Image of Dr Peter Wood

Dr Peter Wood

School of Education

Faculty of Arts Professional and Social Studies

Peter's research focuses largely on experiences of social and emotional well-being in the educational space. Amongst his research activities, he has explored the interpretation and enactment of social and emotional learning; SEND policy and provision and its emphasis on social and emotional work in schools; and emotions and mathematics. Current research projects include 'Emotions work in early childhood settings' with practitioners and colleagues at UCLan, and 'Children's dyslexia, literacy challenges and wellbeing' with practitioners and colleagues at the British Dyslexia Association and MMU. He has published widely, presenting the findings from his work in a range of high impact journals, both nationally and internationally. His recent book: 'Special educational needs and disability: Policy, provision and practice across countries' was published by Routledge.

He sits on the editorial boards of three influential journals in his field. He is an editor of 'Education 3-13: International Journal of Primary, Elementary and Early Years Education'; an advisory editor of 'British Journal of Educational Psychology'; and a consulting editor of 'Educational Psychology: An International Journal of Experimental Psychology'. Between 2022-2025, he was an editor of 'Cogent Education', managing the review and publication process of articles relating to social and emotional well-being of teachers and learners. Additionally, he regularly peer reviews for other journals such as 'Gender and Education', 'International Journal of Early Years', and 'Teacher and Teacher Education', and has guest edited special issue journals on topics such as: 'National and international approaches to SEND identification and provision'.

In his role as a senior lecturer in the School of Education, he teaches across Education Studies and Early Childhood Studies degrees, and as Director of Studies, supervises a range of doctoral students’ projects on topics including: 'The impact and effect of the UK government’s counter-terrorism policies, guidance, and legislation on secondary education', ‘School stakeholders’ experiences of the transition from mainstream to specialised SEND provision’ and ‘Social, emotional and behavioural interventions in schools’. He has supervised students to successful completion of their doctoral degrees and regularly examines PhDs associated with his research area.

If you are interested in applying for a PhD at LJMU on any of the above, or related topics, please do get in touch with Peter.


Lancaster University, United Kingdom, PhD
Lancaster University, United Kingdom, MA, Educational Research
University of Manchester, United Kingdom, MEd, Educational Psychology
Leeds Metropolitan University, United Kingdom, BSc, Applied Psychology


University of Derby, United Kingdom, Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education Teaching and Learning

Academic appointments

Editor, Cogent Education, 2022 - 2025
Associate Supervisor, University of Nottingham Malaysia, 2019 - 2024
External Examiner, Nottingham Trent University, 2019 - 2023

Journal article

Wood P, Putwain DW, Freitas Fernandes P. 2025. “I get by with a little help from my friends”: The importance of peer-led emotion work during the primary to secondary school transition British Educational Research Journal (BERJ), :1-18 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Wood P. 2024. ‘Rutting stags’ and ‘sly foxes’: Gender positioning boys and girls through social, emotional and behavioural work on the school playground Children & Society, :1-17 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Wood P, Malone E. 2024. Gendering Emotions Work in Primary Schools: “Effortless” or “Important”? Journal of Research in Childhood Education, :1-14 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Putwain DW, Wood P. 2022. Riding the Bumps in Mathematics Learning: Relations Between Academic Buoyancy, Engagement, and Achievement Learning and Instruction, 83 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Wood P. 2022. The interpretation and use of social and emotional learning in British primary schools International Journal of Inclusive Education, 28 :2201-2217 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Putwain DW, Wood P. 2022. Anxiety In The Mathematics Classroom: Reciprocal Relations With Control and Value, and Relations with Subsequent Achievement ZDM – Mathematics Education, DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Wood P. 2020. Emotional manipulation in social and emotional learning and pastoral support: the ‘dark side’ of emotional intelligence and its consequences for schools Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties, 25 :321-333 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Putwain DW, Wood P, Pekrun R. 2020. Achievement Emotions and Academic Achievement: Reciprocal Relations and the Moderating Influence of Academic Buoyancy Journal of Educational Psychology, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Putwain DW, Schmitz E, Wood P, Pekrun R. 2020. The Role of Achievement Emotions in Primary School Mathematics: Control-Value Antecedents and Achievement Outcomes British Journal of Educational Psychology, 91 :347-367 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Wood P, Bates S. 2020. National and international approaches to special education needs and disability provision Education 3-13, 48 :255-257 DOI Publisher Url

