Image of Dr Nicky Hirst

Dr Nicky Hirst

School of Education

Faculty of Arts Professional and Social Studies

Nicky Hirst is the Programme leader for the BAH Early Childhood Studies which is situated in the School of Education at LJMU. Nicky has worked within the early years sector and completed the pilot phase of the Early Years Professional Status at Manchester Metropolitan University. Nicky has taught at LJMU since 2011 and is involved in many ongoing projects to develop links with external partners. Research interests include the theory and practice associated with sustainable development within Early Childhood Education and Higher Education.


2019, Liverpool John Moores University, UK, PhD
2011, Manchester Metropolitan University, United Kingdom, MA, Academic Practice
2007, Manchester Metropolitan University, United Kingdom, BA Hons, Early Childhood Studies


Manchester Metropolitan University, United Kingdom, Early Years Professional Status

Academic appointments

External examiner for the Foundation Degree in Early Years, University of Worcester, 2015 - 2018

Postgraduate training

PGCert, United Kingdom, Manchester Metropolitan University, ? - present


Culshaw A, Hirst N. 2024. Understanding the World Palaiologou I. The Early Years Foundation Stage Theory and Practice :268-268 Sage Publications Limited. London 9781529630336 Publisher Url

Hirst N. 2021. Understanding the world palaiologou I. The Early Years Foundation Stage Theory and Practice :284-296 Sage Publications Limited. London 9781526492234

Boyd DJ, Hirst NJ. 2018. Recognising Beach Kindy as a Pedagogical Approach for Critical Agents of Change Within Early Childhood Education Walter L. Handbook of Sustainability Science and Research 4 :877-892 Springer 978-3-319-63007-6 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Braithwaite J, Hirst N. 2018. The Journey to Graduateness: Educating Rita Aitken S. Using Film to Understand Childhood and Practice :11-29 Bloomsbury Publishing 9781474274579 Author Url

Emery S, Davis J, Sageidet B, Hirst N, Boyd D, Browder J. 2016. Transnational Dialogues for Sustainability Research in Early Childhood Education: A Model for Building Capacity for ESD in Universities? Leal W. Handbook of Theory and Practice of Sustainable Development in Higher Education 2 :143-156 Springer 978-3-319-47888-3 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Boyd D, Hirst N. 2016. A Perspective from England Boyd D, Hirst N. Understanding Early Years Education Across the UK Comparing Practice in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales :1-60 Routledge. Oxon 9781317691822 Author Url Publisher Url

Boyd D, Hirst N, Walsh G, Warden C, McNair L, Prowle A, Davidge Smith L. 2016. A Conversation between the hone nations Boyd D, Hirst N. Understanding Early Years Education Across the UK Comparing Practice in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales :205-230 Routledge. Oxon 9781317691822 Author Url Publisher Url

Hodson E. 2011. Hodson, E and Hirst, N The Placement Experience in Basford, J. & Hodson, E. (2011) Successful Placements in Early Years Settings. Exeter: Learning Matters. Successful Placements in Early Years Settings Learning Matters. Exeter 9781844453825

Conference publication

Garden A, Hirst N, Hennessy C, Smith A, Burns D, Turnbull Y. 2023. Storying the [ongoing] journey of the LJMU Wellbeing Journal: making molehills out of mountains by listening to student voices, LJMU Students at the Heart Conference DOI Publisher Url

Hirst NJ, Boyd DJ. 2017. The Early Years Foundation Stage through a sustainability lens; practical implications for pedagogy. The Cambridge Primary Review

Hirst NJ, Boyd DJ, Browder J, Emery S, Davies JM, Sageidet B, Browder JK. 2016. Transnational Dialogues for sustainability research in early childhood education: A model for building capacity for ESD in universities? 3rd World Symposium on Sustainable Development at Universities (WSSD-U-2016) DOI

Hirst NJ, Boyd DJ, Nikiforidou Z, Miles Z, Luff P. 2016. Education for Sustainable Development:The Environment as Third Teacher in Education for Sustainable Development The aim of this symposium is to explore the concept of environment as third teacher (inspired by the educators of Reggio Emilia, Italy) with a particular focus upon natural environments and learning for sustainability. OMEP European Conference 2016: The Place of the Child in 21st Century Society

