Image of Dr Emma Ashworth

Dr Emma Ashworth

School of Psychology

Faculty of Health

Dr Emma Ashworth is a Chartered Psychologist and Reader (Associate Professor) in Child & Adolescent Mental Health at LJMU. Emma's research focuses on prevention, promotion, and early intervention, examining the factors that can predict and prevent the development of mental health difficulties in young people.

Emma's research interests include school-based interventions, special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), and suicide prevention. She has expertise in the implementation and evaluation of school-based mental health prevention and promotion programmes nationally and internationally, having been involved in multiple large randomised controlled trials in both primary and secondary schools. She is also deputy lead of LJMU's Suicide and Self-Harm Research Group, and has a particular research interest in the identification of and support for children and young people experiencing suicidal crisis. Furthermore, Dr Ashworth conducts research into the mental health and wellbeing of children with SEND, exploring how their mental health can be better supported across education, health, and social care.

Dr Ashworth co-leads the Children, Young People and Families interest group in the LJMU Institute for Health Research, and is deputy lead of the Implementation Science methodological research subgroup as part of the NIHR Applied Research Collaboration (ARC) North West Coast. She is also a scientific committee member for Mental Health Research UK.

Emma is student Disability Coordinator for the School of Psychology and module leader for the BSc Psychology Qualitative Research Methods module.


2018, University of Manchester, United Kingdom, PhD Education
2014, Lancaster University, United Kingdom, BSc Psychology in Education


British Psychological Society, Chartered Psychologist
Higher Education Academy, Associate Fellow

Academic appointments

Reader in Child and Adolescent Mental Health, School of Psychology, Liverpool John Moores University, 2024 - present
Senior Lecturer in Psychology, School of Psychology, Liverpool John Moores University, 2019 - 2024
Senior Tutor, Manchester Institute of Education, University of Manchester, 2019 - 2019
Research Assistant, Manchester Institute of Education, University of Manchester, 2015 - 2019


Deighton J, Thompson A, Humphrey N, Thornton E, Knowles C, Patalay P, Zhang K, Evans-Lacko S, Hayes D, March A, Mansfield R, Santos J, Deniz E, Stallard P, Ashworth E, Moltrecht B, Nisbet K, Stapley E, Mason C, Stepanous J, Boehnke JR. 2025. Effectiveness of school mental health awareness interventions: Universal approaches in English secondary schools Education for wellbeing programme findings Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Deighton J, Thompson A, Humphrey N, Thornton E, Knowles C, Patalay P, Zhang K, Evans-Lacko S, Hayes D, March A, Mansfield R, Santos J, Deniz E, Stallard P, Ashworth E, Moltrecht B, Nisbet K, Stapley E, Mason C, Stepanous J, Boehnke JR. 2025. Effectiveness of school mental health and wellbeing promotion: Universal approaches in English primary and secondary schools Education for wellbeing programme findings Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Stapley E, Knowles C, Hayes D, March A, Mansfield R, Burrell K, Ashworth E, Moltrecht B, Stallard P, Thompson A, Deighton J. 2025. Pupil perspectives on approaches to school wellbeing promotion: Experiences of Mindfulness-based exercises and Relaxation techniques Education for wellbeing programme findings Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Stapley E, Mansfield R, Knowles C, March A, Burrell K, Ashworth E, Deighton J, Hayes D. 2025. Pupil perspectives on school mental health literacy interventions: Experiences of three programmes in English primary and secondary schools Education for wellbeing programme findings Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Education for Wellbeing Team , Ashworth E. 2025. Education for Wellbeing: Technical Report Education for wellbeing programme findings Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Stapley E, Knowles C, March A, Mansfield R, Ashworth E, Burrell K, Thompson A, Ravaccia G, Deighton J, Hayes D. 2025. School staff perspectives on approaches to mental health promotion: Experiences of delivering universal approaches in English primary and secondary schools Author Url Publisher Url

Education for Wellbeing Team , Ashworth E. 2025. Education for Wellbeing: Headline findings from a study trialling universal mental health interventions in schools Author Url Publisher Url

Ashworth E, Bray L, Alghrani A, Kirkby J. 2023. National Institute for Health Research Policy Research Programme Project: A Rapid cross-sectional mixed methods study to scope, understand and co-develop the policy priorities for reducing inequalities and mitigating the long-term impacts of COVID-19 for children and young people with SEND DOI Public Url

Butler N, Wilson C, Bates R, Quigg Z, Ashworth E. 2023. Sefton School Mental Wellbeing and Resilience Survey 2021 Sefton School Mental Wellbeing and Resilience Survey 2021 Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Ashworth E, McCarthy M, Foweather L. 2023. A mixed-methods evaluation of the Wellbeing Through Sport programme in primary schools in Bury

Gibson B, Ashworth E, Newson L. 2022. Community by Nature: An examination of an outdoor learning intervention for young people at risk of exclusion Community by Nature: An examination of an outdoor learning intervention for young people at risk of exclusion Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Ashworth E, Molloy-Vickers D, Saini P. 2022. A Pilot Evaluation of Self-Harm Kits in Cheshire & Merseyside: 2021-2022 Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Hennessey A, Demkowicz O, Pert K, Ashworth E, Deighton J, Mason C, Bray L. 2022. Children and young people’s perceptions of social, emotional, and mental wellbeing provision and processes in primary and secondary education: A qualitative exploration to inform NICE guidance Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Ashworth E, Kirkby J, Bray L, Alghrani A. 2022. Ask, Listen, Act - Working together to get through it together; a child-centred rights-based approach to recovery and renewal for children and young people with Special Education Needs and Disabilities (SEND) linked to the COVID-19 pandemic. Priorities for Policy and Practice for Children and Young People with SEND. Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Ashworth E, Provazza S, McCarthy M, Saini P. 2022. Children and Young People Attending Alder Hey A&E in Suicidal Crisis: 2019-2021 Public Url

