Dr Gillian Peiser
School of Education
Faculty of Arts Professional and Social Studies
Email: G.Peiser@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 231 4626
Current Roles and Responsibilities:
Deputy Director of Centre for Educational Research (CERES) with responsibility for research mentoring
Deputy REF co-ordinator for Education (UoA 23)
CERES Research Group Leader for Research Informed Pedagogies
Supervisor of doctoral students conducting research into languages education / practitioner research / intercultural education
PGCE MFL Route Leader
School liaison tutor
Teaching interests:
Second language teaching pedagogy, practitioner research, research methods, masters and doctoral dissertation supervision
Research interests:
Intercultural understanding in (languages) education, teacher development and teacher education, research-rich teacher education, epistemic beliefs and emotions
2012, Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom, PhD, Education
1999, Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom, MA, Educational Management
1995, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom, PGCE, German with French
1994, University of Manchester, United Kingdom, BA (Hons), European Studies and Modern Languages
Academic appointments
Senior Lecturer in Teacher Education, Liverpool John Moores University, 2009 - present
Senior Lecturer in German and TESOL, Liverpool John Moores University, 2006 - 2009
Highlighted publications
Peiser G, Pratt A, Putwain DW. 2022. Student teachers’ views about the university’s research contribution to professional knowledge development Teaching and Teacher Education, 112 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Peiser G, Duncalf D, Mallaburn A. 2019. The role of the mentor in an increasingly school-led English initial teacher education policy context Professional Development in Education, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Peiser G, Stanley G. 2019. Free access to the concert hall: widening university students’ participation in extracurricular activity? British Journal of Music Education, 37 :43-54 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Peiser G, Ambrose J, Burke B, Davenport J. 2018. The role of the mentor in professional knowledge development across four professions International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in Education, 7 :2-18 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Peiser G. 2015. The place of research in teacher education Beauchamp G, Clarke L, Hulme M, Jephcote M, Kennedy A, Magennis G, Menter I, Murray J, Mutton T, O'Doherty T, Peiser G. Teacher education in times of change :161-178 Policy Press. Bristol Publisher Url Public Url
Peiser G. 2015. Overcoming barriers: engaging younger students in an online intercultural exchange Intercultural Education, 26 :361-376 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Peiser G, Jones M. 2013. The influence of teachers’ interests, personalities and life experiences in intercultural languages teaching Day C. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, 20 :375-390 DOI
Peiser G, Jones M. 2013. The significance of Intercultural Understanding (IU) in the English Modern Foreign Languages curriculum: a pupil perspective Language Learning Journal, 41 :340-356 DOI
Journal article
Peiser G, Pratt A, Putwain DW. 2022. Student teachers’ views about the university’s research contribution to professional knowledge development Teaching and Teacher Education, 112 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Peiser G, Duncalf D, Mallaburn A. 2019. The role of the mentor in an increasingly school-led English initial teacher education policy context Professional Development in Education, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Peiser G, Stanley G. 2019. Free access to the concert hall: widening university students’ participation in extracurricular activity? British Journal of Music Education, 37 :43-54 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Peiser G, Ambrose J, Burke B, Davenport J. 2018. The role of the mentor in professional knowledge development across four professions International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in Education, 7 :2-18 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Peiser G, Jones M. 2013. The influence of teachers’ interests, personalities and life experiences in intercultural languages teaching Day C. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, 20 :375-390 DOI
