Dr Hatana El-Jarn
Liverpool Screen School
Faculty of Arts Professional and Social Studies
Email: H.H.ElJarn@ljmu.ac.uk
Dr. Hatana El-Jarn is a Senior Lecturer in Media Production at Liverpool John Moores University. Her research interests focus on mediated technologies and the ways in which individuals and communities communicate, co-create, and interact through them. Hatana's research activities also intersect with her design practice, which she explores from both a practical and theoretical perspective. She is currently working on:
‘The Veiled Selfie’ – this project looks at the identity of Muslim women who wear the face veil (niqab) and their use of social media technologies; identity, self-presentation whilst navigating the pressure of online self-promotion.
'Bare Feet Pashtana': Creating a prototype virtual reality experience based on narratives about her experiences as an 8-year-old British-Pashtun girl who was temporarily displaced along Afghanistan's and Pakistan's tribal belt.
Additionally, her research on co-creation using XR, throughout the early stages of the design process, is ongoing as she gathers data for her second publication on the subject.
Pushto; Pashto
2015, The University of Manchester, United Kingdom, Ph.D. Computer Mediated Communication, Social Media and Interpersonal Relationships
2008, The University of Manchester, United Kingdom, MPhil. Measuring Aesthetics, Usability and Memory on the Web
2002, Staffordshire University, United Kingdom, BA (Hons) Multimedia Graphic Design
Academic appointments
External Examiner, Art and Design, Bath Spa University, 2019 - 2024
Journal article
El-Jarn H, Southern G. 2020. Can co-creation in extended reality technologies facilitate the design process? Journal of Work-Applied Management, 12 :191-205 DOI Publisher Url
Sutcliffe A, Dunbar R, El-Jarn H. Investigating the use of social media in intimate social relationships Behaviour and Information Technology, DOI Author Url Publisher Url
El-Jarn H. Computer Mediated Communication, social networking sites & maintaining relationships Sutcliffe A.
El-Jarn H. Measuring Aesthetics, Usability and Memory on the Web Sutcliffe A.
Research Grants Awarded:
AHRC, MUSICFUTURES, Rachel McLean, Richard Koeck, Sabine Jacques, Jennifer Davies, Mathew Flynn, Grant value (£): 6.2 Million, Duration of research project: 5. 2025
Liverpool John Moore QR research fund, The Veiled Selfie Project, Grant value (£): 2000, Duration of research project: 12 Months. 2021
Conference presentation:
The Veiled Selfie Project, MeCCSA Manchester 2024, MMU, Oral presentation, https://www.schoolofdigitalarts.mmu.ac.uk/events/meccsa-conference-2024/. 2024
You have friends on different levels, 'World In Flux', Kings College London, Oral presentation. 2018
The impact of CMC on the Pashtun Diaspora, Digital Cultures: Knowledge / Culture / Technology, Leuphana University Lüneburg Germany, Oral presentation. 2018
Maintaining Long Distant Relationships through Social Networking, Morgan Centre for the Study of Relationship and Personal Life. Proximities: Thinking about Relationality, University of Manchester, Oral presentation. 2011
Use of Social Networking Technologies for Maintaining Social Relationships, The Mitchell Centre for Social Network Analysis: 6th UK Social Networks Conference, Manchester, Oral presentation. 2010
‘Maintaining Relationships, Social Networking and Computer-Mediated Technology, The Manchester Business School Annual Postgraduate Conference, The University of Manchester, Oral presentation. 2009
Conference organisation:
UNIFEST / Film Conference Indonesia. 2022
QR, Liverpool John Moores University. 2022
Other Professional Activity:
Consultant Art Director: VR INK CAMPAIGN SouthernGFX was commissioned by Logitech to test their new VR pen, VR INK and to create, design a social media campaign to promote VR INK. https://www.logitech.com/en-us/promo/vr-ink/enterprise-pioneers.html. 2020
Consultant Art Director: GRAVITY ANGEL SouthernGFX was commissioned by HTC to develop a 3D Alien Angel which was to be used as part of a promotional campaign for the HTC headset.. 2019
External PGR Supervision - completed students:
Leeds Beckett University, Professional MRes, An Investigation into the principles and best practice methods of digital marketing with particular focus on the Facebook platform. 2019
External collaboration:
Leeds Trinity Unversity, SouthernGFX and Gravity Sketch - UKRI Funded project (500k) my role was an external collaborator/consultant: Documenting and drafting a report for a new VR tool created by GravitySketch and tested by SouthernGFX.. 2019
Senior Fellowship, Higher Education Academy, https://www.advance-he.ac.uk/. 2017
Teaching qualification:
Post Graduate Certificate in Post 16 Education. 2004