Conference publication
Helsby L, Iacovides J, Cairns P. 2023. 'The bandwidth comes and goes': Gaming preferences, habits and attitudes in a persistent low mood population ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, DOI Publisher Url
Ballou N, Deterding S, Iacovides I, Helsby L. 2022. Do People Use Games to Compensate for Psychological Needs During Crises? A Mixed-Methods Study of Gaming During COVID-19 Lockdowns PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2022 CHI CONFERENCE ON HUMAN FACTORS IN COMPUTING SYSTEMS (CHI' 22), DOI Publisher Url
Ballou N, Deterding S, Iacovides I, Helsby L. 2022. Do People Use Games to Compensate for Psychological Needs During Crises? A Mixed-Methods Study of Gaming During COVID-19 Lockdowns Center for Open Science DOI Publisher Url