Dr Sarah Greenhow
School of Justice Studies
Faculty of Arts Professional and Social Studies
Email: S.K.Greenhow@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 231 5087
Sarah joined LJMU as a lecturer in Criminology in 2014. Sarah's PhD explored the impact of social media (and other communication technologies) on post-adoption contact between adopted children and their birth relatives. The research looked at the risks and benefits of technological forms of contact and how these methods interact with more traditional forms of communication.
Sarah's main research interests include children and young people's use of the internet and communication technologies, child protection and social work responses, and the criminalisation and victimisation of looked-after children.
Sarah is currently undertaking two QR funded projects. The first explores multi-agency responses to the victimisation and criminalisation of looked-after children. The second explores the lived reality of young people’s experiences of online risk and harm in a coastal resort.
Sarah is Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and a member of the LJMU Centre for the Study of Crime, Criminalisation and Social Exclusion.
2015, Durham University, United Kingdom, PhD in Applied Social Sciences
2011, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom, MA, Research Methodology (Sociology & Social Policy)
2009, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom, BA, Criminology & Sociology
2016, Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) England, MHFA Lite Course
Higher Education Academy, Fellow
Academic appointments
Lecturer in Criminology, Liverpool John Moores University, 2014 - present
Books (authored)
Shaw J, Greenhow S. 2020. The Criminalisation and Exploitation of Children in Care Multi-Agency Perspectives Routledge 9780429678011 DOI Publisher Url
Journal article
Shaw J, Greenhow SK. 2019. Children in Care: Exploitation, Offending and the Denial of Victimhood in a Prosecution-led Culture of Practice British Journal of Social Work, 50 :1551-1569 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Shaw J, Greenhow SK. 2019. Professional perceptions of the care-crime connection: Risk, marketisation and a failing system Criminology and Criminal Justice, :1-17 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Fishburn S, Meins E, Greenhow S, Jones C, Hackett S, Biehal N, Baldwin H, Cusworth L, Wade J. 2017. Mind-Mindedness in Parents of Looked After Children Developmental Psychology, 53 :1954-1965 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Greenhow SK, Hackett S, Jones C, Meins E. 2016. The Maintenance of Traditional and Technological forms of Post-Adoption Contact Child Abuse Review, 25 :373-385 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Greenhow SK, Hackett S, Jones C, Meins E. 2015. Adoptive family experiences of post-adoption contact in an Internet era Child & Family Social Work, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Conference publication
Tickle SJ, Greenhow S. 2018. Navigating online space: risk and harm experienced by vulnerable children and young people in a coastal resort. The Howard League, Redesigning Justice: Promoting civil rights, trust and fairness
Greenhow SK, Shaw J. 2016. Professional responses to looked-after children who come into contact with the Youth Justice System in the UK Social Work with Youth in Conflict with Law, Inter-University Centre
Greenhow SK. 2015. Post-Adoption Contact in the Facebook Era: Risks and opportunities for adopted children and their families BASPCAN Congress 2015: New Directions in Child Protection and Well-being
Greenhow SK, Meins E, Jones C, Hackett S, Bell M. 2015. Mind-Mindedness in Parents who Adopted Children from the Care System Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD)
Greenhow SK. 2013. Chatting Online With My Other Mother: A survey of 101 adoptive parents International Conference of Adoption Research 4 (ICAR4)
Greenhow SK. 2012. Chatting online with my other mother: The emergence of 'virtual contact' Social Work Social Devlopment: Action and Impact
Greenhow SK. The vulnerability of children in state care to exploitation: The challenges of multi-agency responses within a context of austerity. EuroCrim
Greenhow SK, Tickle S. Navigating online risk and harm experienced by vulnerable children in a coastal resort. European Group for the Study of Deviance & Social Control
Greenhow S. 2016. Social media and its impact on social development: Chatting Online with my Other Mother: The emergence of ‘virtual contact’ Global Social Transformation and Social Action: The Role of Social Workers: Social Work-Social Development Volume III :154-159
Greenhow SK. 2014. Chatting online with my other mother: The emergence of ‘virtual contact’ Hessle S. Global Social Transformation and Social Action: The role of social workers :154-159 Ashgate. Surrey
Research Grants Awarded:
NHS England & Improvement, NHSE/I Mind the Gap Embedding Evaluation: An evaluation of support services available to carers in the community., Dr Sarah Tickle, Grant value (£): 22,050. 2021
NHS England & Improvement, NHSE/I Mind the Gap Scoping Evaluation: An evaluation of support services available to carers in the community., Dr Sarah Tickle, Grant value (£): 24, 365. 2021
NHS England, Mind the Gap: An evaluation of support services available to carers in the community., Dr Sarah Tickle, Grant value (£): £9,888.06. 2020
QR Research Fund LJMU, Navigating Online space: risk and harm experienced by vulnerable children and young people in a coastal resort., Sarah Greenhow, Grant value (£): 1447.00, Duration of research project: 13 months. 2018
QR Research Fund LJMU, Multi-agency responses to the criminalisation and victimisation of looked-after children., Dr Julie Shaw, Grant value (£): 1,128. 2016