Image of Dr Catherine Wilkinson

Dr Catherine Wilkinson

School of Education

Faculty of Arts Professional and Social Studies

Dr Catherine Wilkinson is a Reader in Childhood and Youth Studies in the School of Education at Liverpool John Moores University. She is a Senior Fellow (Advance HE) and Programme Leader for the Youth Work Degree Apprenticeship. Externally, she is Editor-in-Chief of Children's Geographies international journal.

Prior to her Readership conferment, she was a Senior Lecturer in Education, teaching across the Education, Childhood and Communities subject area. Catherine previously (2016-2019) worked as a Lecturer in Children, Young People and Families, Faculty of Health and Social Care, Edge Hill University. She also worked as a Postdoctoral Research Associate at Durham University in the School of Education (2015-2016). She completed her PhD in Environmental Sciences at University of Liverpool (2012-2015), funded by an ESRC CASE award. Catherine works at the intersection of a range of research approaches, including: mixed methods, ethnographic and participatory research. Her primary research interests are: 'other' childhoods; youth and community; and children and young people-friendly research methods. She has an established reputation for making cutting-edge contributions, conceptually and methodologically, to research ‘with’ children and young people and uses this research to inspire teaching she delivers. She won the Rising Star Teaching and Learning award in 2020, and was nominated for the Individual Teaching Excellence award in 2021, where she received a commendation by the panel. Catherine has more than 65 academic publications, many of which are published in high-impact, top Quartile international journals. She has supervised to completion and would be interested in supervising Doctoral students in any of the areas noted above and would encourage potential applicants to contact me on:

Catherine holds current appointments as External Examiner for MA Childhood Studies, University of Leeds and BA (Hons) Education Studies, University of East London. Catherine has extensive knowledge of curriculum enhancement and has sat on more than 40 panels in the capacity of External Expert, including validation, revalidation and partnership approval events across a range of HEIs.


2015, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom, PhD
2012, University of Central Lancashire, United Kingdom, MSc, Distinction
2011, University of Central Lancashire, United Kingdom, BA (Hons), 1st class


2018, National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Clinical Research Facility, Highly Commended

Academic appointments

BA (Hons) Early Childhood Studies and BA (Hons) Social Care and Wellbeing, Lancaster University with Blackburn University Centre, 2022 - 2026
FdA Education and Childhood,, University Centre South Devon College, South Devon College, 2021 - 2025
External Examiner Health, Wellbeing and Community and FdA Health and Social Care, Glyndwr University, 2018 - 2019
External Examiner BA (Hons) Healthcare Management, Arden University, 2018 - 2022
External Examiner FdA and BSc Community Health and Wellbeing, University of South Wales, 2018 - 2024
External Examiner BA (Hons) Early Childhood Studies, (Top Up) and BA (Hons) Early Childhood Studies (International) Level 5 & 6, Teeside University, 2017 - 2021

Postgraduate training

Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education (Distinction), United Kingdom, Edge Hill University, 2017 - 2018

Journal article

Wilkinson C. 2025. Adopting an autobiographical approach to reflective practice: A journey from academic to youth work pracademic Youth and Policy: the journal of critical analysis, Publisher Url Public Url

Wilkinson C. 2025. Towards painless and productive research relationships: Reflections on study design by a researcher with chronic pain for participants with chronic pain Frontiers in Pain Research, 5 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Saron H, Bray L, Carter B, Wilkinson C. 2023. Communication during children’s X-ray procedures and children’s experiences of the procedure: A scoping review Radiography, 29 :S87-S95 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Wilkinson S, Wilkinson C. 2023. The role of positionality in research ‘gone wrong’: critical reflections on research involving young people Children's Geographies, DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Wilkinson S, Wilkinson C. 2022. Not a hair out of place? Embracing messy positionality when researching the geographies of hair in Greater Manchester North West Geography, 22 Publisher Url Public Url

