Lauren Hall
Liverpool Screen School
Faculty of Arts Professional and Social Studies
Email: L.N.Hall@ljmu.ac.uk
I am a Lecturer in Theatre specialising in socially engaged arts practice, with a particular interest in learning disability theatre. My practice investigates the inclusivity and accessibility of theatre for people with learning disabilities.
I am also an active practitioner in the field, working as Leeds Playhouse's Learning Disability Programme Officer, predominately facilitating practical workshops within the Buzz Creative Arts Course. Much of my teaching and facilitating takes on a holistic approach in its process and delivery.
2017, York St John University, United Kingdom, Master's degree, Theatre & Performance
2016, York St John University, United Kingdom, Bachelor's degree, Drama & Theatre
York St John University, United Kingdom, PhD, Learning Disability Theatre
Advance HE, United Kingdom, Associate Fellowship
Academic appointments
Lecturer, Drama (Liverpool Screen School), Liverpool John Moores University, 2022 - present
Visiting Lecturer, Theatre & Performance, York St John University, 2019 - 2022
Hall L, Pitches C. 2023. How to...conduct a walking interview Publisher Url Public Url
Internet publication
Hall L, Reason M, Wood A. 2023. Making With: Conversations about Co-Creation Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Hall L, Wilshaw P. 2022. RELAXED DOI Publisher Url
Dwerryhouse M, Hall L. Empowering Children: Ethical Decision Making in Research through a Strength-Based Approach Frankel S, Kay-Flowers S. The Ethics of Unlocking Research with Children: Creativity, Agency and Change Emerald Public Url
Conference publication
Solga K, Gallagher K, Lu J, Howson-Griffiths T, Hall L, Charise A, Poli A, Kouznetsova M. Leading With Performance: Interdisciplinary Arts-Led Innovations Inside the Neoliberal University Staging Justice/ Mettre en Scene La Justice Publisher Url
Public engagement:
Performance art: music, dance, drama, etc., School Children & Cross-Faculty Staff, Script Writer & Director, LJMU ‘Absolute Chemistry Research Group’ and West Lancashire Community High School Collaboration, Student Life Building, Liverpool John Moores University, Photograph 51: Unsung Heroes, A devised piece of performance based on Rosalind Franklin’s discovery of the double helix DNA, and the famous 51st photo. Enter Rosalind’s world of work using x-ray diffractions, routine, and harmony. Participate in the building of 3D molecules, and witness the relationship between Franklin, Crick & Watson. This ensemble of actors will share the symmetry and melody between scientific discovery and controversy, shining light on the true unsung hero., https://www.ljmu.ac.uk/about-us/news/articles/2023/11/27/ljmu-celebrate-chemistry-week-with-neurodiverse-learners. 2023
Research Grants Awarded:
Research England Quality Research (QR) Funding, Identity & Inner Stories: The Therapeutic Potential of Arts-Based Interventions for Long-Term Hospitalised Children, Grant value (£): £4000, Duration of research project: 9 months. 2023
Centre for Cultural Value, Making With / Researching With: Exploration of the experiences, values and impact of different forms of co-creation., Peter Reed, Matthew Reason, Grant value (£): £19,926.43, Duration of research project: 12 months. 2022
Teaching qualification:
Associate Fellow of Higher Education Academy. 2019