Ashworth E, Kirkby J, Bray L, Alghrani A. 2022. The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Education, Health and Social Care Provision for Children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND): The Ask, Listen, Act Study. Evidence Briefing 2: Qualitative interview data. Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Ashworth E, Thompson J, York S, Henderson K, Jalota MP, Shelton J, Crosbie V, Saini P. 2022. Assessing the social validity of a multi-modal school-based suicide prevention intervention: A scoping study DOI Public Url

Ashworth E, Kirkby J, Bray L, Alghrani A. 2021. The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Education, Health and Social Care Provision for Children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND): The Ask, Listen, Act Study. Evidence Briefing 1: Quantitative survey data. Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Kirkby J, Ashworth E, Bray L, Alghrani A. 2021. A Rapid Scoping Review - The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Education, Health and Social Care Provision for Children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Demkowicz O, Richie B, Ashworth E, Tait N, Miles H, Panayiotou M, Patalay P, Burrell K, Deighton J. 2021. Mental health questionnaire research with children and young people in schools: Recommendations for good practice Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Ashworth E, McLoughlin S, Saini P, Chopra J, Eames C, Hunt A. 2021. Young people's mental health and wellbeing in the north west during the COVID-19 pandemic: The ALICE study evidence briefing Public Url

Demkowicz O, Ashworth E, O'Neill A, Hanley T, Pert K. 2020. Teenagers' Experiences of Life in Lockdown: The TELL study briefing Publisher Url Public Url

Ashworth E, Saini P, Chopra J, Hunt A. 2020. Caring for your wellbeing during COVID-19: Advice for young people

Humphrey N, Hennessey A, Ashworth E, Frearson K, Black L, Petersen K, Wo L, Panayiotou M, Lendrum A, Wigelsworth M, Birchinall L, Squires G, Pampaka M. 2018. Good Behaviour Game: Evaluation report and executive summary Author Url

Wigelsworth M, Squires G, Birchinall L, Kalambouka A, Lendrum A, Black L, Troncoso P, Santos J, Ashworth E, Britteon P. 2018. FRIENDS for life: Evaluation report and executive summary Author Url

Humphrey N, Wigelsworth M, Black L, Symes W, Frearson K, Ashworth E, Petersen K, McCaldin T, Runacres J, Demkowicz O, Pert K, Tronsco P, Anders L. 2017. Social, Psychological, Emotional, Concepts of self, and Resilience outcomes: Understanding and Measurement (SPECTRUM) Author Url

Humphrey N, Lendrum A, Ashworth E, Frearson K, Buck R, Kerr K. 2016. Implementation and process evaluation (IPE) for interventions in educational settings: A synthesis of the literature Author Url

Humphrey N, Lendrum A, Ashworth E, Frearson K, Buck R, Kerr K. 2016. Implementation and process evaluation (IPE) for interventions in education settings: An introductory handbook Author Url

Ashworth E, Demkowicz O. Teenagers' Experiences of Life in Lockdown (TELL): Caring for your wellbeing Publisher Url Public Url

LSCP , Ashworth E, Saini P. Liverpool Multi-Agency Self-Harm Practice Guidance Author Url Public Url

Ashworth E, Bray L, Kirkby J, McCarthy M. A Mixed-Methods Evaluation of RNIB’s Bookshare Service for Children and Young People with Vision Impairments and Print Disabilities


