Image of Matt McLain

Matt McLain

School of Education

Faculty of Arts Professional and Social Studies

Matt is an experienced teacher educator, having previously taught design and technology (D&T) in two Merseyside secondary schools. He is passionate about learning, in particular pedagogy, didactics, design thinking and technological activity. As an academic, Matt has experience in educational leadership and management, as well as working as a senior lecturer, educating the next generation of teachers, as excellent practitioners, valuing social inclusion, collaboration, leadership and research.

Matt is also an active member and Trustee of the D&T Association. As a curriculum influencer, he was involved with the redrafting of the National Curriculum (2014), advising on non-statutory guidance for the DfE’s D&T Expert Group for the new programmes of study and on the future of the subject. He has also advised on and contributed to the development of the 2017 GCSE and A/AS Level Subject Criteria for design and technology as a drafter for the DfE.

Matt is research active and completed his PhD by Published Work in December 2022, which focused on demonstration as a signature pedagogy in D&T. His other professional and research interests include subject knowledge development, curriculum design and philosophy of technology. He has recently been using research methods, including Q Methodology in his research, adopting a philosophical perspective influenced by Pragmatism.

Matt's key skills include:
■ Curriculum design;
■ Pedagogy and didactics;
■ Design and technology education;
■ Educational research and leadership;
■ Consultation and consensus building;
■ Creative and design thinking;

Matt is open to receiving PhD proposal in the fields of:
■ Design and technology education;
■ Signature, nomadic, and future pedagogies;
■ Teacher education and development;
■ Digital education and society;




2022, Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom, Doctor of Philosophy
2011, Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom, Postgraduate Certificate in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education
2005, Sheffield Hallam University, United Kingdom, MA Managing School Design and Technology
1998, Edge Hill University, United Kingdom, Postgraduate Certificate in Education – Secondary Design and Technology (11-18)
1992, Liverpool Polytechnic, United Kingdom, BA (Hons) Architectural Studies

Academic appointments

Senior Lecturer in Education and Professional Learning, School of Education, Liverpool John Moores University, 2021 - present
Senior Lecturer in Teacher Education, School of Education, Liverpool John Moores University, 2020 - 2021
Head of Secondary Programmes, Education, Health and Community: Teacher Education and Professional Learning, Liverpool John Moores University, 2014 - 2020
Senior Lecturer in Teacher Education (Design and Technology), Education, Health and Community: Teacher Education and Professional Learning, Liverpool John Moores University, 2009 - 2014
Advanced Skills Teacher (Design and Technology), Rainford High Technology College, 2005 - 2009
Head of Systems and Control, Rainford High Technology College, 2002 - 2005
Teacher of Design and Technology, De La Salle Roman Catholic High School, 1998 - 2002

Highlighted publications

Roy E, McLain M. 2024. The disciplinary matrix of applied arts and artistic cultures The Curriculum Journal, :1-21 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

McLain M, Schillaci-Rowland D, Stables K, Hardy A. 2023. Design and Technology Educators’ Experiences of Competence, Relatedness and Autonomy with Educational Research Rutland M, Prajapat B. Design and Technology Education: An International Journal, 28 :50-69 Publisher Url Public Url

McLain MN, Finnigan-Moran S. 2023. Facilitating: The role of learning environments in technology education curricula Gill D, Irving-Bell D, McLain M. Bloomsbury Handbook of Technology Education Bloomsbury Publishing Plc. 9781350238411 Publisher Url Public Url

McLain M. 2022. Secondary teacher and teacher educator perspectives on ‘demonstration’ as a signature pedagogy for Design and Technology: Implications for initial teacher education Bartlett A-M, Thomas M. Public Url

Conference publication

McLain M. 2024. Developing sustainable policy and practice for design and technology educational research: engaging with stakeholders in England de Vries MJ, Williams PJ, Buckley J, McLain M, Dooley K, Gu J, Du Y, Tao Y, Yang Q, Zhu W. The 41st Pupils' Attitudes towards Technology Conference Proceedings, The 41st International Pupils’ Attitudes Towards Technology Educational Research Conference :161-170 Publisher Url Public Url