Bray L, Wilkinson C, Bruce C, Davidson N, Satchwell C, Carter B. 2022. ‘It’s my back…’; developing the coming to spinal clinic resource to improve the health literacy of young people with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis and their parents Journal of Child Health Care, :1-15 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Wilkinson C, Wilkinson S. 2022. Using Persona Dolls in research with children to combat the insider/outsider researcher status dilemma CHILDRENS GEOGRAPHIES, 20 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Hirst NJ, Wilkinson C. 2022. Student authors, children’s literature and Early Childhood Education for Sustainability: Findings from a pedagogic research project International Journal of Early Childhood Environmental Education, 9 :40-57 Publisher Url Public Url

Wilkinson C, Carter B, Satchwell C, Bray L. 2021. Using methods across generations: researcher reflections from a research project involving young people and their parents Children's Geographies, :1-13 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Silverio SA, Wilkinson C, Wilkinson S. 2021. The male gaze or male gays? From romance to bromance through performances of gender and sexuality by two of Love Island’s favourite characters Sexuality and Culture, DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Silverio SA, Wilkinson C, Wilkinson S. 2020. The powerful student consumer and the commodified academic: A depiction of the marketised UK Higher Education system through a textual analysis of the ITV drama Cheat. Sociological Research Online, 26 :147-165 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Wilkinson S, Wilkinson C. 2020. Performing care: emotion work and 'dignity work' - a joint autoethnography of caring for our mum at the end of life Sociology of Health and Illness: a journal of medical sociology, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Benwell MC, Davies A, Evans B, Wilkinson C. 2020. Engaging political histories of urban uprisings with young people: The Liverpool riots, 1981 and 2011 Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, 38 :599-618 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Wilkinson C. 2020. Imposter syndrome and the accidental academic: An autoethnographic account International Journal for Academic Development, 25 :363-374 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Wilkinson CM, Carter B, Keating P, Bray L. 2020. Not a nurse but more than a mother: The practices of mothering children with complex health care needs Children's Geographies, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Wilkinson C, Silverio SA, Wilkinson S. 2020. The neoliberal university and the neurotic academic: A textual analysis of ITV drama Cheat Journal of Further and Higher Education, DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Silverio SA, Wilkinson C, Wilkinson S. 2020. Further uses for Grounded Theory: A methodology for psychological studies of the visual arts and written media Qualitative Methods in Psychology Bulletin, 29 Publisher Url Public Url

Silverio SA, Wilkinson C, Wilkinson S. 2020. Further uses for grounded theory: A methodology for psychological studies of the performing arts, literature and visual media QMiP Bulletin, 1 :8-21 DOI Publisher Url

Wilkinson S, Wilkinson C. 2019. Young men's alcohol consumption experiences and performances of masculinity International Journal of Drug Policy, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Wilkinson C, Wilkinson S, Saron H. 2019. “Wearing me place on me face”: Scousebrows, placemaking and everyday creativity Fashion Theory - Journal of Dress Body and Culture, DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Wilkinson C, Wilkinson S. 2019. Towards a research emphasis on (un)hairiness and health Androgyny, 3 :27-31 Public Url

Wilkinson C, Briggs J, Salt K, Vines J, Flynn E. 2019. In participatory budgeting we trust? Fairness, tactics and (in)accessibility in participatory governance Local Government Studies, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Wilkinson C, Carter B, Bray L, Keating P. 2019. The absent-present researcher: data analysis of pre-recorded parent-driven campaign videos CHILDRENS GEOGRAPHIES, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Wilkinson C, Wilkinson S. 2019. The only way is ethics: Reflections on applying for National Health Service ethical approval and governance for research with children Children's Geographies, 17 :480-486 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Wilkinson S, Wilkinson C. 2019. Young people’s safety practices when drink walking in the suburbs of Manchester, UK UNWE Scientific Papers, 2019 Publisher Url Public Url

