Dr Elaine Aspinwall-Roberts
Public and Allied Health
Faculty of Health
Email: E.Aspinwall-Roberts@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 231 4556
I trained as a social worker at Liverpool Polytechnic qualifying in 1992. My interest has always been in working with adults, and I have worked extensively with older people, adults with learning disabilities, adults with physical disabilities and carers. I was a social worker in Bristol for several years, then worked for a health trust for two years, before becoming a team manager in Adult Services for 10 years. I joined the social work team at LJMU in 2007.
My teaching and research interests include safeguarding adults, neglect and self-neglect, adult social care law, assessment and multi-agency working.
I am joint programme leader for the BA Apprenticeship in Social Work
I am registered with the professional regulator, Social Work England, and I am a fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
2020, Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom, PhD
2010, Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom, PG Cert, Teaching and Learning in Higher Education
2006, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom, MSc Management Studies
1992, Liverpool Polytechnic, United Kingdom, PG Diploma, Applied Social Studies
1982, University of London, United Kingdom, BA English and Drama
Academic appointments
Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Health, Liverpool John Moores University, 2007 - present
Postgraduate training
Post Qualifying Award in Social Work, United Kingdom, General Social Care Council, 2005 - 2006
Practice Teaching Award, United Kingdom, Central Council for Education and Training in Social Work, 1995 - 1996
Certificate of Qualification in Social Work, United Kingdom, Central Council for Education and Training in Social Work, 1990 - 1992
Journal article
Aspinwall-Roberts E, Fleming V, Khatri R, Jones PA. 2022. ‘They don’t want them to have capacity’: Multi-agency operationalisation of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 in England with adults who self-neglect Health and Social Care in the Community, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Aspinwall-Roberts E, Kinney M. 2010. The use of self and role-play in social work education Journal of Mental Health Training, Education and Practice, 5 :27-33 DOI Publisher Url
Aspinwall-Roberts E. 2009. Stepping into academic life from practice In Focus: The Higher Education Academy,
Aspinwall-Roberts E. 2020. Developing shared understandings of multi-agency working with adults who self-neglect Fleming V, Khatri R, Jones PA. Public Url
Internet publication
Aspinwall-Roberts E. 2017. Why we have missed an opportunity to tackle self-neglect. Publisher Url
Aspinwall-Roberts E. 2015. Guide to conducting effective assessments with adults Publisher Url
Aspinwall-Roberts E. 2014. Research review - Eligibility criteria for social care: lessons from Fair Access to Care Services
Aspinwall-Roberts E. 2013. How eligibility criteria should inform social work practice with adults Author Url
Aspinwall-Roberts E. 2012. How social workers can cut personalisation's red tape
Aspinwall-Roberts E. 2012. Don't be a slave to the social work assessment form Publisher Url
Books (authored)
Aspinwall-Roberts E. 2012. Assessments In Social Work With Adults Open University Press. Berkshire 9780335245215 Publisher Url
Aspinwall-Roberts E. 2008. Stability breeds quality Community Care,
Aspinwall-Roberts E. The underfunding of social work puts children’s lives at risk The Guardian, Publisher Url
Aspinwall-Roberts E. How social workers can cut personalisation's red tape’ Community Care,
Aspinwall-Roberts E. Social work support for people who self-neglect: wise up on the latest research to help your practice. Research Focus,
Aspinwall-Roberts E. How eligibility criteria should inform social work practice with adults. Research Focus Community Care, Publisher Url
Other Professional Activity:
Design and delivery of a multi-agency workshop on self-neglect for Knowsley Borough Council.. 2022
Design and delivery of Self-Neglect training, St Helen’s Council.. 2022
Co-Production of ‘Self-Neglect Toolkit: A Practitioners guide to working with people who self-neglect' with Merseyside Safeguarding Adults Board.. 2019
Design and delivery of multi-agency workshops on self-neglect for Merseyside Safeguarding Adults Board. 2019
Design and delivery of annual Fair Access to Care eligibility criteria training for Liverpool City council staff, 2011-2014..
Design and delivery of Care Act Safeguarding training to Wirral local authority social services staff, July & September 2018.
Design and delivery of Safeguarding Adult Reviews training for Cheshire and Merseyside Teaching Partnership..