McLain M, Barrow T, Ndiaye Y. 2024. Adoption of Generative Artificial Intelligence in K12 Design and Technology Education de Vries MJ, Williams PJ, Buckley J, McLain M, Dooley K, Gu J, Du Y, Tao Y, Yang Q, Zhu W. The 41st Pupils' Attitudes towards Technology Conference Proceedings, The 41st International Pupils’ Attitudes Towards Technology Educational Research Conference :171-183 Publisher Url Public Url

Adegbite OD, McLain M. 2024. Exploring Education in Cultural Heterogeneity of Experiences and Practices in Relation to Working and Communicating with Technology: An International Perspective BERA Conference 2024 and WERA Focal Meeting Publisher Url Public Url

Shukor NA, Noor NMD, Ma’Rof AM, Halim NDABD, McLain M, Rothwell P, Downes G, Tracy F. 2023. Designing an Online Course on Learning Analytics for Educators: Preliminary Insights from a Scoping Review 31st International Conference on Computers in Education, ICCE 2023 - Proceedings, 2 :899-901

Shukor NA, Noor NMD, MA’ROF AM, HALIM NDABD, McLain MN, Downes G, Rothwell P, Tracy F. 2023. Designing an Online Course on Learning Analytics for Educators: Preliminary Insights from a Scoping Review Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Computers in Education, International Conference on Computers in Education :899-901 Publisher Url Public Url

Irving-Bell D, Wooff D, McLain M. 2019. Re-designing Design and Technology Education: A living literature review of stakeholder perspectives Pulé S, de Vries M. PATT37 Developing a knowledge economy through technology and engineering education :233-248

McLain MN, Bell D, Wooff D, Morrison-Love D. 2018. How technology makes us human: cultural and historical roots for design and technology education Seery N, Buckley J, Canty D, Phelan J. 2018 PATT36 International Conference: Research and Practice in Technology Education, 36th International Pupils’ Attitudes Towards Technology Conference 36 :223-230 Publisher Url Public Url

McLain M, Bell D, Wooff D, Morrison-Love D. 2018. Cultural and historical roots for design and technology education: why technology makes us human Seery N, Buckley J, Canty D, Phelan J. PATT36 Research and Practice in Technology Education: Perspectives on Human Capacity and Development :223-230 Publisher Url

McLain MN, McLain MH, Tsai J, Martin MC, Bell D, Wooff D. 2017. Traditional tales and imaginary contexts in primary design and technology: a case study Design and Technology Education: An International Journal, 22 :26-40 Publisher Url Public Url

McLain MN. 2016. Teacher educator perspectives on pedagogical modelling and explaining in Design and Technology: a Q Methodology Study PATT-32 Proceedings, Pupils' Attitutdes Towards Technology (PATT): Technology Education for 21st Century skills :329-343 Publisher Url Public Url

McLain MN, Barlex D, Bell D, Hardy A. 2015. Teacher perspectives on pedagogical modelling and explaining in Design and Technology: a Q Methodology Study Chatoney M. Plurality and Complementarity of Approaches in Design and Technology Education, PATT29: Plurality and Complementarity of Approaches in Design and Technology Education :268-279 Author Url

Wooff D, Bell D, McLain MN, Martin M. 2015. Pupils’ perceptions of design and technology education in England and Wales: emergent findings Chatoney M. Plurality and Complementarity of Approaches in Design and Technology Education, Pupils Attitudes Towards Technology :457-465 Author Url

McLain MN, Bell D, Smith J, Martin M. 2013. Reviewing the Impact of the National Strategies Design and Technology Framework for Key Stage Three Bekirogullari Z. International Conference of Education and Educational Psychology :10-10 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

McLain MN. 2012. The importance of technological activity and designing and making activity, a historical perspective. Ginner T, Hallström J, Hultén M., PATT 26 Conference, Technology Education in the 21st Century :330-340 Publisher Url

McLain MN. The challenges facing 14-19/Applied PGCE Routes in Initial Teacher Education Ideas Worth Sharing: The Design and Technology Association Education & International Research Conference

Bell D, Wooff D, McLain MN, Hughes C. Preliminary Observations of an evolutionary Design and Technology curriculum: A Worrying Trend? (poster) D&T Association Annual Conference 2011, Designing a Better Future Publisher Url

