Joanne Johnston
Nursing and Advanced Practice
Faculty of Health
Email: J.Johnston1@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 904 1048
Joanne has worked at Liverpool John Moores University since 2019.
After completing a DipHE in Child Nursing in 2008 at Edge Hill University, Joanne went on to obtain BSc(Hons) in Children and Young People Integrated Practice at Edge Hill University in 2011. Joanne then went on to obtain MSc(Res) in Health at the University of Central Lancaster in 2015.
Joanne's clinical career has been based at Alder Hey which has included working on paediatric intensive care and more recently as a research nurse working on studies within the Infection Diseases portfolio. Joanne had an honorary contract with Liverpool University Institution of Infection and Global Health from Dec 2012- Nov 2019.
Joanne's research path has focused upon her main interests which include exploring medication errors in PICU, member of the EUCLIDs consortium and recruitment of patients to the (European Union for Childhood Life-threatening Infection Diseases study) from Dec 2012-Dec 2015, member of the PERFORM and lead research nurse for the Liverpool site, on the Personalised Risk assessment in febrile illness to optimise Real-life Management across the European Union (PEFORM Study) study Jan 2016 - Nov 2019.
Joanne's academic career sees her involved in delivering and running modules on both the pre-registration child nursing and nursing associate programmes, which includes teaching practical skills, evidence based clinical practice, simulation, and how to deliver safety and quality of care in nursing. Joanne is part of the programme team within the nursing associate programme which enables Joanne to have an active role in all areas needed for the design and delivery of nurse education.
Research interests within academia include nursing student engagement in research and development of nurse researchers. Joanne is currently undertaking a PhD.
2015, University of Central Lancashire, United Kingdom, MSc(Res)
2011, Edge Hill University, United Kingdom, BSc(Hons)
Academic appointments
Senior Lecturer Child Nursing, Nursing and Allied Health, Liverpool John Moores University, 2019 - present
Postgraduate training
Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice, United Kingdom, Liverpool John Moores University, 2020 - 2021
Journal article
Martinón-Torres F, Salas A, Rivero-Calle I, Cebey-López M, Pardo-Seco J, Herberg JA, Boeddha NP, Klobassa DS, Secka F, Paulus S, de Groot R, Schlapbach LJ, Driessen GJ, Anderson ST, Emonts M, Zenz W, Carrol ED, Van der Flier M, Levin M, Levin M, Coin L, Gormley S, Hamilton S, Herberg J, Hourmat B, Hoggart C, Kaforou M, Sancho-Shimizu V, Wright V, Abdulla A, Agapow P, Bartlett M, Bellos E, Eleftherohorinou H, Galassini R, Inwald D, Mashbat M, Menikou S, Mustafa S, Nadel S, Rahman R, Thakker C, Bokhandi S, Power S, Barham H, Pathan N, Ridout J, White D, Thurston S, Faust S, Patel S, McCorkell J, Davies P, Crate L, Navarra H, Carter S, Ramaiah R, Patel R, Tuffrey C, Gribbin A, McCready S, Peters M, Hardy K, Standing F, O'Neill L, Abelake E, Deep A, Nsirim E, Pollard A, Willis L, Young Z, Royad C, White S, Fortune PM, Hudnott P, Martinón-Torres F, Salas Ellacuriaga A, Álvez González F, Barral-Arca R, Cebey-López M, Curras-Tuala MJ, García N, García Vicente L, Gómez-Carballa A, Gómez Rial J, Grela Beiroa A, Justicia Grande A, Leboráns Iglesias P, Martínez Santos AE, Martinón-Torres N, Martinón Sánchez JM, Morillo Gutiérrez B, Mosquera Pérez