Dr Una Barr
School of Justice Studies
Faculty of Arts Professional and Social Studies
Email: U.M.Barr@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 231 3389
2016, University of Central Lancashire, United Kingdom, PhD Criminology
2010, University of Manchester, United Kingdom, MRes Criminology and Socio-Legal Studies
2009, Queens University Belfast, Northern Ireland, LLB Law and Politics
Barr U, Rutter N. 2023. Desistance and the Stigma Machine - Being a ‘Good Woman’ Baldwin L. Gendered Justicee: Women, Trauma and Crime Waterside Press. Hampshire, United Kingdom 9781914603426 Publisher Url Public Url
Atkinson K, Barr U, Monk H. 2022. Introduction: Denying Oppression a Future – Gender, the State and Feminist Praxis Atkinson K, Barr U, Monk H, Tucker K. Feminist Responses to Injustices of the State and its Institutions Politics, Intervention, Resistance Bristol university Press. Bristol DOI Publisher Url
Barr U, Hart EL. 2022. Constructing a Feminist Desistance: Resisting Responsibilization Atkinson K, Barr U, Monk H, Tucker K. Feminist Responses to Injustices of the State and its InstitutionsPolitics, Intervention, Resistance Bristol university Press. Bristol DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Barr UM. 2017. Are Neoliberal, Patriarchal Societies Compatible with Desistance? A consideration of the experiences of a group of English women caught up in the criminal justice system Emerging Voices EG Press. Bristol
Barr UM. 2017. Motherhood and Desistance: A gateway to social bonds and identity transformation? Voices of Resistance: Subjugated Knowledge and the Challenge to the Criminal Justice System EG Press. Bristol
Journal article
Barr Ú. 2023. Working Together? Gendered Barriers to Employment and Desistance From Harm Amongst Criminalised English Women Feminist Criminology, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Rutter N, Barr U. 2021. Being a ‘good woman’: Stigma, relationships and desistance Probation Journal, 68 :166-185 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Barr UM, Christian N. 2019. A qualitative investigation into the impact of domestic abuse on women’s desistance Probation Journal, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Barr UM. 2018. Gendered Assisted Desistance: A Decade from Corston Safer Communities, 17 :81-93 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Internet publication
Barr U, Rutter N. 2022. On ‘Being a 'good woman': Stigma, Relationships and Desistance Publisher Url
Books (authored)
Barr UM. 2019. Desisting Sisters: Gender, Power and Desistance in the Criminal (In)Justice System Palgrave Macmillan 978-3-030-14275-9 DOI Publisher Url
Atkinson KYM, Barr UNA, Monk HELEN, Tucker KATIE. Feminist Responses to Injustices of the State and Its Institutions Politics, Intervention, Resistance 9781529207286
Conference publication
Barr UM. 2016. Ontological theory and women’s desistance: Is it simply a case of 'growing up'? Early Career Academics Network Bulletin, The Howard League for Penal Reform Justice and Penal Reform Conference 30 Author Url Public Url
Conference presentation:
Criminalised women and Desistance: an anti-carceral and intersectional approach, Dynamics of Desistance, University College Dublin, Oral presentation. 2024
Being a ‘good woman’, relational networks and desistance, Eurocrim 2020, Oral presentation. 2020
“But them values come with consequences. He was very abusive and violent” Relationships and Desistance, a social harms perspective, European Group for the study of Deviance and Social Control 46th Annual Conference: Social harm in a digitalized global world: Technologies of power and normalized practices of contemporary society, Ljubljana, Oral presentation. 2018
The journey through LJMU for a Northern Irish student, LJMU Teaching and Learning Conference, Vicci Boyd & Anne-Marie Fitzpatrick Faculty of Education, Health & Community Ruth Doughty & Una Barr Faculty of Arts, Professional & Social Studies Sharon Roden, Student Recruitment & Bernadette McGrath, Student advice & Wellbeing, Oral presentation. 2018
Desisting Sisters: Criminal (In)justice and Narratives of Resistance, European Group for the Study of Deviance & Social Control, Uncovering Harms: States, corporations and organizations as criminals, Mytilene, Lesbos, Greece, Oral presentation. 2017
Voicing Desistance: Female Experiences of Giving Up Crime, British Society of Criminology Conference 2017, Oral presentation.
Voicing Desistance: Female Experiences of Giving up Crime, Feminist Reflections on Law, Society and Care Conference 2017, Manchester Metropolitan University, Sylvia Pankhurst Research Centre, Oral presentation.
External collaboration:
University of Cumbria, External examiner. 2022
Wrexham Glyndwr University, External Examiner. 2017
Teaching qualification:
Postgraduate Certificate in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education. 2017
Membership of professional bodies:
Fellowship, Higher Education Academy. 2017