Tracy F, McLain M, Garden A, Bodfield K. The Self-Determination of Teachers Post COVID-19 Pandemic British Educational Research Association Conference

Tracy F, Garden A, McLain M. Educators’ Views, Experiences and Preferences for Continuing Professional Development in a Post-COVID Environment British Educational Research Association Conference Publisher Url

McLain M, Zaitseva E, Beaumont C, Groome E. Perspectives on white male first in family students in higher education BERA Conference 2024 and WERA Focal Meeting

Books (authored)

de Vries MJ, Williams PJ, Buckely J, McLain MN, Dooley K, Gu J, Du Y, Tao Y, Yang Q, Zhu W. 2024. The Proceedings of the 41st International Pupils’ Attitudes Towards Technology Educational Research Conference: K-12 technology and engineering education and student development de Vries MJ, Williams PJ, Buckley J, McLain M, Dooley K, Gu J, Du Y, Tao Y, Yang Q, Zhu W. :1-310 Nanjing Normal University Publisher Url Public Url

de Vries MJ, Williams PJ, Buckely J, McLain MN, Dooley K, Gu J, Du Y, Tao Y, Yang Q, Zhu W. 2024. The Proceedings of the 41st International Pupils’ Attitudes Towards Technology Educational Research Conference: K-12 technology and engineering education and student development de Vries MJ, Williams PJ, Buckley J, McLain M, Dooley K, Gu J, Du Y, Tao Y, Yang Q, Zhu W. :1-310 Nanjing Normal University Publisher Url Public Url

Gill D, Irving-Bell D, McLain M, Wooff D. 2023. The Bloomsbury Handbook of Technology Education :1-448

Harris J, Bell D, Hughes C, McLain MN, Stewart R, Wooff D. 2016. Collins Cambridge IGCSE - Cambridge IGCSE® Design and Technology Teacher Guide Collins 978-0-00-814421-0 Publisher Url

Collins UK. 2016. Cambridge IGCSE Design and Technology Student Book HarperCollins UK 9780008124687


Hardy A, Paul M, McLain M. 2024. Becoming and Design and Technology Teacher Researcher DOI

McLain MN. 2019. Developing perspectives on ‘the demonstration’ as a signature pedagogy in design and technology International Journal of Technology and Design Education, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

McLain MN, Welsh R. 2016. Design and technology GCSE subject content Department for Education (DfE) , Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (Ofqual) , McLain MN. Publisher Url Public Url

Welsh R, McLain MN. 2015. Design and technology GCE AS and A Level subject content Department for Education (DfE) , Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (Ofqual) . Publisher Url Public Url

McLain MN, McLain MH, Tsai J. The Billy Goats' guide to bridge design: imaginary contexts using traditional tales as starting points in Key Stage 1 Pimley G. D&T Primary: the practical poster pack,

McLain MN. Ready for the new GCSE Design and Technology? Healy S. Design for life: Design and technology and engineering magazine, :10-11 Publisher Url

Journal article

Roy E, McLain M. 2024. The disciplinary matrix of applied arts and artistic cultures The Curriculum Journal, :1-21 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

McLain M, Schillaci-Rowland D, Stables K, Hardy A. 2023. Design and Technology Educators’ Experiences of Competence, Relatedness and Autonomy with Educational Research Rutland M, Prajapat B. Design and Technology Education: An International Journal, 28 :50-69 Publisher Url Public Url

Irving-Bell D, McLain MN, Wooff D. 2022. 'Shaping Things': The impact of using Design Fiction as a pedagogical tool within technology and design education. Australasian Journal of Technology Education, 7 Publisher Url Public Url

McLain MN, McLain D, Wooff D, Irving-Bell D. 2021. Preservice Teachers’ Perspectives on Modelling and Explaining in STEM Subjects: a Q Methodology Study Techne Series: Research in in Sloyd Education and Crafts Science A, 28 :367-374 Publisher Url Public Url

McLain MN. 2021. Towards a signature pedagogy for design and technology education: a literature review International Journal of Technology and Design Education, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

