Image of Dr Jason McIntyre

Dr Jason McIntyre

School of Psychology

Faculty of Health

I am a Senior Lecturer in Psychology with research interests in mental health care and the social determinants of mental health. I work with clinical and local authority partners to produce research relevant to policy and practice. This includes examining NHS care pathways for people with complex mental health needs, decision-making in clinical settings, carer and patient experiences with services, and coding practices in emergency departments. I also conduct research on the social determinants of mental health symptoms, including social identity, loneliness, discrimination, and socioeconomic status.


2015, The University of Queensland, Australia, PhD
2010, The University of Queensland, Australia, Bachelor of Psychological Science (Honours Class 1)


2024, Higher Education Academy, Fellow of the Higher Education Academy

Academic appointments

Honorary Lecturer in Psychology, Institute of Public Health, University of Liverpool, 2019 - 2021
Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Psychology, School of Natural Sciences and Psychology, Liverpool John Moores University, 2018 - present
Research Associate, Institute of Public Health, University of Liverpool, 2015 - 2018

Postgraduate training

Causal Mediation Analysis, United States, Statistical Horizons, 2022 - 2022
Research Leadership Development Programme, United Kingdom, Advance HE, 2022 - 2022
Research Supervisor Training Workshop, United Kingdom, Liverpool John Moores University, 2018 - 2018
Multilevel Models (in R and Stata), United Kingdom, Lancaster University, 2016 - 2016
Research Associate, United Kingdom, University of Liverpool, 2015 - 2018
SASP Summer School, Australia, Society of Australasian Social Psychologists, 2012 - 2012
Advanced Psychological Research Methodology, Australia, University of Queensland, 2012 - 2012

Highlighted publications

McIntyre JC, Wickham S, Barr B, Bentall RP. 2018. Social Identity and Psychosis: Associations and Psychological Mechanisms Schizophrenia Bulletin, 44 :681-690 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

McIntyre JC, Worsley J, Corcoran R, Harrison Woods P, Bentall RP. 2018. Academic and non-academic predictors of student psychological distress: the role of social identity and loneliness Journal of Mental Health, 27 :230-239 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Elahi A, Perez Algorta G, Varese F, McIntyre JC, Bentall RP. 2017. Do paranoid delusions exist on a continuum with subclinical paranoia? A multi-method taxometric study Schizophrenia Research, 190 :77-81 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Journal article

Worsley J, Dryburgh A, McIntyre JC, Corcoran R. 2024. Academic and non-academic predictors of common mental health difficulties among university students during the COVID-19 pandemic Frontiers in Public Health, 12 :1-8 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Sambrook L, Balmer A, Roks H, Tait J, Ashley-Mudie P, McIntyre JC, Shetty A, Bu C, Nathan R, Saini P. 2024. The journey of service users with complex mental health needs: a qualitative study Health psychology and behavioral medicine, 12 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Qi R, Qureshi M, Gire N, Chaudhury IB, Vass V, McIntyre JC, Barlow K, Bentall RP, White RG, Husain N. 2024. Ethnic Density and First Episode Psychosis in the British Pakistani Population: Findings from the East Lancashire Early Intervention Service British Journal of Psychiatry, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

McCarthy M, Saini P, Nathan R, Ashworth E, McIntyre J. 2024. “No abnormality detected”: A mixed-methods examination of Emergency Department coding practices for people in suicidal crisis Archives of Suicide Research, :1-14 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

McCarthy M, McIntyre JC, Nathan R, Ashworth E, Saini P. 2023. Socioeconomic predictors of crisis and clinical pathways among people contacting a mental health crisis line Health Services Insights, 16 :1-9 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

