Image of Dr Diahann Gallard

Dr Diahann Gallard

School of Education

Faculty of Arts Professional and Social Studies

Dr Diahann Gallard is the Programme Leader for the Doctor of Education (EdD) professional doctorate programme in the School of Education at Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU). For more details about the programme, please visit Please do get in touch with her if you would like more information about the course.

She is a Chartered Psychologist with the British Psychological Society (BPS). She co-authored the book 'Psychology and Education' which is part of the Routledge Foundations of Education Studies series for undergraduate education studies students. Her teaching at LJMU on undergraduates programmes is about psychological theory and principles applicable to education and person-centred learning.

Diahann's research is interdisciplinary and she is involved with collaborative projects spanning education, psychology, mental health and youth justice focussing on the intersections between these fields. She was the lead editor of 'Children and Their Education in Secure Accommodation: Interdisciplinary Perspectives of Education, Health and Youth Justice' published by Routledge. She is currently researching the emergence of a new model of provision and intervention as secure accommodation - 'Secure Schools' - led by the Ministry of Justice.

She also has a specialist interest in educational anthrozoology, particularly the ethics of young children’s learning about, and with, animals and the values associated with the teaching of animal-related themes in early years education. Her doctoral thesis was about animal-related and animal-assisted learning in early education settings. She has written a short piece for The Conversation - see:

In addition to her teaching and research roles, she is the Registrar of the LJMU Liverpool Institute for Research in Education (previously the Centre for Educational Research) where she also leads on research ethics and integrity. More about the work of the institute can be found here:

She is a reviewer of proposals and manuscripts for various publishers for forthcoming texts and articles about psychology and education, educational anthrozoology and education doctorate programmes.

External Examining:
Diahann is the External Examiner for the Doctor of Education (EdD) programme at the University of Sheffield. She has previously held examiner posts at the University of Manchester (MEd Psychology of Education BPS accredited) and the University of York (MSc Psychology in Education BPS accredited).

Journal article

Gallard D. 2023. University student settlement and wellbeing with dogs as transitional support Pastoral Care in Education: An International Journal of Personal, Social and Emotional Development, :1-17 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Beaumont J, Putwain D, Gallard D, Malone E, Marsh HW, Pekrun R. 2023. Students’ Emotion Regulation and School-Related Wellbeing: Longitudinal Models Juxtaposing Between- and Within-Person Perspectives Beaumont JOANNA, Gallard DIAHANN, Malone ELIZABETH, Marsh HERB, Pekrun REINHARD. Journal of Educational Psychology, DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Putwain D, Beaumont J, Gallard D. 2022. Adaptability vs. Buoyancy: Which Offers the Greater Protection Against Test Anxiety and Could Relations be Reciprocal? Learning and Individual Differences, 101 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Putwain DW, Gallard D, Beaumont J, Loderer K, von der Embse NP. 2021. Does Test Anxiety Predispose Poor School-Related Wellbeing and Enhanced Risk of Emotional Disorders? (Mar, 10.1007/s10608-021-10211-x, 2021) COGNITIVE THERAPY AND RESEARCH, 45 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Putwain DW, Gallard D, Beaumont J, Loderer K, von der Embse N. 2021. Does Test Anxiety Predispose Poor School-Related Wellbeing and Enhanced Risk of Emotional Disorders? Cognitive Therapy and Research, 45 :1150-1162 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Putwain DW, Gallard D, Beaumont J. 2020. Academic buoyancy protects achievement against minor academic adversities Learning and Individual Differences, 83-84 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Putwain DW, Symes W, Coxon E, Gallard D. 2020. Attention Bias in Test Anxiety: The Impact of a Test-threat Congruent Situation, Presentation Time, and Approach-avoidance Temperament Educational Psychology, 40 :713-734 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Putwain DW, Loderer K, Gallard D, Beaumont J. 2019. School-related subjective well-being promotes subsequent adaptability, achievement, and positive behavioural conduct. British Journal of Educational Psychology, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Gallard D. 2019. Psychology of Education Section Annual Conference Feedback: Past, present and future Psychology of Education Review, 43 :59-60 DOI Publisher Url

