Image of Prof Michael Thomas

Prof Michael Thomas

School of Education

Faculty of Arts Professional and Social Studies

Michael is a Professor in Education and Social Justice and Director of the Liverpool Institute for Research in Education (LIFE Institute) in the School of Education. His primary research focus is digital education and social justice across a range of sectors from higher education to schools, both in the UK and internationally (Asia, Europe and Low-to-Middle-Income Countries), and his current projects explore inequalities related to gender, social class and disabilities.

He's recently completed research projects with the University of Ghana on distance education and visually impaired learners funded by the GCRF/LJMU (ASPIRE), a British Council ELTRA grant on curriculum evaluation in Nigeria (MERLIN), a Widening Participation funded project involving curriculum representation, ICT policy, girls' education and the representation of gender in teacher training materials in Botswana, Ghana, Nigeria and South Africa (THEMIS) in line with UN SDGs 4.c. and 5, and a Going Global Partnership on educational leadership and equality in South Africa and the UK.

Having supervised around 50 postgraduate research students and taught several hundred professional doctorate students, he welcomes applications from potential PhD and EdD students working broadly in the field of digital and online education, English language learning and teacher education, ICT4D, cross-curricular and project-based teaching and learning, critiques of neoliberal approaches to education and computer-assisted language learning/digital literacy (e.g., learning analytics, immersive environments, gamification, creative approaches to technology usage). He's examined PhDs in Australia, the UK and Europe, particularly in the area of online learning, digital pedagogy and computer-assisted language learning (CALL).

He has published extensively: founded 4 international book series; authored 3 monographs; edited 30 books; edited 15 special editions of peer reviewed journals; authored over 150 journal articles, book chapters, conference proceedings and book reviews; delivered over 100 keynote and invited conference presentations; won over 70 external and internal grant bids; and organised over 50 national and international conferences and events. Among his outputs are books on collaborative digital education, digital natives, social media, teacher wellbeing, artificial intelligence, game-based learning, project-based learning with technology and two four-volume major works on online learning and digital language learning with Routledge, Palgrave, Sage and Bloomsbury Academic.

He's a Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (PFHEA) and holds a PhD in cultural and critical theory from Newcastle University submitted in 1996 (post-structuralism, education policy, the political implications of deconstruction) and a second PhD from Lancaster University (technology mediated task- and project-based learning). He's also studied for an MBA in Educational Management at the University of Leicester (2002), an M.Ed in Educational Technology at Manchester University (2004), an MA in Literature and Film Studies at Newcastle University (1992) and change leadership at Cornell University in the USA (2016). He holds a First Class undergraduate BA degree in American Studies and Literature. (1992).

He's taught graduate and undergraduate students at universities in Germany (Heidelberg University, Stuttgart University, Mannheim University), Japan (NUCB Nagoya), the UK (Newcastle University, the University of Central Lancashire, Liverpool University, Swansea University, The Open University, Liverpool John Moores University) and Spain, and led multinational research groups and project teams. He currently teaches, conducts research, mentors staff, leads research teams, and supervises PhDs and EdDs in several areas, including digital education and the impact of English language education policy, from critical pedagogy, critical digital literacy and social justice perspectives. He's been an invited keynote/presenter in numerous countries, including the USA, Hong Kong, Saudi Arabia, Canada, Belgium, Croatia, Australia, Ghana, Japan, South Africa, Taiwan, the UK, Romania, Spain, Germany, Singapore, Turkey, China, France, Italy, Korea, Mexico, India, Vietnam and the Czech Republic. He's an academic affiliate of the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University in the US and a former Trustee of the Board of the Stephenson Multi Academy Trust in Liverpool.

He's the founding and lead editor of four book series:
- Global Education Policy and Critical Futures in Education (Palgrave Macmillan, New York);
- Digital Education and Learning (Palgrave Macmillan, New York);
- Advances in Digital Language Learning and Teaching (Bloomsbury Academic);
- Advances in Virtual and Personal Learning Environments (IGI, USA).

