Image of Dr Catrin Eames

Dr Catrin Eames

School of Psychology

Faculty of Health

Dr Catrin Eames is a Reader in Psychology. She is interested in the social determinants of mental health, exploring both risk and protective factors. Her main interests lie in investigating the mechanisms associated with mindfulness and compassion focused approaches (commonly termed 'third-wave' psychological therapies, which include meditative practices) in increasing resilience and reducing vulnerabilities to mental distress. Adopting a trans-diagnostic approach, Dr Eames' work has focussed on populations at greatest psychological vulnerability and socio-economic disadvantage, demonstrating dispositional mindfulness and self-compassion as protective factors against distressing cognitions and/or experiences. She supports work exploring protective factors for suicide prevention.

Journal article

Gupta V, Eames C, Sharples B, Bryant A, Greenhill B, Golding L, Fisher P. 2025. Bridging Them and Us Divisions: A Focus Group Study of Identities in Clinical Psychology Training Clinical Teacher, 22 :1-10 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Tannerah A, Hazel O, Desson S, Farah R, Kamil-Thomas Z, Iqbal H, Eames C, Saini P, Bifarin O. 2024. Consultations With Muslims From Minoritised Ethnic Communities Living in Deprived Areas: Identifying Inequities in Mental Health Care and Support Health Expectations, 27 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Gupta V, Eames C, Bryant A, Greenhill B, Golding L, Day J, Fisher P. 2024. Identifying the priorities for supervision by lived experience researchers: a Q sort study Research Involvement and Engagement, 10 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Gupta V, Eames C, Golding L, Greenhill B, Qi R, Allan S, Bryant A, Fisher P. 2023. Understanding the identity of lived experience researchers and providers: a conceptual framework and systematic narrative review Research Involvement and Engagement, 9 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Eames C, O'Connor D. 2022. The role of repetitive thinking and spirituality in the development of posttraumatic growth and symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder PloS one, 17 :1-18 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Ashworth E, Putwain DW, McLoughlin S, Saini P, Chopra J, Rosser BA, Eames C. 2022. Ordinary magic in extraordinary circumstances: Factors associated with positive mental health outcomes for early adolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic Adversity and Resilience Science, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Chopra J, Ashworth E, Saini P, Putwain DW, McLoughlin S, Kirkby J, Eames C, Hunt A, Duffy K. 2021. Adolescents’ Lockdown-Induced Coping Experiences (ALICE) study: A qualitative exploration of early adolescents’ experiences of lockdown and reintegration The Journal of Early Adolescence, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Phalp L, Corcoran R, Eames C, Naik A. 2021. An exploration of the relationship between adverse events on the farm and suicidal ideation in farmers INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL PSYCHIATRY, DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Lloyd A, White R, Eames C, Crane R. 2018. The Utility of Home-Practice in Mindfulness-Based Group Interventions: A Systematic Review MINDFULNESS, 9 :673-692 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Dudley J, Eames C, Mulligan J, Fisher N. 2018. Mindfulness of voices, self-compassion, and secure attachment in relation to the experience of hearing voices British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 57 :1-17 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Wilkinson H, Whittington R, Perry L, Eames C. 2017. Examining the relationship between burnout and empathy in healthcare professionals: A systematic review Burnout Research, 6 :18-29 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Beard K, Eames C, Withers P. 2017. The role of self-compassion in the well-being of self-identifying gay men Journal of Gay and Lesbian Mental Health, 21 :77-96 DOI Publisher Url

Wilkinson H, Whittington R, Perry L, Eames C. 2017. Does Formulation of Service Users' Difficulties Improve Empathy in Forensic Mental Health Services? JOURNAL OF FORENSIC PSYCHOLOGY RESEARCH AND PRACTICE, 17 :157-178 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Barnhofer T, Crane C, Brennan K, Duggan DS, Crane RS, Eames C, Radford S, Silverton S, Fennell MJV, Williams JMG. 2015. Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) Reduces the Association Between Depressive Symptoms and Suicidal Cognitions in Patients With a History of Suicidal Depression Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 83 :1013-1020 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Ietsugu T, Crane C, Hackmann A, Brennan K, Gross M, Crane RS, Silverton S, Radford S, Eames C, Fennell MJV, Williams JMG, Barnhofer T. 2015. Gradually Getting Better: Trajectories of Change in Rumination and Anxious Worry in Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for Prevention of Relapse to Recurrent Depression MINDFULNESS, 6 :1088-1094 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Eames C, Crane R, Gold E, Pratt S. 2015. Mindfulness-based wellbeing for socio-economically disadvantaged parents: A pre-post pilot study Journal of Children's Services, 10 :17-28 DOI Publisher Url

