Dr Holly Howitt-Dring
Liverpool Screen School
Faculty of Arts Professional and Social Studies
Email: L.H.HowittDring@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 231 4896
Cardiff University, Wales, PhD
Cardiff University, Wales, MA in Teaching and Practice of Creative Writing
Higher Education Academy, Fellow
Academic appointments
Course Leader, MA Creative Writing, University of Portsmouth, 2009 - 2017
Book review
Howitt-Dring L. 2022. Acts of Love and War by Maggie Brookes (Century, hardback) The London Magazine, Publisher Url Public Url
Howitt-Dring L. 2017. Book review: Fissures Flash: The International Journal of Flash Fiction, 8
Howitt-Dring L. 2014. Book review: The Value of the Humanities Writing in Education,
Howitt-Dring L. 2014. Book review Writing in Education, DOI Publisher Url
Howitt-Dring L. 2014. Book Review: Short Cicruit Writing in Education,
Howitt-Dring L. Book review: We Know What We Are Flash, 4
Howitt-Dring L. Book review: Marry Me Flash, 6
Journal article
Howitt-Dring L. 2022. A selection of poems, translated into Greek Hartis Magazine, 37 Publisher Url Public Url
Howitt-Dring H. 2011. Making micro meanings: reading and writing microfiction Short Fiction in Theory & Practice, 1 :47-58 DOI Publisher Url
Howitt-Dring L. 2010. So Small it Slips Between the Cracks: the brief story of microfiction Planet Extra,
Howitt-Dring L. 2010. Author's Commentary: Holly Howitt's 'Water' Leaf Writers' Magazine, 1 :28-29
Books (authored)
Howitt H. 2020. The Hall The London Magazine (editions). London Publisher Url
Howitt H. 2009. The Schoolboy 9781905614882
Howitt H. 2008. Dinner Time
Howitt-Dring L. 2020. 'Trace' - poem The London Magazine, Publisher Url Public Url
Howitt-Dring LH. 2017. 'The Sandman' - poem The London Magazine, Publisher Url Public Url
Howitt-Dring L. 2015. Two Poems The London Magazine,
Howitt-Dring L. 2013. Two Poems The London Magazine,
Howitt-Dring L. 2012. Two Poems The London Magazine,
Howitt-Dring L. Two Poems The London Magazine,
Howitt-Dring L. I Want to Find Nothing (poem) The London Magazine,
Howitt-Dring L. First Visit to Rosslyn Chapel The London Magazine,
Howitt-Dring L. First Sleep The London Magazine, Publisher Url
Internet publication
Howitt H. 2020. 'The Bike' - a creative non-fiction piece in the online literary journal Plague20 Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Howitt-Dring LH. 2015. Housewives and Half-Stories: A Question of Genre and Gender in Microfiction British Women Short Story Writers :179-192 Edinburgh University Press 9781474401395 Publisher Url
Norminton G. 2013. Beacons Stories for Our Not So Distant Future Oneworld Publications 9781851689699
Howitt-Dring L. 2007. From This Day Forth Kiernan A. A Bit on the Side Parthian. Cardigan 978-1-905762-05-7
Howitt-Dring LH. Meaning and Incompleteness Gwyn R.
Howitt-Dring L. Howitt, H. (Author). (2016). Auspices. Artefact, Myriad/University of Sussex. Publisher Url
Howitt-Dring LH. Howitt-Dring, H. (2017). Inverted Commas. In P. Blair, & A. Chantler (Eds.), Funny Bone: Flashing for Comic Relief Chester: University of Chester.
Conference presentation:
The contemporary sonnet, International Conference of Creative Writing, Sicily, Oral presentation. 2022
Conversation and Collaboration in Poetry: Opening Secret Doors, National Association of Writing in Education Annual Conference, York, UK, Oral presentation. 2019
Conversations through Poetry, National Association of Writing in Education - annual conference, York, UK, Oral presentation. 2018
Beyond the Moon: Science Fact and Science Fiction, Annual Creative Writing Conference, Crete, Greece, Oral presentation. 2015
Housewives and Half-Stories, Studies in Literature, University of Portsmouth, University of Portsmouth, Oral presentation. 2015
Science Fiction and Science Fact, Creative and Cultural Industries Research Conference, University of Portsmouth, Oral presentation. 2015
How short is short?, New Narratives, Gellifawr, Wales, Oral presentation. 2010
Making micro meanings, Writers and Writing: Creative and Critical Approaches, Gregynog, Wales, Oral presentation. 2008
Other Professional Activity:
Curriculum Enhancement Internship Project: funding for students to work as editors, running the student creative writing publication In the Red. 2022
Curriculum Enhancement Project - funded for 50 hours. 2022
Chief External Examiner, Coventry University (Humanities Subjects). 2020
Editor of Writing in Practice, issue 2 Editor of Writing in Practice, issue 4 https://www.nawe.co.uk/writing-in-education/writing-at-university/writing-in-practice.html.
Hawthornden Fellowship, Hawthornden Castle https://www.hawthorndenliteraryretreat.org/, https://www.hawthorndenliteraryretreat.org/. 2021
External PGR examinations performed:
Leicester University, PhD, The Red Cage & Commentary: China’s Bloodiest Historical Period (1925-45). 2021
University of Middlesex, PhD, Looking for Mary Webb. 2020
Liverpool John Moores, PhD, Creative and Media Writing. 2019
Winchester Unversity, PhD, Creative Writing. 2018
Portsmouth University, MPhil, Creative Technologies. 2016
Northumbria University, PhD, Creative Writing. 2015
Roehampton University, PhD, Creative Writing. 2014
Editorial boards:
The London Magazine, Editorial Advisor, https://www.thelondonmagazine.org/. 2015
Writing In Practice, Editor Editorial Board Member, https://www.nawe.co.uk/writing-in-education/writing-at-university/writing-in-practice.html. 2015
Membership of professional bodies:
The Critics' Circle Books Section - committee member, The Critics' Circle, http://criticscircle.org.uk/books/. 2015
External committees:
Peer Review College, Arts and Humanities Research Council, Peer review college member. 2014
Higher Education Committee, National Association of Writing in Education, Elected committee member, https://www.nawe.co.uk/about-us.html. 2012
Research Grants Awarded:
Arts and Humanities Research Council, Translating Tales of the Trickster, Grant value (£): 4000, Duration of research project: 4 months. 2012
Media Coverage:
Interview on Serbian arts TV programme, covering the Kikinda Short Writing Festival in Belgrade and Kikinda, Serbia 2011
Teaching qualification:
Fellow of Higher Education Academy. 2010