In 2009 he founded the Scopus indexed journal, International Journal of Virtual and Personal Learning Environments (IJVPE). He's a member of the Editorial Board of the ALT Journal of Research in Learning Technology, a member of the International Advisory Committee of the Virtual Institute for Research at Cambridge University Press, and a Research Officer for the World Association of Online Education (WAOE).




2015, Lancaster University, UK, PhD
2004, The University of Manchester, UK, MEd
2000, University of Leicester, UK, MBA
1998, Newcastle University, UK, PhD


2018, Higher Education Academy (HEA), Principal Fellow of the Higher Education (PFHEA)
2018, Cornell University, USA, Certificate in Change Leadership
2000, University of Leicester, Advanced Certificate in Education Management
1997, Trinity College, Certificate in TESOL
1995, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, Certificate in Teaching & Lecturing in Higher Education

Academic appointments

External Examiner, Postgraduate Training Scheme (PGTS), Doctoral Academy, University of Hull, 2022 - present
Honorary Professor, Department of Curriculum and Instructional Studies, University of South Africa, 2021 - present
External Examiner, MEd Education Studies, University of Strathclyde, 2020 - 2024
External Examiner, MA Education, University of Essex, 2018 - 2021
External Examiner, EdD Education, Keele University, 2018 - 2022


Thomas M. 2024. Learning analytics and educational data mining in research on learning beyond the classroom Reinders H, Lai C, Sundquist P. Routledge Handbook of Language Learning and Teaching Beyond the Classroom Routledge

Kaymakcioglu AG, Thomas M. 2024. Systematic Reviews in Applied Linguistics: Tools and Frameworks Sadeghi K. Handbook of Technological Advances in Researching Language Learning Routledge 9781032604312 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Thomas M, Morgana V. 2023. Video-based Approaches to Foreign Language Pedagogy: Two Case Studies on Techno-CLIL in the Secondary School Classroom in Italy and the Netherlands Herrero C, Suarez M. Teaching Languages with Screen Media: Pedagogical Reflections Bloomsbury Publisher Url

Morgana V, Thomas M. 2023. Technology-Mediated Writing Tasks in the Online English Classroom: Focus on Form via Synchronous Videoconferencing Sadeghi K, Thomas M, Ghaderi F. Technology-Enhanced Language Teaching and Learning: Lessons from the Covid-19 Pandemic Bloomsbury 978-1350271012 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Sadeghi K, Thomas M. 2023. Conclusion: What Did We Learn from the COVID-19 Pandemic? Sadeghi K, Thomas M. Second Language Teacher Professional Development: Technological Innovations for Post-Emergency Teacher Education. Bloomsbury

Thomas M, Sadeghi K. 2023. Introduction: Educational technology in teacher education Sadeghi K, Thomas M. Second Language Teacher Professional Development: Technological Innovations for Post-Emergency Teacher Education Bloomsbury

Sadeghi K, Thomas M, Ghaderi F. 2023. Introduction: Options and Issues in CALL Technology-Enhanced Language Teaching and Learning: Lessons from the Covid-19 Pandemic :1-10 DOI Publisher Url

Sadeghi K, Thomas M, Ghaderi F. 2023. Conclusion: Learning the Lessons from the Pandemic? Technology-Enhanced Language Teaching and Learning: Lessons from the Covid-19 Pandemic :241-248 DOI Publisher Url

Thomas M, Cinganotto L. 2022. Comparing Two Teacher Training Courses for 3D Game-Based Learning Research Anthology on Virtual Environments and Building the Metaverse :725-751 IGI Global 9781668475973 DOI Publisher Url

Thomas M. 2022. Deconstructing the ‘Normalisation’ of CALL: Digital Inequalities, Decolonisation and Post-Pandemic Futures Sadeghi K, Thomas M, Ghaderi F. Technology-Enhanced Language Teaching and Learning: Lessons from the Covid-19 Pandemic Bloomsbury Bloomsbury DOI Publisher Url

