Guest Lecturer, Emma Roberts'- Viking TV, episode 76. 2021

Interviewed on Television Programme: Channel Four (U.K.), 'Three Minute Wonders (Tate ‘This Is Sculpture’)', Directed by Mike Figgis, Red Mullet Production, 17 December 2009. The topic was sculpture by the artist, Duchamp, and the programme was in association with the display at that time of sculpture by Duchamp at Tate Liverpool. This was shown on television and the resulting programme was then displayed in the gallery at Tate Liverpool and ran on a loop to accompany the exhibition.

Presented Public Lecture: 'Edward Carter Preston's Carved Ship Figurehead of Admiral Nelson'. 14th May 2013 at Liverpool John Moores University, UK

'Cursed Treasures', TV Series (Monster Films), The History Channel. Summer 2023. Directed by David Howard. Invited as an Expert in History of Art.

Interviewed on BBC Radio Four (U.K), Epstein Sculpture at Lewis’s Store, Liverpool, 25 April 2011.

Research Grants Awarded:

Association for Art History- Scholarly Research Fund, Curating an Exhibition of Contemporary Jamaican Art in Liverpool and Providing Educational Activities., N/A, Grant value (£): £987.12, Duration of research project: One Year. 2020

Global Challenges Research Fund, ‘Marginalised Lives and Livelihoods – Supporting Sustainable Development in Nepal’., Brown, Michael, (Liverpool John Moores University), Grant value (£): 5000.00, Duration of research project: Six months. 2020

Arts and Humanities Research Council Newton Prize, Part A., Culture-Led Regeneration Across Cities in China., Guo, Fang., Grant value (£): 200,000.00, Duration of research project: One year.. 2019

Fang Guo; Jon Spruce, AHRC - Newton Fund, What Aspects of Participatory Design Can Help Urban Revitalisation; in Particular in the Restructuring of Former Industrial Zones in China., Grant value (£): 250,000, Duration of research project: 36 months. 2018

Teaching qualification:

Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA). 2013
