John Mathews
Liverpool Screen School
Faculty of Arts Professional and Social Studies
Email: J.Mathews@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 231 3922
John began his journalism career at the Windsor, Slough & Eton Express newspaper in 1988. He worked there for six years before joining BBC Ceefax, where he became Sports Editor.
John moved over to web publishing in 2000 for the launch of the BBC Sport site, where he was one of the founding editors, kicking off with Euro 2000.
As Special Events Editor, John led the launch of more than 50 separate BBC websites on the World Cup, Olympics, Winter Olympics, and every major sports event.
Since turning freelance in 2005, he has worked for football’s governing bodies, FIFA and UEFA, in Canada, Peru and the Netherlands, as well as the FIFA World Cups in Germany and South Africa, plus UEFA Euro 2008 in Austria and Switzerland. He has also covered Liverpool’s UEFA Champions League home matches at Anfield for uefa.com.
John, who was born and raised in Liverpool, returned to the city to start teaching at LJMU in 2006, going full-time with John Moores in 2008. He lectures in Online Journalism, Introduction to Reporting and Sports Journalism, and has a Masters degree in Journalism.
He was also the Producer of JMU’s World Firefighters Games TV Media Crew, along with being the founder of the JMU Journalism Liverpool Life website as Editorial Director.
Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool, United Kingdom, Master of Arts (Journalism)
2018, Higher Education Academy, Fellow
Journal article
Heathman K, Mathews J. 2014. Workplace not Workshop: student reflections on the introduction of a work-based approach to the final year. Journalism Education, 3
Heathman K, Mathews J. Workplace not Workshop: student reflections on the introduction of a work-based approach to the final year. Innovation case study. Innovations in Practice LJMU,