Thomas M, Sadeghi K, Ghaderi F. 2022. Conclusion: Lessons from the pandemic Sadeghi K, Thomas M, Ghaderi F. Technology-Enhanced Language Teaching and Learning: Lessons from the Covid-19 Pandemic Bloomsbury

Saona-Vallejos M, Thomas M. 2022. An Investigation of Social Networking Sites for Language Learning and the User Experience Research Anthology on Applying Social Networking Strategies to Classrooms and Libraries :1294-1320 IGI Global 9781668471234 DOI Publisher Url

Thomas M, Zou B, Barr D, Jia W. 2022. Preface: Challenges and opportunities in technology-enhanced language teaching and learning in the post-pandemic CALL environment Zou B, Thomas M, Barr D, Jia W. Emerging Concepts in Technology-Enhanced Language Teaching and Learning IGI

Thomas M. 2021. Worlding Higher Education: From the Corporate Digital University to the University of Global Citizenship and Social Justice Di Leo JR, Moraru C. The Bloomsbury Handbook of World Theory Bloomsbury 9781501361951 Publisher Url Public Url

Miller B, Thomas M. 2021. Accessing learning management systems with smartphones: What is the effect on learning behavior and student engagement? eLearning Engagement in a Transformative Social Learning Environment :221-243 DOI

Miller B, Thomas M. 2021. Accessing Learning Management Systems with Smartphones: What is the Effect on Learning Behavior and Student Engagement? Crawford C, Simons MA. eLearning Engagement in a Transformative Social Learning Environment IGI Global 9781799869566 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Benini S, Thomas M. 2021. A Critical Review of Game-based Learning, Gamification and Second Language Acquisition Peteson M, Thomas M, Yamazaki K. Digital Games and Language Learning Bloomsubry 9781350133013 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Peterson M, Yamazaki K, Thomas M. 2021. Digital Games and Language Learning: The State of Play Peterson M, Yamazaki K, Thomas M. Digital Game-based Learning: Theory, Practice and Implementation Bloomsbury 9781350133013 Publisher Url Public Url

Benini S, Thomas M. 2021. Project-Based Language Learning, Virtual Exchange and 3D Virtual Environments: A Critical Review of the Research Thomas M, Yamazaki K. Project-based Language Learning and CALL: Theory and Practice Equinox Publishing Publisher Url Public Url

Thomas M, Yamazaki K. 2021. Introduction: Pandemics, projects, and the re-positioning of digital language learning Thomas M, Yamazaki K. Project-based Language Learning and CALL: From Virtual Exchange to Social Justice Equinox 9781800500242 Publisher Url Public Url

Thomas M, Cinganotto L. 2021. Comparing two teacher training courses for 3D game-based learning: Feedback from trainee teachers Panconesi G, Guida M. Handbook of Research on Teaching with Virtual Environments and AI :267-292 IGI Global 9781799876380 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Thomas M. 2021. Epilogue: Critical Project-Based Learning and Moving Forwards in the Post-Pandemic University Project-based Language Learning and CALL: From Virtual Exchange to Social Justice :263-274 CALICO/Equinox 9781800500242 Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Miller B, Thomas M. 2021. Accessing Learning Management Systems With Smartphones Advances in Educational Technologies and Instructional Design :221-243 IGI Global 9781799869566 DOI Publisher Url

Thomas M. 2021. Worlding Higher Education The Bloomsbury Handbook of World Theory :295-312

Saona-Vallejos M, Thomas M. 2019. An Investigation of Social Networking Sites for Language Learning and the User Experience Advances in Educational Technologies and Instructional Design :72-98 IGI Global DOI Publisher Url

Saona-Vallejos MA, Thomas M. 2019. An Investigation of Social Networking Sites for Language Learning and the User Experience: The Case of Busuu and Learning Spanish as a Foreign Language Zou B, Thomas M. Recent Developments in Technology-Enhanced and Computer-Assisted Language Learning :72-98 IGI Global DOI Publisher Url

