Image of Clare Maxwell

Clare Maxwell

Public and Allied Health

Faculty of Health

I am a Reader in Maternal and Infant Health and a Registered Midwife. My areas of interest include Infant Feeding, Midwifery Education and Research Methodology. I have a national and international research profile and my work aligns with a varied audience including health professionals, academic staff (in a number of European countries), ethicists, students and service users and it has been cited globally.
I am a Florence Nightingale Scholar having been awarded the Florence Nightingale Scholarship to undertake my MSc and I am a former WHO Technical Advisor for Maternal and Infant health. I currently co-lead the NIHR MIDAS qualitative sub-group and I serve on the NIHR Predoctoral Health and Care Professionals Funding Committee
I have an interest in decolonising the curriculum and won the LJMU VC Award for Teaching Excellence in the EDI category in 2024. My work includes the Online Student Midwife Global Buddy study and a ground breaking student internship between history and midwife students exploring the link between historical context and current Black Maternal Health outcomes.
I have led/been involved in a number of service/project evaluations across Cheshire and Merseyside, including the 'Holding Time' breastfeeding project, the PSS 'Growing Together' programme, Everton in the Community 'Dads Club' and a Joint Service Needs Assessment of Maternity Services. I am currently undertaking evaluations around the Merseyside Safer Sleep App, a collaboration between Merseyside Police and Health Visitors to reduce unsafe sleeping and SIDS, and the Halton Creative Writing Workshops for new mothers.
I supervise a number of Masters and PhD students, all who are undertaking work related (directly or indirectly) to Maternal and Infant health. I also teach across a number of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes and led the LJMU UNICEF BFI Gold award for the Midwifery programme. In line with this, I also led the successful LJMU application for the Liverpool BAMBIS Mayoral award, establishing breastfeeding/expressing rooms and spaces across LJMU, making LJMU a Breastfeeding Friendly University. This was recognised at the Patient Experience National Awards (2022) where the initiative was highly commended.
I developed an MSc DEgree Apprenticeship in ACP Midwifery and have extensive external examiner experience including at University of York, Queens Belfast and currently at Kings College London.


LJMU, United Kingdom, PhD
Manchester Metropolitan University, United Kingdom, MSc


Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom, PGCert in HE

Academic appointments

Reader In Maternal and Infant Health, Midwifery, Liverpool John Moores University, 2023 - present
Senior Lecturer Midwifery, Midwifery, Liverpool John Moores University, 2004 - 2023

Journal article

Maxwell C, Self B, Bould K. 2025. A Descriptive Investigation of Infant Feeding Bottles Marketed in the UK Designed to Replicate Breastfeeding and the Evidence That Underpins Them Maternal & Child Nutrition, :1-8 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Harrison JE, Abayomi J, Hassan S, Foweather L, Maxwell C, McCann DA, Garbett S, Nugent M, Bradbury D, Timpson H, Porcellato L, Judd M, Chisholm A, Isaac N, Wolfenden B, Greenhalgh A, Watson PM. 2025. Mixed-Methods Evaluation of the HealthyWEY E-Learning Toolkit for Promoting Healthy Weight in the Early Years International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 22 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Maxwell C, Robinson A, Donaghy-Binks P, Fleming V. 2024. A qualitative evaluation of a student midwife placement teaching English to speakers of other languages (ESOL) European Journal of Midwifery, 8 :1-8 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Fleming V, Maxwell C, Hanlon C, Robb Y, Vermeulen J, Dobrowolska B. 2024. To participate or not to participate: The troublesome question of nurses' conscientious objection to abortion: A qualitative study Journal of Advanced Nursing, :1-11 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Ali M, Fleming V, Maxwell C. 2024. Emerging trends in research on perineal trauma management: A bibliometric analysis of articles published since 1985 Midwifery, 134 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Fleming V, Frith L, Maxwell C. 2024. Understanding the extent of and limitations to conscientious objection to abortion by health care practitioners: A hermeneutic study. Cioffi A. PLoS One, 19 :1-14 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Self B, Maxwell C, Fleming V. 2023. The missing voices in the conscientious objection debate: British service users' experiences of conscientious objection to abortion BMC Medical Ethics, 24 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Maxwell C, Hudson T, Lotto R. 2023. Key changes in the cardiovascular system during uncomplicated pregnancy, birth and the postnatal period: an overview British Journal of Cardiac Nursing, 18 :1-4 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Maxwell C, Fleming V, Porcellato LA. 2023. Why have a bottle when you can have draught? Exploring bottle refusal by breastfed babies. Maternal & Child Nutrition, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Ramsayer B, Maxwell C, Fleming V. 2022. Qualitative Studie aus Großbritannien zum Schwangerschaftsabbruch (Qualitative study from the UK on abortion. Midwives respect and support each other) Habammen, Publisher Url Public Url

