Image of Dr Jane Harris

Dr Jane Harris

Public and Allied Health

Faculty of Health

Jane is a Research Fellow in public health working in the Violence and Health Risk Behaviours research team in the School of Public and Allied Health. Jane is currently working on a Youth Endowment Funded pilot and feasibility study examining multi-agency approaches for young people at risk of violence outside of the family home. She is also Co-I on a Foundations: the national What Works Centre for Children & Families funded systematic review of mentoring and befriending interventions for at-risk children and young people. Jane has worked on a number of national and regional research projects including: the NIHR funded RECO study which was a realist evaluation of integrated care for co-occurring serious mental illness and substance use across the UK; and the DETECT study which evaluated the effectiveness of an electronic physiological surveillance system to detect clinical deterioration in children.

Jane’s main research interest is improving health outcomes for children and young people, and she has worked on numerous research studies and evaluations with children and young people. This includes evaluating support for children experiencing parental imprisonment, parenting programmes in prison, A&E Navigator programmes for young people who are victims of violence and interventions to prevent smoking in children. Jane completed her PhD at LJMU in 2019 which explored the role that professional YouTubers play in young people’s health behaviours. Jane is experienced in using qualitative, realist and online methods to understand complex health systems and behaviours.

Jane contributes to teaching on undergraduate public health, environmental health and health and social care modules and supervises students at undergraduate, Masters and PhD level. Jane is a member of the University Research Ethics Committee and an editor of the Public Health Institute student journal.


2019, Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom, PhD
2015, Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom, MSc Public Health
2008, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom, BA (Hons) Geography


Higher Education Academy, Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (AFHEA)

Academic appointments

Researcher in Evidence Synthesis, Public Health Institute, Liverpool John Moores University, 2020 - present
Research Fellow in Children Young People and Families, Faculty of Health and Social Care, Edge Hill University, 2019 - 2020
Research Assistant (Facebook Timelines Project), School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Liverpool John Moores University, 2017 - 2017
Gradute Teaching Assistant (Phd Studentship), Public Health Institute, Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool John Moores University, 2016 - 2019
Researcher/Research Manager, Public Health Insitute, Liverpool John Moores University, 2009 - 2016

Highlighted publications

Harris J, Dalkin S, Jones L, Ainscough T, Maden M, Bate A, Copello A, Gilchrist G, Griffith E, Mitcheson L, Sumnall H, Hughes E. 2023. Achieving integrated treatment: a realist synthesis of service models and systems for co-existing serious mental health and substance use conditions The Lancet Psychiatry, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Rouncefield-Swales A, Harris J, Carter B, Bray L, Bewley T, Martin R. 2021. Children and young people’s contributions to public involvement and engagement activities in health-related research: A scoping review PLoS One, 16 :e0252774-e0252774 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Harris J, Atkinson A, Mink M, Porcellato L. 2020. Young People’s Experiences and Perceptions of YouTuber-Produced Health Content: Implications for Health Promotion Health Education and Behavior, 48 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Harris J, Germain J, Maxwell C, Mackay S. 2020. The Ethical Implications of Collecting Data from Online Health Communities SAGE Research Methods Cases: Medicine and Health, DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Harris J, Porcellato L. 2018. Opt-Out Parental Consent in Online Surveys: Ethical Considerations Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Germain J, Harris J, Mackay S, Maxwell C. 2017. Why Should We Use Online Research Methods? Four Doctoral Health Student Perspectives Qualitative Health Research, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Journal article

