Image of Dr Ruth Doughty

Dr Ruth Doughty

Liverpool Screen School

Faculty of Arts Professional and Social Studies

Dr Ruth Doughty is a Reader (Associate Professor) in Film and Cultural History and the Programme Leader for Film Studies at Liverpool John Moores University. Her research interests include the city of Liverpool, African American cinema, Film Music, Transnational Cinema and Film Theory. Ruth is one of the co-founding editors of the peer-reviewed Routledge journal Transnational Screens (formerly Transnational Cinemas). She has also co-authored the book Understanding Film Theory (2017, 2nd edition) which has been translated into easy Chinese 电影理论自修课.

Ruth is the principal investigator on a Heritage Lottery Funded project looking at the history of the Littlewoods. Littlewoods was an iconic British brand founded by Sir John Moores and his brother Cecil in 1923. From the Football Pools to mail order catalogues and retail stores, at its peak the company employed over 30,000 workers, the majority of whom were women. The legacy of this family-owned business still resonates within the city of Liverpool and beyond. The Littlewoods Heritage project is an archival, oral history and audio-visual community project.


2005, Keele University, United Kingdom, PhD: American Studies
1997, Keele University, United Kingdom, BA (Hons) American Studies and Music

Academic appointments

Reader in Film and Cultural History, Film Studies, Liverpool John Moores University, 2024 - present
Programme Leader, Film Studies, Liverpool John Moores University, 2014 - present
Senior Lecturer, Film Studies, Portsmouth University, 2004 - 2014
Lecturer (Fixed Term), English, Bangor University, 2003 - 2004
Lecturer (Sessional), History of Art, University of Leicester, 2001 - 2003
Lecturer (Sessional), Music, Keele University, 2001 - 2003
Lecturer (Sessional), American Studies, Keele University, 1998 - 2003

Highlighted publications

Doughty R, Jones M, Arnold R, Holme P. 2024. Digital Archive: Littlewoods Digital Archive Publisher Url

Spark L, Young J, Halewood-Leagas J, Doughty R, Porter J. 2022. Above All: Inside the Littlewoods Dream Factory Publisher Url

Doughty R, Jones M, Spark L. Littlewoods Heritage Project Exhibition Publisher Url

Books (authored)

Doughty R, Etherington-Wright C. 2025. Understanding Film Theory

Doughty R, Etherington-Wright C. 2017. Understanding Film Theory Palgrave MacMillan. Basingstoke 978-1137528230 Publisher Url

Doughty RJ, Etherington-Wright C. 2011. Understanding Film Theory Palgrave Macmillan. Basingstoke 9780230217102

Doughty R, Shaw D. 2008. Film: The Essential Study Guide Routledge 9781134075638

Internet publication

Doughty R, Jones M. 2024. Website: Littlewoods Heritage Project Publisher Url

Doughty RJ. 2018. Spike Lee’s She’s Gotta Have It takes aim at the ‘clown with the nuclear codes’ Publisher Url

Doughty RJ. 2017. Spike Lee: Selling the Black Aesthetic. In Media Res: A Media Commons Project Publisher Url Public Url


Doughty R, Jones M, Arnold R, Holme P. 2024. Digital Archive: Littlewoods Digital Archive Publisher Url


Doughty R, Jones M. 2023. Oral History Interviews for Former Employees of Littlewoods (30 individual interviews)

Spark L, Young J, Halewood-Leagas J, Doughty R, Porter J. 2022. Above All: Inside the Littlewoods Dream Factory Publisher Url

Books (edited)

2020. Transnational Screens Expanding the Borders of Transnational Cinema Doughty R, Shaw D, Garza, D.L A. Routledge 9781000056884

2009. Sound and Music in Film and Visual Media A Critical Overview Doughty R, Harper G, Eisentraut J. Bloomsbury 9781501305443


de la Garza A, Doughty R, Shaw D. 2020. Introduction Transnational Screens :1-6 Routledge DOI Publisher Url

Doughty RJ, Shaw D. 2016. Teaching ‘the World’ Through Film Bennett B, Marciniak K. Teaching Transnational Cinema: Politics and Pedagogy Routledge. New York and Oxford 9781317401056

Doughty R. 2011. Film Review: Malcolm X (Spike Lee, 1994) Directory of World Cinema: American Hollywood :160-163 Intellect. Bristol 9781841504155

Doughty RJ. 2009. African American Film Sound: Scoring Blackness Harper G, Eisentraut J, Doughty RJ. Sound and music in film and visual media :325-339 Continuum International Publishing, London 9780826458247 Public Url

Journal article

De La Garza A, Doughty R, Shaw D. 2019. From transnational cinemas to transnational screens Transnational Screens, 10 :(i)-(vi) DOI Publisher Url