Taylor PJ, Bourne K, Eames C, Dickson JM. 2015. Validating the Philadelphia Mindfulness Scale [PMS] for Those with Fibromyalgia MYOPAIN-A JOURNAL OF MYOFASCIAL PAIN AND FIBROMYALAGIA, 23 :155-164 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Crane C, Crane RS, Eames C, Fennell MJV, Silverton S, Williams JMG, Barnhofer T. 2014. The effects of amount of home meditation practice in Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy on hazard of relapse to depression in the Staying Well after Depression Trial Behaviour Research and Therapy, 63 :17-24 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Radford S, Eames C, Brennan K, Lambert G, Crane C, Williams JMG, Duggan DS, Barnhofer T. 2014. Trait Mindfulness as a Limiting Factor for Residual Depressive Symptoms: An Explorative Study Using Quantile Regression PLOS ONE, 9 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Williams JMG, Crane C, Barnhofer T, Brennan K, Duggan DS, Fennell MJV, Hackmann A, Krusche A, Muse K, Von Rohr IR, Shah D, Crane RS, Eames C, Jones M, Radford S, Silverton S, Sun Y, Weatherley-Jones E, Whitaker CJ, Russell D, Russell IT. 2014. Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for Preventing Relapse in Recurrent Depression: A Randomized Dismantling Trial JOURNAL OF CONSULTING AND CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY, 82 :275-286 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Crane C, Barnhofer T, Duggan DS, Eames C, Hepburn S, Shaha D, Williams JMG. 2014. Comfort from suicidal cognition in recurrently depressed patients Journal of Affective Disorders, 155 :241-246 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Crane RS, Eames C, Kuyken W, Hastings RP, Williams JMG, Bartley T, Evans A, Silverton S, Soulsby JG, Surawy C. 2013. Development and Validation of the Mindfulness-Based Interventions - Teaching Assessment Criteria (MBI:TAC) ASSESSMENT, 20 :681-688 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Radford SR, Crane RS, Eames C, Gold E, Owens GW. 2012. The feasibility and effectiveness of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for mixed diagnosis patients in primary care: A pilot study Mental Health in Family Medicine, 9 :191-200 Author Url

Williams JMG, Barnhofer T, Crane C, Duggan DS, Shah D, Brennan K, Krusche A, Crane R, Eames C, Jones M, Radford S, Russell IT. 2012. Pre-adult onset and patterns of suicidality in patients with a history of recurrent depression JOURNAL OF AFFECTIVE DISORDERS, 138 :173-179 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Eames C, Daley D, Hutchings J, Whitaker CJ, Bywater T, Jones K, Hughes JC. 2010. The impact of group leaders' behaviour on parents acquisition of key parenting skills during parent training BEHAVIOUR RESEARCH AND THERAPY, 48 :1221-1226 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Martin PA, Daley D, Hutchings J, Jones K, Eames C, Whitaker CJ. 2010. The Teacher-Pupil Observation Tool (T-POT) Development and Testing of a New Classroom Observation Measure SCHOOL PSYCHOLOGY INTERNATIONAL, 31 :229-249 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Bywater T, Hutchings J, Daley D, Whitaker C, Yeo ST, Jones K, Eames C, Edwards RT. 2009. Long-term effectiveness of a parenting intervention for children at risk of developing conduct disorder BRITISH JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY, 195 :318-324 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Eames C, Daley D, Hutchings J, Whitaker CJ, Jones K, Hughes JC, Bywater T. 2009. Treatment fidelity as a predictor of behaviour change in parents attending group-based parent training CHILD CARE HEALTH AND DEVELOPMENT, 35 :603-612 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Jones K, Daley D, Hutchings J, Bywater T, Eames C. 2008. Efficacy of the Incredible Years Programme as an early intervention for children with conduct problems and ADHD: long-term follow-up CHILD CARE HEALTH AND DEVELOPMENT, 34 :380-390 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Eames C, Daley D, Hutchings J, Hughes JC, Jones K, Martin P, Bywater T. 2008. The Leader Observation Tool: a process skills treatment fidelity measure for the Incredible Years parenting programme CHILD CARE HEALTH AND DEVELOPMENT, 34 :391-400 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Hutchings J, Bywater T, Eames C, Martin P. 2008. Implementing child mental health interventions in service settings: Lessons from three pragmatic randomised controlled trials in Wales Journal of Children's Services, 3 :17-27 DOI Publisher Url