Alatrany S, McCarthy M, Flaiyah A, Ashworth E, Aldrraji H, Alatrany A, Al-Jumeily OBE D, Nadeem S, Robinson J, Saini P. 2025. Rates of Suicide Ideation and Associated Risk Factors Among Female Secondary School Students in Iraq Authorea DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Deighton J, Hayes D, Thompson A, March A, Thornton E, Santos J, Patalay P, Mansfield R, Deniz E, Knowles C, Humphrey N, Stallard P, Ashworth E, Moltrecht B, Nisbet K, Mason C, Stepanous J, Boehnke JR. 2025. School-based intervention study examining universal approaches for well-being and mental health literacy of pupils in Year 9 in England (AWARE): a multi-school, parallel group, cluster-randomised controlled trial OSF DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Deighton J, Thompson A, Hayes D, March A, Thornton E, Santos J, Patalay P, Mansfield R, Deniz E, Knowles C, Humphrey N, Stallard P, Ashworth E, Moltrecht B, Nisbet K, Mason C, Stepanous J, Boehnke JR. 2025. Promoting mental health and wellbeing in schools: examining mindfulness-based exercises, relaxation practices and Strategies for Safety and Wellbeing in English primary and secondary schools (INSPIRE): a multi-school, cluster randomised controlled trial OSF DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Knowles C, Thornton E, Panayiotou M, Ashworth E, Mason C, Hayes D, Thompson A, Deighton J, Mansfield R, March A, Stallard P, Santos J, Humphrey N. 2025. Session delivery completion as a modifier of treatment effects of universal mental health literacy curricula on emotional difficulties and help-seeking in primary and secondary schools: complier average causal effect estimation in the AWARE and INSPIRE cluster randomised controlled trials OSF DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Thornton E, Knowles C, Panayiotou M, Santos J, Ashworth E, Mason C, Hayes D, Thompson A, Deighton J, Mansfield R, March A, Stallard P, Humphrey N. 2025. Implementation dosage as a modifier of treatment effects of universal mindfulness and relaxation interventions on emotional difficulties in primary and secondary schools: complier average causal effect estimation in the INSPIRE cluster randomised trial OSF DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Stapley E, Hayes D, March A, Mansfield R, Burrell K, Ashworth E, Moltrecht B, Stallard P, Thompson A, Deighton J. 2025. A qualitative study of English school children’s experiences of two brief, universal, classroom-based mental health and wellbeing interventions: Mindfulness and Relaxation OSF DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Stapley E, Mansfield R, March A, Burrell K, Ashworth E, Deighton J, Hayes D. 2025. A qualitative investigation of children and young people’s experiences of three universal classroom-based mental health literacy interventions in England OSF DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Stapley E, March A, Mansfield R, Ashworth E, Burrell K, Thompson A, Ravaccia G, Deighton J, Hayes D. 2025. A qualitative study of school staff experiences of implementing five universal mental health interventions in England OSF DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Zhang K, King D, Boehnke J, Deighton J, Thompson A, Hayes D, Stallard P, Santos J, Ashworth E, Evans-Lacko S. 2025. Cost-effectiveness of school-based interventions for well-being and mental health literacy of pupils in Year 9 in England: the AWARE cluster randomised controlled trial OSF DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Zhang K, King D, Boehnke J, Deighton J, Thompson A, Hayes D, Stallard P, Santos J, Ashworth E, Evans-Lacko S. 2025. Cost-effectiveness of Mindfulness, Relaxation, and Strategies for Safety and Wellbeing in English primary and secondary schools: the INSPIRE cluster randomised controlled trial OSF DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Ashworth E, Bray L, Hanlon C, Stanway H, Pavlopoulou G, Moore D, Donaghy B, Coen E, Firth E. 2024. Accumulating harm and waiting for crisis: Parents perspectives of accessing Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services for their autistic child experiencing mental health difficulties Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Editorial/letter to the editor

Ashworth E, Merelle S, Saini P. 2024. Editorial: Early Identification and Prevention of Suicidal Crisis in Children and Young People Frontiers in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 3 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Hanlon C, Ashworth E, Moore DJ, Donaghy B, Saini P. 2022. Autism should be considered in the assessment and delivery of mental health services for children and young people Disability and Society, DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Journal article

Ashworth E, McCarthy M, Wynne S, Robinson J, McKay S, Lane S, Richardson G, Boardman N, Henderson K, Crosbie V, Humphrey N, York S, Michail M, Hart D, Clacy D, Jalota M, Saini P. 2024. Study protocol for the Multimodal Approach to Preventing Suicide in Schools (MAPSS) project: A regionally based feasibility trial of an integrated response to suicide risk among UK secondary school pupils Dey A. PLoS One, 19 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Fairclough S, Clifford L, Knowles Z, Boddy L, Ashworth E, Tyler R. 2024. Move Well, Feel Good: Feasibility and acceptability of a school-based motor competence intervention to promote positive mental health Tilga H. PLoS One, 19 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Ashworth E, Saini P. 2024. Increasing help-seeking intentions for mental health difficulties in early adolescence: The role of cumulative promotive factors Adversity and Resilience Science, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

McCarthy M, Saini P, Nathan R, Ashworth E, McIntyre J. 2024. “No abnormality detected”: A mixed-methods examination of Emergency Department coding practices for people in suicidal crisis Archives of Suicide Research, :1-14 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Ashworth E, Thompson J, Saini P. 2024. “It's like an epidemic, we don't know what to do”: The perceived need for and benefits of a suicide prevention programme in UK schools British Journal of Educational Psychology, :1-15 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Dewa LH, Roberts L, Choong E, Crandell C, Demkowicz O, Ashworth E, Branquinho C, Scott S. 2024. The impact of COVID-19 on young people’s mental health, wellbeing and routine from a European perspective: A co-produced qualitative systematic review PLoS One, 19 :1-27 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Ashworth E, Bray L, Alghrani A, Kirkby J. 2024. 'Trying to stay afloat': Education professionals’ perspectives on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on children with special educational needs and disabilities Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs, :1-13 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

McCarthy M, McIntyre JC, Nathan R, Ashworth E, Saini P. 2023. Socioeconomic predictors of crisis and clinical pathways among people contacting a mental health crisis line Health Services Insights, 16 :1-9 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