Doughty RJ. 2017. The Buppie and Authentic Blackness: Middle-class cultural producers in Spike Lee’s Bamboozled and HBO’s Treme Film International, 3-4 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Doughty RJ. 2012. Katrina’s City? New Orleans, Race, Myth, Forced Migration and Return Crossings: Journal of Migration and Culture, 3 DOI Publisher Url

Doughty RJ. 2007. Manderlay (2005): Lars von Trier’s Narrative of Passing New Cinemas: Journal of Contemporary Film, 5 :153-161 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Doughty R, Griffiths K. 2006. Racial reflection: La haine and the art of borrowing Studies in European Cinema, 3 :117-127 DOI Publisher Url


Doughty R, Chavrimootoo D, Hargreaves S. 2017. The Motivations Expectations and Preparedness of Students from Northern Ireland and Other UK Students Project


Doughty R, Jones M, Spark L. Littlewoods Heritage Project Exhibition Publisher Url

Highlighted activities

Public engagement:

Museum and Gallery exhibitions/education, Visitors to the Museum of Liverpool, Organiser, Museum of Liverpool, Littlewoods Heritage Project Exhibition, 5 month exhibition, 2024

Editorial boards:

Transnational Screens Journal, Co-founding Editor, 2019

Transnational Cinemas Journal, Co-founding Editor of Routledge Peer Reviewed Journal (Formerly Published by Intellect), 2010

Professional activities

Public engagement:

Public talk or lecture, Princes Rd, Synagogue congrgation, Organiser and Host, LJMU, Jewish Heritage Film Day (150th Anniversary Princes Rd, Synagogue)., Coordinated and Convened academic speakers, screening and community discussion, 2025

Museum and Gallery exhibitions/education, Visitors to the Museum of Liverpool, Organiser, Museum of Liverpool, Littlewoods Heritage Project Exhibition, 5 month exhibition, 2024

Public talk or lecture, Former Employees, John Moores Family, Project Stakeholders and LJMU Staff and dignitaries, Invited Speaker, Museum of Liverpool, Roscoe Lecture: The Littlewoods Legacy, This special Roscoe event coincides with a public exhibition, curated by Ruth, which brings the incredible legacy of Littlewoods to life. This display is currently on show at the Museum of Liverpool and has been extended, due to popular demand, until the end of June 2024., 2024

Public talk or lecture, Former Employees, John Moores Family, Project Stakeholders and LJMU Staff and dignitaries., Film Screening, Organiser and Speaker, Museum of Liverpool, Museum Launch: Littlewoods Heritage Project, Launch event for the exhibition at the museum. Talk and screenings of community film and showreel from Oral History interviews with former employees.. 2024

Museum and Gallery exhibitions/education, The Very Group Staff, Organiser, The Very Group, Skyways House, Speke, Littlewoods Heritage Exhibition, Invited to hold exhibition for the Very Group. 2023

Public talk or lecture, Employees of The Very Group, Invited Speaker, Skyways House, Speke, Remembering Littlewood: The History of a Brand, Public Lecture with Martin Jones about the history of Littlewoods. Audience: 55 face to face and 298 online., 2023

Museum and Gallery exhibitions/education, Local Adults, Invited exhibition, Roscoe Lecture, Installed small version of Littlewoods exhibition at the university's Roscoe Lecture.. 2023

Museum and Gallery exhibitions/education, Former employees of Littlewoods, Invited to hold an exhibition taster and meet former employees at centenary event, Skybar, Innside Hotel, Old Hall Street, Liverpool, Football Pools Centenary Celebrations: Littlewoods Heritage Project Exhibition, 2023

Museum and Gallery exhibitions/education, LJMU Students, Staff and Parents, Organiser, LJMU, John Lennon Art and Design Building, Graduation Littlewoods Heritage Project Exhibition, The exhibition was installed for Graduation Week.. 2023

Museum and Gallery exhibitions/education, LJMU Dignitaries and Staff, Organiser, Anglican Cathedral, Liverpool, LJMU Founder's Dinner: Littlewoods Heritage Project Exhibition, Invited to hold exhibition at LJMU Bicentenary Founder's Day Dinner.. 2023

Museum and Gallery exhibitions/education, LJMU Staff and Former Employees of Littlewoods, Organiser, LJMU, Student Life Building, Littlewoods Heritage Project Exhibition LJMU Launch, Launch for the exhibition as part of the Faculty Research Conference, 2023

Public talk or lecture, Former Employees of Littlewoods and LJMU Staff, Organiser, LJMU, Student Life Building, Littlewoods Heritage Project Exhibition Launch, Talk about the Littlewoods Heritage Project to celebrate the launch of the exhibition as part of the Faculty Research Conference. 2023

