Sarah McNamara
Public and Allied Health
Faculty of Health
Email: S.McNamara@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 231 4380
I am currently studying on the Doctor of Education (EdD) programme at Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU). My focussed interests include health inequalities in maternity care, decolonisation of midwifery curricular and unconscious bias. As part of my research, I wish to consider the current bias held within pre-registration student midwives in the UK.
I am a registered midwife, and Senior Midwifery Lecturer at Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU). I am the Deputy Lead Midwife for Education, Programme Lead for the Preparation for Professional Midwifery Advocate (PPMA) programme, and I teach across both undergraduate and postgraduate programmes.
University of Salford, United Kingdom, MSc Midwifery
University of Chester, United Kingdom, DipHe Midwifery
Academic appointments
External Examiner BSc Midwifery, Birmingham City University, 2022 - present
Programme Lead: Preparation for Professional Midwifery Advocate, LJMU, 2017 - present
Senior Midwifery Lecturer, Liverpool John Moores University, 2017 - present
Postgraduate training
NIPE Practitioner, United Kingdom, Liverpool John Moores University, ? - present
Approved Midwife Teacher, United Kingdom, Nursing & Midwifery Council, ? - present
Professional Midwifery Advocate, United Kingdom, UCLAN, ? - present
PGCertLTHE, United Kingdom, Liverpool John Moores University, ? - present
Journal article
Jennings S. 2012. Delivering Hattie...A Personal Experience The Practising Midwife, 2 :31-33
Jennings S. The Road was never going to be easy RCM Ezine, Publisher Url
Conference presentation:
Midwifery Skills: Decolonised, Decolonial Approaches in Teaching and Research: Sharing good practice”, Liverpool John Moores University/Student Life Building, Oral presentation. 2022
The Cheshire and Merseyside PMA Network - what we do, Cheshire & Merseyside Regional PMA Network 1st Annual Conference, Liverpool, Oral presentation. 2019
The Role of the Professional Midwifery Advocate (PMA) in Cheshire & Merseyside, North Region Maternity Team PMA Workshop, Leeds, Oral presentation. 2019
Other Professional Activity:
Royal College of Midwives (RCM) Early Career Midwife Focus Group Facilitator 03.12.2021 & 07.12.2021. 2021
LJMU AQA Award Competition - ‘sharing good practice’. 2019
Other invited event:
Managing MORA (Midwifery Ongoing Record of Achievement): A Practical Guide to MORA rollout and usage, Health Education England (HEE) Webinar, Invited by HH to present a nationally available document devised by myself and my colleague (Michelle Beacock) on HEIs and stakeholders utilising and embedding the Midwifery Ongoing Record of Achievement in practice.. 2021
Northern Maternity and Midwifery Festival, Manchester, Northern Maternity and Midwifery Festival sessional Chair. 2019
MCHFT Healthcare Expo 2016, Mid Cheshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, As part of my Masters in Clinical Research, I undertook a phenomenological exploration of supervisors of midwives views of the current role of supervision of midwives in the UK. I presented this work via a poster presentation at the MCHFTs 2016 annual Healthcare Expo "Inspiring Innovation", and hope to present it again at future conferences.. 2016
RCM Policy Seminar, Leceister, I presented on behalf of MCHT of the changes put into place to transform the unit, attain CNST level 3 and the Maternity Service Provider of the Year 2015 at the RCM Awards in London.. 2015
RCM Policy Seminar, Crewe, I presented on behalf of MCHT following accolade for Maternity Service Provider of the Year 2015 at the RCM Awards in London.. 2015