Shirley Lewis
Liverpool Screen School
Faculty of Arts Professional and Social Studies
Email: S.A.Lewis@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 231 4719
Edge Hill University, United Kingdom, B.ed
1981, National Council for the Training of Journalists, NCTJ Proficiency Certificate
Academic appointments
External Examiner, Journalism, University of Northumbria, 2014 - present
Academic Representative, Broadcast Journalism Training Council, 2013 - present
Book review
Lewis SA. The Media Guide to Drugs Author Url
External collaboration:
http://ww/w/gmp.policeuk, Greater Manchester Police, Accredited media trainer to senior Police Officer Courses specialising in Police the Media and the Law.
http://ww/wnorthumbria.ack, University of Northumbria, External Examiner Broadcast Journalism.
External committees:
Broadcast Journalism Training Council Joint accreditation Board, BJTC, Academic rep, http://w/wwBjtcorg.