Castle K, Peiser G, Smith E. 2013. Teacher development through the Masters in Teaching and Learning: a lost opportunity Gilroy P. Journal of Education for Teaching, 39 :30-38 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Peiser G, Jones M. 2013. The significance of Intercultural Understanding (IU) in the English Modern Foreign Languages curriculum: a pupil perspective Language Learning Journal, 41 :340-356 DOI
Peiser G, Jones M. 2012. Rhetoric or reality: Intercultural understanding in the English Key Stage 3 Modern Foreign Languages curriculum Curriculum Journal, 23 :173-187 DOI
Peiser G. 2020. Mentoring Students on Professional Courses in Higher Education in the Workplace: New Opportunities and Challenges Woolhouse C, Nicholson L. Mentoring in Higher Education: Case Studies of Peer Learning and Pedagogical Development :95-113 Palgrave Macmillan. London 978-3-030-46890-3 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Castle K, Peiser G, Smith E. 2016. Teacher development through the masters in teaching and learning: A lost opportunity Masterliness in the Teaching Profession :29-37
Peiser G. 2015. The place of research in teacher education Beauchamp G, Clarke L, Hulme M, Jephcote M, Kennedy A, Magennis G, Menter I, Murray J, Mutton T, O'Doherty T, Peiser G. Teacher education in times of change :161-178 Policy Press. Bristol Publisher Url Public Url
Byram M, Peiser G. 2015. Culture Learning in the Language Classroom Bennett JM. The Sage Encyclopedia of Intercultural Competence :205-208 SAGE Publications 9781452244280 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Beauchamp G, Kennedy A, Mutton T, Clarke L, Magennis G, O’doherty T, Hulme M, Menter I, Peiser G, Jephcote M, Murray J. 2015. Teacher education in times of change: Responding to challenges across the UK and Ireland Teacher Education in Times of Change: Responding to Challenges Across the UK and Ireland :1-291
Peiser G. 2011. Does the Revised English MFL Curriculum Give Us Reasons to be Optimistic about Fostering Intercultural Understanding Amongst Key Stage 3 Language Learners? Witte A. Intercultural Competence: Concepts, Challenges, Evaluations 10 :111-125 Peter Lang. Oxford 978-3-0343-0793-2 Publisher Url
Conference publication
Hulme M, Mutton T, Peiser G. 2016. The dual effects of the Carter Review and the allocations crisis BERA Annual Conference 2016
Peiser G, Stanley G. 2015. Free access to the concert hall of an acclaimed orchestra: A Vice-Chancellor's vision and the student experience BERA Conference 2015
Peiser G. 2015. Overcoming barriers: engaging younger students in an online intercultural exchange Intercultural Education, 26 :361-376 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Peiser G. Does the revised English MFL curriculum give us reasons to be optimistic about fostering intercultural understanding amongst Key Stage 3 language learners? International Conference on Intercultural Competence: Concepts Challenges Evaluations (2010)
Peiser G, Doyle S, Faragher S. Developments of the MTL in the North West UCET Annual Conference 2010
Peiser G. The Potential for Modern Foreign Languages to Promote and Develop the Intercultural Competence Curriculum in English Secondary Schools BESA annual conference 2008
Peiser G. The potential for developing the intercultural understanding element of the MFL curriculum in English secondary schools Cultnet Meeting
Jones M, Peiser G. An Investigation of Secondary Student Teachers’ Emerging Philosophy of Teaching. British Educational Research Association (BERA) Annual Conference 6-8 September 2011, London.