McCarthy M, McIntyre J, Nathan R, Ashworth E, Saini P. 2023. Staff perspectives of emergency department pathways for people attending in suicidal crisis: A qualitative study Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 31 :313-324 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Molloy-Vickers D, Chopra J, Saini P, Ashworth E. 2023. Long-term factors associated with positive mental health outcomes for early adolescents during Covid-19-related school closures Psychology in the Schools, DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Clifford L, Tyler R, Knowles ZR, Ashworth E, Boddy LM, Foweather L, Fairclough SJ. 2023. Co-Creation of a School-Based Motor Competence and Mental Health Intervention: Move Well, Feel Good Children, 10 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Demkowicz O, Pert K, Bond C, Ashworth E, Hennessey A, Bray L. 2023. “We want it to be a culture”: children and young people’s perceptions of what underpins and undermines education-based wellbeing provision BMC Public Health, 23 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Demkowicz O, Bagnall C, Hennessey A, Pert K, Bray L, Ashworth E, Mason C. 2023. ‘It's scary starting a new school’: Children and young people's perspectives on wellbeing support during educational transitions British Journal of Educational Psychology, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Hayes D, Moore A, Stapley E, Humphrey N, Mansfield R, Santos J, Ashworth E, Patalay P, Bonin EM, Evans-Lacko S, Moltrecht B, Nisbet K, Thornton E, Lange A, Stallard P, Thompson A, Boehnke JR, Deighton J. 2023. Promoting mental health and well-being in schools: examining mindfulness, relaxation and strategies for safety and well-being in English primary and secondary schools—study protocol for a multi-school, cluster randomised controlled trial (INSPIRE) Trials, 24 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Saini P, Hunt A, Kirkby J, Chopra J, Ashworth E. 2023. A qualitative dyadic approach to explore the experiences and perceived impact of COVID-19 restrictions among adolescents and their parents Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine, 11 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Ashworth E, Jarman I, McCabe P, McCarthy M, Provazza S, crosbie V, Quigg Z, Saini P. 2023. Suicidal Crisis among Children and Young People: Associations with Adverse Childhood Experiences and Socio-Demographic Factors International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Hayes D, Mansfield R, Mason C, Santos J, Moore A, Boehnke J, Ashworth E, Moltrecht B, Humphrey N, Stallard P, Patalay P, Deighton J. 2023. The impact of universal, school based, interventions on help seeking in children and young people: A systematic literature review European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Ashworth E, Kirkby J, Bray L, Alghrani A. 2023. “Vulnerable and abandoned" - the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on education, health and social care provision for children with SEND: Children and parents' perspectives Children and Society: the international journal of childhood and children's services, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Hennessey A, Demkowicz O, Pert K, Mason C, Bray L, Ashworth E. 2022. Using Creative Approaches and Facilitating Remote Online Focus Groups With Children and Young People: Reflections, Recommendations and Practical Guidance International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 21 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Brooks SJ, Titova OE, Ashworth E, Bylund SBA, Feldman I, Schiöth HB. 2022. Self-Reported Psychosomatic Complaints and Conduct Problems in Swedish Adolescents Children, 9 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Humphrey N, Hennessey A, Troncoso P, Panayiotou M, Black L, Petersen K, Wo L, Mason C, Ashworth E, Frearson K, Boehnke JR, Pockett RD, Lowin J, Foxcroft D, Wigelsworth M, Lendrum A. 2022. The Good Behaviour Game intervention to improve behavioural and other outcomes for children aged 7–8 years: a cluster RCT Public Health Research, 10 :1-100 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Ashworth EL, Provazza S, McCarthy M, Saini P. 2022. Children and Young People Presenting in a Pediatric Emergency Department in North-West England in Suicidal Crisis: An Exploratory Case Series Study Frontiers in Psychiatry, 13 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Ashworth E, Hunt A, Chopra J, Eames C, Putwain DW, Duffy K, Kirkby J, McLoughlin S, Saini P. 2022. Adolescents’ Lockdown-Induced Coping Experiences (ALICE) Study: A Qualitative Exploration of Early Adolescents’ Experiences of Lockdown and Reintegration The Journal of Early Adolescence, 42 :514-541 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Moore A, Ashworth E, Mason C, Santos J, Mansfield R, Stapley E, Deighton J, Humphrey N, Tait N, Hayes D. 2022. ‘Shall We Send a Panda?’ A Practical Guide to Engaging Schools in Research: Learning from Large-Scale Mental Health Intervention Trials International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19 :3367-3367 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Butler N, Quigg Z, Bates R, Jones L, Ashworth E, Gowland S, Jones M. 2022. The Contributing Role of Family, School, and Peer Supportive Relationships in Protecting the Mental Wellbeing of Children and Adolescents School Mental Health, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Ashworth E, Putwain DW, McLoughlin S, Saini P, Chopra J, Rosser BA, Eames C. 2022. Ordinary magic in extraordinary circumstances: Factors associated with positive mental health outcomes for early adolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic Adversity and Resilience Science, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Demkowicz O, Ashworth E, O’Neill A, Hanley T, Pert K. 2022. “Will My Young Adult Years be Spent Socially Distancing?”: A Qualitative Exploration of Adolescents’ Experiences During the COVID-19 UK Lockdown Journal of Adolescent Research, :074355842210971-074355842210971 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Humphrey N, Panayiotou M, Hennessey A, Ashworth E. 2021. Treatment effect modifiers in a randomized trial of the good behavior game during middle childhood. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 89 :668-681 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Ashworth E, Schiöth HB, Brooks SJ. 2021. Neural activation of anxiety and depression in children and young people: A systematic meta-analysis of fMRI studies Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging, 311 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Demkowicz O, Hanley T, Ashworth E, O'Neill A, Pert K. 2021. Teenagers' experiences of life in lockdown: Implications for college and university support University & College Counselling Journal, Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Demkowicz O, Ashworth E, Mansfield R, Stapley E, Miles H, Hayes D, Burrell K, Moore A, Deighton J. 2020. Children and young people’s experiences of completing mental health and wellbeing measures for research: learning from two school‑based pilot projects Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health, 14 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Ashworth E, Humphrey N. 2020. More than the sum of its parts: Cumulative risk effects on school functioning in middle childhood British Journal of Educational Psychology, 90 :43-61 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Ashworth E, Panayiotou M, Humphrey N, Hennessey A. 2020. Game On — Complier Average Causal Effect Estimation Reveals Sleeper Effects on Academic Attainment in a Randomized Trial of the Good Behavior Game Prevention Science, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Ashworth E, Humphrey N, Hennessey A. 2020. Game Over? No Main or Subgroup Effects of the Good Behavior Game in a Randomized Trial in English Primary Schools Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Ashworth E, Humphrey N, Lendrum A, Hennessey A. 2020. Beyond "what works": A mixed-methods study of intervention effect modifiers in the Good Behavior Game Psychology in the Schools, 57 :222-246 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Demkowicz O, Panayiotou M, Ashworth E, Humphrey N, Deighton J. 2019. The Factor Structure of the 4-Item Perceived Stress Scale in English Adolescents European Journal of Psychological Assessment, :1-5 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Hayes D, Moore A, Stapley E, Humphrey N, Mansfield R, Santos J, Ashworth E, Patalay P, Bonin EM, Moltrecht B, Boehnke JR, Deighton J. 2019. Promoting mental health and wellbeing in schools: Examining Mindfulness, Relaxation and Strategies for Safety and Wellbeing in English primary and secondary schools: Study protocol for a multi-school, cluster randomised controlled trial (INSPIRE) Trials, 20 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Hayes D, Moore A, Stapley E, Humphrey N, Mansfield R, Santos J, Ashworth E, Patalay P, Bonin E, Boehnke JR, Deighton J. 2019. School-based intervention study examining approaches for well-being and mental health literacy of pupils in Year 9 in England: study protocol for a multischool, parallel group cluster randomised controlled trial (AWARE) BMJ Open, 9 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Ashworth E, Demkowicz O, Lendrum A, Frearson K. 2018. Coaching Models of School-Based Prevention and Promotion Programmes: A Qualitative Exploration of UK Teachers' Perceptions School Mental Health, 10 :287-300 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Conference publication