Thomas M, Baetty B. 2019. English Language Learner Motivation in the Digital Technology Classroom: A Case Study of a Vocational University in Indonesia Zou B, Thomas M. Recent Developments in Technology-Enhanced and Computer-Assisted Language Learning IGI Global DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Thomas M, Housef A. 2017. Academic writing in the flipped EFL classroom: A case study on student engagement in Oman Loucky JP, Ware J. Flipped Instruction Methods and Digital Technologies in the Language Learning Classrooms :232-251 IGI Global 9781522508243 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Thomas M, Reinders H, Gelan A. 2017. Learning analytics in online language learning: Challenges and future directions Faces of English Education: Students, Teachers, and Pedagogy :197-212 Routledge. London 9781138201576 DOI Publisher Url

Gasmi AA, Thomas M. 2017. Academic writing in the flipped EFL classroom: A case study on student engagement in Oman Flipped Instruction: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice :145-160 DOI Publisher Url

Thomas M. 2015. A Digital Shift is Not Enough: Cultural, Pedagogical and Institutional Challenges to Technology-Mediated Task-Based Learning in Japan Contemporary Task-Based Language Teaching in Asia :228-243

Thomas M. 2012. Contextualising Digital Games in Language Learning Reinders H. Digital Games and Language :11-31

Thomas M. 2012. Task-based language teaching and CALL Contemporary Computer-Assisted Language Learning :341-358

Thomas M, Reinders H, Warschauer M. 2012. Contemporary computer-assisted language learning: The role of digital media and incremental change Contemporary Computer-Assisted Language Learning :1-12

Thomas M. 2011. Technology, education, and the discourse of the digital native: Between evangelists and dissenters Deconstructing Digital Natives: Young People, Technology, and the New Literacies :1-11

Thomas M. 2011. Online Learning: An Overview of Research in the Field. Thomas M. Online Learning :1-18 Sage

Thomas M. 2011. Digital Education: Opportunities, Challenges and Responsibilities Thomas M. Digital Education: Opportunities for Social Collaboration Palgrave

Berger T, Thomas M. 2011. Integrating Digital Technologies Thomas M. Digital Education: Opportunities for Social Collaboration :101-119

Thomas M. 2010. Preface Thomas M, Cutrim Schmid E. Interactive Whiteboards for Education: Theory, Research and Practice IGI

Guth S, Thomas M. 2010. Telecollaboration with Web 2.0 Tools Guth S, Helm F. Telecollaboration 2.0 :39-68 Peter Lang

Motteram G, Thomas M. 2010. Afterword: Future Directions for Technology-Mediated Tasks Task-Based Language Learning and Teaching with Technology :218-238

Thomas M, Reinders H. 2010. Deconstructing Tasks and Technology Task-Based Language Learning and Teaching with Technology :1-14

Thomas M. 2009. Preface Thomas M. Handbook of Research on Web 2.0 and Second Language Learning

Thomas M. 2008. Wireless Ready? Wireless Laptop Programs, Literacy and Interactivity in EFL in Japan Weir GRS. Studies in Language and Textbook Analysis

Thomas M, Thomas M. 2000. Virtual Language Teaching: Te@ching English Using the Internet Pohl E. Fremdsprachen: Schlüssel zur Welt University of Heidelberg. Heidelberg

Amponsah S, Thomas M, Adarkwah M. Exploring the Use of Smartphones to Teach Students with Visual Impairments in Adverse Circumstances: A Case Study in Ghana Adarkwah M, Amponsah S, Huang S, Thomas M. Artificial Intelligence and Human Agency: Perspectives on Cognitive, Social and Psychological Contexts. Springer Public Url

Thomas M, Adarkwah M, Amponsah S, Huang S. Preface Adarkwah M, Amponsah S, Huang S, Thomas M. Artificial Intelligence and Human Agency: Perspectives on Cognitive, Social and Psychological Contexts Springer

Beckett G, Thomas M. Project-based language learning and teaching with digital technologies McCallum L, Tafazoli D. The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Computer-Assisted Language Learning Palgrave Public Url