Ramsayer B, Maxwell C, Fleming V. 2022. Vier Beusche in sechs Wochen Habammen, 9 :84-91 Publisher Url Public Url

Maxwell C, Ramsayer B, Fleming V. 2022. It's about finding a balance…exploring conscientious objection to abortion with UK midwives Midwifery, 112 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Maxwell C, McKendrick J, Hanlon C, Penson P, Fleming V. 2021. Exploring pharmacists' views surrounding conscientious objection to abortion and implications in practice. International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Maxwell C, Ramsayer B, Hanlon C, McKendrick J, Fleming V. 2020. Examining Researchers’ Pre-Understandings as a Part of the Reflexive Journey in Hermeneutic Research International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 19 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Maxwell C, Fleming KM, Fleming V, Porcellato L. 2020. UK mothers' experiences of bottle refusal by their breastfed baby. Maternal and Child Nutrition, :e13047-e13047 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Fleming V, Maxwell C, Ramsayer B. 2020. Accommodating conscientious objection in the midwifery workforce: a ratio-data analysis of midwives, birth and late abortions in 18 European countries in 2016. Human Resources for Health, 18 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Harris J, Germain J, Maxwell C, Mackay S. 2020. The Ethical Implications of Collecting Data from Online Health Communities SAGE Research Methods Cases: Medicine and Health, DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Spiby H, Sheen KS, Collinge S, Maxwell C, Pollard K, Slade P. 2018. Preparing midwifery students for traumatic workplace events: findings from the poppy (programme for the prevention of posttraumatic stress disorder in midwifery) feasibility study Nurse Education Today, 71 :226-232 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Germain J, Harris J, Mackay S, Maxwell C. 2017. Why Should We Use Online Research Methods? Four Doctoral Health Student Perspectives Qualitative Health Research, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url


Maxwell C. Grand Designs: Students’ use of a ‘Room Planner App’ as a learning tool. Working Papers in the Health Sciences,

Maxwell C. • A Reflexive Exploration of Researcher Pre-Understandings in Hermeneutic Research Publisher Url


O'Connor S, Hayes JA, Maxwell C, Foster S. 2024. Exploring the challenges associated with the doctoral journey specific to mental health Institute of Mental Health Research Day 2024 Author Url Public Url

O'Connor S, Hayes JA, Maxwell C, Foster S. 2024. Capturing the Student Experience of the Doctoral Journey Postgraduate Research Festival LJMU Author Url Public Url

O'Connor S, Hayes JA, Maxwell C, Foster S. 2024. LJMU Faculty Health PGR Research Day - Capturing the Student Experience of the Doctoral Journey LJMU Faculty Health PGR Research Day Author Url Public Url

Sprawson E, Maxwell C. 2016. Women’s experiences of satisfaction with birth following induction of labour for postdates pregnancy: an interpretive phenomenological study Royal College Of Midwives Conference, Harrogate

Maxwell C. 2016. Bottle refusal by breastfed babies: A mixed methods study exploring mother’s experiences and the support they receive Royal Colle of Midwives Conference

Maxwell C. 2016. An online questionnaire investigating bottle refusal by breastfed babies Liverpool John Moores Research Conference

Maxwell C. 2016. I loved Breastfeeding but..... A UK online survey of mothers' experiences of bottle refusal Liverpool John Moores University, Faculty Research Conference

Maxwell C. 2015. Grand Designs: a study of student midwives’ use of a room planner App to create a birthing environment Royal College Midwives Conference


Maxwell C, Porcellato L, Hanlon C, Fleming V. 2024. An evaluation of the PSS Growing Together parent-baby relationship service and Everton in the Community’s Starting Well Dads Club 2024 An evaluation of the PSS Growing Together parent-baby relationship service and Everton in the Community’s Starting Well Dads Club :1-42

Maxwell C, Mahdi A. 2023. An Evaluation of the Holding Time Breastfeeding Project: Cheshire and Merseyside 2023 Publisher Url Public Url