McLain M. 2021. Developing perspectives on ‘the demonstration’ as a signature pedagogy in design and technology International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 31 :3-26 DOI Publisher Url

Tynan RJ, McLain MN. 2019. Attitudes to assessing trainee teachers on school experience placement within a group involved in an initial teacher education partnership at an 11-16 academy: a Q-methodology approach Teacher Education Advancement Network Journal, 11 :3-20 Publisher Url Public Url

McLain MN, Irving-Bell D, Wooff D, Morrison-Love D. 2019. How technology makes us human: cultural and historical roots for design and technology education Curriculum Journal, 30 :464-483 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

McLain MN, Irving-Bell D, Wooff D. 2019. Humanising the design and technology curriculum: Why technology education makes us human Design and Technology Education: An International Journal, 24 :8-19 Publisher Url Public Url

Rowe J, McLain MN. 2018. The challenges of curriculum design in initial teacher education (ITE): a perspective from Liverpool John Moores University Impact Journal of the Chartered College of Teaching, Publisher Url Public Url

McLain MN. 2017. A new paradigm for design and technology education? [a book review of Critique in Design and Technology Education, by P.J. Williams and K. Stables (eds)] Design and Technology Education: An International Journal, 22 :116-118 Publisher Url Public Url

Bell D, Wooff D, McLain M, Morrison-Love D. 2017. Analysing design and technology as an educational construct: an investigation into its curriculum position and pedagogical identity Curriculum Journal, 28 :539-558 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

McLain MN. 2017. Emerging perspectives on teacher modelling and explaining in design and technology International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 28 :985-1000 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Bell D, Morrison-Love D, Wooff D, McLain MN. 2017. STEM education in the twenty-first century: learning at work-an exploration of design and technology teacher perceptions and practices International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 28 :721-737 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

McLain MN, Bell D, Smith J, Martin M. 2014. Reviewing the Impact of the National Strategies Design and Technology Framework for Key Stage Three The European Journal of Social & Behavioural Sciences EJSBS, 2 :1355-1366 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Pratt A, McLain MN, Bell D. 2014. Show How know how part two D&T Practice, :32-34 Author Url Publisher Url

McLain MN. 2013. The challenges facing Postgraduate Trainees in Initial Teacher Education coming from practical or vocational degrees Norman E, Spendlove D, Benson C. Teacher Education Advancement Network Journal, 5 :39-56 Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

McLain MN. 2013. Design Learning in Finland D&T Practice, 1 :33-35 Publisher Url

Bell D, McLain MN. 2013. Innovative Approahes to Raising the Profile of D&T Whitton N. D&T Practice, 1 :39-41 Publisher Url

McLain MN, Pratt A. 2012. How to pass your PGCE essay first time Whitton N, Davies LT, Green R, Mitchell A. D&T Practice, :26-29 Publisher Url

McLain MN. 2012. An autoethnographic narrative of the teaching of designing within Design and Technology in the English curriculum Ruismäki H, Ruokonen I. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 45 :318-330 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

McLain MN. Emerging perspectives on the demonstration as a signature pedagogy in design and technology education International Journal of Technology and Design Education, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Tracy F, Shukor N, ABD Halim ND, Rothwell P, McLain M, Downes G, MD Noor N, MA ROF AM. International Collaborative Design, Development and Evaluation of a MOOC on Data Analytics for Educators International Journal of Information and Education Technology,

Books (edited)

2023. PATT40 Liverpool 2023: Diverse Experiences of Design, Technology and Engineering Education for a Contemporary and Pluralist Society Davies S, McLain M, Hardy A, Morrison-Love D. 1 Design and Technology Teacher Education Group. Liverpool 9781399967266 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Bloomsbury Handbook of Technology Education: Perspectives and Practice Gill D, Irving-Bell D, McLain M, Wooff D. Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.. London


McLain MN, Finnigan-Moran S. 2023. Facilitating: The role of learning environments in technology education curricula Gill D, Irving-Bell D, McLain M. Bloomsbury Handbook of Technology Education Bloomsbury Publishing Plc. 9781350238411 Publisher Url Public Url

McLain M. 2023. Introduction to Pedagogy for Technology Education The Bloomsbury Handbook of Technology Education :217-222 DOI Publisher Url