McCarthy M, McIntyre J, Nathan R, Ashworth E, Saini P. 2023. Staff perspectives of emergency department pathways for people attending in suicidal crisis: A qualitative study Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 31 :313-324 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Challinor A, Whyler J, Meggison N, Cresswell P, Evans L, Bingley M, Somarathne P, Thompson J, McIntyre J, Washington D, Nathan R. 2023. An investigation of mental healthcare pathways for patients with psychosis who engage in antisocial behaviours Journal of Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology, 34 :417-433 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Balmer A, Sambrook L, Roks H, Ashley-Mudie P, Tait J, Bu C, McIntyre JC, Shetty A, Nathan R, Saini P. 2023. Perspectives of service users and carers with lived experience of a diagnosis of personality disorder: A qualitative study Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, :1-11 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

McCarthy M, Saini P, Nathan R, McIntyre J. 2023. Predictors of self-harm and emergency department attendance for self-harm in deprived communities International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Challinor A, Meggison N, Whyler J, Cresswell P, Evans L, Bingley M, Somarathne P, Thompson J, McIntyre JC, Washington D, Nathan R. 2023. The utilisation of services by patients with psychosis who engage in antisocial behaviours Journal of Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology, DOI Publisher Url Public Url

McCarthy M, McIntyre JC, Nathan R, Saini P. 2023. Factors influencing emergency department staff decision-making for people attending in suicidal crisis: A systematic review. Archives of Suicide Research, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Ogden RS, Dobbins C, Slade K, McIntyre JC, Fairclough SH. 2022. The psychophysiological mechanisms of real-world time experience Scientific Reports, 12 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Elahi A, McIntyre JC, Thomas J, Abernethy L, Bentall RP, White RG. 2022. Symptoms of paranoia experienced by Students of Pakistani Heritage in England: The Role of Explicit and Implicit Identities and Perceived Discrimination The Journal of Nervous and Mental DIsease, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

van Leeuwen F, Inbar Y, Petersen MB, Aarøe L, Barclay P, Barlow FK, de Barra M, Becker DV, Borovoi L, Choi J, Consedine NS, Conway JR, Conway P, Adoric VC, Demirci E, Fernández AM, Seco Ferreira DC, Ishii K, Jakšić I, Ji T, Jonaityte I, Lewis DMG, Li NP, McIntyre JC, Mukherjee S, Park JH, Pawlowski B, Pizarro D, Prokop P, Prodromitis G, Rantala MJ, Reynolds LM, Sandin B, Sevi B, Srinivasan N, Tewari S, Yong JC, Žeželj I, Tybur JM. 2022. Disgust sensitivity relates to attitudes toward gay men and lesbian women across 31 nations Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Saini P, Martin A, McIntyre J, Balmer A, Burton S, Roks H, Sambrook L, Shetty A, Nathan R. 2022. COMplex mental health PAThways (COMPAT) Study: A mixed methods study to inform an evidence-based service delivery model for people with complex needs: Study protocol. PLoS One, 17 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Saini P, Martin A, McIntyre JC, Sambrook L, Roks H, Burton S, Balmer A, Shetty A, Nathan R. 2021. PP447 Informing The Development And Evaluation Of An Evidence-Based Service Delivery Model For Mental Health Patients With Complex Needs International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, 37 :37-38 DOI Publisher Url

Challinor A, Ogundalu A, McIntyre JC, Bramwell V, Nathan R. 2021. The empirical evidence base for the use of the HCR-20: A narrative review of study designs and transferability of results to clinical practice International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 78 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