Book review

Thomas M. 2024. Book Review: Ethics and Educational Technology: Reflection, Interrogation, and Design as a Framework for Practice. (Stephanie L. Moore, Heather K. Tillberg-Webb) Journal of Interactive Media in Education, 2024 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Thomas M. 2012. Butcher, Neil (2011) A basic guide to open educational resources Commonwealth of learning (Vancouver) British Journal of Educational Technology, 43 DOI Publisher Url

Journal article

Thomas M, Kaymakcioglu AG. 2024. Gender inequalities and academic leadership in Nigeria, South Africa and the United Kingdom: A systematic literature review (2013-2023) Social Sciences & Humanities Open, 10 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Adarkwah MA, Islam AYMA, Schneider K, Luckin R, Thomas M, Spector JM. 2024. Are preprints a threat to the credibility and quality of artificial intelligence literature in the ChatGPT era? A scoping review and qualitative study International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Amponsah S, van Wyk MM, Thomas M. 2024. Supporting visually impaired students in virtual learning environments in Ghana E-Learning and Digital Media, DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Tom-Lawyer O, Thomas M. 2024. The status of English as a medium of instruction in Sub-Saharan Africa: A systematic review of Nigeria and Tanzania (2002-2023) European Journal of English Language Teaching, 9 :1-22 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Tom-Lawyer O, Thomas M. 2022. The Changing Status of the Nigerian Native Speaker: Implications and Recommendations European Journal of Applied Linguistic Studies, 5 :64-79 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Bohanon F, Thomas M. 2021. Techno-CLIL in an ESOL Context: Vocabulary learning and student perceptions of the Lifesaver app in a Further Education College International TESOL Journal, 16 Publisher Url Public Url

Tom-Lawyer O, Thomas M, Kalane M. 2021. Examining the Status of English as a Medium of Instruction in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Comparative Study of Botswana and Nigeria European Scientific Journal, 17 :51 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Amponsah S, Ampadu E, Thomas M. 2021. Professional Development among In-Service Teachers: Motivational Factors, Pathways and Coping Strategies Educational Review, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Khojah M, Thomas M. 2021. Smartphone-mediated EFL Reading Tasks: A Study of Female Learners’ Motivation and Behaviour in Three Saudi Arabian Classrooms AsianEFL Journal, 25 Publisher Url Public Url

Tom-Lawyer O, Thomas M. 2020. Re-examining the Status of the English Language in Anglophone Western Africa: A Comparative Study of Ghana and Nigeria English Linguistics Research, 9 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Thomas M, Janosy R. 2020. Self-Taught Language Learners in China and Their Learning Strategies: A Multiple, Instrumental Case Study of Approaches in Contextual Situations Asian EFL Journal, 24 :136-161 Publisher Url Public Url

Tom-Lawyer O, Thomas M. 2019. Re-evaluating the Hegemony of the English Language in Western Africa: A Critical Review of the Research (2003 to 2018) International Journal of Applied Linguistics and English Literature, 8 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Thomas M, Schneider C. 2018. Language teaching in 3D virtual worlds with machinima: Reflecting on an online machinima teacher training course International Journal of Computer Assisted Language Learning and Teaching, 8 :20-38 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Gelan A, Fastre G, Verjans M, Janssenswillen G, Creemers M, Lieben J, Depaire B, Thomas M. 2018. Affordances and limitations of learning analytics for computer-assisted language learning: a case study of the VITAL project Computer Assisted Language Learning: an international journal, 31 :294-319 DOI Publisher Url

Wishart J, Thomas M. 2015. Introducing e-research in educational contexts, digital methods and issues arising International Journal of Research and Method in Education, 38 :223-229 DOI Publisher Url

Thomas M. 2015. Introduction Contemporary Task-Based Language Teaching in Asia, :1-6

Thomas M, Peterson M. 2014. Editorial for the Special Issue ‘Web 2.0 and Language Learning: Rhetoric and Reality’ CALICO Journal, 31 :i-iii DOI