Putwain DW, Gallard D, Beaumont J. 2018. A multi-component wellbeing programme for upper secondary students: Effects on wellbeing, buoyancy, and adaptability School Psychology International, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Gallard D. 2018. Response to 'Are the kids alright? Examining the intersection between education and mental health' The Psychology of Education Review, 42 :31-33

Gallard D, Taylor E. 2017. Supporting students’ mental health and wellbeing through the integration of companion animals into tutorial programmes at a teaching-led university Innovations in Practice, 11 Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Gallard D. 2013. Non human bonds Early Education, 70 :10-11 Publisher Url

Gallard D. 2012. Re-engaging with animals in Primary schools. SCAS Journal (Society for Companion Animal Studies), XXIV Publisher Url

Conference publication

Gallard D. 2020. How pupils with ADHD respond to a school dog scheme? ICSEI 2020: 33rd International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement

Gallard D. 2019. How does wellbeing relate to achievement, behaviour and attendance in upper secondary education? Psychology of Education Section Annual Conference 2019: Getting Reflective: Psychology as a Force for Good in Education

Gallard D. 2018. Compassion-centred pedagogies and early childhood education practice European Early Childhood Education Research Association 28th Annual Conference

Gallard D. 2018. Children’s caring and compassionate voices emerging through animal-assisted and related learning European Early Childhood Education Research Association 28th Annual Conference

Gallard D. 2018. Embedding mental healthiness training in Primary Initial Teacher Education 'Debates in child and family well-being' conference (Holistic Wellbeing EECERA SIG)

Gallard D. 2017. Re-emphasising teacher-learner collaboration and shared intentionality in promoting mental health and wellbeing in the school environment British Education Studies Association Annual Conference. Liverpool Hope University.

Gallard D. 2016. Investigating the integration of therapeutic animals into tutorial programmes at LJMU

Daly A, Gallard D, Webb E, Yearsley S, Scott S, Moss V. 2015. Reflecting on the SPARK journal: Exploring continuity, sustainability, and the possibilities for faculty-wide integrated approach Liverpool John Moores University Teaching and Learning Conference

Daly A, Gallard D, Webb E, Moss V, Scott S, Yearsley S. 2015. Reflecting on the SPARK journal: Exploring continuity, sustainability, and the possibilities for faculty-wide integrated approach LJMU Learning and Teaching Conference Book of Abstracts, Liverpool John Moores Teaching and Learning Conference

Gallard D, Daly A, Parry L, Mills L. 2014. Student engagement through academic writing: Process reflections of a community of enquiry The 10th Annual Conference of the British Education Studies Association

Forrester G, Gallard D, Daly A, Parry L, Mills L. 2014. Developing a journal publication for undergraduate writing: opportunities, challenges and reflections. LJMU Teaching and Learning Conference

Gallard D. 2014. Educational Anthrozoology in Early Childhood: An issue of ethics CfHAS conference

Gallard D. 2013. In search of authentic animal related learning Faculty Research Conference

Gallard D. 2013. Reviewing and reframing the status of animal experiences in Primary schools Teacher Education Advancement Network (4th Annual Conference)

Gallard D. 2012. Teacher attitudes to animals in primary education in England The International Society for Anthrozoology (21st Annual Conference)

Gallard D. 2011. Animal-child interaction opportunities in English Primary schools The International Society for Anthrozoology (20th Annual Conference)

Gallard D. Dogs in educational contexts: Children’s social and emotional learning through a dog buddy scheme, Annual Conference 2022 Publisher Url

Gallard D, Rowley A. Enhancing Children's Bonds to Nature in the School Environment using Digital Technology: An In-Depth Exploration of Educators' Perspectives,

Books (edited)

2018. Children and Their Education in Secure Accommodation: Interdisciplinary Perspectives of Education, Health and Youth Justice. Gallard D, Evans K, Millington J. London: Routledge DOI Publisher Url


Gallard D. 2016. Creating a space for compassionate communication in higher education through animal-assisted tutorials. The British Psychological Society Psychology of Education Section Annual Conference. Aston Conference Centre, Birmingham.

