Dr Judith Enriquez
School of Education
Faculty of Arts Professional and Social Studies
Email: J.G.Enriquez@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 231 5292
While my curriculum vitae would outline the events that make up my career, I would like this profile to present a brief narrative that weaves influences, experiences and serendipitous encounters into an emerging pattern of my academic endeavour and research interest in a scholarship that engages with the inter-disciplinary relations of various intellectual traditions from computer science to educational psychology, from philosophy to science and software and technology studies, from instructional design to literacy and media studies and informatics… a moving around the emerging area of digital humanities, puzzling over MOOCs and what does big data means to research ethics, practices, tools and methodologies.
As a BAME scholar, I have written about my othered identity which has been mistaken as one and the same status as EU migrants especially in the context of the recent Brexit-related politics. I write about academic mobility of non-EU academics like me.
I started 20 years ago in my journey as an academic in Higher Education. I have stayed and have known no other educational context of both study and work. I remain grateful in being educated to see the world not just through the lens of system code structures and functions - that there are multiple ways of thinking, seeing and doing.
I have assumed many roles and responsibilities – a teaching assistant, a tutor, a lecturer, a learning technologist, a curriculum designer, programme developer, supervisor, examiner, including a computer programmer and system analyst. My career journey took many twists and turns and has given me a globalised experience across continents. I have taught in the Philippines, Malaysia, UK and USA.
If I could pin down in two words the teaching and research scholarship I teach and learn to become, these would be – mobilities and literacies for the sake of sustainability goals for humanity and our planet. Two main projects that are being undertaken to this end are: (1) Sari-sari Education - a GCRF Philippine-based project; and (2) Internet of Children (IoC) - a project that returns the Internet to sustainable development beyond Internet of Things.
Filipino; Pilipino
Pampanga; Kapampangan
2007, University of Aberdeen, United Kingdom, PhD
1994, Ateneo de Manila University, Philippines, BS Computer Science
University of Leicester, 2001, United Kingdom, MA
Higher Education Academy, Senior Fellow
Academic appointments
Senior Lecturer, Education, Liverpool John Moores University, 2012 - present
Highlighted publications
Enriquez-Gibson JG. 2016. Ethnography of Corporeality: A carnal move in educational technology research British Journal of Educational Technology, 47 :1125-1134 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Enriquez-Gibson JG, Gibson IW. 2016. (Un)becoming tourist-teachers: Unveiling white racial identity in cross-cultural teaching programmes International Journal of Pedagogies and Learning, 10 :107-120 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Enriquez-Gibson JG. 2015. Papier-mach(in)e: Thinking with “sticky” paper in the cloud British Journal of Educational Technology, 46 :1354-1366 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Enriquez JG. 2013. Being (t)here: mobilising ‘mediaspaces’ of learning Learning, Media and Technology, 38 :319-336 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Enriquez JG. 2010. Fluid centrality: a social network analysis of social-technical relations in computer-mediated communication International Journal of Research & Method in Education, 33 :55-67 DOI Publisher Url
Enriquez JG. 2009. Discontent with content analysis of online transcripts ALT-J Research in Learning Technology, 17 :101-113 DOI Publisher Url
Enriquez JG. 2009. From Bush Pump to Blackboard: the fluid workings of a virtual environment E-learning and Digital Media, 6 :385-399 DOI Publisher Url
Journal article
Enriquez J. 2024. Becoming-Story: a decolonial desire of a colonized ‘I’ Journal of Awareness-Based Systems Change, 4 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Enriquez-Gibson JG. 2020. Borders of Time: The temporalities of academic mobility Applied Mobilities, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Enriquez-Gibson JG. 2020. Paper-work: what module guides have to say about assessment practices PRISM, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Enriquez-Gibson JG. 2020. The Documents We Teach By Friend C, Knott J. Hybrid Pedagogy, Publisher Url Public Url