Thomas M, Reinders H, Warschauer M. 2012. Section introduction Contemporary Computer-Assisted Language Learning, :119-122

Thomas M, Reinders H, Warschauer M. 2012. Section introduction Contemporary Computer-Assisted Language Learning, :245-248

Thomas M, Reinders H, Warschauer M. 2012. Section introduction Contemporary Computer-Assisted Language Learning, :15-18

Thomas M. 2012. Video in social science research BRITISH JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY, 43 :E136-E137 DOI Publisher Url

Thomas M. 2012. Primary schools and ICT BRITISH JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY, 43 :E138-E138 DOI Publisher Url

Thomas M. 2012. Data analysis BRITISH JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY, 43 DOI Publisher Url

Thomas M. 2012. Digital games and learning BRITISH JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY, 43 :E133-E133 DOI Publisher Url

Thomas M. 2012. Education and technology BRITISH JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY, 43 DOI Publisher Url

Thomas M. 2012. Dot Com Mantra: Social Computing in the Central Himalayas SYSTEM, 40 :440-442 DOI Publisher Url

Harrison R, Thomas M. 2009. Identity in online communities: Social networking sites and language learning Australian Journal of Emerging Technologies and Society, 7 :109-124

Thomas M. It’s Too Late, Baby, Now, It’s Too Late—Losing Sleep over Late Capitalism and Higher Education American Book Review, 45 Public Url

Internet publication

Kaymakcioglu AG, Thomas M, Hunjo H, Van Wyk M. 2024. Women in higher education leadership in Nigeria, South Africa and the UK: Barriers and challenges Publisher Url

Yamazaki K, Thomas M. 2023. Computer-Assisted Language Learning DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Kaymakcioglu A, Thomas M. 2023. Exploring gender representations in English language textbooks: A systematic review (2000 to 2022) Publisher Url


Tom-Lawyer O, Hunjo H, Adetayo OT, Thomas M. 2024. Minimum academic standards and the English language curriculum in two Nigerian universities: Benchmarking, implementation and evaluation Publisher Url Public Url

Books (edited)

2023. Technology-Enhanced Language Teaching and Learning: Lessons from the Covid-19 Pandemic. Sadeghi K, Thomas M, Ghaderi F. Bloomsbury Author Url

2023. Second Language Teacher Professional Development : Technological Innovations for Post-Emergency Teacher Education Thomas M, Sadeghi K. Palgrave Macmillan

2022. Emerging Concepts in Technology-Enhanced Language Teaching and Learning Zou B, Thomas M, Barr D, Jia W. IGI. New York Publisher Url

2021. Digital Game-based Learning: Theory, Practice and Implementation Peterson M, Yamazaki K, Thomas M. Bloomsbury 9781350133013

2021. Project-based Language Learning and CALL: From Virtual Exchange to Social Justice Thomas M, Yamazaki K. Equinox

2019. Special Edition in Honour of Professor Stephen Bax Thomas M, Motteram G. 83 Elsevier

2018. Special Edition: Analytics & Online Language Learning and Teaching Thomas M, Gelan A. Computer Assisted Language Learning Elsevier

2015. Special Edition: E-Research in Educational Contexts: The Roles of Technologies, Ethics and Social Media Wishart J, Thomas M. International Journal of Research & Method in Education Taylor & Francis

2013. Pedagogical Considerations and Opportunities for Teaching and Learning on the Web Thomas M. IGI Publisher Url

2011. Online Learning: Volume 2 Thomas M. Sage

2011. Online Learning: Volume 4 Thomas M. Sage

2009. Handbook of Research on Web 2.0 and Second Language Learning Thomas M. IGI. USA

2009. New Frontiers in Computer-Assisted Language Learning: Negotiating Diversity Thomas M. JALTCALL

Artificial Intelligence and Human Agency: Perspectives on Cognitive, Social and Psychological Contexts Ardarkwah M, Amponsah S, Huang S, Thomas M. Springer

