Dr Craig Hammond
School of Education
Faculty of Arts Professional and Social Studies
Email: C.A.Hammond@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 231 4648
Craig is a Reader in ‘Pedagogies and Critical Theory’, and was recognised as a National Teaching Fellow (NTF) in August 2022. He started his career as a Further Education lecturer in 1999 at Blackburn College, and in 2002 moved across to the University Centre to develop and teach on the BA (Hons) Social Science, Joint Honours, and Education Studies degree programmes. He gained his PhD in Sociology – from Lancaster University – in 2012; and recognition as a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA) in 2015. Craig joined the LJMU School of Education in February 2017.
Craig’s writing and research traverses the areas of the philosophy of education; critical theory and political philosophy; psychogeography; utopia and pedagogy; and creative autobiography; and, College Based Higher Education. He has written and published in the areas of utopia and pedagogy; music and hope; film and philosophy; and autoethnography. His 2017 publication 'Hope, Utopia and Creativity in Higher Education', reappraises ideas and concepts associated with Ernst Bloch, Roland Barthes, and Gaston Bachelard, with a view to enhancing the transformative, creative and collaborative potential of education. Much of his work focuses on democratising knowledge and the learning experience.
Craig is a member of the Association for Research in Post-compulsory Education (ARPCE), Deputy-Director of the LJMU ‘Liverpool Institute for Research in Education’ (LIFE), and co-Editor-in-Chief for the education-based journal PRISM. As part of his LIFE role, he leads and coordinates the seminar and podcast series; and co-ordinates the LIFE ‘(Post)qualitative Research in Education' group', (along with his colleague Dr Anne-Marie Smith). He also works closely with other Northwest colleges and wider College Based Higher Education (CBHE) providers.
Craig welcomes informal email enquiries from anyone interested in pursuing PhD studies in:
Philosophy of education
Critical theory, political philosophy & education
Utopia & pedagogy
College Based Higher Education
Inclusivity, EDI and organisational change
Craig's current PhD & Professional Doctorate (EdD) researchers are:
Mandy Coe (PhD-by-Publication): 'Adventures between the lines: Identifying the Inspirations and Influences of a Poet'
John Goulding (PhD): 'Beyond incarceration: A phenomenological study into the lived experiences of veterans who have been in prison and/or engaged in pre-custodial behaviours'
Lisa Kelly (EdD): 'Dimensions of being Practical: A diffractive approach to Education "Quality" Discourse Analysis'
Karen Blackwood (PhD - full scholarship): 'Playing the field: diverse postgraduate students’ experiences of Higher Education'
Jack Fitzpatrick (PhD - full scholarship): 'Modern Policing in the 21st Century: Time for Inclusive Cultural Shift'
Jonathan Kearney (PhD-by-Practice): 'Being–With: Exploring the stance of the teacher in curating, collaborating and cultivating the education experience of artists/students
2012, Lancaster University, Lancaster, United Kingdom, PhD
2005, Salford University, United Kingdom, MSc
1998, University of Central Lancashire, United Kingdom, BA (Hons) Education Studies with Sociology
2015, Higher Education Academy, York, United Kingdom, Senior Fellow
1999, University of Bolton, Bolton, United Kingdom, Post Graduate Certificate in Education (PGCE)
Academic appointments
Committee Member, Association for Research in Post-Compulsory Education (ARPCE), 2024 - present
Deputy Director: Liverpool Institute for Research in Education, LIFE, Liverpool John Moores University, 2024 - present
Co-Editor-in-Chief: PRISM, PRISM Open Access Education Journal, Liverpool John Moores University, 2020 - present
Co-convenor 'Higher Education' Special Interest Group, British Educational Research Association (BERA), 2018 - 2021
School Teaching and Learning Coordinator, Liverpool John Moores University, 2018 - 2021
External Examiner, Masters Foundation Programme - Social Sciences, Cambridge Education Group ONCAMPUS, 2016 - 2021
Highlighted publications
Hammond C. 2022. Mr Airport Man & the Albatross: A reverie of flight, hope and transformation Burnell IONA. The Lives of Working Class Academics: Getting Ideas Above Your Station Emerald Press 9781801170581 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Books (authored)
Hammond C, Hayes D. 2026. (Forthcoming) The Critical Educational Theory of Herbert Marcuse Palgrave. London
Hammond C. 2025. (Forthcoming) Music, Hope and Transformation through Higher Education: A Psychogeographic Personal Narative Bloomsbury Academic. London
Hammond CA, Diken B, Gilloch G. 2018. Nuri Bilge Ceylan Sineması: Türkiyeli Bir Sinemacının Küresel Hayal Gücü Metis Yayinlari. Istanbul 978-605-316-128-8 Author Url Publisher Url