McIntyre J, Elahi A, Latham C, Mullholland H, Haines-Delmont A, Saini P, Taylor PJ. 2021. Does neighbourhood identification buffer against the effects of socioeconomic disadvantage on self-harm? Journal of Affective Disorders, 294 :857-863 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Mulholland H, McIntyre JC, Haines-Delmont A, Whittington R, Comerford T, Corcoran R. 2021. Investigation to identify individual socioeconomic and health determinants of suicidal ideation using responses to a cross-sectional, community-based public health survey BMJ Open, 11 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Giebel C, McIntyre JC, Alfirevic A, Corcoran R, Daras K, Downing J, Gabbay M, Pirmohamed M, Popay J, Wheeler P, Holt K, Wilson T, Bentall R, Barr B. 2020. The longitudinal NIHR ARC North West Coast Household Health Survey: exploring health inequalities in disadvantaged communities. BMC Public Health, 20 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Saini P, McIntyre JC, Corcoran R, Daras K, Giebel C, Fuller E, Shelton J, Wilson T, Comerford T, Nathan R, Gabbay M. 2019. Predictors of emergency department and GP use among patients with mental health conditions: a public health survey. British Journal of General Practice, 70 :E1-E8 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

McIntyre JC, Elahi A, Barlow FK, White RG, Bentall RP. 2019. The relationship between ingroup identity and Paranoid ideation among people from African and African Caribbean backgrounds Psychology and Psychotherapy: theory, research and practice, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Giebel C, Hassan S, McIntyre JC, Corcoran R, Barr B, Gabbay M, Downing J, Comerford T, Alfirevic A. 2019. Public involvement in the dissemination of the North West Coast Household Health Survey: Experiences and lessons of co-producing research together Health Expectations, 22 :643-649 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

McElroy E, McIntyre JC, Bentall RP, Wilson T, Holt K, Kullu C, Nathan R, Kerr A, Panagaki K, McKeown M, Saini P, Gabbay M, Corcoran R. 2019. Mental health, deprivation, and the neighbourhood social environment: a network analysis Clinical Psychological Science, 7 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Giebel C, McIntyre JC, Daras K, Gabbay M, Downing J, Pirmohamed M, Walker F, Sawicki W, Alfirevic A, Barr B. 2019. What are the social predictors of accident and emergency attendance in disadvantaged neighbourhoods? Results from a cross-sectional household health survey in the north west of England BMJ Open, 9 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Worsley JD, McIntyre JC, Corcoran R. 2018. Cyberbullying victimisation and mental distress: testing the moderating role of attachment security, social support, and coping styles Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties, DOI Publisher Url Public Url

McIntyre JC, Wickham S, Barr B, Bentall RP. 2018. Social Identity and Psychosis: Associations and Psychological Mechanisms Schizophrenia Bulletin, 44 :681-690 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Worsley JD, McIntyre JC, Bentall RP, Corcoran R. 2018. Childhood maltreatment and problematic social media use: The role of attachment and depression Psychiatry Research, 267 :88-93 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Elahi A, McIntyre JC, Hampson C, Bodycote HJ, Sitko K, White RG, Bentall RP. 2018. Home is where you hang your hat: Host town identity, but not hometown identity, protects against mental health symptoms associated with financial stress Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 37 :159-181 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

McIntyre JC, Worsley J, Corcoran R, Harrison Woods P, Bentall RP. 2018. Academic and non-academic predictors of student psychological distress: the role of social identity and loneliness Journal of Mental Health, 27 :230-239 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Elahi A, Perez Algorta G, Varese F, McIntyre JC, Bentall RP. 2017. Do paranoid delusions exist on a continuum with subclinical paranoia? A multi-method taxometric study Schizophrenia Research, 190 :77-81 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

McIntyre JC, Elahi A, Bentall RP. 2016. Social identity and psychosis: Explaining elevated rates of psychosis in migrant populations Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 10 :619-633 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Tybur JM, Inbar Y, Aarøe L, Barclay P, Barlowe FK, De Barra M, Beckerh DV, Borovoi L, Choi I, Choik JA, Consedine NS, Conway A, Conway JR, Conway P, Adoric VC, Demirci DE, Fernández AM, Ferreirat DCS, Ishii K, Jakšic I, Ji T, Van Leeuwen F, Lewis DMG, Li NP, McIntyre JC, Mukherjee S, Park JH, Pawlowski B, Petersen MB, Pizarro D, Prodromitis G, Prokop P, Rantala MJ, Reynolds LM, Sandin B, Sevi B, De Smet D, Srinivasan N, Tewari S, Wilson C, Yong JC, Žezelj I. 2016. Parasite stress and pathogen avoidance relate to distinct dimensions of political ideology across 30 nations Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 113 :12408-12413 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