Editorial/letter to the editor

Zou B, Reinders H, Thomas M, Barr D. 2023. Editorial: Using artificial intelligence technology for language learning Frontiers in Psychology, 14 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Books (authored)

Thomas M, Schneider C. 2020. Language Teaching with Video-Based Technologies: Creativity and CALL Teacher Education Routledge. London and New York 9780367434533 Publisher Url

Zou B, Thomas M. 2019. Recent Developments in Technology-Enhanced and Computer-Assisted Language Learning IGI Global 9781799812845 DOI Publisher Url

Zou B, Thomas M. 2019. Preface :xv-xxiii

Zou B, Thomas M. 2019. Recent Developments in Technology-Enhanced and Computer-Assisted Language Learning IGI Global 9781799812845 DOI Publisher Url

Zou B, Thomas M. 2018. Handbook of Research on Integrating Technology into Contemporary Language Learning and Teaching Zou B, Thomas M. 9781522551409

Thomas M. 2017. Digital Language Learning and Teaching Critical and Primary Sources Critical and Primary Sources 9781474277952

Thomas M. 2017. Project-based Language Learning with Technology: Learner Collaboration in an EFL Classroom in Japan Routledge. New York and Oxford 9780415788281 DOI Publisher Url

Wishart J, Thomas M. 2017. E-Research in Educational Contexts: The Roles of Technologies, Ethics and Social Media Wishart J, Thomas M. Routledge

Wishart J, Thomas M. 2017. E-Research in Educational Contexts: The Roles of Technologies, Ethics and Social Media Wishart J, Thomas M. Routledge

Dixon E. 2015. Researching Language Learner Interaction Online: From Social Media to MOOCs Thomas M. CALICO

Thomas M, Reinders H. 2015. Contemporary Task-Based Language Teaching in Asia :1-392

Thomas M. 2012. Technologies, Innovation, and Change in Personal and Virtual Learning Environments IGI Global 9781466624689

Thomas M. 2012. Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of Virtual Learning Environments IGI Global 9781466617711

Thomas M, Reinders H, Warschauer M. 2012. Contemporary Computer-Assisted Language Learning :1-392

Thomas M. 2011. Deconstructing digital natives: Young people, technology, and the new literacies :1-232 DOI

Thomas M. 2011. Online Learning: Volume 1 Sage

Thomas M. 2011. Digital Education Opportunities for Social Collaboration Springer 9780230118003

Thomas M. 2011. Online Learning: Volume 3 Thomas M.

Lytras MD, Pablos POD, Avison D, Sipior J, Jin Q, Filho WL, Uden L, Thomas M, Cervai S, Horner DG. 2010. Technology Enhanced Learning: Quality of Teaching and Educational Reform 1st International Conference, TECH-EDUCATION 2010, Athens, Greece, May 19-21, 2010. Proceedings Springer Science & Business Media 9783642131653

Thomas M, Cutrim Schmid E. 2010. Interactive Whiteboards for Education: Theory, Research and Practice Thomas M. IGI Global 9781615207152 DOI Publisher Url

Thomas M, Reinders H. 2010. Task-Based Language Learning and Teaching with Technology :1-242

Thomas M. 2009. Handbook of Research on Web 2.0 and Second Language Learning 9781605661902 DOI Publisher Url

Thomas M. 2006. The reception of derrida: Translation and transformation :1-190 DOI Publisher Url

Conference publication

Thomas M, Schneider C, Can T. 2019. Classification of Games to be used in Virtual Learning Environments: Some reflections based on the EU-funded GUINEVERE Project Innovation in Language Learning 2019, PIXEL :127-132 Author Url

Thomas M. 2018. Digital game-based learning in 3D immersive environments: The GUINEVERE Project Innovation in Language Learning 2018

Research Grants Awarded:

British Council, ELAINE (Exploring Teaching Methodologies for ICT in K-12 ELT Classrooms), South China Normal University, China, Grant value (£): £29,867.98, Duration of research project: 14 months. 2024-2025.. 2024