Performance art: music, dance, drama, etc., Former Employees and Artists, organiser, Film Screening - Above All: Inside the Dream Factory, Additional Screening of Film for community, 2022

Performance art: music, dance, drama, etc., Former Employees of Littlewoods, Organiser, LJMU, Redmonds, Premiere Film Screening - Above All: Inside the Littlewoods Dream Factory, Premiere of Community Film, 2022

Public talk or lecture, Local Adults, Invited Speaker, LJMU, Student Life Building, Big Ideas: Community Research Event, Research Talks for Community Guests. 2022

Public consultation, Former Employees of Littlewoods, Organiser, Edge Lane Station, Metal, Littlewoods Coffee Morning, Coffee morning for former employees of Littlewoods to share stories with Project Team, 2020

Public talk or lecture, LJMU Staff, Invited Speaker, Research Cafe: Littlewoods Heritage Project, Invited to speak at the LJMU Research Cafe Series. 2020

Other, Liverpool residents, Podcast, Invited speaker, MerseyWaves Podcast, LJMU, Redmonds, Podcast: MerseyWaves: Littlewoods Building - The past, present and future, Invited to speak about the Littlewoods Heritage Project on this Liverpool City Council podcast, 2019

Public talk or lecture, Local adults, Invited Speaker, Leaf, Bold St, Liverpool, Ignite: Littlewoods Heritage Project, Talk for the general public about the Lottery Funded Littlewoods Hertiage Project:, 2019

Public talk or lecture, Former Employees of Littlewoods, People interested in local history, Organiser, LJMU, Redmonds, Littlewoods Heritage Project Launch, Launch of the Lottery Funded Project, 2019

Public talk or lecture, Local Adults, Invited Speaker, The International Slavery Museum, Liverpool, The BlacKkKlansman, A public lecture Introducing Spike Lee's 2018 film, The BlacKkKlansman, 2019

Public talk or lecture, Local Adults, Invited Speaker, Scoring Psycho, The public lecture on the use of music in the iconic Alfred Hitchcock film Psycho (1960), 2016

Public talk or lecture, University Students, Invited Speaker, University of Hertfordshire, History of Black Filmmaking, Invited to deliver a talk on the history of Black Filmmaking for Black History Month. Annual Talk: 2010-2015. 2015

Public talk or lecture, Local Adults, Invited Speaker, The Films of Oscar Micheaux and an introduction to the screening of Within Our Gates (1919)., Cambridge Film Consortium in association with Anglia Ruskin University. 2008

Public talk or lecture, Academic Staff and Students, Invited Speaker, Liverpool Institute of Popular Music, An examination of the music found in Spike Lee’s Do the Right thing’. 2001

Research Grants Awarded:

Higher Education Innovation Funding, Littlewoods Heritage Project, Grant value (£): 2997.38, Duration of research project: 3 months. 2024

QR Funding, Littlewoods Heritage Project: Project Manager for Exhibition, Grant value (£): 9739, Duration of research project: 1 year. 2023

QR Funding, Littlewoods Heritage Project: 1 x Digital Archive Curator (Research Assistant), 2 x Museum Archive Assistants (Internships), 2 x LJMU Special Collection Interns, 1 x Facelab Intern and 1 x Web Design Intern and 1 x Historical Researcher Intern, Caroline Wilkinson LJMU, Grant value (£): 8307.55, Duration of research project: 5 months. 2022

QR Policy Support Fund, Littlewoods Heritage Project: Digital Archive Curator (Research Assistant), 4 x Museum Archive Assistant (Internships) and 2 Web Design and Content Creation (Internships), Grant value (£): £9,995.68, Duration of research project: 6 months. 2021

LJMU Funded Internship, Littlewoods Heritage Project: 4 x Museum Archive Assistants, Grant value (£): 9,955.80, Duration of research project: 10 months (20 days). 2019

Heritage Lottery, Littlewoods Heritage Project, Pete Woodbridge, Grant value (£): 48,100, Duration of research project: 18 months (Extended to 2024 due to COIVD). 2019

LJMU Funded Internship Programme, Littlewoods Heritage Project: 2 x Museum Archive Assistants (internships), Grant value (£): £1643.84, Duration of research project: 3 Months. 2019

LJMU Curriculum Enhancement Internships, Littlewoods Heritage Project: 2 x Archive Researchers and Oral History Interviewers (internships), Grant value (£): 1,596.98, Duration of research project: 3 Months (12 days). 2018

