Maggie Ayliffe
Liverpool School of Art and Design
Faculty of Arts Professional and Social Studies
Email: M.Ayliffe@ljmu.ac.uk
Maggie Ayliffe is the Programme Leader for Fine Art at Liverpool John Moores University. She is a painter, educator and project manager with over 30 years experience of working across Higher Education and Arts and Culture projects. In her previous role as Head Of Wolverhampton School of Art, Maggie was the University lead for British Art Show 9, and worked closely with Wolverhampton Art Gallery to host and co-ordinate the show in the city. Maggie is currently co- chair of HEAD Trust and has contributed extensively to critical thinking around Art and Design education, inclusivity and widening participation and Fine Art pedagogy. She has also exhibited her work nationally and internationally. Maggie’s practice as a painter is rooted in Feminist Art Practice in its relationship to abstraction.
1999, Manchester Metropolitan University, United Kingdom, MPhil, Fine Art
1993, Manchester Metropolitan University, United Kingdom, MA, Fine Art
1990, Humberside Polytechnic, United Kingdom, BA (Hons), Fine Art
2016, Higher Education Academy, Senior Fellowship of HEA
Academic appointments
Associate Dean & Head of Wolverhampton School of Art, Faculty of Arts, Business and Social Science, University of Wolverhampton, 2018 - 2023
Head of Visual Art Department, Wolverhampton School of Art, University of Wolverhampton, 2016 - 2018
Associate Lecturer MA/BA Fine Art, University of Chester, 1999 - 2004
Senior Lecturer/Course Leader Fine Art, University of Wolverhampton, 1997 - 2018
Associate Lecturer Fine Art, University of Salford, 1995 - 1999
Postgraduate training
PGCE in Post 16 Art and Design Education, United Kingdom, Bolton Institute, 1996 - 1997
Ayliffe M, Mieves C. 2016. Dirty Practice:A Painting Workshop and the Hidden Curriculum Hartshorne I, Moloney D, Quaife M. Teaching Painting How Can Painting be Taught in Art Schools? Black Dog Press 9781911164104
Schofield J, Leaper H, Ayliffe M. Snapshot 07: Tales from the Fine Art Studio
External PGR examinations performed:
University of Newcastle, PhD, A Question of emotion: How does emotion inform subjective narratives and individual expression in a contemporary painting practice?. 2025
Glasgow school of Art, PhD, Painting as the Fourth Dimension: Virtual Reality As A New Tool in Painting. 2021
Glasgow School of Art, PhD, Painting and Materiality: Three Creative Strategies for Transformation. 2020
UAL, Chelsea college of Art, PhD, The Discarded Body. 2019
University of Newcastle, PhD, The Temporal Conditions of the Static Image: Repetition as an Engine of Difference. 2018
Conference presentation:
Art School, Art Gallery and the City: Collaborative Practices, Influential, Experimental, Future Possibilities, Art of Resistance, NAFAE Annual Conference 2024, UCA, Canterbury, Oral presentation. 2024
Collaborative practices, the Studio as a Space of Creative Uncertainty; How Artists Teach, The Art of Resistance, NAFAE Annual conference, UCA Canterbury, Oral presentation. 2024
Making Bread with Your Feet: How do we learn to talk through gestural movement and Speculative Acts?, Midlands Conference in Critical Thought,, Nottingham Trent University, Oral presentation. 2024
Beyond the Curriculum: The Fine Art Studio as a Space of Exception, Beyond the Curriculum: The Fine Art Studio as a Space of Exception, Glasgow School of Art, Oral presentation. 2023
Other invited event:
60 Drawings + 10, The Whitaker Museum & Art Gallery, Invited Group Exhibition. 2022
Enough is Definitely Enough: Sixty-Two Contemporary Artists Interpret a Postcard of Las Meninas, General Practice, Lincoln, OA Gallery Manchester, (Feb 20), Group Exhibition curated by Andrew Bracey with catalogue: Beam Editions (2021) ISBN 978-1-9162759-9-7. 2020
Inner Landscape, HilbertRaum Gallery, Berlin, Group exhibition curated by Lisa Denyer. 2019