Peiser G. The significance of intercultural understanding in the English MFL curriculum: a pupil perspective Cultnet Seminar 2011 DOI Publisher Url
Peiser G. The influence of teachers' interests, personalities and life experiences in intercultural languages teaching NAFOL international conference 2012 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Castle K, Peiser G, Smith E. Teacher development through the MTL: a lost opportunity 3rd TEAN Conference: Creating Effective Teachers
Peiser G. The interplay of teacher specific and contextual factors on intercultural languages teaching International Association for Languages and Intercultural Communication 11th International Conference
Peiser G. Reflections on my PhD: some ethical and methodological issues Teacher Education Research Network (TERN) Seminar
Peiser G, Oberg H. Promoting Pupils' Intercultural Understanding in MFL Languages World 2013
Peiser G, Pratt A. Student teachers' views about the university's (research) contribution to professional knowledge development TEAN Annual Conference 2021
Peiser G, Pratt A. The redesign of a secondary postgraduate diploma in education; student teachers' views on the core module TEAN Annual Conference 2019
Peiser G. Student teachers' views about the influence of educational research: The influence of epistemic beliefs and epistemic emotions TEAN Annual Conference 2022
Peiser G. The relevance of educational research to student teachers: the impact of epistemic beliefs and epistemic emotions British Educational Research Association (BERA) Annual Conference 2022
Peiser G, Pratt A. Student teachers’ views about the university’s (research) contribution to professional knowledge development British Educational Research Association (BERA) Annual Conference 2021
Peiser G. What do student teachers think about the university’s research contribution to their professional knowledge development? ITE policy, school context and the individual UCET Research and International Symposium
Peiser G, Duncalf D, Mallaburn A. The role of the mentor in an increasingly school-led English ITE policy context TEAN Annual Conference 2017
Peiser G. Overcoming Barriers: Engaging younger foreign language learners in an intercultural online exchange 2014 International Conference on Diversity in Organizations, Communities and Nations
Peiser G. The impact of epistemic beliefs and emotions on student teachers' views about educational research EARLI 20th Biennal Conference
Peiser G, Putwain D, Held T. Research (ir)relevance for student teachers: the role of epistemic beliefs and emotions Diversity within classrooms and societies: Perspectives on Teacher, Moral and Democracy Education. EARLI SIG 11 & 13 Conference 2024
Peiser G. What do student teachers think and feel about educational research? Exploring the influence of epistemic beliefs and emotions BERA Annual Conference 2024
Peiser G. Research (ir)relevance for student teachers: the role of epistemic emotions
Books (authored)
Beauchamp G, Clarke L, Hulme M, Jephcote M, Kennedy A, Magennis G, Menter I, Murray J, Mutton T, O'Doherty T, Peiser G. 2015. Teacher Education in Times of Change Bristol University Press DOI Publisher Url
Beauchamp G, Clarke L, Hulme M, Jephcote M, Kennedy A, Magennis G, Menter I, Murray J, Mutton T, O’Doherty T, Peiser G. 2015. Teacher Education in Times of Change Policy Press 9781447318538 DOI Publisher Url
Beauchamp G, Clarke L, Hulme M, Jephcote M, Kennedy A, Magennis G, Menter I, Murray J, Mutton T, O’Doherty T, Peiser G. 2015. Teacher education in times of change Bristol University Press DOI Publisher Url
Beauchamp G, Clarke L, Hulme M, Jephcote M, Kennedy A, Magennis G, Menter I, Murray J, Mutton T, O'Doherty T, Peiser G. 2015. Teacher Education In Times of Change Policy Press 9781447318538 DOI Publisher Url
Book review
Peiser G. 2015. Language teachers and teaching. Global perspectives, local initiatives Language and Intercultural Communication, 15 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Peiser G. The significance of intercultural understanding in modern foreign languages Key Stage 3 curriculum : the perspectives of policy makers, teachers and pupils Public Url
Industrial connections:
Oxford University Press, External Consultant on students' intercultural competence development through teaching and learning content in Key Stage 3 French textbooks. 2021
Other invited event:
UEA Public Lecture Series, University of East Anglia, School of Politics, Philosophy, Languages and Communication Studies, Guest lecture: Developing intercultural understanding through foreign language education: Lessons from English secondary schools. 2017
External PGR Supervision - completed students:
University of Manchester, PhD, Exploring Arabic Teachers' Experiences and Understanding of Living Arab Culture as part of their curriculum subject. 2017
Conference organisation:
International Association for Languages and Intercultural Communication (IALIC) Conference, Member of Scientific Committee. 2016
Other Professional Activity:
External examiner for PGCE MFL at Goldsmiths University.
Fellow of Higher Education Academy, Higher Education Academy.