Jones K, Daley D, Hutchings J, Bywater T, Eames C. 2007. Efficacy of the Incredible Years Basic parent training programme as an early intervention for children with conduct problems and ADHD CHILD CARE HEALTH AND DEVELOPMENT, 33 :749-756 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Hutchings J, Gardner F, Bywater T, Daley D, Whitaker C, Jones K, Eames C, Edwards RT. 2007. Parenting intervention in Sure Start services for children at risk of developing conduct disorder: pragmatic randomised controlled trial BMJ-BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL, 334 :678-682 DOI Author Url Publisher Url


Gupta V, Eames C, Sharples B, Bryant A, Greenhill B, Golding L, Fisher P. 2024. A Social Construction of Identities in Clinical Psychology Training in the Uk: A Focus Group Study Springer Science and Business Media LLC DOI Publisher Url

Gupta V, Eames C, Bryant A, Greenhill B, Golding L, Day J, Fisher P. 2023. Identifying the priorities for supervision by lived experience researchers: A Q sort study Research Square Platform LLC DOI Publisher Url

Gupta V, Golding L, Eames C, Greenhill B, Qi R, Allan S, Bryant A, Fisher P. 2022. Understanding the identity of lived experience researchers and providers: A conceptual framework and systematic narrative review Center for Open Science DOI Publisher Url

Ashworth E, Putwain DW, McLoughlin S, Saini P, Chopra J, Rosser B, Eames C. 2021. Ordinary magic in extraordinary circumstances: Predictors of positive mental health outcomes for early adolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic Research Square Platform LLC DOI Publisher Url


Ashworth E, Hunt A, Chopra J, Eames C, Putwain D, duffy K, Kirkby J, mcloughlin S, Saini P. 2021. Adolescents' lockdown-induced coping experiences (ALICE) study: A qualitative exploration of early adolescents' experiences of lockdown and reintegration Journal of Early Adolescence, DOI Publisher Url


Ashworth E, Saini P, Chopra J, McLoughlin S, Eames C, Hunt A, Kirkby J. 2021. “No Covid plan” Department for Education “surprisingly resistant” to lessons-learned exercise amid concerns over catchup offer and scale of “hidden harm” Publisher Url

Ashworth E, McLoughlin S, Saini P, Chopra J, Eames C, Hunt A. 2021. Young people's mental health and wellbeing in the north west during the COVID-19 pandemic: The ALICE study evidence briefing Public Url


Hutchings J, Bywater T, Daley D, Gardner F, Whitaker C, Eames C, Edwards RT. 2017. Parenting intervention in Sure Start services for children at risk of developing conduct disorder: Pragmatic randomised controlled trial Effective Interventions for Children in Need :121-127 DOI

Jones K, Daley D, Hutchings J, Bywater T, Eames C. 2017. Efficacy of the Incredible Years Basic parent training programme as an early intervention for children with conduct problems and ADHD Effective Interventions for Children in Need :129-136 DOI

Conference publication

Trapasso E, Eames C, Malinowski P. 2016. Mindfulness-based connection with nature 2nd International Conference on Mindfulness (ICM-2)


Crane RS, Eames C, Kuyken W, Hastings RP, Williams JMG, Bartley T, Evans A, Silverton S, Soulsby JG, Surawy C. 2014. Mindfulness-Based Interventions: Teaching Assessment Criteria DOI Publisher Url

Editorial boards:

Cogent Psychology, Editorial board member. 2025

Other Professional Activity:

External Expert New Programme Review and Validation: MSc Clinial and Health Psychology, Univeristy of Liverpool. 2024

Projects looking at short and long term impact of Covid-19 lockdown on school age children.