Wood P. 2020. Emotional Intelligence and Social and Emotional Learning: (Mis)Interpretation of Theory and Its Influence on Practice Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 34 :153-166 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Wood P, Legg N. 2019. Special educational needs and disability provision within an English multi-academy trust: capturing the vision of its practitioners Education 3-13, 48 :288-302 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Wood P. 2018. Social and emotional learning schemes as tools of cultural imperialism: a manifestation of the national and international child well-being agenda? Pastoral Care in Education: An International Journal of Personal, Social and Emotional Development, 36 :253-265 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Wood P, Brownhill S. 2018. 'Absent fathers’, and children’s social and emotional learning: an exploration of the perceptions of ‘positive male role models’ in the primary school sector Gender and Education, 30 :172-186 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Wood P. 2017. Promoting and marginalising young children’s social and emotional experiences through SEL Early Child Development and Care, 188 :879-891 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Wood P. 2017. ‘We are trying to make them good citizens’: The utilisation of SEAL to develop ‘appropriate’ social, emotional and behavioural skills amongst pupils attending disadvantaged primary schools Education 3-13, 46 :741-754 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Wood P. 2016. 'It's something I do as a parent, it's common sense to me' - Non-teaching staff members' perceptions of SEAL and their role in the development of children's social, emotional and behavioural skills The Psychology of Education Review, 40 :39-44 Public Url

Wood P, Warin J. 2014. Social and emotional aspects of learning: Complementing, compensating and countering parental practices British Educational Research Journal, 40 :937-951 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Wood P. 2011. More than one way to implement SEAL: What can we learn from contrasting approaches to SEAL? Social and Emotional Learning Update, :6-7

Conference publication

Malone E, Wood P. 2024. The School of Education 'Little book of hope': A collection of resilience, grit, and digging deep tales of life. ICERI Proceedings, 17th Annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation 1 :10652-10658 DOI Publisher Url

Ross H, Malone E, Wood P. 2024. One school's journey of dyslexia and wobbly wellbeing British Educational Research Association Conference, University of Manchester, Manchester, 8-12 September

Ross H, Wood P, Malone E. 2024. Wobbly wellbeing and dyslexia: One school’s experiences Teacher Education Advancement Network Conference, Manchester Picadilly Hotel, Manchester, 22-23 May

Wood P. 2017. Social and emotional learning schemes as tools of cultural imperialism European Conference on Educational Research, University College, Copenhagen, 22-25 August

McDonnell J, Wood P. 2016. 'British values' and character in UK education policy: Lessons from citizenship education and SEAL 8th Annual Conference for Research in Education: Values in Education, Edge Hill University, Ormskirk, 12-13 July

McDonnell J, Wood P. 2016. The political, moral and psychological contours of 'British values' promotion in UK education policy Social Justice in Times of Crisis and Hope: Young People, Well-being and the Politics of Education, RMIT University, Barcelona, 6-8 July

Wood P. 2015. Primary school staff members’ perceptions of SEAL and their role in the development of children’s social, emotional and behavioural skills. The British Psychological Society, Psychology of Education Section Annual Conference, Jury's Inn, Liverpool, 23-24 October

Wood P. 2011. The role of SEAL in endorsing ‘normal’ behaviour. 2nd Critical Disabilities Conference, Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, 14-15 September

Wood P. 2011. Holes in a ‘whole-school approach’: Variability between school staff members in their interpretation, use and evaluation of SEAL. 3rd Annual Conference on Learner Identity: Equity, Identity and Education, Edge Hill University, Ormskirk, 7-8 July

Wood P. 2011. Social and emotional aspects of learning: Complementing, compensating and countering parental styles. 2nd Teacher Education Advancement Network Conference, Manchester Conference Centre, Manchester, 20 May

Books (authored)

Brundrett M, Beauchamp G, Latham P, Mistry M, Murray M, Taylor B, Wood P. 2022. Contemporary Issues in Primary Education: Fifty Years of Education 3-13 Routledge 9781032328119 Publisher Url