McIntyre JC, von Hippel W, Barlow FK. 2016. Self-Regulation and Power: How Self-Regulatory Failures Can Enhance Social Power Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 10 :41-49 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Mcintyre JC, Constable MD, Barlow FK. 2015. Property and prejudice: How racial attitudes and social-evaluative concerns shape property appraisals European Journal of Social Psychology, 45 :716-727 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Mcintyre JC, Barlow FK, Hayward LE. 2015. Stronger sexual desires only predict bold romantic intentions and reported infidelity when self-control is low Australian Journal of Psychology, 67 :178-186 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Hornsey MJ, Wellauer R, McIntyre JC, Barlow FK. 2015. A Critical Test of the Assumption That Men Prefer Conformist Women and Women Prefer Nonconformist Men Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 41 :755-768 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Conference publication

McCarthy M, Nathan R, McIntyre JC, Ashworth E, Saini P. 2023. Staff perspectives of emergency department pathways for people attending in suicidal crisis: A qualitative Study BJPsych Open, 9 :S61-S61 DOI Publisher Url

McCarthy M, Saini P, Nathan R, Ashworth E, McIntyre J. 2023. Improve Coding Practices for Patients in Suicidal Crisis BJPSYCH OPEN, 9 :S62-S62 DOI Publisher Url

Saini P, Sambrook L, Balmer A, Roks H, McIntyre J, Martin A, Tait J, Ashley-Mudie P, Shetty A, Nathan R. 2022. A Qualitative Study Exploring the Experiences of Service Users With Complex Mental Health Needs BJPSYCH OPEN, 8 :S9-S9 DOI Publisher Url

Saini P, Nathan R, Sambrook L, Burton S, Roks H, Balmer A, McIntyre J, Martin A, Shetty A. 2021. The use of coproduction to inform an evidence-based service delivery model for mental health service users with complex needs BJPSYCH OPEN, 7 :S286-S286 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Ogden R, Slade K, McIntyre J, Dobbins C, Fairclough S. The psychophysiological mechanisms of real-world time experience. Experimental Psychology Society


Balmer A, Sambrook L, Roks H, Tait J, Ashley-Mudie P, McIntyre JC, Shetty A, Nathan R, Saini P. 2022. Patient profiles of service users with complex mental health needs: an indepth case notes analysis Patient profiles of service users with complex mental health needs: an indepth case notes analysis Public Url

Roks H, Balmer A, Sambrook L, Burton S, Tait J, Ashley-Mudie P, Shetty A, Nathan R, Saini P, McIntyre JC. 2022. Descriptive analysis of complex mental health service users using routinely collected data Public Url

Sambrook L, Balmer A, Roks H, Tait J, Ashley-Mudie P, McIntyre JC, Shetty A, Nathan T, Saini P. 2022. Patient Journey of Service Users with Complex Mental Health Needs: A Qualitative Study Public Url

Saini P, McIntyre JC, McCarthy M. 2022. Crisis Line Evaluation: Cheshire & Wirral Partnership, Mersey Care and Mid-Mersey. Public Url

McIntyre J, Worsley J, Bentall RP. 2017. University of Liverpool Student Mental Health Report 2017 University of Liverpool Student Mental Health Report 2017

Bentall R, McIntyre J. 2016. A pilot student mental health survey: Lessons for the University of Liverpool A pilot student mental health survey: Lessons for the University of Liverpool

McIntyre J, Ferndale D, Gibson A. 2013. School of Psychology RHD Student Experiences Report School of Psychology RHD Student Experiences Report