External PGR Supervision - completed students:


University of Liverpool, PhD, Mindful contact with nature: evaluating the effects of mindfulness and connection with nature on chronic stress and well-being in deprived areas. 2021

University of Liverpool, Professional Doctorate, An exploration of the relationships between trait mindfulness, cognitive reactivity, and factors of Rudd’s suicidal mode in 13-15 year olds.. 2020

University of Liverpool, PhD, Investigating Beliefs and Goal Appraisals in Those with Experiences of Severe Mental Illness. 2019

University of Liverpool, PhD, Mental Distress and Social Media in Young People. 2019

University of Liverpool, Professional Doctorate, An exploration of the relationship between negative events on the farm and suicidal ideation in farmers; the mediating role of psychological factors.. 2019

University of Liverpool, Professional Doctorate, Is self-compassion associated with acceptance in individuals who have scars as a result of previous self-injury. 2019

University of Liverpool, Professional Doctorate, Dispositional mindfulness, socio-economic deprivation, urbanicity and depression: A mediation and moderation analysis. 2018

University of Liverpool, Professional Doctorate, Intention to access mental health services in an international student population: Exploring the effects of trait self-compassion and acculturation. 2018

University of Liverpool, Professional Doctorate, Locus of perceived control and cognitive shift as predictors in wellbeing. 2018

University of Liverpool, DClinPsychol, Exploring the role of trait mindfulness on parental stress in socio-economically disadvantaged areas. 2017

University of Liverpool, Professional Doctorate, The role of rumination and spirituality in the development of post-traumatic growth and symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder.. 2017

University of Liverpool, Professional Doctorate, An exploration of the role of self-compassion and mindfulness in relation to the experience of distressing voices. 2016

University of Liverpool, Professional Doctorate, Does level of understanding of clinical problems predict empathy and burnout in forensic mental health staff?. 2016

University of Liverpool, Professional Doctorate, To what extent do mechanisms of the CaR-Fa-X model mediate the relationship between Overgeneral Autobiographical Memory and current depressive symptomatology. 2016

Bangor University, PhD, Mindfulness‐based teacher competency and professional practice. 2015

University of Liverpool, Professional Doctorate, Does the use of diagnostic language affect the causal beliefs related to mental health in non-qualified nursing and care staff?. 2015

University of Liverpool, Professional Doctorate, Individual and family resilience factors in children from a paediatric sample. 2015

University of Liverpool, Professional Doctorate, Trait mindfulness and psychological flexibility in irritable bowel syndrome. 2015

University of Liverpool, Professional Doctorate, Does a post-diagnostic group increase relationship satisfaction in couplehood?. 2014

University of Liverpool, Professional Doctorate, Fathers’ experiences of trauma following childbirth. 2014

University of Liverpool, Professional Doctorate, Rumination and worry as repetitive negative thinking: Do cognitive processes mediate the relationship between goal-linking and mental health and well-being?. 2014

University of Liverpool, Professional Doctorate, Self-compassion and trait mindfulness as protective factors of parental wellbeing when caring for a child or young person with Type 1 Diabetes. 2014

University of Liverpool, Professional Doctorate, Coping and self-compassion in gay men. 2013

External PGR examinations performed:

University of Bolton, PhD, The Role of Equanimity in Facilitating Positive Mental States and Mental Wellbeing. 2019


Faculty Learning and Teaching Award, University of Liverpool. 2018

Faculty Learning and Teaching Award, University of Liverpool. 2016

External committees:

Research Awards Committee, British Psychological Society, Executive Board Member. 2016


Associate Fellow (AFBPsS), British Psychological Society.

Fellow (FHEA), Higher Education Academy.

Membership of professional bodies:

Chartered Psychologist (CPsychol), British Psychological Society.

Member, International Positive Psychology Association.