Sheridan E, Bifarin O, Caves M, Higginbotham K, Harris J, Pinder J, Brame P. 2025. Breaking Barriers Transforming Primary Care to Serve the Physical Health Needs of Individuals With SMI in the NHS International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 34 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Hughes E, Harris J, Ainscough T, Bate A, Copello A, Dalkin S, Gilchrist G, Griffith E, Jones L, Maden M, Mitcheson L, Sumnall H, Walker C. 2024. Care models for coexisting serious mental health and alcohol/drug conditions: the RECO realist evidence synthesis and case study evaluation Health Technology Assessment, 28 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Quigg Z, Harrison R, Harris J, Butler N, Bates R, Timpson H. 2024. Drivers to implementing a whole-system approach to enquiring about adverse childhood experiences: A mixed methods evaluation from a single county in England Child Abuse and Neglect, 155 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Harris J, Germain J, McCoy E, Schofield R. 2024. Ethical guidance for conducting health research with online communities: a scoping review of existing guidance PLoS One, 19 :1-19 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Harris J, Dalkin S, Jones L, Ainscough T, Maden M, Bate A, Copello A, Gilchrist G, Griffith E, Mitcheson L, Sumnall H, Hughes E. 2023. Achieving integrated treatment: a realist synthesis of service models and systems for co-existing serious mental health and substance use conditions The Lancet Psychiatry, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Carter B, Saron H, Blake L, Eyton-Chong C-K, Dee S, Evans L, Harris J, Hughes H, Jones D, Lambert C, Lane S, Mehta F, Peak M, Preston J, Siner S, Sefton G, Carrol E. 2022. Clinical utility and acceptability of a whole-hospital, pro-active electronic paediatric early warning system (the DETECT study): a prospective e-survey of parents and health professionals. PLoS One, 17 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Saron H, Carter B, Siner S, Preston J, Peak M, Mehta F, Lane S, Lambert C, Jones D, Hughes H, Harris J, Evans L, Dee S, Eyton-Chong C-K, Carrol ED, Sefton G. 2022. Parents’ experiences and perceptions of the acceptability of a whole-hospital, pro-active electronic pediatric early warning system (the DETECT study): A qualitative interview study Frontiers in Pediatrics, 10 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Carter B, Saron H, Siner S, Preston J, Peak M, Mehta F, Lane S, Lambert C, Jones D, Hughes H, Harris J, Evans L, Dee S, Eyton-Chong C-K, Sefton G, Carrol ED. 2022. Health professionals’ initial experiences and perceptions of the acceptability of a whole-hospital, pro-active electronic paediatric early warning system (the DETECT study): a qualitative interview study BMC Pediatrics, 22 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Rouncefield-Swales A, Harris J, Carter B, Bray L, Bewley T, Martin R. 2021. Children and young people’s contributions to public involvement and engagement activities in health-related research: A scoping review PLoS One, 16 :e0252774-e0252774 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Carter B, Harris J, Jordan A. 2021. How nurses use reassurance to support the management of acute and chronic pain in children and young people: An exploratory, interpretative qualitative study Paediatric and Neonatal Pain, 3 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Harris J, Atkinson A, Mink M, Porcellato L. 2020. Young People’s Experiences and Perceptions of YouTuber-Produced Health Content: Implications for Health Promotion Health Education and Behavior, 48 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Carter B, Roland D, Bray L, Harris J, Pandey P, Fox J, Carrol ED, Neill S. 2020. A systematic review of the organizational, environmental, professional and child and family factors influencing the timing of admission to hospital for children with serious infectious illness PLoS One, 15 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Porcellato LA, Ross-Houle K, Quigg Z, Harris J, Bigland C, Bates R, Timpson H, Gee I, Bishop J, Gould A, Davies AR. 2020. Welsh Primary Schoolchildren's Perceptions of Electronic Cigarettes: A Mixed Methods Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Harris J, Germain J, Maxwell C, Mackay S. 2020. The Ethical Implications of Collecting Data from Online Health Communities SAGE Research Methods Cases: Medicine and Health, DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Harris J, Porcellato L. 2018. Opt-Out Parental Consent in Online Surveys: Ethical Considerations Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Madden H, Harris J, Blickem C, Harrison R, Timpson H. 2017. "Always paracetamol, they give them paracetamol for everything": a qualitative study examining Eastern European migrants' experiences of the UK health service. BMC Health Services Research, 17 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Germain J, Harris J, Mackay S, Maxwell C. 2017. Why Should We Use Online Research Methods? Four Doctoral Health Student Perspectives Qualitative Health Research, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url


Smith C, Harris J, Germain J, Quigg Z. 2024. Service evaluation of the Merseyside Navigator Programme (July 2023-June 2024) Service evaluation of the Merseyside Navigator Programme (July 2023-June 2024) Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Harris J, Smith C, Quigg Z. 2024. An Evaluation of Time Matters: a support service for children experiencing parental imprisonment Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Harris J, Hearne E, Quigg Z. 2024. An Evaluation of The Nurturing Programme for Fathers at HMP Altcourse An Evaluation of The Nurturing Programme for Fathers at HMP Altcourse Publisher Url Public Url

Quigg Z, Harris J, Hearne E, Millings MN, Smith C, Farrugia AM, Nanyangwe M, Timpson H. 2023. Merseyside Violence Reduction Partnership Whole System Evaluation Report: 2022-23 Merseyside Violence Reduction Partnership Whole System Evaluation Report: 2022-23 Publisher Url Public Url

Harris J, Butler NL, Germain J, Quigg Z. 2023. Service evaluation of the Merseyside Navigator Programme (Year 2 – June 2022 to June 2023) Service evaluation of the Merseyside Navigator Programme (Year 2 – June 2022 to June 2023) Publisher Url Public Url

Harris J, Smith C, Quigg Z. 2023. Evaluation of the implementation of the Time Matters programme Evaluation of the implementation of the Time Matters programme Publisher Url Public Url

Quigg Z, Harrison R, Butler N, Bates R, Harris J, Timpson H. 2022. Evaluation of a system wide approach to implementing routine enquiry about adversity in childhood (REAChTM) across Nottinghamshire (Final report) Publisher Url Public Url

Porcellato L, Gee I, Harris J. 2022. Evaluation of the July 2022 Liverpool Smokefree Sidelines No Smoking Policy at Youth Football Public Url

Jones L, Harris J. 2021. A qualitative evaluation of LCR SMART asymptomatic Covid-19 testing in the Liverpool City Region. Understanding local authority coordinating pathways for LCR SMART A qualitative evaluation of LCR SMART asymptomatic Covid-19 testing in the Liverpool City Region. Understanding local authority coordinating pathways for LCR SMART