Gallard D. 2016. The animal-related educational practices and activities for children/young people who have entered the youth justice system in the UK International Society for Anthrozoology (ISAZ). Autonomous University of Barcelona

Gallard D, Daly A, Wood P, McLeod N. 2016. Transitions for people alongside process: the journey of SPARK to Open Journal. LJMU Teaching and Learning Conference.

Books (authored)

Gallard D, Cartmell K. 2015. Psychology and Education (Foundations of Education Studies) London: Routledge


Gallard D, Garden A. 2011. The Psychology of Education Dufour B, Curtis W. Studying Education: An introduction to the key disciplines in education studies Open University Press 978-0335241057 DOI Publisher Url

Gallard D. 2009. The Psychology of Childhood [CHAPTER] Kassem D, Murphy L, Taylor E. Childhood and Youth Studies: Critical Issues London: Routledge 978-0415468893

Gallard D. 2008. How People Learn [CHAPTER] Kassem D, Mufti E, Murphy L. Education Studies: An Introduction to Key Issues Berkshire: Open University Press 978-0335223510



Conference presentation:

Gallard, D. & Boyd, D. Young children’s wellbeing through access to and usage of local natural spaces and the effect of adult values, 31st Annual Conference of the European Early Childhood Education Research Association (EECERA), Estoril, Portugal, Oral presentation. 2023

Research Grants Awarded:

LJMU APSS Faculty QR Team-based research fund, Connecting schools to nature using digital tech, Avril Rowley, Ross McLeod, Serge Wich, Grant value (£): £3931.96. 2022

LJMU Curriculum Enhancement Internship Project funding, The development of care packages for professional doctorate students, Graham Downes, Grant value (£): £1950. 2022

LJMU Research Capacity Building Fund (Faculty of Education, Health and Community) - FREE/Emerging researcher, An investigation into the animal-related activities embedded as part of the education/rehabilitation of children/young people in secure settings, Grant value (£): 2762.55. 2016

LJMU Curriculum Enhancement Bid (2014), Sociability and Society; A natural progression in the Pedagogical ‘space’., Diane Boyd, Diahann Gallard, Angie Daly, Grant value (£): £4000, Duration of research project: 4 months. 2015

LJMU, ‘No place like home’: Positionality and purpose in the development of a pedagogical space., Diahann Gallard, Angela Daly, Hirst, Nicky, Boyd, Diane, Liz Taylor, Grant value (£): 5490.04, Duration of research project: One year. 2014

LJMU, The placement of undergraduate non-QTS students within the classroom context with a focus on emotional needs and ‘voice’ rather than curriculum delivery, Diahann Gallard, Angie Garden, Diane Boyd, Grant value (£): 2000.00, Duration of research project: One year. 2009

Other invited event:

Secure schools consultation, London, Forum advising the establishment of the new secure schools. 2018

Westminster Education Forum: Next steps for early years - extending provison, building capacity and developing the workforce., Sixty One Whitehall, London SW1A 2ET, Keynote seminar. 2016

'Common ground: Education for sustainable development and animal welfare', Houses of Parliament, Launch event by World Animal Protection. 2014


Vice Chancellor's Award. Teaching and Learning Excellence Award to the SPARK editorial team, LJMU. 2014

Teaching qualification:

B.Ed (Hons) Primary Education. 1997

Media Coverage:

Invited speaker Headteacher Farzana Shah from Cloughside College (a secure setting for children) linking up with Liverpool John Moores University

LJMU Corporate Communications - Teacher training around the campfire

LJMU Corporate Communications - LJMU awards first 'Animal Aware School' as part of national scheme

Early Education Liverpool Branch launch

Membership of professional bodies:

Chartered Psychologist (CPsychol), The British Psychological Society.

Member, Early Education (The British Association for Early Childhood Education).

Member, International Society for Anthrozoology (ISAZ).

Member, The British Education Studies Association (BESA).

External committees:

Education sub-committee of, The Society for the Protection of Animals Abroad (SPANA), Advisor.

Local Governing Body, Birkenhead Sixth Form College, Governor,


Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, FHEA.