Design and delivery of self-neglect training for City of York social work staff, Nov 2013 & Oct 2015..
Design and delivery of self-neglect training for Liverpool GP’s safeguarding leads network..
Podcast Romeo, L. and Aspinwall-Roberts, E. (2018). Strengths Based Practice. [podcast] Learn on the go by Community Care Inform. Available at: https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/learn-on-the-go/id1268644821?mt=2 [Accessed 13 Apr. 2018]..
Safeguarding and the Care Act 2014: Training delivered to over 330 staff in 8 local authorities in the North West of England, June and October 2015.
Webinar Aspinwall-Roberts, E., Hayes, J. & Kidd, J. (2018). Mental Capacity Act Training, 2 Webinars for Public Health England..
Conference presentation:
Exploring organisational approaches to self-neglect to promote good practice, Westminster Insight Conferences, Safeguarding Adults Conference, London, Oral presentation. 2019
Developing shared professional understandings of self-neglect and multi-agency interventions, Bromley Safeguarding Adults Board, Adult Safeguarding Conference, London, Oral presentation and workshop. 2019
What hat are you wearing? Differences and similarities between practitioner research and academic research, Cheshire & Merseyside Social Work Teaching Partnership, Practitioner Research Conference, Liverpool, Oral presentation. 2019
‘Self-Neglect’: A Guide to Working with Complex Cases’, Annual Safeguarding Conference, Association of Directors of Adult Social Services North West, Manchester, Oral presentation. 2019
‘Person-centred practice, self-neglect and multi-agency working’, Developing and Improving Adult Support and Protection in Scotland, National Conference,, Edinburgh, Oral presentation. 2018
‘Developing shared professional understandings of self-neglect and multi-agency interventions’, Self-Neglect and Adult Safeguarding, Healthcare Conferences, London, Oral presentation and workshop. 2018
Conflict, caring and change: Professionalising action research with health and social care staff in two local authorities in England’, Collaborative Action Research Network (CARN) Conference, Rethymno, Crete, Greece, Oral presentation. 2017
‘Developing shared professional understandings of self-neglect and multi-agency interventions’, Self-Neglect and Adult Safeguarding, Healthcare Conference, London, Oral presentation. 2017
‘Natural growth or clumsy graft? Does self-neglect ‘fit’ as part of adult safeguarding?’, Action on Elder Abuse National Conference, London, Oral presentation and workshop. 2017
‘Avoiding Wimbledon syndrome: proxemics, focus groups and the implications for researchers and their research’, Festival of Research, Liverpool John Moores University, Oral presentation. 2017
‘Developing shared professional understandings of self-neglect and multi-agency interventions: How can we change the way we work together to support people who self-neglect?, Cheshire & Wirral Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, Research Conference, chester, Oral presentation. 2017
'Natural growth or clumsy graft? Does self-neglect 'fit' as part of adult safeguarding?', Care Act seminar, Merseycare, Liverpool, Oral presentation. 2016
'Developing shared professional understandings of self-neglect and multi-agency interventions: A professionalising action research project', Public Management and Administration postgraduate conference, University of Liverpool, Oral presentation. 2016
'Natural growth or clumsy graft: Does self-neglect 'fit' as part of adult safeguarding?', 'Organic Collaborations', Titanic Hotel, Liverpool, Oral presentation. 2016
'Developing shared professional understandings of self-neglect and multi-agency interventions: A professionalising action research project, LJMU Graduate School conference, LJMU, Poster presentation. 2016
'Developing shared professional understandings of self-neglect and multi-agency interventions: a professionalising action research project', Cheshire and Wirral Partnership research day, Countess of Chester hospital, Oral presentation. 2016
'Contemplating the Other: interdisciplinary perspectives for contemporary health and social care, 'Ethics of inclusion', Inter-University Centre, Dubrovnik, Croatia, Oral presentation. 2015
‘I try not to breathe when I go in’ Managing reactions when working with people who self-neglect, 'Atmospheres', Morgan Centre for Research in Everyday Lives, University of Manchester, Oral presentation. 2015
PhD Scholarship 3yrs, Multi-disciplinary approaches to working with people who self-neglect, LJMU. 2015