Gallard D, Hirst N, Boyd D, Taylor E, Daly A, Wilcott L, Webb E. 2015. The Development of a pedagogical space for Early years & Early childhood studies programmes at LJMU LJMU Teaching and Learning Conference 2015 Book of Abstracts, Liverpool John Moores University Teaching and Learning Conference 2015

Hirst N, Boyd D. 2015. Hirst, N and Boyd, D. (2015) Sustainable Development in Higher Education; Transnational Dialogues in Research in Early Childhood Education for Sustainability (TND3) Norway Transnational Dialogues in Research in Early Childhood Education for Sustainability (TND3)

Hirst NJ. 2013. Hirst, N. Chit Chat and dialogue: using Pecha Kucha as formative assessment (2013) LJMU Teaching and Learning Conference, Liverpool John Moores University. LJMU Learning and Teaching Conference

Boyd DJ, Hirst N, Nikiforidou Z. Embedding the EYFS into the Eco-schools Programme; Visualising the journey Diane Boyd*, Liverpool John Moores University, England :61-71

Boyd DJ, Hirst N. DOCUMENTATION AS A LISTENING STRATEGY; USING BEACH KINDY AS A PEDAGOGICAL PLACE EarlyChildhood The foundtions for a Sustainable future, OMEP 69TH WORLD CONFERENCE :18-35 Publisher Url

Garden A, Hirst N. Developing a Wellbeing Journal at LJMU ‘Better Together: Healthy People and Places’ - LJMU Bi-Centenary Showcase Research Event on Social Innovation, Mental Wellbeing and Green Spaces

Journal article

Garden A, Hirst N. 2022. ‘Ikke skade treet': ‘Don’t harm the tree'. Narratives from a Norwegian kindergarten Education 3-13: the professional journal for primary education, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Hirst NJ, Wilkinson C. 2022. Student authors, children’s literature and Early Childhood Education for Sustainability: Findings from a pedagogic research project International Journal of Early Childhood Environmental Education, 9 :40-57 Publisher Url Public Url

Hirst NJ, Boyd DJ, Browder J, Emery S. 2018. Watery Webs of Interconnectedness: Waterways as Pedagogical Sites Croatian Journal of Education-Hrvatski Casopis za Odgoj i obrazovanje, 20 Publisher Url Public Url

Hirst NJ. 2018. Education for sustainability in higher education; Early Childhood Studies as a site for provocation, collaboration and inquiry Education 3-13, DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Hirst N. 2018. Education for sustainability within early childhood studies: collaboration and inquiry through projects with children Education 3-13, 47 :233-246 DOI Publisher Url

Weldemariam K, Boyd DJ, Hirst NJ, Sageidet B, Grogan L, Hughes F, Browder JK. 2017. A Transnational study of Early Childhood Education for Sustainability (ECEfS) from England, Sweden, Norway, Australia and the USA; (re) searching education for sustainable development within early childhood curricula frameworks. International Journal of Early Childhood Environmental Education,

Tigistu Weldemariam K, Boyd DJ, Hirst NJ, Sageidet B, Browder J, Grogan L, Hughes F. 2017. A Critical Analysis of Concepts Associated with Sustainability in Early Childhood Curriculum Frameworks Across Five National Contexts International Journal of Early Childhood, 49 :333-351 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Hirst NJ. Using Pecha Kucha as formative assessment in two undergraduate modules. (Re) conceptualizing ‘the right lines’ Practitioner Research in Higher Education Journal,


Hirst N. 2019. Early Childhood Studies as a site for Education for Sustainability, Eco Literacy and Critical Pedagogy Brundrett M. Public Url

Internet publication


Boyd DJ, Hirst N, McNeill C. 2017.

