Janette Porter
School of Education
Faculty of Arts Professional and Social Studies
Email: J.Porter1@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 231 5929
Janette is a Lecturer in Education and Early Childhood Studies. Module Leader on 6221 EDSTUD National and Contemporary Issues in the Early Years and is a member of Liverpool John Moores University Ethics and Research Council
Since 2006 Janette has been a sessional and visiting lecture posts in Social Sciences and Public Health. Janette worked as a Research assistant and Project officer within Sociology and previously worked for the Baseline Research and Survey team Liverpool John Moores University.
Janette was the Project Officer for the Healthy Relationship Project 2012-2019 LJMU (see publications) and short film https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZaIYqr0wHF0&feature=youtu.be
Janette has also been a visiting lecturer at De Montford University, Lincolnshire and Leeds University.
As a research assistant Janette worked on a range of research projects including
2020 Bullybusters an evaluation of an-anti bullying initiative
2019 Dignity without Danger https://www.ljmu.ac.uk/microsites/dignity-without-danger
2018 Period Poverty
2016 Healthy Relationships
2006: ‘It’s our world isn’t it’, Liverpool Model – A Special Project
2015 winner Scholarly Snaps Research week photo competition, Liverpool John Moores University.
Conferences presentation:
Liverpool World Centre Gender Friendly School
LJMU/Uni of Liverpool Love Research café LJMU
CERES SoE Seminar Nepali/UK education
University of Liverpool Making Research Count for Children: Dissemination, Impact-Building & Data Protection
Arts Health and Wellbeing symposium LJMU
SoE Seminar Nepali/UK education LJMU CERES
"Children with Disabilities and their Rights to Online Information/Communication about Sexual Relationships- European Children’s Rights Unit” Liverpool University
Education/health/community LJMU Research Café
LJMU Research Exchange Tender London
Arthrapology -University of Sheffield BSA Sociology of the Arts group
Keeping Children Safe in Education Tender RE and findings and attendee questionnaire LJMU
Creative Research Methods in Social Sciences Mixed Methods and Interaction -perfect partner co Social Research in Action LJMU
Sharing experiences (Tender) Liverpool education authority secondary schools teachers conference
Gap Work Against Gender Violence Challenging Gender related Violence with Young People - Brunel University London
Respect Young Peoples Service 9th National Practitioners Seminar Young Peoples use of Violence in close relationships YORK
Self Selves and Sexualities 3rd Biannual Irish Sexuality Studies conference
Reflect for Change Community Action Hub Manchester
Janette is the governance Trustee of Sreepur Village Bangladesh https://www.sreepurvillage.org I have been working with this charity since 1990
2008 Janette worked in Nairobi, Africa with The League of Exchange of Commonwealth teachers at Chuka University and visited primary and secondary schools in the Meru and Chukka districts
2003, Liverpool Hope University, United Kingdom, PGCE
1997, Manchester Metropolitan University, United Kingdom, MA
1992, Liverpool Hope University, United Kingdom, Ba hons
Academic appointments
Lecturer in Education and Early Childhood Studies. Module Leader on 6221 EDSTUD National and Contemporary Issues in the Early Years., Liverpool John Moores University, 2022 - present
Journal article
Standing K, Porter J. 2020. Love Island and Relationship Education Frontiers in Sociology, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Internet publication
Standing KE, Porter J. 2018. Love Island: Adam shows teenagers how not to treat romantic partners Publisher Url Public Url
Research Grants Awarded:
Children in Need, SEN schools and PHSE, Porter, Janette, Grant value (£): 9935.00, Duration of research project: 12 months. 2019
External collaboration:
https://www2.ljmu.ac.uk/newsupdate/viewarticle/3351/, lJMU School of Education and Sociology/Classrooms in the Clouds, Nepal, Classrooms in the Clouds, Nepal. 2018
Media Coverage: