Image of Dr Jennifer Chopra

Dr Jennifer Chopra

School of Psychology

Faculty of Health

I am the Interim Subject Leader in Psychology, and also the Programme Leader for our BSc Psychology Programme.

I joined Liverpool John Moores University, School of Psychology as a Lecturer in Psychology in 2014. I have a BSc Hons in Psychology from Glasgow Caledonian University in 2008, a MSc in Psychological Research Methods at The University of Stirling in 2009 and gained my PhD in 2013 at The University of Stirling, focusing on the relationship between intimate partner abuse and suicide risk.

My main research interests are in suicide and self-harm prevention, intimate partner abuse, stalking and domestic homicides. I am a member of the Forensic Psychology Research Group within the School of Psychology, and the Suicide and Self-Harm Research Group (SSHRG) which is within the Institute for Health Research at Liverpool John Moores University, as well as being a member of the Suicide and Self Harm Research Network in the North West (SSHaRe NoW).


2012, University of Stirling, United Kingdom, PhD. Funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC)
2009, University of Stirling, United Kingdom, MSc in Psychological Research Methods
2008, Glasgow Caledonian University, United Kingdom, BSc (First Class Honours) Psychology


2021, Epigeum, Professional Skills for Research Leaders
2016, Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom, Mental Health First Aid

Academic appointments

Interim Subject Leader in Psychology, School of Psychology, Liverpool John Moores University, 2022 - present
Programme Leader, Psychology, Liverpool John Moores University, 2019 - present
Lecturer in Forensic Psychology, School of Psychology, Liverpool John Moores University, 2014 - present
Research Fellow, Centre for Research in Public Health and Community Care (CRIPACC) – funded by National institute of Health Research, Research for Patient Benefit., University of Hertfordshire, 2013 - 2014

Postgraduate training

PG Cert in Learning & Teaching in Higher Education, United Kingdom, Liverpool John Moores University, ? - present

Highlighted publications

Ashworth E, McLoughlin S, Saini P, Chopra J, Eames C, Hunt A. 2021. Young people's mental health and wellbeing in the north west during the COVID-19 pandemic: The ALICE study evidence briefing Public Url

Saini P, Clements C, Gardner KJ, Chopra J, Latham C, Kumar R, Taylor P. 2021. Identifying suicide and self-harm research priorities in North West England: a Delphi study Crisis: the Journal of Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention, 43 :35-45 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Ashworth E, Saini P, Chopra J, Hunt A. 2020. Caring for your wellbeing during COVID-19: Advice for young people

Journal article

Hanlon C, Saini P, Boland J, McIlroy D, Poole H, Chopra J. 2024. Psychological risk factors predictive of suicidal distress in men receiving a community-based brief psychological intervention Suicide and Life-Threatening Behaviour, :1-11 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Hanlon CA, Chopra J, Boland J, McIlroy D, Poole H, Saini P. 2023. A mixed-methods evaluation of the acceptability and fidelity of the James’ Place model for men experiencing suicidal crisis Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine, 11 :1-18 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Molloy-Vickers D, Chopra J, Saini P, Ashworth E. 2023. Long-term factors associated with positive mental health outcomes for early adolescents during Covid-19-related school closures Psychology in the Schools, DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Saini P, Hunt A, Kirkby J, Chopra J, Ashworth E. 2023. A qualitative dyadic approach to explore the experiences and perceived impact of COVID-19 restrictions among adolescents and their parents Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine, 11 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Hanlon C, McIlroy D, Poole H, Chopra J, Saini P. 2022. Evaluating the role and effectiveness of co‐produced community‐based mental health interventions that aim to reduce suicide among adults: A systematic review Health Expectations, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Abbate L, Chopra J, Poole H, Saini P. 2022. Evaluating postvention services and the acceptability of models of postvention: a systematic review Omega: Journal of Death and Dying, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Saini P, Chopra J, Hanlon C, Boland JE. 2022. The adaptation of a community-based suicide prevention intervention during the COVID19 pandemic: a mixed methods study Cogent Psychology, 9 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Chopra J, Sambrook L, Mcloughlin S, Randles R, Palace M, Blinkhorn V. 2022. Risk factors for Intimate Partner Homicide in England and Wales Health and Social Care in the Community, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Ashworth E, Putwain DW, McLoughlin S, Saini P, Chopra J, Rosser BA, Eames C. 2022. Ordinary magic in extraordinary circumstances: Factors associated with positive mental health outcomes for early adolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic Adversity and Resilience Science, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Hanlon C, Chopra J, Boland JE, McIlroy D, Poole H, Saini P. 2022. The James’ Place model: Application of a novel clinical, community-based intervention for the prevention of suicide among men Journal of Public Mental Health, DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Chopra J, Ashworth E, Saini P, Putwain DW, McLoughlin S, Kirkby J, Eames C, Hunt A, Duffy K. 2021. Adolescents’ Lockdown-Induced Coping Experiences (ALICE) study: A qualitative exploration of early adolescents’ experiences of lockdown and reintegration The Journal of Early Adolescence, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Chopra J, Hanlon C, Boland JE, Harrison R, Timpson H, Saini P. 2021. A Case Series Study of an Innovative Community- based Brief Psychological Model for Men in Suicidal Crisis Journal of Mental Health, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Saini P, Chopra J, Hanlon CA, Boland JE. 2021. A Case Series Study of Help-Seeking among Younger and Older Men in Suicidal Crisis International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Saini P, Clements C, Gardner KJ, Chopra J, Latham C, Kumar R, Taylor P. 2021. Identifying suicide and self-harm research priorities in North West England: a Delphi study Crisis: the Journal of Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention, 43 :35-45 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Trivedi D, Goodman C, Dickinson A, Gage H, McLaughlin J, Maththorpe J, Ashaye K, Iliffe S. 2013. A protocol for a systematic review of research on managing behavioural and psychological symptoms in dementia for community-dwelling older people: evidence mapping and syntheses Systematic Reviews, 70

McLaughlin J, O'Connor RC, O'Carroll RE. 2012. Intimate Partner Abuse and Suicidality: A Systematic Review Clinical Psychology Review, :677-689

Riby LM, Law AS, Mclaughlin J, Murray J. 2011. Preliminary evidence that glucose ingestion facilitates prospective memory performance NUTRITION RESEARCH, 31 :370-377 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Riby LM, Law AS, McLaughlin J, Murray J. 2011. Preliminary evidence that glucose ingestion facilitates prospective memory performance Nutrition Research, 5 :370-377

Riby LM, McLaughlin J, Riby DM. 2008. Lifestyle, glucose regulation and the cognitive enhancing properties of glucose load in middle-aged adult British Journal of Nutrition, DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Riby LM, Marriott A, Bullock R, Hancock J, Smallwood J, McLaughlin J. 2008. The Effects of Glucose Ingestion and Glucose Regulation on Memory Performance in Older Adults with Mild Cognitive Impairment European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Hanlon C, Chopra J, Boland J, McIlroy D, Poole H, Saini P. A qualitative mixed methods case study exploring the impact of a community-based, brief psychological intervention for men experiencing suicidal crisis PLOS Mental Health,


Saini P, Chopra J, Hanlon C, boland J, o'donoghue E. 2023. James' Place Liverpool Evaluation Year Three Report James' Place Liverpool Evaluation Year Three Report

Chopra J, Saini P, Hanlon C, Boland J, O'Donaghue E. 2021. James' Place Liverpool Evaluation Year Two Report Publisher Url Public Url

Ashworth E, Saini P, Chopra J, McLoughlin S, Eames C, Hunt A, Kirkby J. 2021. “No Covid plan” Department for Education “surprisingly resistant” to lessons-learned exercise amid concerns over catchup offer and scale of “hidden harm” Publisher Url

Ashworth E, McLoughlin S, Saini P, Chopra J, Eames C, Hunt A. 2021. Young people's mental health and wellbeing in the north west during the COVID-19 pandemic: The ALICE study evidence briefing Public Url

Ashworth E, Saini P, Chopra J, Hunt A. 2020. Caring for your wellbeing during COVID-19: Advice for young people

Chopra J, Saini P, Timpson H, Boland J. Evaluation One Year Summary Report. James' Place Internal Evaluation Evaluation One Year Summary Report. James' Place Internal Evaluation

Chopra J, Sambrook L. Oasis Understanding Trauma Programme Evaluation Report Public Url

McCoy E, Chopra J, Silvestru C, Timpson H. Evaluation of the Merseyside Domestic Abuse Services (MDVS) - Males Actively Seeking Change (MASC) Programme - Interim Report


Ashworth E, Hunt A, Chopra J, Eames C, Putwain D, duffy K, Kirkby J, mcloughlin S, Saini P. 2021. Adolescents' lockdown-induced coping experiences (ALICE) study: A qualitative exploration of early adolescents' experiences of lockdown and reintegration Journal of Early Adolescence, DOI Publisher Url


Chopra J, Saini P, Hanlon C, boland J. 2021. A Case Series Study of Help-Seeking among Younger and Older Men in Suicidal Crisis DOI Publisher Url

Ashworth E, Putwain DW, McLoughlin S, Saini P, Chopra J, Rosser B, Eames C. 2021. Ordinary magic in extraordinary circumstances: Predictors of positive mental health outcomes for early adolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic Research Square Platform LLC DOI Publisher Url

Conference publication

McLaughlin J, O'Connor RC, O'Carroll RE, Dickson A. Experiences of intimate partner abuse: An interpretative phenomenological analysis Stirling Graduate Research School (SGRS) Annual Conference

Riby LM, Marriott A, Bullock R, Hancock J, Smallwood J, McLaughlin J. Glucose and Cognition: The Effects of Glucose Ingestion and Glucose Regulation on Memory Performance in Older Adults with Mild Cognitive Impairment. European Society of Cognitive Psychology Annual Conference

McLaughlin J, Murray J, Brown L, Riby LM. Neuro-Imaging Memory and Emotion: Event-Related Potential (ERP) Investigations of the Glucose Facilitation Effect BPS Annual Conference

Chopra J, Noor M. Mind the Gap: Lay vs Expert Concepts of One of the biggest killers in society ISPP

McLaughlin J, O'Carroll RE, O'Connor RC. An investigation of intimate partner abuse and suicidality within the framework of the IMV model of suicidal behaviour ESSSB14 (14th European Symposium of Suicide and Suicidal Behaviour)

McLaughlin J, O'Carroll RE, O'Connor RC. An investigation of the relationship between Intimate Partner Abuse and suicidality BPS, Division of Forensic Psychology Annual Conference

McLaughlin J, O'Carroll RE, O'Connor RC. An investigation of the relationship between Intimate Partner Abuse and suicidality Stirling Graduate Research School (SGRS) Annual Conference

McLaughlin J, O'Connor RC, O'Carroll RE, Dickson A. Experiences of intimate partner abuse: An interpretative phenomenological analysis PsyPag Annual Conference

Chopra J. A Case Series study of an innovative community-based brief psychological model for men in suicidal crisis of International Association for suicide prevention (IASP) 31st World Congress

Chopra J, Hanlon C, Saini P, boland J. A case series study of an innovative community-based brief psychological model for men in suicidal crisis, International Association for Suicide Prevention 2023 (IASP 32nd World Congress)

Conference presentation:

A case series study of an innovative community-based brief psychological model for men in suicidal crisis, IASP 32nd world congress, slovenia, Oral presentation. 2023

Evaluating Suicide Postvention Services for individuals bereaved by suicide in England: a mixed methods study, IASP 32nd world congress, slovenia, Oral presentation. 2023

Psychological risk factors predictive of suicidal crisis among men using “Lay your cards on the Table” component of the James’ Place Model, IASP 32nd world congress, slovenia, Oral presentation. 2023

Reducing entrapment and suicide risk through a community based clinical intervention, IASP 32nd world congress, slovenia, Oral presentation. 2023

Reducing entrapment and suicide risk through a community based clinical intervention, IASP World Congress 2023, Slovenia, Oral presentation. 2023

Domestic Homicides-Suicide, 3rd annual Suicide and Self Harm Research Group Conference, Quaker House, Liverpool, Oral. 2022

Entrapment and suicide risk, Suicide and Self Harm Reserach Group 3rd annual conference, Quaker House Liverpool, Oral. 2022

Reducing entrapment and suicide risk through a community based clinical intervention, 19th European Symposium on Suicide and Suicidal Behaviour ( ESSSB19), Copenhagen, Denmark, Oral presentation. 2022

James Place, SSHaRE NoW 5th Annual conference, UCLAN, Oral presentation. 2022

The effectiveness and acceptability of postvention liaison services for individuals bereaved by suicide, 6th Suicide & Self-Harm Early and Mid-Career Researchers’ Forum, University of Glasgow, Poster presentation. 2022

James' Place: a clinical intervention delivered in a community setting for men in suicidal crisis, Suicide and Self Harm Research North West (SSHaRe NoW) 5th Annual Conference, University of Central Lancaster, Oral presentation. 2022

Impact of Intimate Partner Abuse on suicidality, Suicide and Self Harm Research Group Conference, Liverpool, Oral presentation. 2021

The impact of intimate partner abuse, Suicide & Self Harm Research Group Away Day, Liverpool, Oral presentation. 2021