Gill D, Irving-Bell D, McLain M, Wooff D. 2023. General Introduction The Bloomsbury Handbook of Technology Education :1-6

McLain M. 2021. Key pedagogies in design and technology Hardy A. Learning to teach design and technology in the secondary school: a companion to school experience Routledge. London 9780367336813 DOI Publisher Url

McLain MN. 2019. Helping new D&T teachers to analyse and develop knowledge and understanding in design and technology (product design) Mentoring Design and Technology Teachers in the Secondary School A Practical Guide Routledge Publisher Url Public Url

McLain M, Bell D, Wooff D. 2018. Resistant Materials Cambridge IGCSE® Design and Technology Teacher Guide Collins 9780008293284

McLain M, Bell D, Wooff D. 2018. Resistant Materials Cambridge IGCSE® Design and Technology Student Book Collins 9780008293277

McLain M. What’s so special about design and technology anyway? Exploring contemporary and future teaching using a signature pedagogies discursive framework Debates in Design and Technology Education Routledge. Abingdon, UK


McLain M. 2022. Secondary teacher and teacher educator perspectives on ‘demonstration’ as a signature pedagogy for Design and Technology: Implications for initial teacher education Bartlett A-M, Thomas M. Public Url

Scholarly edition

McLain MN, McLain MH, Tsai J. 2014. D&T Primary: The Practical Primary Poster Pack: The Billy Goats' guide to bridge design: imaginary contexts using traditional tales as starting points in Key Stage 1

Conference presentation:

Educators’ Views, Experiences and Preferences for Continuing Professional Development in a Post-COVID Environment, BERA, Liverpool, Oral presentation. 2022

Teacher educator perspectives on pedagogical modelling and explaining in Design and Technology: a Q Methodology Study., Pupils' Attitutdes Towards Technology (PATT): Technology Education for 21st Century skills, Delft University of Technology and HU University of Applied Sciences, Utrecht, Paper and presentation. 2016

Traditional tails and imaginary contexts in primary design and technology: a case study., Pupils' Attitutdes Towards Technology (PATT): Technology Education for 21st Century skills, Delft University of Technology and HU University of Applied Sciences, Utrecht, Paper and presentation. 2016

Research Grants Awarded:

Liverpool John Moores University QR Funding, Educators’ Views, Experiences and Preferences for Continuing Professional Development in a Post-COVID Environment, Dr Fran Tracy, Matt McLain, Dr Craig Hammond, Dr Avril Rowley, Angela Garden, Dr Anne-Marie Smith, Dr Helen Poole, Dr Kaye Richards., Grant value (£): 1,500, Duration of research project: 6 months. 2022


Fellow of the Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (FRSA), Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce, 2019

Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy, Advance HE. 2011

External committees:

Board of Trustees, Design and Technology Association, 2019

Design and Technology Expert Subject Advisory Group, Department for Education, Member,

Secondary and Examinations Working Group, The Design and Technology Association, Member and Chair (from 9th April 2016),


Teacher Training Design and Technology Association Award 2016, Design and Technology Association, 2016

Industrial connections:

Department for Education, Drafter for GCE AS and A level subject content for design and technology, 2015

Department for Education, Drafter for GCSE subject content for design and technology, 2015

Design and Technology Association, Consulting for Skills Gap: Renishaw Challenge (programmable components), 2014

Design and Technology Association, IET Programmable Components key stage 3 scheme of work resources, 2014

Membership of professional bodies:

Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, Higher Education Academy. 2011

Member, Design and Technology Association, 1997

Member, Design and Technology Expert Subject Advisory Group (ESAG),

Media Coverage:


Other Professional Activity:

AQA Design and Technology Stakeholder Reference Group.

Design and Technology Research Steering Group (Chair) - D&T Association.

DFE drafter for the GCSE and A Level D&T subject content (March to November 2015).

External Examiner - Manchester Metropolitan University, PGCE Design and Technology (2013 to 2016).

External Examiner - University of Glasgow, Bachelor of Technology Education (2014 to 2017).

National Curriculum Programme of Study for Design and Technology Stakeholder Group (2013).

OCR Design, Technology and Engineering Consultative Forum.
