Dr Stephen Wakeman
School of Justice Studies
Faculty of Arts Professional and Social Studies
Email: S.J.Wakeman@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 231 3302
Steve is the Programme Leader for Criminology. He joined LJMU as a lecturer in 2014 after completing his PhD in the Centre for Criminology and Criminal Justice at the University of Manchester. His PhD was an ethnographic study of heroin and crack cocaine users and dealers in the North-West of England. Prior to this he worked in drug rehabilitation centres, homeless hostels, and at a ‘problem’ youth project.
Steve has knowledge and expertise in three main areas: drugs (specifically addictions, policy, and heroin and/or crack cocaine use/markets); media (specifically cultural representations of crime and deviance in popular and/or 'new' media); and criminological theory (specifically cultural, visual, critical criminologies, or any other progressive theory, as well as the use of autoethnographic methods in criminology).
His work has been published in a number of leading criminology journals such as the British Journal of Criminology (where he is currently the Reviews Editor), Theoretical Criminology, Crime Media Culture, and Criminology & Criminal Justice. He is also working on a book on Autoethnographic Criminology that will be published by Routledge at some point in the near future.
Steve would be happy to discuss potential PhD supervision with students in any area related to drugs, media or theory, but especially if the project has an autoethnographic element to it. Away from work he likes retro adidas trainers, Manchester City Football Club, and playing video games. His main passion in life is golf, and he considers it to be more important than anything else other than his wife and children. He keeps a Boston terrier named Lola that sometimes bites him.
2014, University of Manchester, United Kingdom, PhD - Criminology
2011, University of Manchester, United Kingdom, MRes - Criminology & Socio-Legal Studies
2010, University of Chester, United Kingdom, MA - Crime and Justice
2009, University of Chester, United Kingdom, BSc - Criminology with Counselling Skills
Academic appointments
Lecturer in Criminology, Liverpool John Moores University, 2014 - present
Highlighted publications
Wakeman SJ. 2018. The ‘one who knocks’ and the ‘one who waits’: Gendered violence in Breaking Bad Crime, Media, Culture, 14 :213-228 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Wakeman S. 2016. The Moral Economy of Heroin in ‘Austerity Britain’ Critical Criminology, 24 :363-377 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Wakeman S. 2015. Prescribing Heroin for Addiction: Some Untapped Potentials and Unanswered Questions Criminology and Criminal Justice, 15 :578-593 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Wakeman S. 2014. Fieldwork, Biography and Emotion: doing criminological autoethnography The British Journal of Criminology: an international review of crime and society, 54 :705-721 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Wakeman S. 2014. “No One Wins. One Side Just Loses More Slowly”: The Wire and Drug Policy. Theoretical Criminology: an international journal, 18 :224-240 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Journal article
Wakeman S. 2021. Doing autoethnographic drugs research: Some notes from the field. International Journal of Drug Policy, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Wakeman SJ. 2018. The ‘one who knocks’ and the ‘one who waits’: Gendered violence in Breaking Bad Crime, Media, Culture, 14 :213-228 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Wakeman S. 2016. The Moral Economy of Heroin in ‘Austerity Britain’ Critical Criminology, 24 :363-377 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Wakeman S. 2015. Prescribing Heroin for Addiction: Some Untapped Potentials and Unanswered Questions Criminology and Criminal Justice, 15 :578-593 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Wakeman S. 2014. Fieldwork, Biography and Emotion: doing criminological autoethnography The British Journal of Criminology: an international review of crime and society, 54 :705-721 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Wakeman S. 2014. “No One Wins. One Side Just Loses More Slowly”: The Wire and Drug Policy. Theoretical Criminology: an international journal, 18 :224-240 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Wakeman S, Seddon T. 2013. New Age Austerity Highs Druglink, 28 :14-16
Wakeman S. 2019. 'Feeling criminology': Learning from emotions in criminological research Hviid Jacobsen M, Walklate S. Emotions and Crime: Towards a Criminology of Emotions :188-201 Routledge. Abingdon DOI Publisher Url
Wakeman S. 2019. Autoethnography McLaughlin E, Muncie J. The Sage Dictionary of Criminology (4th ed.) Sage. London
Wakeman S. 2019. Popular Criminology McLaughlin E, Muncie J. The Sage Dictionary of Criminology (4th ed.) Sage. London
Wakeman S. 2018. Doing Criminological Autoethnography: Learning from Conversations with Ourselves Rice S, Maltz M. Doing Ethnography in Criminology: Discovery through Fieldwork Springer DOI Publisher Url
Wakeman S. 2016. Crime Dramas as Social Science Fiction Brown M, Carrabine E. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Criminology 9780190264079 DOI Publisher Url
Wakeman S. 2014. Heroin Use in England: An (Auto)ethnographic Study of Drug Addiction SAGE Research Methods Cases SAGE. London 9781446273050 DOI Publisher Url
Wakeman SJ. 2014. The Folk Devil Taylor P, Corteen K, Morley S. A Companion to Criminal Justice, Mental Health and Risk :108-109 The Policy Press. Bristol 9781447310341
Wakeman SJ. 2014. Desistance Taylor P, Corteen K, Morley S. A Companion to Criminal Justice, Mental Health and Risk :79-80 The Policy Press. Bristol 9781447310341
Wakeman S. 2013. For an Embodied Sociology of Drug Use: Mephedrone and ‘Corporeal Pleasure Ogden CA, Wakeman S. Corporeality: The Body and Society :47-68 University of Chester Press. Chester 978-1-905929-97-9
Hayes A, Jackson WH, Murray ET, Wakeman S. 2019. Playing for Change - Probationary: A Partnership Publisher Url Public Url
Book review
Wakeman S. 2018. Meth Wars: Police, Media, Power CRIME MEDIA CULTURE, 14 :340-342 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Wakeman S. 2015. Reflexivity in Criminological Research: Experiences with the Powerful and the Powerless. Edited by Karen Lumsden and Aaron Winter (Palgrave Macmillan, 2014, 366pp. £70.00 hb). The British Journal of Criminology: an international review of crime and society, DOI
Internet publication
Hayes A, Jackson WH, Murray ET, Wakeman S. 2018. Probationary: The Game of Life on Licence Publisher Url Public Url
Books (authored)
Ogden CA, Wakeman S. 2013. Corporeality The Body and Society University of Chester 9781905929979
Conference publication
Wakeman SJ. Is Addiction a Bone? The Case for a Realist Criminology of Habitual Drug Use Launch Event of the Teesside Centre for Realist Criminology
Wakeman SJ. Prescribing Heroin for Addiction: Some Potentials and Pitfalls NHS Wales Health Student Forum’s Inaugural Conference
Fellow of Higher Education Academy, Higher Education Academy.
Membership of professional bodies:
Member, British Society of Criminology.
Member, British Sociological Association.