A Case Series study of an innovative community-based brief psychological model for men in suicidal crisis., International Association for suicide prevention (IASP) 31st World Congress, Gold Coast, Australia, Oral presentation. 2021

An Innovative community-based brief psychological model for men in suicidal crisis Symposium # 92126, International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP) 31st World Congress, Gold Coast, Australia, Symposium. 2021

Mind the Gap: Lay vs. Expert Concepts of One of the Biggest Killers in Society, International Society of Political Psychology, Edinburgh, UK, Poster presentation. 2017

Intimate Partner Abuse and Suicidality, Intimate Partner Abuse & Stalking, University of Liverpool, Oral presentation. 2016

Conference organisation:

3rd Annual Suicide and Self Harm Conference, co- organiser, 2022

Suicide and Self Harm Research North West (SSHaRE NoW) 5th Annual Conference, organiser. 2022

Suicide and Self Harm Research Group Conference, Organiser & Co-Chair. 2021

4th Annual SSHaRENoW conference/webinar, conference organiser. 2021

SSHaReNoW Webinar, Co-Organiser. Panel Chair. 2020

1st Annual Suicide and Self Harm Conference, co-organiser. 2018


2021 Research Spotlight Award, Cogent Psychology Journal. 2022

Rising Star Award, Liverpool John Moores University Teaching and Learning Academy. 2015

Research Grants Awarded:

James' Place, year 3 and 4 service evaluation, Pooja Saini, LJMU, Grant value (£): 10000, Duration of research project: 2 years. 2022

Kent County Council, OASIS Understanding Trauma programme evaluation, Pooja Saini, Grant value (£): 8000, Duration of research project: 12 months. 2021

LJMU REF Upskilling programme, 1 year evaluation of a suicide prevention service for men in Liverpool, Pooja Saini, Mentor, LJMU, Grant value (£): £1100, Duration of research project: 1 year. 2019

British Academy, Small Research Grants, Uncovering lay people's beliefs of suicide: understanding and enabling better early suicide detection to reduce risk factors, Masi Noor, LJMU (PI), Grant value (£): 8604. 2016

James' Place, James' Place Liverpool internal evaluation - 2 years, Pooja Saini, LJMU. Hannah Timpson, PHI LJMU, Beccy Harrison PHI LJMU, Claire Hanlon, PhD student, LJMU, Grant value (£): 28100, Duration of research project: 18 months.

Merseyside Domestic Abuse Service, evaluation of MASC program for male domestic abuse perpetrators, Ellie McCoy, PHI, Grant value (£): 40000.

Other Professional Activity:

Suicide Safer University Strategy working group. 2021

Research Qualification completed Professional Skills for Research Leaders course complete August 2021. 2021

Professional Skills for Research Leaders course completion. 2021

accepted - A Case Series Study of Help-Seeking among Younger and Older Men in Suicidal Crisis. 2021

accepted symposium abstract to IASP 2021. 2021

Submitted paper 'Ordinary magic in extraordinary circumstances: Predictors of positive mental health outcomes for early adolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic'.. 2021

submitted - one year evaluation of James Place paper. 2020

Submitted paper - Identifying suicide and self-harm research priorities in North West England: a Delphi study. submitted to Crisis - accepted. 2020

Chair of Psychology Research Ethics Panel. 2016

Author of Evaluation One Year Summary Report - James' Place Internal Evaluation. 17.1.20.

in preparation - domestic abuse and suicide in Kent & Medway - report and journal article.

James Place Evaluation. Submitting application for funding for 18 month project.

Member of advisory group on postvention suicide services.

Member of Suicide and Self Harm Research Group (SSHRG).

Member of University Research Ethics Committee (UREC).

PI for research project - study of the experiences of LGBT victims of intimate partner abuse.

PI for research project conducting a large scale survey on forms of partner abuse, including psychological abuse, coercive control, digital abuse, stalking and harassment..

PI on an evaluation of a trauma therapy - on hold due to pandemic.

PI on project to look at lay peoples beliefs about suicide. Funded by the British Academy.

Professional SKills for Research Leaders course.

Programme Leader for BSc Psychology with Foundation.

Projects looking at short and long term impact of Covid-19 lockdown on school age children.

REF Upskilling Programme Researcher funded by the LJMU Upskilling Programme to conduct a 1 year evaluation of a suicide crisis service for men in Liverpool. This will also be part of an impact case study for REF.