Saini P, Roks H, Sambrook L, Balmer A, McIntyre J, Martin A, Tait J, Ashley-Mudie P, Shetty A, Nathan R. 2022. A Qualitative Study Exploring the Experiences of Carers of Service Users With Complex Mental Health Needs

Saini P, Balmer A, Sambrook L, Roks H, McIntyre J, Martin A, Tait J, Ashley-Mudie P, Shetty A, Nathan R. 2022. The Provision of Mental Health Care for Service Users With Complex Needs Who Are at Risk of Suicide

Editorial/letter to the editor

McCarthy M, Saini P, Nathan R, McIntyre J. 2021. Improve coding practices for patients in suicidal crisis BMJ-BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL, 375 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

McElroy E, McIntyre J, Bentall R, Wilson T, Holt K, Kullu C, Nathan R, Kerr A, Panagaki K, McKeown M, Saini P, Gabbay M. 2020. Mental Health, Deprivation, and the Neighborhood Social Environment: A Rejoinder to Eres, Harrington, and Lim (2020) Clinical Psychological Science, DOI Author Url Publisher Url


Saini P, Martin A, McIntyre J, Balmer A, Burton S, Roks H, Sambrook L, Shetty A, Nathan R. COMplex mental health PAThways (COMPAT) Study: a mixed methods study to inform an evidence-based service delivery model for people with complex needs: Study protocol DOI Publisher Url

Public engagement:

Public talk or lecture, Mental Health Practitioners, Invites Speaker, Sycamore House, Cheshire & Wirral Partnership Grand Round, Delivered a presentation to mental health practitioners. 2024

Other, General public, service users, health practitioners, researchers, Presentation, Invited speaker, Virtual, North West Coast Household Health Survey Virtual Conference, 2021

Other, General public, mental health service users, mental health clinicians, Workshop, Invited Speaker, Gujarat Centre, Preston, United Kingdom, Mental Health and Housing: A Learning Exchange. 2018

Other, General public, mental health service users, mental health clinicians, Learning exchange and working group, Invited Speaker and Participant, Foresight Centre, University of Liverpool, Wellcome Trust Workshop for the NIHR CLAHRC NWC Household Health Survey. 2018

Public talk or lecture, General public, carers, mental health service users, mental health clinicians, Invited speaker, Quaker Meeting House, Liverpool, NIHR CLAHRC NWC Improving Mental Health Theme: Merseycare NHS Foundation Trust Research Showcase. 2017

Research Grants Awarded:

Merseycare NHS Foundation Trust, Community-based suicide prevention evaluations, Saini, P., McIntyre, J.C., Ashworth, E., Grant value (£): 50,000, Duration of research project: 1.5 years. 2023

Liverpool John Moores University VC PhD Scholarship, Ethnic mental health inequalities: Understanding whether discrimination causes psychosis among people from ethnic minority backgrounds, McIntyre, J.C., Saini, P., Nathan, R., Grant value (£): 18,750, Duration of research project: 3 years. 2022

National Institute for Health and Care Research, “Cricket Connect”: Using cricket to address ethnic mental health inequalities among immigrants and asylum seekers, McIntyre, J.C., Nathan, R., Saini, P., Grant value (£): 9902.90, Duration of research project: 6 months. 2022

Cheshire and Wirral Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, Transformation Change Project, Saini, P., McIntyre, J.C., Grant value (£): 378,700, Duration of research project: 3 years. 2022

Merseycare NHS Foundation Trust, Crisis Care Lines Evaluation, Jason C. McIntyre, Pooja Saini, Molly McCarthy, Grant value (£): 19,114, Duration of research project: 5 months. 2022

Cheshire and Wirral Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, Evaluation to inform an evidence-based service delivery model for mental health patients with complex needs, Saini, P. (LJMU), Nathan, R, (CWP). Eliot, P. (CWP), & McIntyre, J. C. (LJMU), Grant value (£): 337,801, Duration of research project: 2 years. 2020