Weber K, Porcellato LA, Fleming V, Maxwell C. 2023. Joint Maternity Services Needs Assessment Cheshire and Merseyside 2022 Public Url

Conference publication

Maxwell C. 2023. Your wish is my command: Developing an employer-led advanced clinical practice masters apprenticeship programme for midwives Eur J Midwifery 2023;7(Supplement 1):A182, European Midwives Association 7 DOI Publisher Url


Self B, Maxwell C, Fleming V. 2023. The Missing Voices in the Conscientious Objection Debate: UK Service Users’ Experiences of Conscientious Objection to Abortion. Research Square DOI Publisher Url

Fleming V, Maxwell C, Ramsayer B. 2020. Accommodating conscientious objection in the midwifery workforce: a ratio-data analysis of midwives, birth and late abortions in 18 European countries in 2016 Research Square DOI Publisher Url


Fleming V, Maxwell C, Morecroft C. 2021. Understanding the extent of and limitations to conscientious objection by health care practitioners to abortion DOI Public Url

Fleming V, Maxwell C, Hanlon C, McKendrick J. Understanding the extent of and limitations to conscientious objection by health care practitioners to abortion: interview data Publisher Url


Maxwell C. 2019. A mixed methods study exploring UK mothers' experiences of bottle refusal by their breastfed baby Porcellato L, Fleming V, Kane R. Public Url


VC Award Research and Knowledge Exchange - Impact Commendation, LJMU. 2024

Vice Chancellor Teaching Excellence Award - University Winner, Equality, Diversity, Inclusion, LJMU. 2024

Vice Chancellor Award for Excellence - Faculty Winner Rising Star, LJMU. 2022

PhD Studentship, Liverpool John Moores Univesrity. 2015

Msc Scholarship, Florence Nightingale Foundation. 2000

Research Grants Awarded:

British Academy, The Breast Bottle in the World? The impact of marketing of feeding bottles/teats on those who are breastfeeding, or thinking of breastfeeding a baby., Dr Kathryn Bould, Grant value (£): 8521, Duration of research project: 12 months. 2024

Liverpool John Moores University, A scoping review of infant feeding methods outside of breast and bottle for term healthy babies up to 1 year old, Kathryn Bould, Christelle Keacher, Grant value (£): 2850, Duration of research project: 6 weeks. 2024

Liverpool Jonh Moores University, Addressing Black Maternal Health Outcomes through Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Decolonising the LJMU Midwifery Curriculum through understanding historical context, Dr. Andrea Livesey, Grant value (£): 6000 (approx), Duration of research project: 6 months. 2023

Liverpool John Moores University, The Breast bottle in the world? Investigating the evidence around bottles and teats marketed for breastfeeding, Grant value (£): 3500, Duration of research project: 5 months. 2023

Liverpool John Moores University, The student midwife online global buddy study, Professor Valerie Fleming, Grant value (£): 10,000, Duration of research project: 9 months. 2022

British Academy, Clarifying the confusion surrounding conscientious objection to abortion, Valerie Fleming LJMU, Grant value (£): 9333.90, Duration of research project: 6 months. 2022

Public Health England, Implementation and evaluation of a child weight e-learning toolkit (HealthyWEY) for maternity and health visiting workforces, Watson, P M, Foweather, L, Maxwell C, Porcellato, L, Timpson H, Harrison J, Wolfenden B, Isaac N, Bradbury D, Abayomi J, Hassan S, Chisholm A, Nugent M, Grant value (£): 105042.31, Duration of research project: 9 months. 2021

NIHR, Exploring alternative ways to feed a health breastfed baby breastmilk, Valerie Fleming, Grant value (£): 250.00. 2020

Liverpool PCT, 2 Day Breastfeeding Training & Updates, Una Goodall, Grant value (£): 20,000. 2011

Conference organisation:

ARC NWC MIDAS Qualitative Sub-Group Networking Event July 2024, Co-lead of Sub-Group, Joint organiser of conference event. 2024

International Conference 'Diabetes and Pregnancy' Saint Mary's Hospital Manchester, Organiser, presenter. 2003

Conference presentation:

The breast bottle in the world? Exploring the marketing and advertising of bottles and teats developed for breastfeeding, iHV Evidence-based Practice Conference – A Healthier Future, Kings House Conference Centre Manchester, Oral, 2024