Boyd DJ, Hirst N, McNeill C. 2017. an early years resource that can support children, parents and the community to understand and promote Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). The pedagogical toolkit supports and challenges early years practitioners to understand how they can embed crucial ecological values into their practice. Embedded into the framework is the English EYFS (DfE, 2017), the nine themes of Eco-School England, place-based learning, and the three pillars of ESD. The toolkit also supports the fundamental British values. The project has evolved through consultations across England as well as networking opportunities to develop wider stakeholder partnerships. Key stakeholders and a diverse range of providers and practitioners are now committed to working alongside LJMU to develop this pedagogical framework. Author Url

Books (authored)

Boyd DJ, Hirst NJ, Siraj Blatchford J. 2017. Understanding Education For Sustainability across the UK Hirst NJ. Routledge. London

Boyd DJ, Hirst NJ, Siraj Blatchford J. 2017. Understanding Education For Sustainability across the UK Hirst NJ. Routledge. London


Hirst NJ, Boyd DJ. 2016. Embedding the English Early Years Foundation Stage into the Eco-School programme; visualising the journey LJMU Festival of Research; Organic Collaborations Public Url

Books (edited)

2015. Understanding Early Years Education across the UK; Comparing Practice in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland Hirst NJ, Boyd DJ. Routledge. London


Bath C, Hirst N, Boyd D, Tracy F, Curtis L, Daly A. 2015. Exploring and Developing Hubs of Early Years Practice and CPD Final Research Report Publisher Url

Hirst N, Boyd D. 2014. Early Years; Policy Advice and Future Research Agendas; A BERA Early Childhood Special Interest Group; TACTYC; Association for the Professional Development of Early Years Educators Collaboration (February 2014).

Bath C, Hirst NJ, Daly A, Tracy F, Boyd D, Forrester G. Interim Evaluation Report of Exploring and Developing Regional Hubs of Early Years Practice and CPD. North Liverpool Teaching School Partnership; Working in Partnership with the National College for Teaching and Leadership


Gallard D, Hirst N, Taylor E, Boyd D, Daly A, Wilcott L, Webb E. 2015. The Development of a pedagogical space for Early years & Early childhood studies programmes at LJMU


Hirst N. ‘Early Years Professional Status (EYPS) one year on: What difference has it made’? Dr Ian Barron (MMU) Lynne Clarke (MMU) and Nicky Hirst (MMU) (October 2007) ‘Transforming the Early Years Workforce’ Education Conference: Earls Court Conference Centre London

Conference presentation:

Sustainability and Early Childhood Education, NDNA National Conference, Warwickshire, Oral presentation. 2020

Early Childhood Education for Sustainability as a scaffold for transformative learning in higher education, Getting to the Heart of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): The Role of Teacher Education in Prompting Critical Engagement and Action, Teacher Education for Equity and Sustainability Network (TEESNet) Eleventh Annual Conference 11th September 2018, Liverpool Hope University, Oral presentation. 2018

Research Grants Awarded:

LJMU, Alternative spaces for an inclusive wellbeing curriculum, Dr Graham Downes (LJMU) Angie Garden (LJMU) Dr Claire Hennessy (LJMU)Vanessa Nice (Head of Behaviour and Social, Emotional Mental Health for Halton Council)Dr Avril Rowley (LJMU) Dr Fran Tracy (LJMU)Hays Education Dr Claire Hennessy (LJMU), Grant value (£): 4,000, Duration of research project: 3 months. 2020

Media Coverage:

Making your nursery sustainable by Nicky Hirst Presentation due June 2020 at the NDNA conference June 5th 2020 Cancelled due to COVID 19 with invitation to speak in 2020-2021 2020

The development of an ecologically built Bird Hide at Everton Nursery School and Family Centre

Nursery World- How to embed sustainability into early childhood education Sustainability: Part 2- Taking the Lead -22nd February 2016 Sustainability: Part 3 – Bees are buzzing in the trees – 21st March 2016

Other Professional Activity:

Contribution of a short case study in The Sustainable Development Goals; A Guide for teachers with OXFAM. Page 27. 2019

Early Childhood Education for Sustainability (Lead by Diane Boyd with Nicky Hirst and intern Catherine McNeill) Creation of a poster and pedagogical toolkit for practitioners working with children in the English Early Years Foundation Stage (DfE, 2017). Available on the Foundation Years Website Also available on the Early Childhood Education for Sustainability LJMU Micro site; 2017


Best paper award at MIT Boston USA The Faculty of Education, Health and Community’s Diane Boyd and Nicky Hirst have been awarded Best Paper at the World Symposium on Sustainable Development at Universities (WSSD-U-2016) held in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Boston., MIT Boston USA, 2016


Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, HEA. 2010