Liverpool John Moores University - Faculty of Health PhD Scholarship, Configuration and utilisation of clinical pathways by patients who attend A&E in suicidal crisis, Saini, P., McIntyre, J.C., Nathan R., Grant value (£): 18,750, Duration of research project: 3 years. 2020

University of Liverpool, Social identity and the experience of persecution among people from African-Caribbean backgrounds living in the United Kingdom, Grant value (£): 2000, Duration of research project: 1 year. 2017

Society for Australasian Social Psychologists, Context specific effects of ego depletion: Do self-control failures facilitate kin altruism?, McIntyre, J.C., Abou-Abdalah, M., & Barlow, F. K., Grant value (£): 300, Duration of research project: 12 months. 2013

Conference presentation:

Routinely Collected NHS Patient Data: Descriptive analysis and report, Suicide and Self-Harm Research Group: Research Conference, Quaker House, Liverpool, Oral presentation. 2022

A qualitative study exploring the experiences of service users with complex mental health needs, European Symposium for Suicide and Suicidal Behaviour, Copenhagen, Denmark, Poster presentation. 2022

COMplex mental health PAThways (COMPAT) Study: Self harm and suicidality across complex clinical presentations, European Symposium for Suicide and Suicidal Behaviour 2022, Copenhagen, Denmark, Poster presentation. 2022

The relationship between ingroup identity and Paranoid ideation among people from African and African Caribbean backgrounds, International Conference on Social Identity and Health, Nottingham, UK, Oral presentation. 2022

A qualitative study exploring the experiences of carers of service users with complex mental health needs, Royal College of Psychiatrists International Congress, Edinburgh, UK, Poster presentation. 2022

A qualitative study exploring the experiences of service users with complex mental health needs, Royal College of Psyhiatrists International Congress, Edinburgh, UK, Poster presentation. 2022

COMplex mental health PAThways (COMPAT) Study: Self harm and suicidality across complex clinical presentations, Royal College of Psychiatrists International Congree, Edinburgh, UK, Poster presentation. 2022

COMplex mental health PAThways (COMPAT) Study: A mixed methods study to inform an evidence-based service delivery model for people with complex needs: Study protocol, HTAi 2021 Annual Meeting, Online, Oral presentation. 2021

Home is where you hang your hat: Host town identity, but not hometown identity, protects against mental health symptoms associated with financial stress, International Society for Psychological and Social Approaches to Psychosis Conference, Liverpool, UK, Oral presentation. 2017

Social Identity and Psychosis: Associations and Psychological Mechanisms, International Conference on Social Identity and Health, Brisbane, Australia, Oral presentation. 2016

They’re out to get me: Disidentification and the emergence of paranoia, International Conference on Social Identity and Health, Brisbane, Australia, Oral presentation. 2016

Self-control deficits lead to disinhibited behaviour that signals high social power, Evolution and Human Behavior Conference, Natal, Brazil, Oral presentation. 2014

Self-control deficits lead to disinhibited behaviour that signals high social power, European Association of Social Psychology Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Oral presentation. 2014

A social enhancement model of ego depletion, Annual Conference of the Society for Australasian Social Psychologists, Cairns, Australia, Oral presentation. 2013

You had me at depleted: Self-regulatory failures promote short-term mating and infidelity, Annual Conference of the Society for Australasian Social Psychologists, Adelaide, Australia, Oral presentation. 2012

The role of biological response systems in stress-induced risk-taking amongst young men, Annual Conference of the Society for Australasian Social Psychologists, Sydney, Australia, Oral presentation. 2011


Teaching Excellence Award (Commendation) Category: Rising Star, Liverpool John Moores University. 2022

Amazing Course Team, John Moores Student Union, 2021

International Conference on Social Identity and Health Early Career Travel Award (£1000), Social Identity and Groups Network. 2016

Advanced Statistical Training Travel Award (£1000), University of Queensland. 2015