Harris J, Madden H, Oysten J, Billington H, Venturas C, Porcellato LA. 2017. A Health needs assessment for children and adults with neurodevelopmental conditions in Liverpool A health needs assessment for children and adults with neurodevelopmental conditions in Liverpool

McCoy E, Harris J, Ross-Houle K, Ubido J, Madden H, Lewis C, Bradbury A, Mackay S. 2017. A Health Needs Assessment for children and young people in Liverpool (0-19 years) A Health Needs Assessment for children and young people in Liverpool (0-19 years)

Lewis C, Harris J, Forde M, Rooney J. 2016. Maternity Needs Assessment for Cheshire, Merseyside and West Lancashire Final Report. Maternity Needs Assessment for Cheshire, Merseyside and West Lancashire Final Report.

Ross-Houle K, McCoy E, Collins B, Oyston J, Harris J, Timpson H, Whitfield M. 2016. Evaluation of the North Yorkshire Horizons Adult Drug and Alcohol Treatment and Recovery Services Evaluation of the North Yorkshire Horizons Adult Drug and Alcohol Treatment and Recovery Services

Harris J, Lincoln A, Whitfield M, McVeigh J. 2015. HIV and AIDS in Cumbria & Lancashire: HIV and AIDS in the North West of England 2014. HIV and AIDS in Cumbria & Lancashire: HIV and AIDS in the North West of England 2014. Author Url

Harris J, Lincoln A, Whitfield M, McVeigh J. 2014. HIV and AIDS in the North West of England 2013 HIV and AIDS in the North West of England 2013 :1-91 Author Url

Madden H, Harris J, Harrison R, Timpson H. 2014. A Targeted Health Needs Assessment of the Eastern European Population in Warrington

madden H, harris J, Tomkinson T, Brown E, Timpson H. 2014. A targeted health needs assessment for the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community and ethnic minority groups across the life course in Warrington.

Hargreaves S, Harris J, Madden H, Henning S, Lincoln A, Whelan G, Lavin R, Timpson H. 2013. Sexual Health Needs Assessment Vale Royal, Cheshire

Harris J, Hargreaves S, Lincoln A, McVeigh J. 2013. HIV & AIDS in the North West of England 2012

Harris J, Hopkins J, Jones S, Meir S. 2012. Increasing the appeal of long-acting reversible contraception: evaluation of current services and development of marketing approaches for Halton and St Helens and Knowsley Primary Care Trust Increasing the appeal of long-acting reversible contraception: evaluation of current services and development of marketing approaches for Halton and St Helens and Knowsley Primary Care Trust Publisher Url

Harris J, Hargreaves S, Lincoln A, McVeigh J. 2012. HIV & AIDS in the North West of England 2011

Harris J, Hargreaves S, Lincoln A, McVeigh J, Syed Q, Bellis M. 2012. HIV & AIDS In the North West of England 2011 Author Url

Harris J, Hargreaves S, Cook P, Bellis MA. 2011. HIV & AIDS in the North West of England 2010

Neary D, Dewa L, Harris J, Lyons M, Perkins C. 2011. Starting Sure in Cumbria

Harris J, Mason J, Spalding J, Jones L, Perkins C. 2011. Changing Health Choices - A review of the Cost Effectiveness of Individual Behaviour Change Interventions

Harris J. 2010. It only takes a minute girl - women's perceptions of cervical screening in Blackpool

Lyons M, Luria P, Harris J. 2009. Recycling and Public Health

Harris J, Hargreaves S, Henning S, Lincoln A, Whelan G, Lavin R, Timpson H. Sexual Health Needs Assessment, Cheshire West and Chester


Harris J. 2019. A mixed methods study examining the role of professional YouTubers in young people’s health behaviours in the UK: implications for health interventions Porcellato L, Atkinson A, Mink M. Public Url


Robards B, Lincoln S, Pinkard B, Harris J. 2018. Remembering through Facebook: Mediated memory and intimate digital traces. Dobson A, Robards B, Carah N. Digital Intimate Publics and Social Media Palgrave Macmillan 978-3-319-97607-5 DOI Publisher Url

Conference publication

Harris J, Porcellato L, Atkinson A, Mink M. “LIKE, COMMENT AND SUBSCRIBE”. EXPLORING THE ROLE PROFESSIONAL YOUTUBERS PLAY IN YOUNG PEOPLE’S HEALTH BEHAVIOURS AND IDENTITES IN THE UK Selected Papers of Internet Research, AoIR 2018: The 19th Annual Conference of the Association of Internet Researchers. Publisher Url

Editorial boards:

Frontiers Public Health (Digital Public Health Section), Editorial Board Member. 2024

BMC Health Services Research, Editorial Board Member. 2024

Media Coverage:

Dubai Is Recruiting an Army of Influencers to Convince You That Travel Is Safe Again. Inside Hook online magazine 2021

Not just for the ’gram: Influencers defend living large in Dubai amid COVID-19. Input Magazine 2021

HIV report: More young people seek treatment in north west BBC News 2014

Teaching qualification:

Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. 2017