Accommodation Partnership Income (API), The Motivations Expectations and Preparedness of Students from Northern Ireland and Other UK Students Project, Danielle Chavrimootoo, Grant value (£): 27,000, Duration of research project: 1. 2017

Media Coverage:

The Echo Online: Interview with former Littlewoods workers in the Museum of Liverpool as new exhibition opens 2024

BBC North West Tonight: Live broadcast from the Littlewoods Exhibition Launch 2024

BBC News Online: Littlewoods: A tale of sisterhood, camaraderie, and friendship - Museum Launch Coverage 2024

The Echo: 'Loved Liverpool job where wages were 'fantastic' coverage of the museum launch 2024

Radio Merseyside: Littlewoods Exhibition in Museum of Liverpool 2024

Inside Out: BBC North West 2020

Radio Merseyside: Littlewoods Coffee Morning 2020

Radio Merseyside: Littlewoods Heritage Project Launch 2019

Conference presentation:

Co-creating a Community Archive : Evaluation and Reflections. With Waters, S., APSS Faculty Research Conference, LJMU, Student Life Building, Oral presentation. 2023

Co-Creating a Digital Archive with the Community: Littlewoods Heritage Project. With Waters, S., Heritage, Community, Archives: Methods, Case Studies, Collaboration, Sheffield Hallam University, Oral presentation. 2023

Working with students and the community to preserve John Moores’s legacy: Littlewoods Heritage Project, Students at the Heart Conference, LJMU, Student Life Building, Oral presentation. 2022

Liverpool Heritage Project: Heritage and the City, Tourism, Travel, Culture & Heritage Research Group Symposium, LJMU, Student Life Building, Oral presentation. 2022

She’s Gotta Have It (2017): Spike Lee and the Commodification of Black Culture, BAFTSS, Kent/University of Kent, Oral presentation. 2018

The journey through LJMU for a Northern Irish student: Ruth Doughty & Una Barr Faculty of Arts, Professional & Social Studies, Vicci Boyd & Anne-Marie Fitzpatrick Faculty of Education, Health & Community, Sharon Roden, Student Recruitment & Bernadette McGrath, Student advice & Wellbeing,, LJMU, Teaching and Learning Conference, LJMU, Redmonds Building, Oral presentation. 2018

Supporting students from Northern Ireland: Exploring the barriers and enablers for a successful transition to higher education in the UK, HEA Annual Conference, Manchester/University of Manchester, Oral presentation. 2017

The City that Time Forgot: Filmic Temporality in New Orleans, Post-Katrina, BAFTSS, Bristol/University of Bristol, Oral presentation. 2017

Northern Irish Student Retention: A Case Study (Liverpool John Moores University). With Danielle Chavrimootoo, Enhancing Student Engagement NUS Conference, London/NCVO Society Building, Oral presentation. 2017

How to Hide a Hurricane: Sprinkling Fairy Dust on Disaster in The Princess and the Frog, Film and the Environment, Norwich/University of East Anglia, Oral presentation. 2016

Documenting Katrina: Jazz and Rap as Modes of Discourse’, MECCSA, Salford University, Oral presentation. 2011

Screening Transnational Guilt, European Cinema Research Forum, Dublin Institute of Technology, Oral presentation. 2008

Manderlay: Lars von Trier’s Narrative of Passing, European Cinema Research Forum, Swansea University, Oral presentation. 2006

From Minstrelsy to Mos Def and Chuck D: the Voyeuristic Representation of Black Culture in Spike Lee’s Bamboozled’, National BAAS Conference, Aberystwyth University, Oral presentation. 2004

Spike Lee: Signifyin’ on Gershwin’s Summertime, Screen Conference, Glasgow, Oral presentation. 2004

Fulfillin’ the Needs and Plantin’ the Seeds of a Jazz Thing’: Spike Lee Cultural Historian or Mo’ than Likely Missing the Point, National BAAS, Keele University, Oral presentation. 1999

Other Professional Activity:

Invited Speaker: LSS Research Support Workshop - Applying for Funding: National Lottery Heritage Fund. 2022

Editorial boards:

Transnational Screens Journal, Co-founding Editor, 2019

Transnational Cinemas Journal, Co-founding Editor of Routledge Peer Reviewed Journal (Formerly Published by Intellect), 2010

Teaching qualification:

PostGraduate Certificate in Academic Practice (PGCAP). 2016

Postgraduate Certificate in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education. 2007


Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, Higher Education Academy,

Membership of professional bodies:

Member of BAFTSS (British Association of Film, Television and Screen Studies), British Association of Film, Television and Screen Studies (BAFTSS),,

Member of MeCCSA (Media, Communication and Cultural Studies Association), Media, Communication and Cultural Studies Association (MeCCSA),,