Outstanding Postgraduate Research Award Runner-up, Society for Australasian Social Psychologists. 2013

Teaching Excellence Award, University of Queensland - School of Psychology. 2012

Three-Minute Thesis People's Choice Award (Faculty final), University of Queensland - Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences. 2012

Three-Minute Thesis Runner-up (School Final), University of Queensland - School of Psychology. 2012

Australian Postgraduate Award, Australian Government Department of Education and Training. 2011

Other invited event:

Social Identity and Groups Network Meeting, The University of Queensland, Australia, Invited speaker and Social Identity and Groups Network meeting Title of talk: Using the Social Identity Approach to understand psychosis. 2022

Groups, Identity and Health Research Group meeting, Nottingham Trent University, UK, Invited speaker at Groups, Identity and Health Research Group meeting. Title of talk: A Social Identity Approach to Psychosis: Evidence from community, student, and ethnic minority samples. 2022

Mental Health and Housing: A Learning Exchange, Gujarat Centre, Preston, UK, We are inviting members of the public from any North West community, CLAHRC NWC public advisers, partners and residents to come together and discuss how our work can now be used to make an impact on local policy and start changes to enhance our communities for the better.. 2018

Postgraduate Research Workshop Panel Discussion, Liverpool, UK, Invited panelist to discuss postgraduate research and research careers with postgraduate students.. 2018

Centre for Research in Social Psychology: Academic Pathways Discussion Panel, Brisbane, Australia, Invited panelist for a discussion on academic pathways for undergraduate students.. 2015

External collaboration:

Merseycare NHS Foundation Trust, Louise Thomas and Claire Foster. 2022

Cheshire and Wirral Partnership: LJMU-CWP Collaboration, Taj Nathan. 2018

University of Liverpool, Ross White, Rhiannon Corcoran, Joanne Worsley.

University of Queensland, Alex Haslam, Catherine Haslam, Tegan Cruwys, Fiona Barlow.

University of Sheffield, Richard Bentall.

Media Coverage:

Blog article written by "The Mental Elf" focusing on research I led investigating the relationships between disadvantage, belonging, and self-harm. 2021

Interviewed for LJMU podcast Topic: Loneliness Title: "The Lonely Generation" 2018

Blog article published on The Conversation website: Immigrants suffer higher rates of psychosis – here’s how to start helping them Readers: 8,915 2017

Interviewed by ABC Radio Sydney, Australia. Topic: Staying happy and healthy in the new year Interviewer: Nakkiah Lui 2016

Research: Conformity and Attraction: Men and women both prefer non-conformist partners Scientific American Mind (August, 2015, vol. 26, Issue 5); Huffington Post; New Scientist; Business Insider, PsyBlog; Science Times; Women’s Health Magazine; (April 2015) 2015

Research: The benefits of poor self-control 612 ABC Radio Brisbane, “Evenings” with Rebecca Levingston. (September, 2012) Delivered my full three-minute thesis (3MT) and was interviewed about the 3MT competition. 2012

Other Professional Activity:

Cited in Welsh government policy report: Acces to emergency services in a mental health or welfare crisis: national review, 2020

McIntyre, J. C. (2016, July). Doctorate in Clinical Psychology Research Conference. Chair of session at University of Liverpool, United Kingdom..

External PGR Supervision - completed students:

University of Liverpool, PhD, Paranoia in the community: A social identity approach. 2019

University of Liverpool, Professional Doctorate, Exploring the relationship between non-clinical paranoia and sense of coherence, subjective wellbeing and cognitive fusion. 2019

University of Liverpool, PhD, Detached lives online: Understanding the relationship between mental health, well-being, and the online environment. 2018

Conference organisation:

The Last Lecture Series: An outstanding lecturer, as voted by peers and students, gives a lecture based on the question "If this was your last chance to address a group of students, what would you say to them?", Founder and organiser, 2013