Wood P. 2021. Policy, Provision and Practice for Special Educational Needs and Disability: Perspectives Across Countries Wood P. :1-220 London: Routledge 9780367724993 DOI Publisher Url


Wood P. 2022. ‘We are trying to make them good citizens’: The utilisation of SEAL to develop social, emotional and behavioural skills amongst pupils attending disadvantaged primary schools Brundrett M, Beauchamp G, Latham P, Mistri M, Murray M, Taylor B, Wood P. Contemporary Issues in Primary Education: Fifty Years of Education 3-13 Routledge 9781032328119 Publisher Url

Wood P. 2021. Making the case for the exploration of special educational needs and disability policy, provision and practice across countries Wood P. Policy, Provision and Practice for Special Educational Needs and Disability Perspectives Across Countries London: Routledge 9780367724993 DOI Publisher Url

Wood P. 2021. Positioning special educational needs and disability in contemporary teaching and learning Wood P. Policy, Provision and Practice for Special Educational Needs and Disability Perspectives Across Countries London: Routledge 9780367724993 DOI Publisher Url

Wood P. 2019. Promoting and marginalising young children’s social and emotional experiences through SEL Murray J, Palaiologou I. Young Children's Emotional Experiences London: Routledge 9780367257255 Publisher Url

Wood P. 2016. Social and Emotional Learning in Britain: Guarding against cultural pollution or maintaining culture? Brown MA. Migration and the Education of Young People 0-19: An Introductory Guide :22-37 London: Routledge 9781138903777 DOI Publisher Url

Wood P. 2015. Values production through social and emotional learning O'Grady A, Cottle V. Exploring Education at Postgraduate Level Policy, Theory and Practice :52-62 London: Routledge 9781138814080 DOI Publisher Url

Wood P. Introduction Policy, Provision and Practice for Special Educational Needs and Disability :1-10 Taylor & Francis DOI

Editorial/letter to the editor

Wood P, Bates S. 2020. National and international approaches to special education needs and disability provision Education 3-13, 48 :255-257 DOI Publisher Url

Editorial boards:

Education 3-13: International Journal of Primary, Elementary and Early Years Education, Editor. 2023

British Journal of Educational Psychology, Advisory Editor. 2023

Educational Psychology: An International Journal of Experimental Psychology, Consulting Editor. 2020

External PGR examinations performed:

Lancaster University, PhD, Exploring the promotional advancements for practitioners in British primary school education: ‘Gendered micropromotions’. 2020

Lancaster University, PhD, Teachers’ awareness of Pupil Premium students through their lesson planning and delivery. 2018

External PGR Supervision - completed students:

Liverpool John Moores University, PhD, The importance of utilising the environment through a sustainable lens in early childhood: An organic and authentic narrative. 2020

Liverpool John Moores University, PhD, An ethnographic exploration of the starting school transition within an English school. 2018

Teaching qualification:

Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (PGCE). 2014

Research Grants Awarded:

Association for the Study of Primary Education, Dyslexia and Wobbly Wellbeing: exploring connections between dyslexia, literacy challenges and wellbeing, Dr Helen Ross, Dr Elizabeth Malone, Grant value (£): 4,862.77.

Association for the Study of Primary Education, Emotions work in early childhood settings – What does this mean to early childhood practitioners, how is it valued and what affects its use?, Nichola Turner, Dr Kat Cartmell, Niomi Wilkinson, Grant value (£): 4,706.80.

Association for the Study of Primary Education, SEND provision and inclusive practice within a Multi-Academy Trust: exploring the vision of its practitioners, Grant value (£): 4,222.54.

The Bowland Trust, Learning by Questions: What is the impact on pupil achievement in maths, pupil behaviour, resilience, confidence in and attitude to maths, and teacher workload?, Prof Dave Putwain, Grant value (£): 11,052.36.


Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, (FHEA).

Membership of professional bodies:

Member, British Educational Research Association (BERA).

Member, British Psychological Society (BPS).

Member, Social, Emotional & Behavioural Difficulties Association (SEBDA).