Enriquez-Gibson JG. 2016. Ethnography of Corporeality: A carnal move in educational technology research British Journal of Educational Technology, 47 :1125-1134 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Enriquez-Gibson JG, Gibson IW. 2016. (Un)becoming tourist-teachers: Unveiling white racial identity in cross-cultural teaching programmes International Journal of Pedagogies and Learning, 10 :107-120 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Enriquez-Gibson JG. 2015. Papier-mach(in)e: Thinking with “sticky” paper in the cloud British Journal of Educational Technology, 46 :1354-1366 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Enriquez J. 2013. Being (t)here: mobilising "mediaspaces' of learning LEARNING MEDIA AND TECHNOLOGY, 38 :319-336 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Enriquez JG. 2013. Being (t)here: mobilising ‘mediaspaces’ of learning Learning, Media and Technology, 38 :319-336 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Enriquez JG. 2011. Tug-o-where: situating mobilities of learning (t)here Learning, Media and Technology, 36 :39-53 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Enriquez JG. 2011. A Discussion by Any Other Name: disentangling words and practice in online conferencing E-learning and Digital Media, 8 :19-30 DOI Publisher Url
Enriquez JG. 2010. Photo-imaging and tagging the act of studying ASCILITE 2010 - The Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education, :324-332
Enriquez JG. 2010. Fluid centrality: a social network analysis of social-technical relations in computer-mediated communication International Journal of Research & Method in Education, 33 :55-67 DOI Publisher Url
Enriquez JG. 2009. Tug-o-where: Practising mobilities of learning (t)here ASCILITE 2009 - The Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education, :273-284
Enriquez J. 2009. Configuring networked learning through Kelly's constructive alternativism The International Journal of Learning, 16 :263-277 DOI Publisher Url
Enriquez JG. 2009. Discontent with content analysis of online transcripts ALT-J Research in Learning Technology, 17 :101-113 DOI Publisher Url
Enriquez JG. 2009. From Bush Pump to Blackboard: the fluid workings of a virtual environment E-learning and Digital Media, 6 :385-399 DOI Publisher Url
Enriquez JG. 2008. Translating networked learning: un-tying relational ties online Journal of Computer-Assisted Learning, 24 :116-127 DOI Publisher Url
Enriquez JG. 2003. A socialisation model for information and communication technologies: Towards the professional development of teachers Journal of Institutional Research South East Asia, 1 :43-56
Enriquez J. Connexiography: becoming-other-than critique in peer review N/A,
Enriquez J. Hope Inquiry: vital moves from the gut in the middle cut together N/A, DOI Publisher Url
Enriquez J. Growth of Limits: valuing sustainability in education N/A,
Enriquez JG. Symposium 1: Translating Networked Learning Proceedings of the International Conference on Networked Learning, 5 DOI Publisher Url
Enriquez J. 2020. The documents we teach by Publisher Url
Enriquez-Gibson JG. 2018. Pedagogy of Academic Mobility Hosein A, Rao N, Shu-Hua Yeh C, Kinchin I. Academics’ International Teaching Journeys Personal Narratives of Transitions in Higher Education Bloomsbury 978-1474289771 Publisher Url Public Url
Enriquez-Gibson J. 2018. Pedagogy of Academic Mobility Academics’ International Teaching Journeys Personal Narratives of Transitions in Higher Education :125-140 Bloomsbury Publishing 9781474289795
Enriquez JG. 2012. Bodily Aware in Cyber-Research At the Interface: Probing the Boundaries 83 :59-72 DOI Publisher Url
Enriquez JG. 2009. Genre Analysis of Online Postings Dirckinck-Holmfield L, Jones C, Lindström B. Analysing networked learning practices in Higher Education and Continuing Professional Development :85-101 Sense Publishers. Rotterdam
Enriquez J. Childcare Ethics: Is ethics a childcaring one? Frankel S, Kay-Flowers S. The Ethics of Unlocking Research with Children: Creativity, Agency and Change Emerald Public Url
Conference publication