Wilkinson C, Carter B, Shokrollahi K. 2018. Disfigurement, the body and dress: A review of the literature Geography Compass, 12 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Wilkinson C. 2018. Radio, children and young people Oxford Bibliographies in Childhood Studies, DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Wilkinson C. 2018. The performance of youth voice on the airwaves Children's Geographies, 17 :334-346 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Wilkinson S, Wilkinson C. 2018. ‘Working from home’: Academics and Airbnb, an autoethnographic account North West Geography, 18 Publisher Url Public Url

Wilkinson S, Wilkinson C. 2018. Researching drinking “with” young people: a palette of methods Drugs and Alcohol Today, 18 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Wilkinson C, Wilkinson S. 2017. Doing it write: Representation and responsibility in writing up participatory research involving young people Social Inclusion, 5 :219-227 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Carter B, Bray L, Keating P, Wilkinson C. 2017. Parent-Driven Campaign Videos: An Analysis of the Motivation and Affect of Videos Created by Parents of Children With Complex Healthcare Needs. Comprehensive Child and Adolescent Nursing, 41 :276-292 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Wilkinson C. 2017. On the same wavelength? Hyperdiverse young people at a community radio station Social & Cultural Geography, 20 :1251-1265 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Samantha W, Wilkinson C. 2017. Night-life and Atmospheric Mobilities Mobile Culture Studies, 3 :77-96 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Wilkinson C. 2017. Going ‘backstage’: observant participation in research with young people Children's Geographies, 15 :614-620 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Wilkinson C, Carter B. 2016. Language, disfigurement, stigma and clothing Journal of Child Health Care, 20 :417-418 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Wilkinson C, Fumagalli I, Rossetti S. 2016. Rebranding a District: The Breiðholt Project in Reykjavik TeMa Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment, 9 :257-268 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Wilkinson C. 2015. 'Babe, I like your lipstick': rethinking researcher personality and appearance Children's Geographies, 14 :115-123 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Wilkinson C. 2015. Young people, community radio and urban life GEOGRAPHY COMPASS, 9 :127-139 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Wilkinson S, Wilkinson C. Pain, No Gain? A Joint-Autoethnography of Our Working Lives as Academics with Chronic Illnesses International Journal of Changes in Education, :4-10 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Wilkinson C, Budworth P. Pooh-poohing school toilet polices: (More than) leaky bodies as resistance for school children with Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) Children's Geographies, Public Url

Editorial/letter to the editor

Children's Geographies Editorial Board . 2024. Editorial statement on violence against children and a call for a ceasefire in Gaza Children's Geographies, 22 :195-196 DOI Publisher Url


Koops TU, Wilkinson C, Perry G, Wilkinson S, Silverio SA. 2024. Einschneidende Maβnahmen: Massenmedien und der wachsende Wunsch junger Frauen und Mädchen nach kosmetischer Genitalchirurgie Scham 4.0 :213-233 Springer International Publishing 9783031520105 DOI Publisher Url

Wilkinson C, Wilkinson S. 2024. Principles of Participatory Research Being Participatory: Researching with Children and Young People :15-37 Springer International Publishing 9783031477867 DOI Publisher Url

Wilkinson C, Wilkinson S. 2023. A joint autoethnographic account of two young women in academia: On overcoming imposter syndrome Academic Women: Voicing Narratives of Gendered Experiences. Bloomsbury Publishing. 9781350274297 Publisher Url Public Url

Wilkinson S, Wilkinson C. 2023. Researching atmos- spheres of alcohol consumption Consuming Atmospheres: Designing, Experiencing, and Researching Atmospheres in Consumption Spaces :174-186 DOI Publisher Url

Wilkinson C, Wilkinson S. 2023. YOUNG PEOPLE’S CONCEPTUALISATIONS OF COMMUNITY AT A UK COMMUNITY RADIO STATION Encountering Ideas of Place in Education: Scholarship and Practice in Place-based Learning :131-143 DOI Publisher Url

Wilkinson C, Wilkinson S. 2023. Imposter Syndrome and the Non-pracademics: A Joint Autoethnographic Account Knowledge Studies in Higher Education :53-64 Springer International Publishing 9783031337451 DOI Publisher Url

Silverio SA, Wilkinson C, Wilkinson S. 2022. Academic ventriloquism: Tensions between inclusion, representation, and anonymity in qualitative research Handbook of Social Inclusion: Research and Practices in Health and Social Sciences :643-660 DOI Publisher Url

Wilkinson C, Wilkinson S. 2022. Sounds (Un)familiar: Young people’s Navigations of the Intersecting Landscape and Soundscape of a Community Radio Station Unfamiliar Landscapes: Young People and Diverse Outdoor Experiences :463-486 DOI Publisher Url

Silverio SA, Wilkinson C, Fallon V, Bramante A, Staneva AA. 2021. When a mother’s love is not enough: A cross-cultural critical review of anxiety, attachment, ambivalence, abandonment, and infanticide Mayer CH, Vanderheiden E. Handbook of Love in Cultural and Transcultural Contexts :291-315 Springer DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Wilkinson C. 2021. “My aim is to take over Zane Lowe”: Young people’s imagined futures at a community radio station (UK) Horton J, Pimlott-Wilson H, Hall SM. Growing Up and Getting By: International Perspectives on Childhood and Youth in Hard Times :269-286 Policy Press DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Silverio SA, Wilkinson C, Wilkinson S. 2021. Academic ventriloquism: Tensions between inclusion, representation and anonymity in qualitative research. Handbook of Social Inclusion, Research and Practices in Health and Social Care :1-8 Springer 978-3-030-48277-0 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

von Benzon N, Holton M, Wilkinson C, Wilkinson S. 2021. Introducing creative methods von Benzon N, Holton M, Wilkinson C, Wilkinson S. Creative Methods for Human Geographers DOI Publisher Url

Wilkinson C, von Benzon N. 2021. Selecting and analysing publicly-generated online content von Benzon N, Holton M, Wilkinson C, Wilkinson S. Creative Methods for Human Geographers Creative Methods for Human Geographers

Wilkinson C, Benwell M, Carter B, Brookes L, Davies A, Evans B, Silverio SA, Thomas G. 2021. Creative Dissemination Benzon N, Holton M, Wilkinson C, Wilkinson S. Creative Methods for Human Geographers. SAGE DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Wilkinson S, Wilkinson C. 2020. Place, Age and Identity Edensor T, Kalandides A, Kothari U. Routledge Handbook of Place Routledge 9781138320499 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Wilkinson C, Wilkinson S. 2019. Childhood disability and clothing: (Un)dressing debates Intersectionality and Difference in Childhood and Youth: Global Perspectives :15-29 Routledge 9781138608290 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Wilkinson C, Osornio Vega J. 2019. Music neotribes: Moving from the margins Producing and Contesting Urban Marginality: Interdisciplinary and Comparative Dialogues :99-99 Rowman and Littlefield. London

Von Benzon N, Wilkinson C. 2019. Introduction Intersectionality and Difference in Childhood and Youth: Global Perspectives :1-11 DOI Publisher Url

Wilkinson C, Wilkinson S. 2019. All about that place: Tuning in to community radio - Listener diary accounts Doughty K, Duffy M, Harada T. Sounding Places: More-than-Representational Geographies of Sound and Music Edward-Elgar. Cheltenham, UK 978 1 78811 892 7 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Wilkinson C. 2018. Case 3.2 Are you telling me this as a researcher or a friend? Ethical issues for a UK doctoral researcher Ethics in Participatory Research for Health and Social Well-Being: Cases and Commentaries :66-67 DOI Publisher Url