Fairclough SJ, Clifford L, Foweather L, Knowles Z, Boddy LM, Ashworth E, Tyler R. 2023. S12-4 Feasibility evaluation of the Move Well, Feel Good movement behaviours intervention European Journal of Public Health, 33 DOI Publisher Url

McCarthy M, Nathan R, McIntyre JC, Ashworth E, Saini P. 2023. Staff perspectives of emergency department pathways for people attending in suicidal crisis: A qualitative Study BJPsych Open, 9 :S61-S61 DOI Publisher Url

McCarthy M, Saini P, Nathan R, Ashworth E, McIntyre J. 2023. Improve Coding Practices for Patients in Suicidal Crisis BJPSYCH OPEN, 9 :S62-S62 DOI Publisher Url

Fairclough SJ, Clifford L, Foweather L, Knowles Z, Boddy LM, Ashworth E, Tyler R. 2022. S06-4 Exploring correlates of adolescent boys' muscular fitness: a mixed-methods formative study EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH, 32 :ckac093.031 DOI Publisher Url


Newson L, Gibson B, Ashworth E. 2023. Community by Nature: Outdoor Intervention Evaluation, 2021. [Data Collection]. Colchester, Essex: UK Data Service. 10.5255/UKDA-SN-856211 DOI

Media Coverage:

BBC Radio Merseyside - Children's Mental Health Week 2025

BBC News - Research into county's high suicide rate 2024

ITV Granada Reports - MAPSS School Suicide Prevention Trial 2024

BBC Radio Merseyside: 'Does the Ofcom Online Safety Act go far enough to protect young people?' 2024

Global Radio North West (Heart, Capital, Smooth) - impact of media reporting of Liam Payne's death on CYP wellbeing 2024

ITV Border News - coverage of 'The Big Question' study examining suicide rates in Cumberland 2024

Radio City: 'Are children not developmentally ready for school?' 2023

Wirral Globe - Parents can have say on SEND and 'Alternative Provision' system 2022

Liverpool Echo - Children with special needs and disabilities 'isolated' due to covid and lockdowns 2022

inews - Children with special educational needs adversely affected by lockdown: ‘I couldn’t use Zoom like others’ 2022


LJMU News - Covid teenagers tell of 'emotional rollercoaster' 2021

Special Needs Jungle - "Ask, Listen, Act, so disabled learners’ two years of pandemic misery is never repeated" 2021

Women Advance Magazine: "The Quarantine’s Effects Hit Adolescents Especially Hard — Here’s How Parents Can Help" 2021

BBC Radio Merseyside 'Happy Heads' campaign - children's mental health: Ask an Expert 2021

BBC Radio Merseyside - supporting children's mental health when returning to school during the COVID-19 pandemic 2020

The Conversation Article - "Lockdown has been hard on teenagers, but they have shown remarkable adaptation" 2020

The Financial Times - The kids aren’t alright: How Generation Covid is losing out, coverage of the TELL Study 2020

Other Professional Activity:

Written evidence to the Education Committee's Inquiry - Solving the SEND Crisis., 2025