Enriquez-Gibson JG. 2018. Rhythms of Academic Mobility Applied Mobilities, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Enriquez-Gibson J. 2014. Tracing digital traces of Phatic communion in #mooc Proceedings of the International Conference on e-Learning, ICEL, :45-49
Enriquez J, Ainsworth S, Crook C, O'Malley C, Gelmini G, Buda M. 2008. Turn-taking and Mode-switching in grounding text-based communication in the classroom Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning Conference, CSCL, :27-28
Enriquez-Gibson JG. Document-speak: what module guides, grids and marking criteria have to say about assessment practices
External collaboration:
https://existentialknowledgefoundation.org/, Existential Knowledge Foundation, Jinan KB Ranjana Baji. 2022
https://www.basabookstore.com/, Angkas Travelling Bookstore, Rey Bufi Grace Bufi. 2020
Conference presentation:
Anti-Nature by Education, EECERA Festival Online Conference, Online, Oral presentation. 2021
The Natural Side of Technology into the Forest School Space, 1st Online International Doctoral Research Conference in Education (CERES), Liverpool John Moores University, Online. 2020
BORDERS OF TIME: The temporalities of academic mobility, SRHE Conference 2019, Celtic Manor Resort, Newport Wales, Oral presentation. 2019
Where o' wear my play: postdigital literacies of children, Reconceptualising Early Childhood Literacies: An International Conference, Manchester Conference Centre, Oral presentation. 2019
Teaching Machines-are-US: a call for critical digital pedagogy, BERA - Transitions: Challenges, Threats & Opportunities across the Post-compulsory Sectors, Redmonds Building, LJMU, Oral presentation. 2018
The paperwork of assessment practices, EAIR 40th Annual Forum 2018, Central European University, Budapest, Oral presentation. 2018
Document-speak: what module guides, grids and marking criteria have to say about assessment practices, SRHE International Annual Research Conference, Celtic Manor, Newport, South Wales, Oral presentation. 2016
The convergent and divergent boundaries of becoming a migrant academic, SRHE Annual Research Conference, Newport. Wales, Oral presentation. 2015
L-Drive: The Library as a Central Driver of Academic Literacy and Transition, Improving University Teaching Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia, Oral presentation. 2015
Document-speak: what module guides, grids and marking criteria have to say about assessment practices, LJMU Learning and Teaching Conference, Liverpool, UK, Oral presentation. 2015
Incorporating digital technologies into the lives of young children, 24th EECERA Conference, Crete, Greece, Oral presentation. 2014
Critical Issues of cyber-research in social media, 9th Global Cybercultures Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, Oral presentation. 2014
Following hushtag (#)MOOC: mobility of online courses on twitter, Networked Learning Conference 2014, Edinburgh, Scotland, Oral presentation. 2014
Papier-mach(in)e: thinking with 'sticky' paper in the cloud, 7th Global Conference: Cybercultures, Prague, Czech Republic, Oral presentation. 2013
Other invited event:
Earth-bound, Online, An invited online seminar with .... 2021
Faculty Development Program Webinar Series of Reva University Bengaluru, India., Online, An online conversation about Earth-bound Digital Humanities with colleagues and students.. 2021
CEPA Research Seminar, Liverpool Hope University, Presented book chapter on Academic Mobility. 2017
Digital Education Seminar Series, University of Edinburgh, Presentation about Academic Mobility. 2017
Membership of professional bodies:
International Literacy Association (ILA), International Literacy Association (ILA), https://literacyworldwide.org/. 2019
Member, Society for Research in HE.
Editorial boards:
Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, Editorial Research Board Member, https://www.aace.org/pubs/jtate/. 2017
Untold Stories of Embodied Gender in Academic Networks, CMM Institute for Personal and Social Evolution, http://cmminstitute.net/2016-2017-fellows. 2016
LJMU Early Career Fellowship Grant, LJMU. 2013
Research Grants Awarded:
Teaching and Learning Academy, LJMU, Assessment as Learning, Grant value (£): £15,851, Duration of research project: 1 year. 2015
Teaching qualification:
Senior Fellow, HEA. 2013
External committees:
Steering Group for the Cybercultures project, Inter-disciplinarity.net, Member of the Steering Group (3-year appointment).