Wilkinson C, Wilkinson S. 2018. Principles of participatory research Being Participatory: Researching with Children and Young People: Co-constructing Knowledge Using Creative Techniques :15-35 Springer 9783319712277 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Wilkinson C. 2018. Methodologically sound? Participatory research at a community radio station Ersoy A. The Impact of Coproduction: From Community Engagement to Social Justice :85-85 Policy Press. Bristol Author Url

Wilkinson C. 2017. Tuning in to the geographies of radio Handbook on Geographies of Technology :138-147

Wilkinson C. 2016. Youth voices on the airwaves: Representations of young people Identities and Subjectivities :475-491 Springer Singapore 9789812870223 DOI Publisher Url

Wilkinson C, Patterson A. 2015. “I'm Peppa Shit”: Spokes-characters 2.0 as bearers of reputational risk? The case of peppa pig Hughes E. Meaning and λόγος :41-61 Cambridge Scholars Press. Newcastle upon Tyne

Wilkinson C. 2015. Youth Voices on the Airwaves: Representations of Young People Identities and Subjectivities :1-17 Springer Singapore DOI Publisher Url

Wilkinson C, Patterson A. 2014. Peppa Piggy in the middle of marketers and mashup makers: A netnography of absurd animation on YouTube Brown S, Ponsonby-McCabe S. Brand Mascots: And Other Marketing Animals Taylor and Francis 978-0415826761 Publisher Url Public Url

Koops TU, Wilkinson C, Perry G, Wilkinson S, Silverio SA. Making the cut: Mass media and the growing desire for genital cosmetic surgery by young women and girls Mayer C, Vanderheiden E, Wong PTP. Shame 4.0: Investigating an Emotion in Digital Worlds and the Fourth Industrial Revolution :193-212 Springer. Cham, Switzerland 978-3-030-59526-5 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Wilkinson C, Wilkinson S. Sounds (un)familiar: Introducing young people to the intersecting landscapes and soundscapes of a community radio station Smith T, Pitt H, Dunkley R. Introducing Young People to ‘Unfamiliar Landscapes’ Palgrave Macmillan Public Url

Samantha W, Wilkinson C. Diversity and Cultural Differences in Education Lord JANET. Psychology of Education: Theory, Research and Evidence-Based Practice Sage

Book review

Wilkinson C. 2021. Sound, Space and Society: Rebel Radio Geographical Review, DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Wilkinson C. 2016. The Festivalization of Culture EMOTION SPACE AND SOCIETY, 20 :35-36 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Wilkinson C. 2016. Childhood, Mobile Technologies and Everyday Experiences: Changing Technologies = Changing Childhoods? CHILDRENS GEOGRAPHIES, 14 :372-373 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Wilkinson C. 2016. DIY Detroit: Making do in a City without Services Human Geography: a new radical journal, DOI Publisher Url

Wilkinson C. 2016. Local Self-Government and the Right to the City H-Net Reviews in the Humanities and Social Sciences, :1-1

Wilkinson C. 2014. Authentic™ the Politics of Ambivalence in a Brand Culture Journal of Consumer Culture, 1 :129-131

Wilkinson C. STAR: A Psycho-topography of Place Journal of Radio and Audio Media, 22 :135-136

Books (edited)

2021. Creative Methods for Human Geographers von Benzon N, Holton M, Wilkinson C, Wilkinson S. SAGE 9781526496980

Books (authored)

von Benzon N, Wilkinson C. 2019. Intersectionality and Difference in Childhood and Youth: Global Perspectives :1-234 Routledge 9781138608290 DOI Publisher Url

Conference publication

Wilkinson C, Bray L, Keating P, Carter B. 2017. G39 Analysis of parent videos from the #notanurse_but campaign Royal College of Nursing, Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, Abstracts of the Annual Conference, 24–26 May 2017, ICC, Birmingham :A17.2-A17 DOI Publisher Url

Teaching qualification:

Senior Fellow. 2024

Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. 2018