B, Obando Pacheco P, Pardo-Seco J, Pischedda S, Rivero-Calle I, Rodríguez-Tenreiro C, Redondo-Collazo L, Serén Fernández S, Porto Silva MDS, Vega A, Vilanova Trillo L, Reyes SB, León León MC, Navarro Mingorance Á, Gabaldó Barrios X, Oñate Vergara E, Concha Torre A, Vivanco A, Fernández R, Giménez Sánchez F, Sánchez Forte M, Rojo P, Ruiz Contreras J, Palacios A, Epalza Ibarrondo C, Fernández Cooke E, Navarro M, Álvarez Álvarez C, Lozano MJ, Carreras E, Brió Sanagustín S, Neth O, Martínez Padilla MDC, Prieto Tato LM, Guillén S, Fernández Silveira L, Moreno D, de Groot R, van Furth AM, van der Flier M, Boeddha NP, Driessen GJA, Emonts M, Hazelzet JA, Kuijpers TW, Pajkrt D, Sanders EAM, van de Beek D, van der Ende A, Philipsen RLA, Adeel AOA, Breukels MA, Brinkman DMC, de Korte CCMM, de Vries E, de Waal WJ, Dekkers R, Dings-Lammertink A, Doedens RA, Donker AE, Dousma M, Faber TE, Gerrits GPJM, Gerver JAM, Heidema J, Homan-van der Veen J, Jacobs MAM, Jansen NJG, Kawczynski P, Klucovska K, Kneyber MCJ, Koopman-Keemink Y, Langenhorst VJ, Leusink J, Loza BF, Merth IT, Miedema CJ, Neeleman C, Noordzij JG, Obihara CC, van Overbeek - van Gils ALT, Poortman GH, Potgieter ST, Potjewijd J, Rosias PPR, Sprong T, ten Tussher GW, Thio BJ, Tramper-Stranders GA, van Deuren M, van der Meer H, van Kuppevelt AJM, van Wermeskerken A-M, Verwijs WA, Wolfs TFW, Schlapbach LJ, Agyeman P, Aebi C, Berger C, Giannoni E, Stocker M, Posfay-Barbe KM, Heininger U, Bernhard-Stirnemann S, Niederer-Loher A, Kahlert C, Hasters P, Relly C, Baer W, Berger C, Carrol E, Paulus S, Frederick H, Jennings R, Johnston J, Kenwright R, Fink CG, Pinnock E, Emonts M, Agbeko RS, Anderson ST, Secka F, Bojang KA, Sarr I, Kebbeh N, Sey G, Saidykhan M, Cole F, Thomas G, Antonio M, Zenz W, Klobassa DS, Binder A, Schweintzger NA, Sagmeister M, Baumgart H, Baumgartner M, Behrends U, Biebl A, Birnbacher R, Blanke J-G, Boelke C, Breuling K, Brunner J, Buller M, Dahlem P, Dietrich B, Eber E, Elias J, Emhofer J, Etschmaier R, Farr S, Girtler Y, Grigorow I, Heimann K, Ihm U, Jaros Z, Kalhoff H, Kaulfersch W, Kemen C, Klocker N, Köster B, Kohlmaier B, Komini E, Kramer L, Neubert A, Ortner D, Pescollderungg L, Pfurtscheller K, Reiter K, Ristic G, Rödl S, Sellner A, Sonnleitner A, Sperl M, Stelzl W, Till H, Trobisch A, Vierzig A, Vogel U, Weingarten C, Welke S, Wimmer A, Wintergerst U, Wüller D, Zaunschirm A, Ziuraite I, Žukovskaja V. 2018. Life-threatening infections in children in Europe (the EUCLIDS Project): a prospective cohort study The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health, 2 :404-414 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Conference presentation:
Exploring medication errors and doctor's and nurse's perceptions of them in the PICU, 8th World Congress on Pediatric Intensive and Critical Care, Toronto, Canada, Poster presentation. 2016
Do reflective learning tools actually help staff learn from error?, Building Bridges 28th Annual Paediatric Intensive Care Society Conference, Newcastle, UK., Poster presentation. 2014
Observations of medication administration on PICU: A more accurate account of errors?, Building Bridges 28th Annual Paediatric Intensive Care Society Conference, Newcastle, UK., Poster presentation. 2014
Engaging and Learning in Safety: PICU team's perceptions of medication errors and how staff learn from them, 7th World Congress on Pediatric Intensive and Critical Care, Istanbul, Turkey, Poster presentation. 2014
Membership of professional bodies:
RN Child, Nursing and Midwifery Council. 2008