Hammond C, Gilloch G, Diken B. 2018. The Cinema of Nuri Bilge Ceylan The Global Vision of a Turkish Filmmaker I. B. Tauris. London 9781784538163 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Hammond CA. 2017. Hope, Utopia and Creativity in Higher Education Pedagogical Tactics for Alternative Futures Bloomsbury Publishing. London 9781474261654 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Hammond C. 2023. Musical Experience as Penumbra, Haecceity & Utopian Fractal Peters E. Music in Crime, Resistance and Identity Routledge. London 9781032030470 Publisher Url
Hammond C. 2022. Mr Airport Man & the Albatross: A reverie of flight, hope and transformation Burnell IONA. The Lives of Working Class Academics: Getting Ideas Above Your Station Emerald Press 9781801170581 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Hammond C. 2020. Caliban, Monstrosity and CBHE: College Scholarship Centres as islands of possibility Orr K, Daley M, Petrie J. Caliban’s Dance: FE after the Tempest Trentham Books. London
Hammond C. 2019. Folds, Fractals and Bricolages for Hope: Some Conceptual and Pedagogical Tactics for a Creative Higher Education Gibbs P, Andrew P. Higher Education and Hope: Institutional, Pedagogical and Personal Possibilities Palgrave Macmillan. London 978-3-030-13565-2 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Hammond CA. 2017. Machiavelli, Tactics and Utopia? Orr K, Maire D, Petrie J. The Principal: Power and Professionalism in FE Trentham Books. London 978-1858568447 Author Url Publisher Url
Journal article
Scott H, Bennett P, Hammond C. 2022. ‘Silence is the sentence’: adult learners’ experiences of a co-created curriculum constructed through free writing tasks PRISM, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Hammond CA. 2018. Three Monkeys (2008): oblivion, anamnesis and the latent spectrality of hope Culture and Religion, 20 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Hammond CA. 2018. Roland Barthes, Guy Debord and the Pedagogical Value of Creative Liberation PRISM, 1 :8-24 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Hammond CA. 2015. Monstrosity and the Not-Yet: Edward Scissorhands via Ernst Bloch and Georg Simmel Film-Philosophy, 19 :221-248 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Hammond C. 2022. University of Law Podcast Author Url
Internet publication
Hammond CA. 2019. A Catechism for Oedipus: The Need for Pedagogies of Freedom, Creativity and Discovery in Higher Education Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Hammond CA. 2017. Creativity, Organisational Democracy & Alternative Futures Author Url Publisher Url
Book review
Hammond CA. 2018. Why universities should seek happiness and contentment British Journal of Educational Studies , 66 :406-408 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Conference publication
Hammond CA. 2016. The Blochian trace: Hieroglyph of the Future 13th Annual Historical Materialism Conference: Limits, Barriers and Borders Author Url Publisher Url
Hammond CA. 2016. Developing & Implementing a Utopian Pedagogy in a ‘HE in FE’ context Association for Research in Post Compulsory Education (ARPCE) Author Url Publisher Url
Hammond CA. 2015. A Dynamic Utopian Praxis: Creative Liberation, Micro-Democracy & Beyond New Directions in Reconciling Solidarity and Difference in Contemporary Societies Author Url Publisher Url
Hammond CA. 2015. Research, scholarship and Leadership in a large CBHE provider: Collaborative Tactics and New Directions AoC Create - HE Research and Scholarship Conference
Hammond CA. 2013. A Mysterious Jewel of Hope, Part-Formed Possibility & Future Redemption: The Hunchback of Notre-Dame as Homo-Absconditus Hope: Probing the Boundaries Author Url
Hammond CA, Johnson P. 2012. OERs in HE in FE: Creativity for Edupunks? Cambridge 2012: Innovation and Impact - Openly Collaborating to Enhance Education Author Url Publisher Url
Hammond CA. Michel de Certeau, Guy Debord & Everyday Life: Curricular Tactics & Pedagogical Manoeuvres International Conference on Responsible Research and Transformation in Education Author Url Public Url
Hammond C. Educere and/as haecceity: A prospective concept for non-linear knowledge AMPS (Architecture Media Politics Society) A Focus on Pedagogy Author Url
Hammond CA. 2016. Aligning Supported Research & Scholarship activities with the Blackburn College Teaching, Learning & Assessment Strategy Author Url Publisher Url
Hammond CA, Johnson P. 2012. Staff development in the OER era: transforming practice in HE in FE HEA/JISC Open Educational Resources case study: pedagogical development from OER practice Author Url Publisher Url
Hammond CA. Towards a Neo-Blochian Theory of Complexity, Hope and Cinematic Utopia Gilloch G, Wong YS.