Contributor/peer reviewer - Parliamentary Office for Science & Technology POSTnote report: Support for Neurodivergent Children and Young People, 2024

Written evidence to the Public Accounts Committee inquriry - Acess to Urgent and Emergency Care, 2023

Written evidence and witness to the House of Lords Select Committee - is the Children and Families Act 2014 fit for purpose?, 2022

Written evidence to the Department for Health and Social Care consultation - improving mental health and wellbeing. 2022

Written evidence to the Public Accounts Committee inquiry - DfE Recall: SEND Review, Schools White Paper and the National Tuition Programme. 2022

Written evidence to the Public Accounts Committee inquiry - COVID-19: Education, 2021

Co-lead for the Children, Young People, and Families interest group in the LJMU Institute for Health Research. 2020

Peer reviewer for research funding bodies - NIHR, UKRI, Swiss National Science Foundation, Leverhulme, MRC.

Other invited event:

Access to CAMHS for Autistic Children and Young People Experiencing Mental Health Difficulties: Parent Perspectives, NHS England, Invited speaker. 2024

The Future for Mental Health in Schools Roundtable, Labour Party Conference, Invited attendee. 2024

The role of primary care in suicide prevention: Challenges and opportunities, International Association for Suicide Prevention, Invited chair. 2023

The Tortoise and the Hare: Learning from both rapid response and ongoing research about the impact of the pandemic on young people’s mental health, Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families, Invited speaker. 2022

Ask, Listen, Act - working together to develop priorities for the provision of SEND support for children after COVID, Council for Disabled Children - Special Education Cosortium, Invited speaker. 2022

Ask, Listen, Act - working together to develop priorities for the provision of SEND support for children after COVID, Beyond CYP Transformation Programme: Learning Disability, Difficulties and Autism Workstream, Invited Speaker. 2022

Ask, Listen, Act - working together to develop priorities for the provision of SEND support for children after COVID, Department for Education - SEND research department, Invited speaker. 2022

Ask, Listen, Act - working together to develop priorities for the provision of SEND support for children after COVID, University College Dublin – COVISION seminar series, Invited speaker. 2022

Ask, Listen, Act - working together to develop priorities for the provision of SEND support for children after COVID, University of Oxford - Medical Law and Ethics Group, Invited speaker. 2022

Children and adolescents’ experiences of lockdown, and the impact on their mental health and wellbeing, LHP Mental Health Research Collaborative, Invited speaker. 2021

Research in child and adolescent mental health, LHP Starting Well Research Seminar, Invited speaker. 2020

Education for Wellbeing, Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families, Talk delivered as part of the "Evenings at Rodney Street" seminar series.. 2019

Conference presentation:

Adapting and Co-producing Resources for the Multi-Modal School-Based Suicide Prevention (MAPSS) Programme in the UK (Experience in Suicide Prevention Research, Policy, and Practice: Evidence-Based Approaches Across the Globe symposium), European Symposium on Suicide and Suicidal Behaviours, Rome, Italy, Oral presentation. 2024

MAPSS: A Pilot Study of a Suicide Prevention Intervention in UK Schools (Implementing School-Based Suicide Prevention symposium), European Symposium on Suicide and Suicidal Behaviours, Rome, Italy, Oral presentation. 2024

Multimodal Approach to Preventing Suicide in Schools (MAPSS): Global research programme, World Health Organisation Conference on Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion (Safety 2024), Delhi, India, Oral presentation. 2024

Suicide and self-harm prevention for children and young people: Therapeutic approaches to self-harm behaviours in school students, IJSU Mental Health Conference, Imam Jaafar Al-Sadiq University, Invited keynote. 2024

“Beyond ‘what works’: Implementation variability as a moderator of outcomes in school-based mental health interventions”, NIHR ARC NWC MIDAS Implementation Science Sub-Group, Oral presentation. 2023

Assessing the social validity of a multi-modal school-based suicide prevention intervention in the UK: A scoping study, International Association for Suicide Prevention World Congress, Piran, Slovenia, Oral presentation. 2023

Multi-modal approach to preventing suicide in schools (MAPSS): A scoping and pilot study, British psychological Society: Psychology of Education Section Conference, Liverpool, UK, Oral presentation. 2023

The social validity of a suicide prevention intervention in UK schools, International Association for Suicide Prevention World Congress, Symposium presentation. 2023

Ask, Listen, Act - working together to develop priorities for the provision of Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) support for children after the COVID-19 pandemic, CYP Now - SEND Summit, London, UK, Invited keynote. 2022

Ask, Listen, Act - working together to inform the provision of Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) support for children after the COVID-19 pandemic, Innovative methods and approaches in working with children with SEND, Integrative Counseling and Support Center, Oral presentation. 2022

Children and young people presenting in Emergency Departments in North West England in suicidal crisis, Suicide and Self-Harm Early and Mid-Career Researchers’ Forum, Glasgow, UK, Oral presentation. 2022

The impact of the pandemic on the mental health of young people, Reform Movement: Communities That Care Annual Coference, London, UK, Invited keynote. 2022

Children and young people presenting in Emergency Departments in North West England in suicidal crisis, European Symposium on Suicide and Suicidal Behaviours, Copenhagen, Denmark, Poster presentation. 2022

Children and young people presenting in Emergency Departments in North West England in suicidal crisis, LJMU Institute for Health Research: Children, Young People and Families Research Showcase, Liverpool, UK, Oral presentation. 2022

