Karen Rea
Nursing and Advanced Practice
Faculty of Health
Email: K.Rea@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 231 4550
Rea K, Smith GM. 2015. Integrated Depression Care Pathway: Project Report Publisher Url Public Url
Smith GM. 2012. Conclusion: psychological interventions and the mental health nurse's future development Psychological interventions in mental health nursing
Journal article
Rea K, Aiken F, Borastero C. 1997. Building therapeutic staff: client relationships with women who self-harm. Womens Health Issues, 7 :121-125 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Award for Teaching and Learning excellence, LJMU. 2015
Research Grants Awarded:
NHS England Research Innovation Fund, Perfect Depression Care, Grahame Smith (PI), Karen Rea (Co-I), Grant value (£): 49549, Duration of research project: 1 year. 2014
External collaboration:
Cheshire and Merseyside strategic clinical network, Pat Sneddon. 2014
Conference presentation:
developing an IAPT PWP, programme for deaf students, International Conference on developing Educational opportunities for studenst who are deaf, Monterey, mexico, Oral presentation. 2012
working with women who self harm, Internationa Lconference on Womens Health, Toronto, Canada, Oral presentation. 2002
External committees:
Accreditation Committee, BPS, member. 2011
Membership of professional bodies:
Cognitive behavioural Therapy, BABCP. 2004
Nursing and Midwifery Council, Nursing and Midwifery Council. 1982
Teaching qualification:
Certificate in Education. 1991