Research into risk factors for domestic homicide - paper in preparation.

submitted abstract to 5th Suicide and Self-Harm Early and Mid-Career Researchers Forum - cancelled due to Covid-19.

Submitted paper - Identifying suicide and self-harm research priorities in North West England: a Delphi study. submitted to Archives of Suicide Research Rejected.

submitted symposium abstract to ESSSB 20 (European Symposium on suicide and suicidal behaviour). - cancelled due to covid.

submitted symposium abstract to IASR 2021, Barcelona.

Working on papers resulting from Share Now research network project.

Young people's mental health and wellbeing in the north west during the COVID-19 pandemic: The ALICE study 6 month follow up project.

External collaboration:

University College London, Dr Kim Donoghue. 2021

University of Glasgow, Professor Rory O'Connor. 2021

SAS-fit, Mark Eastwood, Director. 2019

LJMU, Angela Samata, LJMU Honorary Fellow. 2019

Mark McQueen Foundation, Doug McQueen. 2019

James Place, Jane Boland. 2019

Amparo, Richard Brown. 2019

Chair of Support After Suicide Partnership Chair of The Matthew Elvidge Trust, Hamish Elvidge. 2019

Champs - mental wellbeing programme lead, Pat Nicholl. 2019

James Place, Claire Milford-Haven. 2019

North East & North Cumbria ICS suicide prevention lead, Katherine McGleenan. 2019

Zero Suicide Alliance MindEd Trust, Steve Mallen. 2019

James Place, Jane Boland. 2019

Keele University, Masi Noor. 2017

University of Sussex, Cassandra Wiener Law Dept. 2016

Edinburgh Napier, Dr Jennifer Murray.

Swansea University, Ann John - Suicide and Self Harm Research network north west. Postvention advisory board.

Univeristy of Glasgow, Prof Rory O'Connor.

University of Central Lancashire (UCLAN), Kathryn Settle Suicide and Self-harm Research Network North West.

University of Liverpool, Pooja Saini Suicide and Self-harm Research Network North West.

University of Manchester, Caroline Clements Suicide and Self-harm Research Network North West.

University of Manchester, Isabelle Hunt Suicide and Self-harm Research Network North West.

University of Manchester, Peter Taylor Suicide and Self Harm Research Network North West.

University of Stirling, Prof Ronan O'Carroll.

Public engagement:

Demonstration, academics, clinicians, experts by experience, those who work with suicide or self harm, other stakeholders, conference, organiser and invited panel member, University of Central Lancashire, Suicide and Self Harm 3rd annual conference, 2020

Other, professionals and academics working in the areas of suicide and self harm, including health, pharmacy, psychology, forensics, social care etc, webinar, Organiser and Chair of panel, Zoom. Hosted by UCLAN with LJMU and Uni of Manchester, SSHaReNow Webinar. 2020

Demonstration, Researchers, those with personal experience of self harm or suicidal behaviour, health professionals, 3rd sector organisations, Networking event, organiser, Unversity of Manchester, Suicide and Self Harm Research Exercise North West (SSHaRE NoW): Priorities. 2017

Other, researchers, health professionals, social work, law, medical, those with personal experience, conference, participant, Hilton, Liverpool, The Domestic Abuse Conference, Liverpool. 2017

Other, Charities related to issues around suicide, Charity Report, PI and author, Related to Concepts of Suiicde study funded by the British Academy, England, UK, Charity Report - Concepts of Suicide. 2017

Other invited event:

SSHaRe NoW 3rd Annual Suicide and Self Harm Conference, University of Central Lancashire, invited panel member. 2020

SSHaRe NoW Webinar, Zoom. Hosted by UCLAN, Panel Chair. 2020

Research to enhance practice, SAS-fit Manchester, invited talk to therapists and professionals working with trauma. 2020

Research Talks, Edinburgh Napier University, invited talk to psychology department of the university, including academic staff and students. 2020

Intimate Partner Violence and Stalking conference, University of Liverpool, Organised by The International Organisation of Forensic Practitioners (TIOFP). Invited to present.. 2016

Industrial connections:

SAS-fit, absence management and therapy following trauma. 2019

James Place, Suicide crisis service for men in Liverpool. 2019

The Digital Trust, Digital abuse, stalking and harassment.

Women's Aid.


Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy, Higher Education Academy. 2016

Teaching qualification:

PG Cert in Learning & Teaching in Higher Education. 2016

Media Coverage:

Coverage on LJMU News Website relating to a research project.

External committees:

Advisory Group, The Digital Trust.