Children and young people’s experiences and perceptions of completing mental health measures for research, International School Psychology Association, Oral presentation. 2021

Invited Panel Member, Suicide and Self-Harm Research Expertise North West (SSHaRE NoW), Oral presentation. 2021

More than the sum of its parts: Cumulative risk effects on school functioning in middle childhood, International School Psychology Association, Edinburgh, Scotland, Poster presentation. 2021

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on children and young people's mental health and wellbeing, LJMU Research and Knowledge Exchange Conference, Liverpool, UK, Oral presentation. 2021

Children and young people’s experiences and perceptions of completing mental health measures, BERA Special Interest Group Conference: Researching mental health and education: Where are we now?, London, England, Oral presentation. 2019

All in the game: Improving pupil behaviour in the classroom, European Network for Social and Emotional Competencies, Stockholm, Sweden, Oral presentation. 2017

Differential effects of the Good Behaviour Game on pupils’ school functioning: Cumulative risk exposure as a moderator of intervention outcomes., British Psychological Society’s Psychology of Education Section, Edinburgh, Scotland, Poster presentation. 2017

Editorial boards:

BMC Pediatrics, Editorial Board Member. 2024

British Journal of Educational Psychology, Review Editor. 2023

Frontiers in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (Interventions for Adolescent Mental Health section), Review Editor. 2023

Frontiers in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (special issue), Guest Associate Editor. 2023

Frontiers in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Special Issue Topic Editor. 2023

Research Grants Awarded:

Cumberland Council, The Big Question: Understanding Suicide Rates in Cumberland (PI), Pooja Saini, Grant value (£): 50,000. 2024

Foundations What Works Centre for Children & Families, A systematic review of parenting and whole-family interventions for families with multiple and complex needs with children and young people aged 11-19 (Co-I), Lisa Jones, Jane Harris, Ellie McCoy, Nadia Butler, Zara Quigg, Grant value (£): £133,181. 2024

Foundations What Works Centre for Children & Families, A systematic review of the impact of mentoring and befriending practice and interventions for children and young people (Co-I), Lisa Jones, Jane Harris, Ellie McCoy, Nadia Butler, Lorna Brooks, zara Quigg, Grant value (£): 113,425. 2024

International Science Partnership Fund, Suicide Ideation and PTSD Among Secondary School Students in Iraq (Co-PI), Pooja Saini, Grant value (£): 15,000. 2024

NIHR Innovation Fund to Reduce Demand for Illicit Substances, The Illicit Project UK: Adaption and implementation of an evidence-based schools prevention programme for older adolescents (Co-I), Prof Sumnall (LJMU), Dr Carver (UoE), Dr Collins (UoL), Dr Kershaw & Prof Newton (UoM, Australia), Grant value (£): 397,609. 2024

QR Participatory Research Fund, Access to Child & Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) for Autistic Children and Young People Experiencing Mental Health Difficulties (Co-I), Claire Hanlon, Grant value (£): 9,964.93. 2024

Champs Public Health Collaborative, A regionally-based pilot study of an integrated response to suicide risk among secondary school pupils (PI), Dr Pooja Saini, Grant value (£): 25,000. 2023

LJMU Faculty Research Development Fund, Coproduction for suicide prevention research (Co-PI), Dr Pooja Saini, Grant value (£): 4,918. 2023

Merseycare NHS Foundation Trust, Suicide Prevention evaluation for Mersey Care in community settings (Co-I), Pooja Saini, Jason McIntyre, Grant value (£): 50,000. 2023

National Institute for Health and Care Research, Multimodal Approach to Preventing Suicide in Schools (MAPSS) project: A regionally-based feasibility trial of an integrated response to suicide risk among secondary school pupils (Co-PI), Grant value (£): 586,237, Duration of research project: 2 years. 2023

Bury CCG, Evaluating the impact of the Wellbeing Through Sport programme on primary school children's mental health (PI), Grant value (£): 10,000. 2022

QR-PSF, Children and Young People Presenting in Accident & Emergency Departments in Suicidal Crisis: Developing Learning to Inform Practice (PI), Pooja Saini, Grant value (£): 9,727. 2022

Royal National Institute of Blind People, An evaluation of Bookshare for children with visual impairments and print disabilities (PI), Prof Lucy Bray (Edge Hill University), Grant value (£): 30,000. 2022

Liverpool Clinical Commissioning Group, ‘Making a shift towards school-based interventions’: Assessing the social validity of a school-based suicide prevention intervention - Co-Principal Investigator, Emma Ashworth, Grant value (£): 16895.70. 2021

Champs Public Health Collaborative, Evaluation of an NHS self-harm prevention toolkit for young people across Merseyside (PI), Pooja Saini, Grant value (£): 4,433. 2021

National Institute for Health Research (NIHR), A Rapid cross-sectional mixed methods study to scope, understand and co-develop the policy priorities for reducing inequalities and mitigating the long-term impacts of COVID-19 for CYP with SEND (PI), Prof Lucy Bray (Edge Hill University), Prof Amel Alghrani (University of Liverpool, Grant value (£): 84,651. 2021

NIHR ARC NWC, Fully-funded LJMU PhD studentship: Suicide crisis and self harm attendance at A&E in autistic young people: a mixed method study. (co-supervisor), Pooja Saini, Dave Moore, Grant value (£): 66,000. 2021