British Council, AURORA (Addressing Women’s Underrepresentation in Higher Education Leadership in Nigeria and South Africa), University of South Africa, Lagos State University Nigeria, Grant value (£): 25,000, Duration of research project: 12 months. 2022

British Council, THEMIS (Evaluating gender equity and equality in the English language teacher curriculum, ICT policies and learning materials in Botswana, Ghana, Nigeria and South Africa), University of Botswana, University of South Africa, University of Ghana, Igbinedion University, Grant value (£): 189,320, Duration of research project: 18 months. 2021

British Council, MERLIN (Minimum Academic Standards and the English Language Curriculum in Nigerian Universities: Benchmarking, Implementation and Evaluation), Grant value (£): 20590.60, Duration of research project: 1 year. 2020

Global Challenges Research Fund, ASPIRE (Teacher Resilience and Capabilities Network in Sub-Saharan Africa): Phase 2 in Ghana, Grant value (£): 10,500. 2019

British Council, MERLIN (Minimum Academic Standards and the English Language Curriculum in Nigerian Universities: Benchmarking, Implementation and Evaluation), Grant value (£): 13,270. 2019

Global Challenges Research Fund, ASPIRE (Teacher Resilience and Capabilities Network in Sub-Saharan Africa): Phase 1 in Ivory Coast, Grant value (£): 7,640. 2018

European Commission, GUINEVERE (Games Used IN Engaging Virtual Environments for Real-time language Education), Grant value (£): 177,344. 2017

European Commission, VITAL (Visualising Language Learning Analytics), Grant value (£): 195,351. 2015

European Commission, CAMELOT (Creating Machinima Enhances Online Teaching and Learning)., Grant value (£): 489,785. 2013

ESRC Digital Social Research Fund / Oxford University, DIGIT (Digital Methodologies in Educational Research), Grant value (£): 4,700. 2012

Higher Education Academy, MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses in the Arts & Humanities), Grant value (£): 1,000. 2004

External committees:

Board of Trustees, Stephenson Multi Academy Trust, Liverpool, Trustee. 2021

Membership of professional bodies:

Member, Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain (PESGB). 2021

Member, British Educational Research Association (BERA). 2020

Conference organisation:

British Association of Applied Linguistics (BAAL)/Cambridge University Press (CUP) Seminar Programme 2018-19. Applied Linguistics and Transdisciplinary Impact: Critical Perspectives and Opportunities for Researcher Development, Organiser. 2019

Games and Immersive Learning. EU GUINEVERE Project, Florence, Italy. 2019

Global Challenges in Education: Theory, Research and Practice. Global Challenges Research Fund, Organiser. 2019

Symposium on Teacher Training in Development Contexts. Global Challenges Research Fund. Abidjan, Ivory Coast, Organiser. 2019

Learning Analytics in Language Learning, Organiser. 2017

Digital Education and Learning, Organiser. 2016

The Future of Learning, Organiser. 2015

HEA Discipline Workshop/Seminar Series on MOOCs in the Arts and Humanities, Organiser. 2014

ESRC/DSR Digital Methodologies in Educational Research, Organiser. 2012

Editorial boards:

Palgrave Studies on Global Policy and Critical Futures in Education. London & New York: Palgrave Macmillan, Book series founding editor. 2019

International Journal of Computer Assisted Language Learning & Teaching, Co-editor, 2014

Research in Learning Technology, Editorial Board Member, 2012

The Journal of Teaching English with Technology, Editorial Review Board Member, 2012

Advances in Digital Language Learning and Teaching. London & New York: Bloomsbury, Book series founding editor. 2010

Advances in Virtual and Personal Learning Environments. London, New York, Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference, Book series founding editor. 2010

International Journal of Virtual & Personal Learning Environments, Editorial Board, 2010

Digital Education and Learning. London & New York: Palgrave Macmillan, Book series founding editor. 2009

Teaching qualification:

Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (PFHEA). 2018