Hammond CA. Dérives Against Destructive, Asinine – Tendencies: A Call to Arms for Dormant Revolutionaries Author Url Publisher Url
VC Award: University Winner for Excellence - Postgraduate Research Supervisor, LJMU. 2024
National Teaching Fellow, AdvanceHE, https://www.advance-he.ac.uk/ntfs/dr-craig-hammond. 2022
External PGR examinations performed:
University of Huddersfield, PhD, A Phenomenological Research Study into Student Perceptions of the Online Tutor’s Emotional Intelligence. 2024
University of Stirling, PhD, The Emergence of Diffraction as part of a Teaching & Learning Observation process: self and peer observation as pathways to pedagogical conversations for teacher development. 2024
University of Brighton, PhD, Explorations of ‘Maverick’ Educators within the institutional Arts and Art and Design Higher Education context. 2022
Middlesex University London, PhD, Policy contexts and student identity/ies: a post ’92 university case study. 2019
External collaboration:
https://sway.cloud.microsoft/KPTvqyGg6JXoGguO, Collaborative Seminar Series: Birmingham City University (BCU); St Mary's University Twickenham (SMU), Birmingham City University: The Centre for the Study of Practice and Culture in Education (CSPACE). St Mary's University Twickenham, Centre for Research into the Education of Marginalised Children and Young Adults (CREMCYA). 2024
Conference presentation:
Oedipus & the Sphinx: A metaphor for Pedagogic Captivity in Higher Education, (and the need for Heutagogic Expeditions), 4th International Association for Research in Postcompulsory Education (ARPCE), Harris Manchester College, Oxford University, UK, Oral presentation. 2022
Heutagogy, Haecceity and Diffractagraphy: a prospective conceptual and practice-based approach for decolonising knowledge, 10th International Conference on Critical Education: Critical education for social emancipation, Aristotle University Thessaloniki, Oral presentation. 2022
Educere and/as haecceity: A prospective concept for non-linear knowledge, Architecture_Media_Politics_Society (AMPS): A FOCUS ON PEDAGOGY: Teaching, Learning and Research in the Modern Academy, AMPS: Online Conference, Oral presentation. 2022
Research Grants Awarded:
Liverpool John Moores University QR Funding, Educators’ Views, Experiences and Preferences for Continuing Professional Development in a Post-COVID Environment, Dr Fran Tracy, Matt McLain, Dr Craig Hammond, Dr Avril Rowley, Angela Garden, Dr Anne-Marie Smith, Dr Helen Poole, Dr Kaye Richards., Grant value (£): 1,500, Duration of research project: 6 months. 2022
British Academy, British Academy small grants bid entitled ‘A Catechism for Oedipus: A Critical Approach to Pedagogic Practice in Higher Education’, Grant value (£): 6,244.01, Duration of research project: 2 years. 2020
Low Carbon Eco-Innovatory Project: European Regional Development Fund Programme 2014-2020, ‘Nature 2 Nurture’ Outdoor Education facility - cascading research, facilitating networks, Ariel Edesess, Grant value (£): 11,884.00, Duration of research project: 3 months. 2020
Other invited event:
Joint Keynote Speaker: A Dialogue on Hope, Pedagogy and Utopia within, against and beyond the Neoliberal & Colonial University., Birmingham City University, This joint keynote, (along with Dr Rhiannon Firth, University of Essex - organised by BCUs CSPACE), we engaged in a dialogical approach to exploring ways in which spaces and curricular practices for utopian hope can be introduced as part of contemporary Higher Education pedagogy.. 2019
Editorial boards:
International Journal of Phlosophy, Editorial Board Member, http://www.sciencepublishinggroup.com/journal/editorialboard?journalid=204. 2019
PRISM: Casting New Light on Theory, Learning and Practice, Co-Editor-in-Chief, https://openjournals.ljmu.ac.uk/index.php/prism/. 2019
Cultural Difference and Social Solidarity Network (CDSS), Editor, Reviewer and Conference Organiser, http://www.differenceandsolidarity.org/. 2015