Conscientious Objection (CO) to Abortion in UK Healthcare Practice: Is it fair?’, Institute of Medical Ethics National conference, Institute of Medical Ethics, Horizon Centre, Leeds, Oral presentation. 2023

Conscientous objection to abortion: polarising the field of women's health, Oxford Global Health and Bioethics International Conference, University of Oxford, Oral presentation. 2023

Is conscientious objection to abortion really a problem?, Oxford Global Health and Bioethics International Conference, Univdrsity of Oxford, Oral, 2023

Its about finding a balance: UK midwives views on conscientious objection to abortion, All Ireland Maternity and Midwifery Festival, Dublin, Ireland, Oral presentation. 2022

An online questionnaire investigating UK mothers' experiences of bottle refusal by breastfed babies, 9th International Conference on Nutrition and Growth, Virtual, Poster presentation. 2022

Exploring Bottle refusal by breastfed babies, 9th International Conference on Nutrition & Growth. Online., Online, Abstract recording. 2022

UK Mothers' experiences of bottle refusal by their breastfed baby, National institute for health visitors evidence-based practice, online, Oral presentation. 2021

Easing the conflict of conscientious objection to abortion, Liverpool Peace Symposium, Online, Oral presentation. 2021

Expectant Management for Premature Pre-Labour Rupture of Membranes 34-36+6 Weeks: A Return to Midwifery-Led Care, RCM Conference, Harrogate, Poster presentation. 2021

Striving for Perfection: Investigating predictors of stress and anxiety in pre-registration nursing and midwifery students, RCN Education Forum National Conference, Virtual, Oral presentation. 2021

Mothers' experiences of Bottle Refusal by their Breastfed Baby, Royal Society Of Medicine: Maternity and the Newborn . Infant feeding: Polices, politics and best practice, Royal Society Of Medicine: London, Oral presentation. 2018

I loved breastfeeding but…..A UK online survey investigating mothers’ experiences of bottle refusal by their breastfed baby, RCM Conference, Harrogate, Poster presentation. 2016

Grand Designs: a study of student midwives’ use of a room planner App to create a birthing environment, RCM conference, Telford, Poster presentation. 2015

Follow the Yellow Brick Road: setting out on the PHD Journey, LJMU Faculty Research Conference, Oral presentation. 2015

Grand Designs: a study of student midwives’ use of a room planner App to create a birthing environment’, Innovations in Midwifery Education Conference Bournemouth University, Bournemouth University, Oral presentation. 2015

Media Coverage:

Interview with 'Consumer Reports', New York, USA re: Bottle refusal by breastfed babies 2024

Interview with Washington Post about my research on bottle refusal by breastfed babies 2023

External PGR examinations performed:

University of Chester, Professional Doctorate, Exploring engagement: A Constructivist grounded theory study of pregnant woman’s engagement with antenatal care health services in rural India. 2023

University of Salford, PhD, Student midwives and international placement learning outcomes: an ethnographic study. 2023

Salford, PhD, Exploring Cultural Competence as a learning outcome of midwifery international placements in Uganda. 2020

University of Salford, PhD, Student midwives and International Placement Learning Outcomes: An ethnographic study. 2020

Other invited event:

East Lancashire Maternity BFI Champions meeting, Online, Presentation of research around bottle refusal by breastfed babies. 2022

Lancashire Health Visitors group, Online, Presenatation of research on: Uk Mothers' experiences of bottle refusal by their breastfed baby. 2021

Lancashire and South Lancs Infant feeding network, online, Presentation of research: UK Mothers' experiences of bottle refusal by breastfed babies. 2021

External committees:

India Birth Network, University of Liverpool, Sanyu Research Centre, Member, 2022

WHO Collaboration Centre, Public Health Nursing and Midwifery, PHE, Technical Advisor, 2018

External PGR Supervision - completed students:

Liverpool John Moores University, PhD, Health Volunteers knowledge of diabetes in Thailand. 2021

External collaboration:

Nursing Research Foundation/ The Finnish Centre for Evidence-Based Health Care: A Joanna Briggs Institute Centre of Excellence / WHO Collaborating Centre for Nursing Asemamiehenkatu 2, 00520 Helsinki, FINLAND, Heidi Parisod and Arja Holopainen,. 2021

Teaching qualification:

Post Graduate Certificate IN Higher Education - Distinction. 2006

Membership of professional bodies:

Registered Midwife, Nursing and Midwifery Council. 1996