QR-PSF, Developing Impact: Working Together to Inform Policy and the Provision of Support for Children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) after the COVID-19 Pandemic, Prof Lucy Bray (Edge Hill University), Prof Amel Alghrani (University of Liverpool), Dr Carianne Hunt (Liverpool Health Partners), Grant value (£): 6,685. 2021

The Waterloo Foundation, Feasibility of a co-produced primary school-based intervention to improve children’s motor competence and mental health and wellbeing (Co-I), Stuart Fairclough (Edge Hill University), Lawrence Foweather, Lynne Boddy, Zoe Knowles, Richard Tyler (Edge Hill University), Grant value (£): 59,225. 2021

Youth Endowment Fund, Community by Nature Capacity Building and Enrichment Project (Co-I), Grant value (£): 9000. 2021

Economic and Social Research Council: Impact Acceleration, The TELL Study: Teenagers’ Experiences of Life in Lockdown (Co-I), Dr Ola Demkowicz and Dr Terry Hanley (University of Manchester), Grant value (£): 8,601. 2020

National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, Informing the development of NICE guidance on Social, emotional and mental wellbeing in primary and secondary education (Co-I), Dr Ola Demkowicz (University of Manchester), Dr Alexandra Hennessey (University of Manchester), Prof. Jessica Deighton (Anna Freud Centre), Grant value (£): 15,682, Duration of research project: 1 year. 2020

QR Strategic Policy Fund, Young people's presentations at A&E for suicidal crisis: Coding, admissions, and resultant care pathways (PI), Pooja Saini, Grant value (£): 9004. 2020

Conference organisation:

LJMU Institute for Health Research: Children, Young People and Families Conference 2024, Co-chair. 2024

LJMU Institute for Health Research: Suicide Prevention in Children and Young People 2024, Co-chair. 2024

LJMU Institute for Health Research: Children, Young People and Families Research Showcase, Co-chair. 2022

Getting research into schools: A workshop on engaging with educators, Organiser. 2018

Public engagement:

Public talk or lecture, General public, Speaker, Podcast - Suicide Prevention in Schools, 2024

Other, Policymakers, Blog, Author, Policy@Manchester, One year on: Lessons from lockdown, 2021

Public talk or lecture, Policymakers, Learning Lunch Seminar Series, Invited Speaker, University of Manchester online webinar, What has changed for teenagers’ mental health and opportunities since the UK COVID-19 outbreak?, 2020

Public talk or lecture, Public, Blog, Author, Policy@Manchester, Teenagers’ experiences of life in lockdown – and lessons for COVID-19 recovery plans, 2020

Other, Public, Blog, Author, National Elf Service, Mental Elf, Overcoming barriers: why adolescents don’t seek mental health support, 2020

Public talk or lecture, Academics, Seminar, Speaker, University of Manchester, Research Matters Seminar: Measuring children's mental health for research in schools. 2019

Participatory research, School teachers, Knowledge exchange workshop, Organiser, University of Manchester, SEL practices in the classroom. 2018

Other, Educators, Blog, Author, MIE BEE Blog, Exposure to multiple risks is worse for children’s outcomes than the nature of specific risks, 2018


Tackling Health Inequalities Award, North West Coast Research and Innovation Awards, 2023

International People's Choice Award for Most Engaging Impact Project, Track Impact - Vertigo Ventures, 2022

Excellence in Response to the Covid-19 Pandemic - Faculty of Health Winner, LJMU Vice Chancellor’s Award for Research and Knowledge Exchange. 2021

Kathy Sylva ‘Rising Star’ Award (nominee), Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health. 2021

PGR Distinguished Achievement Award, Faculty of Humanities, University of Manchester. 2019

Teaching qualification:

Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. 2017

External collaboration:

Alder Hey Children's NHS Trust, CAMHS crisis team.

Alder Hey Children's NHS Trust, Fresh CAMHS social prescribing team.

Edge Hill University, Prof. Lucy Bray.

European Research Network - Understanding and Preventing Youth Suicide, Group Member.

Evidence Based Practice Unit - Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families, Honorary researcher.

Imam Ja’afar Al-Sadiq University, Iraq, Prof Dr Saad Alatrany.

Imperial College London, Dr Lindsay Dewa.

Manotsav Foundation, Mumbai, Dr Shilpa Agarwal.

Orygen, University of Melbourne, Australia, School suicide prevention team.

University College London - Group for Research in Relationships And NeuroDiversity- GRRAND, Dr Georgia Pavlopoulou.

University of Liverpool, Prof. Amel Alghrani & Dr Seamus Byrne.

University of Manchester, Manchester Institute of Education.

University of Newcastle, Dr Stephanie Scott.

University of Southern California - Children's Hospital Los Angeles, Dr Jessica Schwartzman, Training and Research to Empower NeuroDiversity (TREND) Lab.

University of Sydney, Matilda Centre for Research in Mental Health and Substance Use.

Membership of professional bodies:

Chartered Psychologist, British Psychological Society.

External committees:

Children & Young People's Crisis Development Group, Cheshire & Merseyside NHS, Board Member.

Children & Young People's Self-Harm Development Group, Cheshire & Merseyside NHS, Board Member.

Implementation Science Methodology Research Sub-Group, NIHR ARC NWC, Deputy Lead.

Review of the RHSE School Curriculum, Department for Education, UK Government, Advisor.

Scientific Committee, Mental Health Research UK, Committee Member.
