Image of Ian Wroot

Ian Wroot

Liverpool School of Art and Design

Faculty of Arts Professional and Social Studies


Telephone: 0151 904 1181

Ian is the Architecture Subject Head at Liverpool John Moores University.
His research is centred on the analysis of cognition in the creative process. In particular he is interested in cognitive bias, judgment heuristics, and the validity of commonly used design quality indicators.This has previously explored the enhancement of processes and practices in the briefing, conceptual design, and post occupancy evaluation stages of building design through the role of Clients Design Advisor (CDA) on a wide range of education buildings projects. In recent years his research and practice has focused on the repurposing and adaptation of existing buildings, innovations in new build residential, offsite manufacture and modular design.
Ian has taught architecture in Austria, Slovenia, Malaysia and Turkey and with collaborative partners from Sweden, Germany, Holland, Hungary, Portugal, Belgium, Greece and Sri Lanka.
In his practice, as a Registered and Chartered Architect, over the last 35 years Ian has worked in a range of multidisciplinary practices before forming his own design company, with partner Fiona, in 2001. His back catalogue of completed projects ranges from the large-scale reclamation and master planning of post-industrial landscapes to the industrial design of transport infrastructure.
Ian has acted as Clients Design Advisor (CDA) for Liverpool’s Building Schools for the Future (BSF) Programme. He has also been commissioned as CDA on the number of Higher Education capital projects. He has sat on a number of local community group boards and has chaired steering groups for a range of design led community projects.
Ian is currently a Visiting Panels Chair for the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) and past President of the Liverpool Architectural Society and Chair of the Merseyside Branch of the RIBA.

Highlighted publications

Wroot I. 2017. Government and Housing in a Time of Crisis: Policy, Planning, Design and Delivery Wroot I. AMPS Proceedings Series, Government and Housing in a Time of Crisis: Policy, Planning, Design and Delivery Publisher Url

Conference publication

Wroot I. 2017. Government and Housing in a Time of Crisis: Policy, Planning, Design and Delivery Wroot I. AMPS Proceedings Series, Government and Housing in a Time of Crisis: Policy, Planning, Design and Delivery Publisher Url

Journal article

Wroot I. 2016. Crossing Points Builder & Engineer, :24-24


Wroot I. 2015. Housing the Future - LJMU Studio Outputs Cairns G. Housing the Future - Alternative Approaches for Tomorrow 1 :127-137 Libri Publishing. Brunel House, Volunteer Way, Faringdon, Oxfordshire, SN7 7YR 978-0-9933706-0-1 Publisher Url

Wroot I. 2011. DIY Educational Projects DIY INTEGRATED CITY :39-50 Liverpool Architecture Society. Liverpool 978-0-9568958-0-6

Wroot I. 2003. Bridge City: New Landmark, 2nd Koehlbrandbruecke Prof. Dr Sturzebecher P. Harbourpolis - 15 Schools of Architecture - Hamburg 52 Entwürfe Für Den 4. Internationalen Bülau-Wettbewerb 2003 :137-147 Editions Jean-Michel Place. 3, rue Lhomond, 75005, Paris 9782858937431 Publisher Url

Perysinaki A, Wroot I, Wilkinson D, Smith C. The architecture of synergy: rewriting the meaning of education through action pending submission of the article


Wroot I. 2001. Princes Dock Pedestrian Bridge

Other Professional Activity:

Appointment to the Prescribed Examination Panel of the Architects Registration Board as Independent Examiner. 2022

Membership of professional bodies:

Academician (AoU), Academy of Urbanism, 2008

Chartered Architect (RIBA), Royal Institute of British Architects, 1995

Registered Architect (ARB), Architects Registration Board, 1993

Industrial connections:

Liverpool City Council, Clients Design Advisor (CDA) for Liverpool City Council’s Building Schools for the Future (BSF) Programme). 2006

External collaboration:

Princess Avenue Redevelopment Steering Group, Invited to join a steering group for the redevelopment of one of Liverpool’s most prestigious urban arteries following a research project initiated with post graduate students. The other participants being Liverpool City Council Local Partnerships, Include, GroundWork Trust and leaders of local residents groups.. 2003

Granby Triangle Four Streets Project, Commissioned by Grandby Residents Association to produce redevelopment options for four partially derelict Georgian Streets in Toxteth, Liverpool. Research project into the reinvigoration of the small to medium size Georgian terrace building typology.. 2003

Leonardo Research Project, LJMU representative in Leonardo sponsored research project to develop innovative training for communities and professional planners / architects to help them engage in the planning process. Partners include: Knowsley Metropolitan Borough Council, The University of Thessali School of Architecture - Athens, The Hogeshool voor Wetenschap en Kunst, Sit Lucas School of Architecture – Brussels, The Technical University of Budapest.. 2003

Granby Triangle Park, Market and Recycling Centre, Initiated as a research project at the request of the Granby Residents Association resulting in a public exhibition and presentation to city councillors. Subsequently commissioned to produce a full feasibility study and business plan for the project.. 2001
